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September 23, 2021 18:22:37  #3031

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think they do. Tbh most everything that's white and black or everything in between (not in the literal sense of color) fits for him xD and green and yellow are also kinda trademark for him, too, just being less primary. So, since chamomile flowers are white and yellow, they work, as would other daisies. As would red roses, but I actually don't much like him being paired with red for certain reasons.
Despite fitting, though, his symbolic flowers would be a white and a black rose. Pretty simplistic if one thinks about it (or doesn't because it's simplistic).
Yeah, he can drink chamomile tea. Only a little bit, though. It's a new habit.


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September 23, 2021 18:34:09  #3032

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan can pull off wearing all black and slicking his hair to the side and still look completely, normally angelic
I'm not sure if he can pull that off while wearing sunglasses though :-)


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September 23, 2021 18:35:55  #3033

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan never wears black as the primary color for any outfit to the place he's working at right now though, because he'd be stopped at the door by Iollan, who would demand to know "what [he had] done to [Iollan's] friend Hitan"
Tbh Hitan in mostly black is weird, I don't like it xD and neither does he 


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September 23, 2021 21:47:19  #3034

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Just a minute ago I was wondering if Dion's equivalent of getting drunk would be eating too many sweets and joining in with some madness (sponsored by Wiley), only to regret it the next day when Rai tells him about it (he forgot)
Then my mind reminded me that I'm stupid since he'd obviously just fall asleep somewhere instead, or at least that's more realistic than the above. He might also just stop moving and not react to most things for the day. Both are more realistic than the first thing mentioned I think


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September 23, 2021 22:00:07  #3035

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm sorry but my brain just stopped for some reason when I read that post xD
Welp I'm not sure how much I can affirm xD but eating too many sweets will make Dion act way more childish, though probs not for very long because yeah he'd actually fall sleep once the rush wears off.
Fun headcanon, I think i'ts interesting xD

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September 23, 2021 22:12:09  #3036

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Good, since it's a thought I had when I was/am brain dead, then it should make any reader of it brain-dead as well. Perfect. 

I was gonna wonder how Wiley would act, but then I realize he usually acts like he's drunk anyways. I don't think he can get drunk in actuality, not that he's tried before
I can't remember what I headcanoned for Raez and Rai but I remember Hitan can't get influenced at all by "mortal substances," which is unfortunately a term Akuma would use but is accurate
If Raez could get influenced by alcohol he'd probably get unnaturally emotional, but you see, I just can't remember.


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September 23, 2021 22:16:17  #3037

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Iollan keeps saying "Don't do drugs" in my head xD he rarely speaks in my head so this is both welcoming and extremely weird
I get it @Iollan xD stoooppp


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September 23, 2021 23:44:56  #3038

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fun fact about Galaxian's design (like, forum!him initially before that design was used for GGaD!Galaxian)
His red eyes were because that same color for eyes kept being portrayed in an evil way. So I had him with red eyes to essentially show a different sort of intensity and the fact that first impressions can be extremely misleading.
I like to imagine that his first noticeable feature (instead of his stature or height) is his brilliant scarlet red eyes (or eye, if it's singular, like it is right now). 
I am still quite fond of this fact, haha.


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September 24, 2021 14:30:47  #3039

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Putting this here because I might need this to reference for myself, and it's even more difficult to find stuff about my own characters on other threads. And yeah, I could copy the post into my Google Docs, but that's just as bad. So yeah.

It's for HPA!Rai and HPA!Sunny but in the AU of the AU, as per requested by Echo. I haven't updated either's personality to a satisfactory degree in forever, which is funny. Anyways, here's an attempt at a base.

Base is that he's really chill. He seems somewhat friendly if you do talk to him but is also the type of person who always seems a little shady if you don't try to get to know him. Even if you do try, attempts aren't guaranteed to get you anywhere. Usually in worlds like GGaD, he's the type to appear in your life briefly and then disappear, and soon you can't remember anything about him. In HPA, it's more like he exists in your life, but if you try to recall specific facts about him, you can't. He seems like he's just...there.
And that's the intention. He doesn't want anyone prying into his life. 
His specialty is seeing through deception and just about anything in general. He's a smart guy. Despite this, he doesn't really say what he notices. Most of the time, it seems like he's just gliding through. However, he does pick some things to tell his friends, and maybe those he feels he can trust. On the opposite end, he also makes sure no one can really see through him. This has a varying degree of success, but so far he's done a pretty good job in other worlds.
Some components of his personality that can be seen through: He's apparently a strong advocate for justice. His voice is strong in ways one might not think, but he channels it for action rather than for speaking. He thinks that speaking gets him nowhere for the most part, mostly because those who listen do not usually get the message as effectively as they could. That isn't to say that he can't do both, though. It's just that he has many tricks, and he can tend to rely more on those despite being someone who holds trickery in distaste himself. Second, he's really pacifistic. He despises violence. Ironically, he knows how to use a gun very well, and he can win just about any fight if it comes to speed. Next, he somehow smirks even more than he does in GGaD. He specializes in making sure different types of smirks convey different meanings. He has a sense of humor, too, by the way. He can crack jokes. And...that's about it? Oh, yeah, he can annoy people if he wants. He is surprisingly deft at insults while having an absolute poker face on. Clean insults. He doesn't curse. But he's mostly laid-back and quiet, someone who takes care of what he wants to take care of.
Final notable fact (for now): Unlike in GGaD, his brother is alive. His name is Shouhei and he's an absolute bean. He also attends middle school. The two brothers really care for each other.
Rai knows that it's pretty clear that Shouhei is one of his biggest weaknesses. That's why he takes all the measures he can to make sure his brother is protected, even if that means he'll have to take all the danger onto his own shoulders.


