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October 4, 2021 14:46:13  #3181

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

There's a particular fanart of the Master-Servant cast of F/Z that I always find funny because it looks like the Command Seals and the Masters were drawn first, and then the artist got tired
This one xD (had to find it from scratch lol)

Or maybe it's by different artists? I'm not sure. The only thing I can do is view the art, lol. I can't click into it.
It'd be cool if an art piece of all Servants and Masters of F/DA is illustrated one day :3


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October 4, 2021 14:48:06  #3182

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Is that a request because I'd absolutely love to put that idea into my drawing list for someday

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

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October 4, 2021 14:49:16  #3183

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm pretty sure there was another F/DA-related dream yesterday but all I can remember is, ironically, I wanted to remember it. It was gone way before I woke up though lol
Slightly painful, but it's okay.

It might've been Saber talking to me along with someone else? That's the best I can guess since I somewhat remember a voice and blue hair, and I think Saber's the only one with blue hair. It'd make sense for me to want to remember their voice, too, since, uh, well, it's special to me, I guess. Because it's Saber, lol. Hard of me to explain this without sounding extremely biased hehe :3
If it was a fighting dream I likely would have remembered it, so I can presume it was rather peaceful, idk.


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October 4, 2021 14:53:50  #3184

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Is that a request because I'd absolutely love to put that idea into my drawing list for someday

More like a challenge for both of us (and anyone else who's interested),,, lol if it were a request I either would state it outright or wouldn't imply it all all because I'm like that
Go for it if you want xD but you might need to redo because my designing skills are,,, weird to say the least, bad to say more, and etc.

Though, I think I might be more suited to drawing really bland, static images of imagined AMVs lol rip

We're gonna ignore how I forgot Saber's design lol specifically the armor
Watch me accidentally make them look like they're out of Saint Seiya lol I really need to study armor someday


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October 4, 2021 15:02:16  #3185

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well I sure can try (someday) xD. Not now though because I don't know your designs, haven't interacted with your characters there, and well I haven't even finished with all of my designs xD.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 4, 2021 18:49:02  #3186

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I "only" have Spanish left so I can go write it down

Idk how @Specter is thinking about coordinating plot but rn I'm just being the mess I usually am in that aspect
Probably should work on Sunny though--

I honestly can't even remember what I'm supposed to do after work. Uhhh. That's never a good sign, hmm.
I really suck at planning. Did you all know that? Because I do.


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October 4, 2021 18:54:00  #3187

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The vein in my right middle finger started jumping, which I presume means that I am irritated at myself for not remembering what I need to do in my free time,,,,,,
Are veins even supposed to jump? I feel like that's supposed to be an older person thing or something.
If they aren't, then serves me right for not exercising frequently enough lol


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October 4, 2021 22:00:46  #3188

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Idk how @Specter is thinking about coordinating plot but rn I'm just being the mess I usually am in that aspect

I have no idea of how I'd coordinate plot lol
I betcha I'm more of a mess with the ideas lol
But we'll figure something out! (I hope)

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 6, 2021 17:11:58  #3189

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've spent some months pondering a question Echo asked on their roleplay thread at some point, regarding how a writer would refer to someone before that someone realized which gender they identified as (as in the writer is narrating that someone when they were presumably going by pronouns dictated by whether they were AMAB or AFAB). I think the answer would be to use the pronouns they actually go by now, even if they didn't recognize it back then. Which is weird, of course, I think--because it might induce a little confusion in readers due to a little disjointedness. That confusion's why I haven't actually answered it before. But I do think that it's correct, because that's the standard I would agree with and also the precedent I've seen set by news articles and such. 


The question I've been pondering for a while is whether it's possible for a cisromantic individual to develop a crush on someone genderfluid. If so, how would that work? Would the romance just only be present for one gender? Would the cisromantic person be able to adjust to the differences between identity of the other (with or without the other telling them), and if so, how?

Two months or so back, the question I had was whether it was possible for someone to be homoromantic heterosexual, and apparently the answer is yes. I'm not gonna dwell on that, but I guess it's good to know.


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October 7, 2021 17:26:59  #3190

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rai approves of Galaxian with suit and tie (:


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October 7, 2021 21:53:15  #3191

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

F/DA Berserker:
F/DA Archer: Sorry, you're too quiet, what did you say??
F/DA Berserker, about to pwn Archer: "Please, perish"


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October 7, 2021 22:28:23  #3192

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Random description that I was coming up with while needing to sit through a ceremony with too many dumb people in the mandatory vicinity:

He grins at you through the mask, the muscles in his face lifting his mask a little, the creases near his eyes that you thought signaled easy amusement filling themselves easily. You can't help but feel like if not for the fact that the mask is there, he would be smiling wider, standing closer, maybe making you the one uncomfortable. But no, right now, he's making sure to stand more than six feet away from you. 
He lifts his gloved hand. It takes you a moment to realize that this is all that he's willing in terms of a conversation, and you hurriedly lift your hand to try to bid farewell. But, he's already turning around. You think that you catch a wink, and then he's gone.



