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October 14, 2021 16:13:10  #121

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

this is really random but the imagery of someone chasing (or even just reaching) after something/someone else with an outstretched hand? can't explain it, but that kind of image just sticks with me

also I want to write something but I don't want to write since I need to write college apps instead :^) these supplemental essays man

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally

October 14, 2021 16:14:32  #122

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

also late but I really like the current color scheme! spooky time (:

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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October 14, 2021 16:38:02  #123

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Thank you :3 (lowkey advertising here but if you want, you can put some feedback on the background color [which is currently blue-gray] in the News and Announcements section. Specter put some alternative color suggestions there and I wanna go by what the community likes lol)



October 23, 2021 22:04:38  #124

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

@Galaxian: I'm roughly a week late, but got it! I'll do that

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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October 25, 2021 16:13:56  #125

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

I don't know if I've talked about this before but Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey is such a dumb game but I cannot bring myself to say anything bad about it, it's so nostalgic for me
It was probably the first game I played and fully completed, back when I was very young (I was probably,,, 7 years old? I remember finishing it with my twin on our Wii, since the that game allows two players). It's not a long game - probably like 5 hours at most, but if I revisited it for myself now I could probably speedrun it - and there are far better games out there, but every time I think about the game, it just makes me smile
My cousins came over this weekend and for the nth time I let them play it and it's just so funny seeing how the game has aged, and also how I nearly know the entire game by heart (especially the beginning portions. I've learned the silly "A wand! But how do I use it?" line so, so many times by this point)

I could probably ramble about this game for a while, but I'll probably save that for another time when I'm not drowning in hw and essays

as usual, hope you are all doing well (: stay safe and take care of yourselves

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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October 25, 2021 16:41:52  #126

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

I've never heard of that title, but I know the feeling of revisiting childhood games. It's kinda nostalgic, and it's interesting to look back and see what kind of things interested us when younger. 
If you decide to talk more about the game, I'm looking forward to it :D.
I hope you're doing well too! Remember to take little breaks and drink water :>

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 26, 2021 17:47:12  #127

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

@Spec: haha yeah, it's probably not a very well known game, particularly since it's one of those licensed games that focuses on other media (in this case, the Disney Princess movies) without caring much for the game itself
I'll probably save the rambles for another day though : P

and ty!! will do

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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November 18, 2021 23:08:09  #128

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Where did November go :^)
Thanksgiving is next week and that feels so fake,,,, I need to write more :^)))

also help I somehow got dragged back into the Zero Escape pit and ended up going through ZTD in like 5 days
Still haven't finished VLR but maybe I'll go back to it some day,, I think originally I dropped it because the radical-6 plotline was somewhat a slap in the face due to current events but I might be able to handle it now
still love the random game theory discussions thrown in for no good reason, thank you Uchikoshi for whatever this franchise is
in terms of more spoilery thoughts

and I'm tired now lol, I didn't mean to ramble but of course I did, that should have been expected
Maybe I'll clean up my thoughts later but until then

Stay hydrated, take care of yourself y'all!

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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November 19, 2021 11:15:39  #129

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Yeah, where did it go?

Happy upcoming Thanksgiving!

But also no, I don't think I will pull you out of zero escape.

But yeah, you stay hydrated too!

Bruh the signature be wacky

November 26, 2021 22:21:47  #130

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Late but Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Time!


unrelated but this week (month?) on Autumn reads random things and rambles about them we have a book called Live a Thousand Years: Have the Time of Your Life by Giovanni Livera and,,, it was certainly a book!

For background:
I found a copy of the book in one of our old bookshelves yesterday while searching for something my little cousin could play/read, and realized that I have never read it, so of course I decided to start reading out of curiosity. In terms of length, it probably didn't take me more than an hour in total to read; it's a pretty short book, and it's very easy to read, too. I will be completely honest: I wasn't sure whether the book was supposed to be fiction or a self-help book until I started the first chapter, since the synopsis on the cover doesn't talk about the plot at all, and simply mentions how it will "teach you" and "provide solid strategies" how to make the most of your time. Now that I have read it, I can say that it's supposed to be a fictional story. And it is, for the most part: the author is just very, very blunt about the lessons within it, because the lessons are the important [art.