Next up is Sunny. Let me submit this post first.


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September 24, 2021 21:15:41  #3040

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sunny's post is a lil long, so ig Echo needs to scroll to get to it now yay

Lol I think Rai with long hair is lookin' better than short-haired Rai xD do I just have long hair bias? xDD


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September 25, 2021 00:26:33  #3041

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hey just curious, did you send the post with Sunny's info? I can't really tell by your last post, but I can't see the info if you've posted it.

Rai looks great anyways, he's cool xD

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September 25, 2021 00:31:45  #3042

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Nope, I implied that because it's long, I'll have to work on it when I actually do have time. Thanks for making me clarify, since it wasn't clear enough earlier lol. I'd actually been pondering whether it had enough clarity but then was like "Eh good enough" lol

Lol I looked back at the sketch now and I think my mind changed to the non-biased part (or the part that's biased in the other direction,,, if that exists)
I love indecisiveness!
It might be the suit xD I have a bias for suits. Earlier when I was talking about him looking better with long hair, he did not let have a suit.
But he looks stellar with long hair and a suit so,,, idk xDDD
More of my sanity is slipping away with every passing day


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September 25, 2021 00:33:19  #3043

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'll have you know that Wiley just found out about this entire issue and he's wheezing now


It's kinda weird how NationStates Rai always gets addressed as "Furei Raitsu" lol, it seems so off


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September 25, 2021 00:37:51  #3044

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how I can't tell which persona of Rai this is because NationStates him pretty much is identical to GGaD!Rai (I swear it's not necessarily out of laziness) and rn my eye can't tell what means older and what means younger
I intended for him to look older,,,


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September 25, 2021 00:39:52  #3045

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Can Rai have a beard

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September 25, 2021 00:40:17  #3046

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

NS!Galaxian just accidentally banned the internet because he thought the choice meant that all users would have to be registered, not that the internet itself would be completely banned
I have never related so spiritually with any Galaxian persona in my entire roleplaying career.


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September 25, 2021 00:44:17  #3047

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The man(?) is now walking absolutely everywhere instead of driving to try to change some minds about pollution
I love this dude xD 


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September 25, 2021 00:48:54  #3048

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Specter over there wondering why they thought of mustard and ketchup and I can think of 2 things:
1) They're hungry
2) Their memory still has the snippets of them associating Death with ketchup and mustard ((:<) 


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September 25, 2021 00:56:48  #3049

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Bruh how'd you guess xD
Oh yes, ketchup and mustard eyes :D

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September 25, 2021 02:32:46  #3050

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Can Rai have a beard

I nearly missed this and idk if I want to miss it or not
Mostly struggling to remember if I said anything on this topic before because I definitely remember saying something about Rai and beards (and/or mustaches, or just the topic of needing to shave) in the past; I just can't remember what I said and if it was definitive
Ig I can say for now that I don't think he'd look very good with one,,,

(*draws a beard and mustache on Rai*)
(*part of sanity re-awakens just from how cursed it is*)
(*Wiley wakes up [yay] and starts laughing, waking up Raez*)
This is fine.

Well I guess I just gained a new appreciation for how he looks without a beard! :D


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September 25, 2021 17:21:15  #3051

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Bruh how'd you guess xD
Oh yes, ketchup and mustard eyes :D

At one point in one's friendship career one becomes somewhat able to discern friends' habits, personalities, moods, etc.


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September 25, 2021 20:13:10  #3052

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know when you're supposed to sketch someone out of obligation but keep drawing spoilers that you can't show


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September 25, 2021 20:54:33  #3053

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well, I guess I can't call them spoilers if I don't intend on ever actually showing it. 
Classified information.

Ignore the fact that I can't organize information correctly lol


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September 25, 2021 22:50:30  #3054

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

All my tabs went poof.
I'm actually not as bothered about it as usual since most of them were tabs I hadn't opened in, like, months.
So what if I lost 5 references I'd probably use for a sketch I haven't touched in a month? A necessary sacrifice.
That being said, there were some things I wanted to remember to do lol, and those reminder tabs disappeared. So--feel free to remind me if something seems really off. I'll be checking threads more carefully to make sure I'm not missing too many things, though.

Reminders for myself:
-Chat threads
-Roleplay threads
-Art thread
-Writing ig
-A song I wanted to translate for here
-And I think that might be it in terms of what I can remember. This time, I actually bookmarked things I didn't want to lose. So, yay!


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September 25, 2021 23:01:49  #3055

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think I should be able to get most things at least, but we'll see about that, lol.
In the meantime, back to homework land!


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September 25, 2021 23:36:46  #3056

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Galaxian's kinda rude, but idk I still love him xD
I imagine the first time he and Hitan met, he also forgot to shake Hitan's hand :-P
God of What Are Social Norms?


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September 26, 2021 13:05:03  #3057

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like to imagine that if Kiaane existed in F/GO, they'd get along with Karna
Though it'd be more likely that Karna would get weirded out by them :') well at least he wouldn't be rude, I guess, lol. 

Lol Karna just tells Kiaane that he's not someone who should look deadpan all the time

Honestly Kiaane probably looks more like they're always doing an "owo" since they don't frown as hard
More things to weird out Karna with xD


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September 26, 2021 13:09:43  #3058

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kiaane as a Santa lol
Why is mind cursed; it's noon


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September 26, 2021 13:10:22  #3059

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Summer Kiaane

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September 26, 2021 13:15:27  #3060

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

That's a possibility that even my mind is still working out, mostly because it doesn't know how their anatomy is supposed to look. 
Also because other than t-shirts and shorts, I can't remember summer wear. My mind is spazzing out over imagining Kiaane in a t-shirt. Or shorts. And/or shorts. Feels weird. I don't think I like it. (:


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