He doesn't answer this time, probably because the A.A. somehow got him to hush up. Did the narrator mention that they look up to the A.A. in all aspects other than that they kill people? Because they do. They would also like to know how to get the Mamba to close his mouth. Please teach, A.A.
Almost ready, the A.A. tells her. No idea where they are, though presumably they're not in the room.
The Cheetah puffed up her cheeks. Arms crossed, she returned to being fully inside the room.
Is there a complaint? asks the A.A. One would think they're just idly chatting, but of course, they're obviously not doing that, since the A.A. does not idly chat.
"Are you going to be done soon...?"
Because that's a question, not a complaint, the A.A. does not answer.
The Cheetah sighed annoyedly at her "complaint" going unanswered.
It takes a little while more (the Mamba's making the base sound actually haunted with his inhuman screeches), but after a while, the Mamba returns.
In normal standards, he'd actually look pretty good. The spider costume-thing is actually on right now, and now it's finally apparent that he has a web-like cape. It actually looks pretty real had it not been pretty obvious in color, which is a property true spider webs don't (usually) have. Anyway, he has eight legs and is clearly a very hairy costume. And he's also a very slouchy arachnid.
Where's the A.A.? Hmm, who knows.