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October 7, 2021 02:17:18  #7081

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A negative of having long hair is you casually turn around and your hair swipes something off the table

Also did I mention that my chair collapsed with me on it the other day



October 8, 2021 00:52:22  #7082

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Had a favorite character until she died literally 3 chapters after I met her

I was like "Please don't die please don't die please don't die"
Guess who did though (:

Idk if having instincts makes it better or worse but anyways I'm sniffling like a baby


     Thread Starter

October 8, 2021 01:14:36  #7083

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This manhwa is full of surprises
I thought a bastard might get a redemption arc but nope, he went beyond that long ago. Now at some point the protagonist's gonna dissect him and I'm gonna cheer him on. Bastard.


     Thread Starter

October 8, 2021 01:15:12  #7084

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Then a friendship I thought would sail is gonna sink harder than the Titanic at one point.
,,, eh.


     Thread Starter

October 8, 2021 01:18:19  #7085

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If it doesn't sink, it'll be character dev! Or version differences! Lol


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October 8, 2021 22:07:26  #7086

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Going outside seems to be getting more and more dangerous.


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October 9, 2021 00:11:26  #7087

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Should I write an FRQ for Lang?

Logic says yes
Rest of the mind, heart, and hand say no


     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 00:27:56  #7088

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You can't tell me that this isn't at least somewhat of a call-out lol
Tbh every day should be Mother's Day (and ig half of those should be Father Days too,,, both of them dedicated to people who deserve celebrations) but ofc I think most wouldn't make it halfway through even just half a week lol


     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 02:54:09  #7089

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

APUSH: "Planning is essential to LEQs and DBQs"
Me: My dude, you give us only 40 minutes, which is the same amount of time as an AP Lang essay (: ; in comparison, AP Lang tells us to be brief about planning. You see the problem here? 'Cause I do--


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October 9, 2021 03:53:59  #7090

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This video kept popping up so I finally watched it lol

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October 9, 2021 13:57:48  #7091

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A fun fact about Galaxian!
Throughout my entire school career, I have gotten one disciplinary measure on my record, and that would be a detention.
Yes, I got in fights when I was little (and so I kept getting borderline principal's office visits), but those weren't my fault, so technically I'm the guy who doesn't blame schools for helping the bullies and blaming the victim because, well, they didn't, at least for me. Thank you, schools, by the way.
Anyways, the detention was during middle school, before I actually really went on the internet for anything that wasn't Google. Weird to think about, to be honest. So, the detention was for 3 tardies I'd racked up in the class after lunch, and I will still say defiantly that the detention--and the 3 tardies-- weren't my fault.
You see, my locker was an entire hallway down (the hallway wasn't the one the cafeteria was in), so I had to run with a full stomach down that hallway (as I'd just had my lunch), get to my locker through all the other kids in the hallway/in the grade, open it within 1 try (the thing was jammed and took 3 times most of the time), get everything I needed in and out (while there were kids to the left, right, and below me), and then run back down that hallway, run through another hallway, and run all the way down a 3rd hallway to get to the class, all within 3 minutes. Still on a full stomach, mind you.

Really wasn't healthy/fair lol
Anyways, my orchestra teacher listened to my explanation, and then he proceeded to fill out my detention form, lol.
I still have a little resentment from that~


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October 9, 2021 19:18:17  #7092

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm still following CYXY3000H, though the ending was so disappointing that I haven't really known what to say since then.

So why am I talking about it now? Answer should be obvious. 

So rn the plot is that Yaoyao and Windsky are reuniting in a game that was based off of Li's research. In the latest "extra" chapter, Li's avatar, which was beforehand a small chubby rabbit (which seemed very female I'm ngl), was unmasked, so now his avatar is essentially him with rabbit ears and Ancient Chinese clothing for females.
I'm not gonna comment on how misleading that could be for the fandom. Anyways, he and Windsky interact the same way they did when Li was alive, I guess I have two speculations for why he's appearing like that. Before I get into them, some more details.
After the avatar unmasks itself, Yaoyao just has the generic "Dr. Li?!" reaction. Then she somewhat explains that she thought he might no longer exist because, y'know, all the previous reincarnations of Alexander had disappeared from history. Doesn't seem like she cares all that much (or that she saw his body disintegrate before her) but it's okay. And Li's like, "I'm fine." 
After there's some distance between him and Windsky and Yaoyao, he and Windsky agree that they shouldn't tell Yaoyao what "actually happened." Deception is bad, you two.
I realized how much I missed the friendship between Li and Windsky this chapter; I'll give it that. Li teasing Sky,,, yep. (He was like "Why are you "eating vinegar" (being jealous) over her when it's me?" and Windsky is like, "I'm not being jealous!" while blushing. Very cute.)
Here are my ideas at the moment as to why the avatar is Li's when he should have disappeared along with Alexander:
1) Li could actually still be existing in the game, and that's why his avatar is him. Awfully advanced, tbh, since if this is true, he would be able to communicate with both Windsky and Yaoyao. And his personality is consistent, too, with how he acted in life.
This wouldn't be that ridiculous, seeing as he's one of the top innovators of his time (3011, 3013), and he also has connections to Alexander and Yamanla (idk what her name would be lol), which means his soul still exists across space and time even though his body is gone. 
Even though this would be more ideal for me, because I don't want Li to have died, at the same time this feels incredibly shallow. He died...and then now he's trapped in his own project, I guess. Furthermore, Yaoyao's reaction was incredibly shallow, too, when she saw him still "alive." Makes me disappointed because I think how she was characterized in her past, before the amnesia arcs, would have made it so her reaction was much more. Her current reaction just makes it feel like Li never mattered all that much to her. But anyways, she gets a little bit of a break because I don't consider her current portrayal canonical, lol. 
I feel like real Yaoyao would have burst into a quick round of tears once she saw him. 
Anyways. Onto the next idea.