The book's narrative is simple, following the journey of Nick, a busy salesman, as he searches for the twelve "Chimes" that will restore the flow of time back to normal after Max, and old man calling himself the "Time Keeper", stops the (literal) sands of time for everyone else in order to teach Nick a lesson (or twelve) on how to "increase" his lifespan. It's very predictable, and each of the chapters follow the same general structure as Nick finds the chime/lesson of that chapter.

In all honesty, the plot has a decently interesting premise, but the execution... is not. My main complaint can be tied back to the lack of proper characterization that Nick (and Max, but he's not as important) had. The story is essentially all about Nick's change in character, but he subscribes to Max's philosophies incredibly early on in the story, making some of the chapters seem pointless, as if they're just there so that the author can impart their lessons on the reader.

Speaking of the lessons: I meant it when I said the author is very blunt. Every chapter concludes with one of the 12 chimes, which literally spell out the main ideas within that chapter. The characters themselves also speak about the lessons, and personally I felt that some lessons were better written than others. (The fear and forgiveness chapters were probably the better ones, while ones like the learning and work ones were... not great). 

And I guess I'll just go talk about the characters again. They're all very shallow, but that's fine; this book wasn't meant to be read for its plot or characters. Nick is the only character with a proper backstory or motivation, and even then, he's lacking in a few areas. You get a sense of what his life is like, and the entire subplot with his estranged father was probably the best part of the plot, but other than that, he's a flat character. He does grow throughout the novel, although this growth is rather immediate and not gradual. Max is also rather flat, with his main personality trait being his cheesy humor. All of the side characters practically have the same personality as Max (Nick also grows to have the same personality), which does get grating when most of the dialogue takes shape as a really bad joke or pun. 

I know most of this was complaining, but it wasn't all bad? The book is simple, but it could be worse. Its lack of complexity means that the author could easily impart the lessons in the book, which although cheesy, do somewhat have their merit. It's also a very quick and easy read, which works considerably in its favor; had it been any longer, I probably would have dropped it. I do find the execution to be somewhat disappointing, but it really could have been worse. I don't know if I'd really recommend it though? If you just want something to read, there's probably better options, but if you wanted to read a self-help book disguised as fiction, there's Live a Thousand Years


anyway now I will stop rambling about books that I read to procrastinate ): 
though ngl rambling/reviewing things is kinda fun, maybe when I become free from college apps I might consider doing these more formally (in say, video format or something, for example)

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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December 3, 2021 21:53:22  #131

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Didn't mention it but it snowed a bit earlier this week! multiple times, actually
Admittedly, it wasn't enough to pile up on the ground (it wasn't even an inch; nor was there any ice oddly enough) but it was so weird how it technically snowed like 3 days in a row 

also, it's the weekend! here's hoping I don't procrastinate for once :^) happy December 

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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December 3, 2021 22:12:46  #132

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Happy December, Autumn :D

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

December 31, 2021 11:56:17  #133

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

New Years Eve already, huh; time really flies
(also edited my signature so that it looks better against the dark background!)

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 2, 2022 20:54:09  #134

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Super late but happy new year everyone!
Here's hoping this year will be better :^)


in other news: guess who's (relatively) free from college applications! can't wait to see how long it takes for senioritis to kick in
I was already feeling it in December but boy I know it's going to really get me in like March

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 2, 2022 20:56:01  #135

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

That being said I need to go finish up some homework I've procrastinated on oops

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 3, 2022 13:38:36  #136

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread


Good luck with those collage apps though. How is it like writing them?

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 5, 2022 18:49:32  #137

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Time wrote:


Good luck with those collage apps though. How is it like writing them?