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October 8, 2021 03:46:51  #3193

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason, my mind think it'd be funny if Caster Wiley existed in a Singularity in F/GO, and his debut has him with a hood on and his back turned (ikr) to the protagonist group, and his vibes are so alike to Merlin that Fou pummels him before realizing that he got the wrong person. Too late for Wiley, though. His weakness is the back of his head (only in this hypothetical scenario I think lol)
That's sure a half-foot height difference, Fou


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October 8, 2021 22:49:14  #3194

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm pretty sure Wiley would make edible googly eyes to put on top of doughnuts and cakes to amuse Raez with
Then it turns out the doughnuts/cakes also jiggle and Raez is just laughing really hard

Sometimes Wiley can be someone to appreciate, but y'know, it's not a common thing


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October 9, 2021 03:35:04  #3195

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I was thinking of the differences between Caster Wiley and Archer Wiley for a certain scenario and I guess this reference about sums it up
"But it's not funny."


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October 9, 2021 13:32:40  #3196

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like it might be funny if in F/GO, Wiley (Archer) says [a variation of] his victory line in his extra attack line because he thought they've won already but it turns out that's not always the case
" now that that's over with--wait. (*gets crit by the same enemy he attacked*) Hey! Ow!"

I can also hear him complaining when the enemy activates Guts on that crucial turn


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October 9, 2021 13:40:55  #3197

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Ironically, Wiley reflects the player's sentiments lol

"Did you just...? Bruh, did you just tell all three of us to Noble Phantasm on an enemy with Invincible??"
(About bad card RNG) "Well, there goes some time (a turn) wasted."
"Did they HAVE to activate guts right now???"
(About something that's clearly not a dragon turned a dragon by Georgios) "That's a dragon, innit? A hundred percent?"
"Well, this makes sense." (It does not make sense.)
(*Unlike most players, he actually stares in pity at Support Servants yeeted by Chen Gong.*)
"Why are you making me say what I like every day? Am I just that interesting? ;)"
"Guess I die now!" (*indeed dies, but dw he'll be back if you want to use 3 Command Spells*)
"A victory! One perhaps unearned, but a victory nonetheless!" (*referring to how he's the only Servant remaining and has like 500 health left over*) (imagine if he gets pwned by the Black Grail's demerit right then lol)


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October 9, 2021 14:38:42  #3198

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'll get the HPA!Sunny info by Friday of next week--so essentially the 15th lol
Unless, of course, I suck so badly at writing that I need to postpone it until who-knows-when
There's stuff I need to do over break too though which kinda sucks but y'know. It's okay. I like stuff to do anyhow, just not too much of it.


I like how in 2019 it was like (*a half hour passes*) "please respond" and now it's like (*2 months pass*) "please respond"


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October 9, 2021 20:12:12  #3199

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think I'll start disregarding culture and calling females titles depending on their age instead of marital status
If you're under 20, you're "Miss __" If you're over 20, you're "Ms. ___". If you want me to call you "Mrs." I'll do it, but generically I'm not gonna assume that you're married or if you should be married


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October 9, 2021 20:13:17  #3200

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I find it funny how well Nagesh's theme songs would spoil his entire backstory if one thinks like me lol


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October 9, 2021 20:25:43  #3201

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I just realized that Saber would be sad when they're just summoned because they'd rather share their "portion" of the Grail by the war's end then have it themselves
They're so weird lol


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October 9, 2021 20:33:40  #3202

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"You hear Sabers have a good chance of winning Grail Wars and so you can maybe win the war for your Master (who presumably has a wish you agree with)"

Saber: :D

"You hear you're not allowed to give the chance to make a wish to some other Servant worthy of it"

Saber: >:'(


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October 9, 2021 20:44:17  #3203

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Here I converted it to meme format because I am an irrational, senseless, hopeless individual who has a skewed sense of priorities


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October 9, 2021 21:40:52  #3204

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Ngl, Forum!Hitan kinda seeming like a little rascal xD


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October 9, 2021 23:05:16  #3205

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo doesn't like me talking about the past (in terms of roleplaying with them anyways), so I'm spoiler tagging this