2. It's not Li at all, but rather it's his avatar. He was the one to create the game, and so he made himself an avatar. To gain control over the game, they had to login with his avatar (which is kinda like an admin). So the person behind the avatar is not Li or his will, but rather the unnamed girl/lady who called Li "smol Li" and essentially worked on following his research with Windsky. It could also be MICO, technically, but I don't think so because she and Windsky aren't close at all and because I think she and Yaoyao will reunite with her having her own avatar. 
The main weakness with this idea is that the avatar acts too much like Li, and this game has avatars acting essentially the same as the personalities taking control. But otherwise, the theory could make sense. The girl could be asking Windsky why he's being jealous when she's a girl and Yaoyao is straight (and so wouldn't have any possibility of feeling romantic inclination towards her), and the two of them (the girl and Windsky) could be not telling Yaoyao that it's not actually Li here, but someone else using his avatar/"account." 
But technically, she and Yaoyao have never interacted before, and so there wouldn't be as much reason, if any, for the girl to not want Yaoyao to worry. That's why I think that Li's will remains in some form in the game--he can still tease Windsky, can still feel concerned for Yaoyao's feelings (even though she doesn't appear to care that much -_-), can still manipulate what happens in the game he helped design or perhaps even created initially. 
I still love Li a lot. I hope my theory is correct, even if the scenario would be kind of frustrating for the authors to have taken. 


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October 9, 2021 19:45:29  #7093

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know how one is supposed to learn languages by watching videos in that language and listening to music in that language?
Well, no offense, but I've been unimpressed by songs with Spanish lyrics that my teachers have played (and that I've heard over the radio and in stores), not to mention that I have no idea what pop songs in the language are like. Like, imagine if they're as bad as American pop song lyrics, and I accidentally learned the words,,, that would not be good at all.
I think I might have to try to read books in Spanish if I can get them but you guys know how lackluster the Spanish education in America (well, in my school district at least lol) generally is like. I love my teachers and appreciate them, but they are bound to a curriculum that really sucks and idk who came up with the bad idea of translating languages to teach 'em. All that's to say that I do not think I could read a Spanish book lol


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October 9, 2021 22:36:02  #7094

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It feels weird to think about the fact that in like 1.75 years there might be a time zone change for most of the active members here lol


     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 22:58:42  #7095

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I wonder if Time will stay in PST
I can't imagine him going anywhere between PST and EST for some reason (unless his family moves before he goes to college), but it's not that hard to imagine lol just not as predictable

Idk about colleges in Canada and idk Russet's post-secondary plans (or any of his academic life tbh) so that's a blank there.

I like to think Echo and I will be in the same time zone but honestly? idk. Especially if they wanna move out of the country for college. Then I'd have 0 clue, lol.

I don't know what Eliza's planning to do after high school. So there's that. Wonder if she wants to be an artist.
Also don't know about Axel. Or Ash.

I dunno if Specter's gonna stay in their country/continent or move out. I used to think they'd move out for some reason, but that's not certain for me anymore (or anywhere near certain). 

I'm ngl, I used to think that after she turned 18/graduated high school, Fallon would be able to come here more often, but obviously that's been proven to be not true. It makes me kind of anxious, to be honest, but I have faith those who are still remaining here will at least contact each other once in a while, even if college gets in the way of roleplaying frequently.

Speaking of which, I never asked Ishmael if his time zone has changed, haha~

And I don't know Autumn's time zone. Wonder if hers will change soon.

I wonder if Chan and MJ are already in college? Probably, if they want to be. Hmm. I think MJ made it clear she's still in school, but I might be mistaken.
I honestly can't remember how old Xenon is by now, haha. He's stuck at a pretty old age even in my mind, though, so I reckon...maybe?