As for writing them: you'll hear this from basically anyone who's been through the process, but please please please do yourself a favor: start researching and writing early. If you have time, summer break in between junior/senior year is ideal -- honestly, the first half of the school year went by so fast for me. You want to give yourself time to figure out what you're interested in, what type of things you value in regards to your education/future career/life, and most importantly: how to talk about yourself. I personally really don't like talking about myself, but you absolutely have to get used to it for college applications (especially if you want to apply to the more selective schools). I can try to give advice if you need it but there's a ton of stuff online that's super helpful

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 5, 2022 18:51:14  #138

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

In other news: please stay safe guys!! 

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 5, 2022 19:01:20  #139

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

You too, Autumn. Take care.



January 5, 2022 19:11:00  #140

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Shoot that seems tough. I suppose maybe I should look to make more time during the summer, even if I'm pretty packed with extracurriculars and a summer job and stuff

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 7, 2022 12:44:47  #141

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

You too, Autumn. Take care.



And @Time - don't stress too much about it! It's just a suggestion, since senior year can be extremely hectic for some people, but I know the summer is just as chaotic too
Good luck though!

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 7, 2022 13:29:25  #142

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Nah, stress is good for the character. It's not for the body but good for the character. I'll def be at least looking into collages at that time.

But I need to focus on my grades rn, so maybe I'll think about that later

Thanks for the luck!

Bruh the signature be wacky

January 20, 2022 16:59:29  #143

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Time wrote:

Nah, stress is good for the character. It's not for the body but good for the character. I'll def be at least looking into collages at that time.

But I need to focus on my grades rn, so maybe I'll think about that later

Thanks for the luck!

fair enough! stress can be helpful at times, but be careful to not get overstressed

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 20, 2022 17:08:54  #144

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

in other news, I've been reading moby-dick recently (and will be for a while, it's incredibly long)
it's for english class but it certainly lives up to its reputation

it's reputation being, melville constantly oscillating between narrative, philosophy and random whale/boat facts
melville I get you wanted to share all of your research on whales with the readers but also was it necessary to have a a whole chapter talking about random facts and nothing else please

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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January 20, 2022 17:13:14  #145

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

I've also been able to play a bit more of Cold Steel 4 recently! Finally finished act 1 and the fragments chapter 
The whole scene where class VII is finally completely reunited and get they to welcome Rean back is so incredibly cheesy but I'd be lying if it didn't make me smile like an idiot, it was so sweet

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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February 5, 2022 15:21:26  #146

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Updated my signature so that it fits the new theme! Will I be more active? I'll try :^)

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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February 6, 2022 02:53:44  #147

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Sooo is Moby-dick good or bad?

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 6, 2022 10:16:12  #148

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Time wrote:

Sooo is Moby-dick good or bad?

I'm only on chapter 80 out of like 135 in total but it's.... something?
Labelling it as either "good" or "bad" doesn't do it justice, I feel

Is it really long, kind of dry, and does it make you want to scream at Melville and/or Ishmael from beyond the grave at certain points? Yes. (Melville, we get it. You like whales and ships and you want to explain every little detail about them.) Does the book have some parts that are extremely dated and make you cringe while reading it? Yes. Does it have some well-crafted metaphors and vaguely interesting philosophical musings? Also yes.
Am I enjoying it? Hard to say. Since I have to read the book for my English class, I'm basically forced to read around 3 or so chapters every day, which means that sometimes I can't always give the text the full attention it deserves (in other words, I skim); maybe if I were reading this on my own time I'd have stronger feelings about it? I definitely don't hate it, but I wouldn't say it's close to my favorite, either. I will say though: I'm not really a fan of most of these characters; Queequeg and Ahab are the only ones I care about, everyone else I'm either indifferent or I just don't like them

All I can say is that Moby-Dick is an experience; there's simultaneously so much in it while also having nothing
Maybe my opinion will change as I get closer to the end? But for now that's the best way I can describe my feelings on the book

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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February 6, 2022 18:38:55  #149

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Hmmm, so it's best to say it's complex?

Bruh the signature be wacky

February 13, 2022 21:14:13  #150

Re: The Lost Library 3.0 // Autumn's Homethread

Time wrote:

Hmmm, so it's best to say it's complex?

Haha yeah, that's probably the best way to put it

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally
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