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September 26, 2021 01:19:17  #7021

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Re-reading, and I think this actually might be a misunderstanding that has blame I can pin on Time for his sentence formation
He might've meant he never heard the sound of a zither before, not that he never heard of one. 



September 26, 2021 13:06:14  #7022

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I keep keeping this in so I'ma just say it aloud
How would Chen Gong even fight in a Holy Grail War? Would he just...yeet his Master?
Or maybe his Master allies with other Masters (knowing full well what Chen Gong's NP does) and when Chen Gong does NP it's like, "Too late!" for the allied Servants
Slightly funny but mostly terrifying


     Thread Starter

September 26, 2021 22:25:57  #7023

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My AP classes are being bullies, but as usual, it's mostly Calc


     Thread Starter

September 26, 2021 22:29:44  #7024

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If my mentality were a coin, it'd be spinning


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September 26, 2021 23:16:01  #7025

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like to imagine that instead of me summoning Mozart and having to burn him every time, the scene is actually him walking out of the summoning circle, a distant "MOZARTTTTTTOOOO" being heard (as well as rapidly approaching footsteps), and Mozart just goes "Ope, I'm out" and walks back into the summoning circle, leaving behind a little QP in his wake
I also like to imagine that Osakabehime is no longer startled when this happens and just looks up from wherever she's sitting/laying out and goes, "There we go again" via her expression
If Ashwatthama's around, his laughter booms out, possibly to assert dominance
And Changgong, who I like to imagine stands next to "me" during summonings, does a little awkward "eh, okay" smile. He used to try to mutter a goodbye to Mozart but now he knows he'll never be able to fit that in in time, so yeah.


     Thread Starter

September 27, 2021 14:01:25  #7026

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I dreamt that I was Googling COVID-19 statistics and that the deaths in the U.S. hit 700K
Also known as my dreams are becoming way too realistic. I would rather dream about getting murdered. For the latter, it doesn't actually scare me since it has much shallower roots in reality. 

Btw did you know this pandemic is officially deadlier than the 1918 Flu Pandemic?

Y'know, at the start of the pandemic, China forecasted the number of deaths the U.S. would have from the pandemic. It was something like 1 million, I think.
That number seemed ridiculous back then--if I recall correctly, U.S. news sources were scoffing at it--but now it seems like "just another tragic mark to reach."
I hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong.
Well, I guess I mean that I hope China will be wrong, somehow. 

You know, I've always predicted that while many others become numb to the numbers, I won't. 
That's why I don't usually search them up anymore.


     Thread Starter

September 28, 2021 00:46:35  #7027

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I was done with my homework about 20 minutes ago
My energy? Gone.
But hey. I got it done. No late work. Yay.

I don't even know what I can do now
I can't even communicate properly lol
Lemme go see what threads I need to respond to, ig. I think I left cues??


     Thread Starter

September 28, 2021 00:51:37  #7028

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bold of you to assume I can pick up on social cues uwu

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

September 28, 2021 00:54:09  #7029

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

F/GO update?

I have farming teams set up now for embers. So yay.
It's far from most optimal, but it's better than before.
Thinking about it, leveling Paracelsus was a good choice. If you asked me why I did that, though, it's because I wanted a friend. So yeah. 
My Caster group is kinda weird. We have Scares His Younger Self (*glares at Caster Gil, who is still making Gil-kun hide*), Probably Likes Pandemics/Is Salty Towards the Gods, and of course, Former Traitor honestly I don't know why I trust him over Golem Maker; I think it might be the entire "Could you end me one day--no haha jk" thing going on with him
I relate most with Asclepius of all my Casters because I also have that salt, lack of EQ, and loathing towards human stupidity. And of course I relate when he rages and ends with the essential equivalent of "OKAY FINE, THIS IS OKAY FOR NOW" when clearly he just doesn't see any more merit in shouting. 


     Thread Starter

September 28, 2021 14:44:44  #7030

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My teacher used my thesis statement as an example lol
The thing is, she used it for the class to basically judge :-P by grading


     Thread Starter

September 29, 2021 21:52:11  #7031

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My wifi died at 9 A.M. and continued to stay dead for 11 hours. So I missed all my classes, was able to do 0 homework (which all relies on internet), and...yep, that's the gist.
So anyways, I spent most of those 11 hours sleeping. Wdym, I'm not productive?
Still tired, btw. And dw, I got up in between to eat. Also read a book for writing,,, lol.