     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 23:43:06  #7096

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know those weird moments when you forget which appendage is your pinkie and which appendage is your thumb and you accidentally nearly wear a glove completely backwards


     Thread Starter

October 10, 2021 00:06:23  #7097

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why does YouTube think I want to know which fictional characters random YouTubers want to marry


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October 10, 2021 00:36:12  #7098

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This is some atheistic version of "My prayers have been answered"

It appeared on YT Recommended again xD
I'm not upset atm but hey it never hurts to be reminded that "there is no need to be upset" lol


     Thread Starter

October 10, 2021 00:38:56  #7099

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Now looping the Nyan Cat video while I do Calculus
I said I wasn't upset; never said I'm still sane (((((((:

Next I will try looping the popping sound from the Pop Cat meme and see if that gets my mind anywhere


     Thread Starter

October 10, 2021 00:43:52  #7100

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"years per bear" (no I didn't choose this answer)

Currently, I relish in the suffering of (past?) Russet
Mostly I am listening to this because I forgot the Wii theme lol only played the game like once I can beat you in tennis, bowling, and bike racing btw


     Thread Starter

October 10, 2021 00:58:03  #7101

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


title is rather self-explanatory but you know what I mean

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October 10, 2021 15:58:22  #7102

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This was a thought from yesterday

I was wondering if F/GO Arjuna would be more liked if his arc wasn't "I'm going to kill Karna fairly this time" and was instead something more like "I want to make it up to Karna by being the one to bestow/give this time around." He wouldn't necessarily have to be chivalrous towards everyone, but rather he'd be nice to his brother. (It's weird thinking that Karna is his older half-brother tbh lol Karna seems young for whatever reason)

It'd probably be kinda OOC according to their original lore (which I don't know anything about tbh) but I reckon he'd be nicer, huh.

Tbh he's good-looking, so it's weird to see his actual personality be so,,, "uhhhh" (he was nice in his Trial Quest because he lost his memory lmiao) since people usually expect good-looking people to not be snakes and etc.

I guess he and Karna are supposed to be opposites though. Like Karna is stoic but kind at heart, gives others what he has as the "Hero of Charity," and even in terms of design has pale skin, pale hair, and stark, dark-themed clothing (aside from his armor, which is the "stark" part), while Arjuna is stoic but harbors some darkness in his heart, is always lucky (as the Endowed Hero or smthn along those lines), and in terms of design has dark skin, dark hair, and has light-colored clothing. The ironic thing is that Arjuna's name means "pure" iirc, and in terms of personality I would argue Karna is the purer one. Still, Arjuna's clothing reflects his name, I think, in terms of being lighter colored with more white in it. 


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October 10, 2021 18:01:52  #7103

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just sharing some great art of Kiyohime

I just realized the sprite art I have her on has a palette very similar to Nagao Kagetora's

Okay so I think I have a certain palette bias then

The palette in the above (before her 3rd ascension) is great but I prefer the white hair in the 3rd for whatever reason.
Maybe it's because it fits the flame aesthetic more. More terrifying.


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 00:16:59  #7104

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Have literally been doing math this entire day
I have other assignments left so :')
Uh I should probably get that one essay done hUh


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 00:43:51  #7105

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Actually got math done
Now for Physics...
My brain is fried. But it's okay! I have no choice. :D


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 01:51:08  #7106

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Weird thing but I can see why people ship Sieg and Astolfo
I can see people arguing that the two of them have more "ship" moments than Jeanne x Sieg

Personally, I Do Not Care. It's kinda interesting to evaluate, though, I reckon. If I wanted to use time on that.

Ngl though that part in F/A where Jeanne is like "Do you fancy Sieg?" (or smthn like that) Astolfo technically didn't answer and instead just asked "Do you?" I feel like that might've been intentional lol


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 01:53:36  #7107

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Astolfo and Sieg are a good friendship though imo


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October 11, 2021 15:13:24  #7108

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This is a headcanon from like 2 months ago
But I thought that Run probably wanted to interact with Bols' daughter but refrained himself from doing so

And I feel like her death was actually likely a major catalyst of some kind, even though his reaction was never actually detailed.

Wave: (*accidentally says something misleading to Logue*)
Run: (:
Wave: (*sudden unknown fear*)


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 15:24:08  #7109

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I technically don't have much left to do anymore (eliminated the AP classwork) until finals (tomorrow) and I can already feel the stupid I-can't-remember-what-I-want-to-do-when-I'm-on-break feeling coming up already
Apparently this is genetic coming from my mom xD


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2021 18:47:14  #7110

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Essay is done

Our neighbors keep throwing trash into our backyard lol
I can say this time I did nothing to make them dislike me other than generally existing
So yeah. Yay


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