While eating dinner, I suddenly remembered Silence's intro thread--A.K.A. the first time Echo and I roleplayed together. It was of course a public thread, a flipside intro, and so other characters were there too.
I just find it funny that the forumers were like "Well she's sus" about Silence (who was really adamant about getting to know where Echo's room was) but let her know anyways (because all of us knew that was needed for thread plot advancement)
And then I recall that Silence shut the door in the forumers' faces and made a huge mess of Echo's room. She let everyone outside the door know that, too. She was loud about it. And that was hilarious.
And by the time the forumers were allowed to open the door, Silence jumped out the window with something (can't recall what it was), which is still so funny to me. Probably because of event continuity
Iirc at some point it became a borderline private thread with Galaxian teleporting after her and leaving everyone else behind lol. Bad habits really do stay huh

I wish I could remember some GGaD threads better than I do. The weirdest details stick out still. Like I remember GGaD!Galaxian has drank water two times canonically. The first time was on the plains thread with Kenshin, where Kenshin gave him a canteen of water. Second time was with Sandy, I think. You'd think I'd remember how Galaxian called Kenshin and Rune his "sensei" and teacher, but I don't remember how he phrased it. I instead remember Kenshin giving Galaxian a drink of water. Weird, isn't it?
Emotions from the plains thread are still in here somewhere. I just can't access them all the time.


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October 9, 2021 23:37:29  #3206

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Google Drive needs to stop trying to correct "Yume" to "Yum"

"Hitan Yum"


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October 9, 2021 23:41:17  #3207

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

That's sushi Hitan

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October 9, 2021 23:46:00  #3208

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Specter, I'm gonna cry. He doesn't need to worry about getting eaten. He has enough on his plate already. 


(*kicks themselves*) (:


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October 10, 2021 00:09:49  #3209

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Every time I see a post about Wildlife Control Sunny's always like, "Why are we the ones calling animal control on bears when we're the ones overpopulating the planet? We should be providing bears animal control services so that they can feel safe when there is a human in their vicinity. Smh, #AnimalRights" and xD


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October 10, 2021 01:43:17  #3210

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Updated Lianhuan's backstory.


He was born approximately a century ago in what is referred to as the "Ancient Chinese sector." However, this sector would be quite foreign to both historical and mythological accounts, so varied it was and is. He is the biological younger brother of Yuezheng Xuqiao; they share the same mother and father, and they have an approximate 3-year difference between them.
While the brothers were emotionally close and always stuck together whenever they could, their potential in magic was vast, with Lianhuan being discovered to have one of the lowest potential in magic ever seen--so low, in fact, that it was thought that his compatibility with magic was zero even at best. So, in contrast with Xuqiao's upbringing, which was full of others' expectations in various areas, Lianhuan was more pitied, though he was lauded for his efforts. Still, Huanhuan did not develop a foolish envy towards his brother or resignation to his own weakness. Instead, he trained and trained to be "as strong as [his] older brother"--maybe not truly as strong, but strong enough that he would not become a heavy burden.
There was improvement, though perhaps frustratingly minimal. It seemed as if his existence itself forbade him from true progress. Nevertheless, Yuezheng Lianhuan did not give up. He kept training, even though he was only a child. Of course, he did not forget to be a child--he continued spending time with his brother and his friends and his mentors, trying to make the most and best of his time.
But then...well, all of that is what he can remember.
He was only twelve when space-time froze. Not only that, most of the "world"'s humans vanished. At best, one person from each family remained. At worst, no one was left. Entire tribes vanished. Memories faded.
Except...He was still there.
He, the second son of the Yuezheng family, was still there.
An anomaly.
Or as he calls it...a "miracle."
Except it is not a miracle to be lauded, and one can only guess how much he understands this.
He is "someone who is of interest" to "them."
He is that someone whom "they" are searching for.
"They" are not looking for him to congratulate his existence. No, "they" have guessed his existence and followed its trail only because "they" want him dead.
And so he who lives with all the others in that different world is not someone who is known, not only because he has never had the reasons for being known, but also because he cannot be known.
His brother and his tribal leader understand this. So, when they figured out that this miracle, this anomaly, could break out of the space-time boundaries, they immediately let him go.
More than 1,000 years has passed in Forengard since the sector's isolation, though it's not as if he would be able to see any changes. He has, after all, not really changed at all all this time, shielded from mentally aging and immune from physical aging. But now, he wants to change. He explores the "boundaries" of magic that are different from those in the world he has always known, and at one point, he joins the group of mages led by two deities, eager to improve further and to be able to make a difference. And once in a while, he goes back. He visits his brother, his tribal leader, his mentors--and perhaps to them, he's still the same child who never left.
He can't get stuck in there again. If he does, he will become what he does not want to become--a burden for his loved ones in his inner world, and a meaningless existence that will be forgotten once again in the outer world. No, he must continue living, continue fighting--the former for those who no longer exist themselves, and the latter for those who guard his existence.
But he is not the one who is running out of time.



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