     Thread Starter

September 29, 2021 22:58:17  #7032

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Look at my mom's friend telling me to go do my homework instead of helping her while my actual family tries to get me to "inspire my cousins to be like me by talking to them every day for an hour and set an example" some of them are less than inclined to do homework and focus on studies, so that means China's restrictions on video games might be a good thing for them btw idk
Well if I did that then I'd be inspiring them to video call every day, which happens to be less than productive (:

If one could choose one's family, my mom would be better at choosing friends than family lol
Meanwhile I have the best of both worlds. My mom is awesome, you guys are awesome. If I can't do anything else, at least I'm good at choosing people I affiliate with


     Thread Starter

September 29, 2021 23:05:10  #7033

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm trying to get out the melody for the "Haven't Taken Medicine Yet" series
The only song melody I've gotten right so far in completion is Akuma's theme song,,, because it's easier to play and because I've sung it the most
I got a little bit of the first song. Got a little stuck at the key changes between the "normal" and "murdery" parts. It's okay lol
I hope one day I can get the entire series out but I haven't even listened to the final song enough times to get it in my head. 


     Thread Starter

September 30, 2021 00:09:17  #7034

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I keep getting that one Lingoace ad where there's two kids and two parents and one of the kids just keeps correcting the other kid's tonal pronunciations
The fact that the ad is appealing to Chinese parents' competitiveness aside, it's so funny to me because real kids would never keep getting corrected and still be like "(:"
They would at least be making a face, like "Bro why are you doing this to me. We're not friends anymore"
The more aggressive kid would be leaping over the table like "DUDE YOU WANNA FIGHT?? YOU WANNA FIGHT, HUH? YOU EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF BOTH OF OUR MOMS???"
Idk I would have unfriended that kid right away when I was little
Ironic that I grew up to be a smart aleck :-P I'm working on edging that away okay


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September 30, 2021 01:16:28  #7035

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Swearing warning


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September 30, 2021 01:31:53  #7036

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

bRUH I thought Albedo from Genshin Impact was F/GO's Gao Changgong in fanart xD OOF


     Thread Starter

September 30, 2021 01:33:29  #7037

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right




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September 30, 2021 22:42:36  #7038

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My grandfather keeps posting the most,,, iffy things on the family group chat, like please stop
When I say "iffy" I don't mean, like, cursed memes. I mean videos with essentially NSFW thumbnails from who-knows-where and it's just,,, ugh
:') (*in pain*)


     Thread Starter

September 30, 2021 23:55:10  #7039

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know when you joke about a compliment from a teacher and forget to actually thank them for it



     Thread Starter

September 30, 2021 23:57:14  #7040

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Honestly I shouldn't be responding to emails at this hour but I'm still trying to make up for the day lost (yesterday) in terms of work and math, as usual, swallowed up all the time I had today (:
So yeah
Quarter's end is coming up along with PSATs
I need to repair my sleep schedule or something.


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 00:05:17  #7041

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I know honestly this isn't anyone's business and they shouldn't be caring about this, but anyways you know how I am, always posting stuff I want.

I just wanted to reflect that one thing I really need to work on is acceptance of failure. Sometimes I'm better at it (e.g. I think I'm improving on not being so perfectionistic with school) but other times (lol art and free-time writing) it's still the same as ever. Still gotta find that balance.


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 03:13:26  #7042

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Echo @Specter Exactly half a year from now, remind me that I have something to suggest to you two, and no, it's nothing serious. Just something fun.


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 15:23:22  #7043

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Met with my counselor and now I'm more scared of tests than classes because tests are in-person ahaha help

Also just found out I got into a statewide organization thingy!! I'd honestly resolved myself to not be disappointed if I didn't get in and turns out I did :D I'm really passionate about what the organization does and hope I won't be disappointed and/or disappoint
Anyways more obligations to add ig lol. I think my time here will be less and less oof but we shall see what I can do. 


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 15:25:09  #7044

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tomorrow I'm also gonna be volunteering again
I'm not as passionate about that, mostly because it's trash pickup, which is kinda fine but then again, you don't have trash to pick up if people just don't throw them carelessly in the first place

Also I have somewhat traumatic 9th grade memories from a very similar experience :') you can probably guess what happened

Anyhow, I gotta rush homework lol. uwu thank you for your congratulations for me getting into the organization in advance btw this is a joke


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 17:00:16  #7045

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Slow-Witted Conspiracy Theorist Convinced Government Behind NASA"

I also just found out that the government has been behind the IRS all along!
These satirical headlines make my day lol


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 17:16:12  #7046

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

@Echo @Specter Exactly half a year from now, remind me that I have something to suggest to you two, and no, it's nothing serious. Just something fun.


Why exactly half a year and it's bold of you to assume any one of us out of the three of us will remember this

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 1, 2021 17:16:45  #7047

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I wonder
Well, I've remembered for the past 4 months. I might be able to pull off another half year
No offense to you two but you should know that I'm just saying that to remind myself further :-P not meaning that I'm relying on you two to actually remember for me xD that'd be a really bad thing for me to do xP


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 17:44:56  #7048

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hmm I wonder what this is xD maybe, maybe curiosity can remind me of this in the right date xD.
Half a year from now, that's like April 1? March 1? 

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 1, 2021 18:01:01  #7049

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yep, beginning of April. 
Tbh idk if I'll even have the time then lol ah well


     Thread Starter

October 1, 2021 18:02:26  #7050

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh it matches up with April's fools, cool! I hope to remember even more now lol

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

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