The "beauty marks" under both of my eyes are becoming more prominent and all I can think is if there are gods out there, they sure have an ironic sense of humor
-Galaxian-This bastard, after killing his own son by impaling him in the heart, talking to Fan Yunfei, who's trying to avenge his friend's death: wHaT a HeArtLeSs mOnStEr.
I'm ready to bawl my eyes out once this arc is animated :')
I wonder when my mom's gonna notice that I look like I'm about to bawl out my eyes over the "Intermediate Value Theorem"
Mostly because the bastard entered the funeral room crying and falling on his knees in front of the murdered's grave (:
If I could go into fictional worlds I fear my moral alignment would be more Chaotic Neutral than Lawful Good (:
Ordinarily I would love to make a huge post about this but I'll keep it concise since I need to keep doing Calc work
-Galaxian-This arc's conclusion in memories is particularly impactful because it really illustrates a central theme.
Humans think they're the true descendants of the True Dragon's power, and spirits also think they're the true descendants of that power. They have conflicted ever since both of their creations over such a futile idea.
A boy who thinks that humans and spirits both have good and bad and should be treated equally, and takes his experiences to combine with his talents at sword-wielding, is murdered in cold blood by his own father. His father then proceeds to pawn his son's death on the spirits and swears vengeance against all spirit-kind as the head of humankind's power.
Then comes a spirit whose beloved is a human, who had worked with the boy as a friend. He has too seen more of the world--except this time he has been bound to see the ugliest in the world, where spirits killed both their own kind and humans to prove themselves wrong, where a father murders his own son out of fear of prejudice ending under his son's future leadership. That fox spirit bears the vengeance towards spirits of humanity because he wishes to avenge that human's death.
There will always be those whose thoughts are ahead of their time, but their names and beliefs are forgotten, often because their beauty is vanquished too early.
-Galaxian-It's always a little bit of a shock to hear Fan Yunfei, a dude with palilalia, lowkey curse
"The only one I want to kill is this bastardly old man"
Very justified.
Lol rn my mind is being reminded repeatedly that fans theorize Rongrong's significant other/future significant other is in Longwan
I honestly? Do not care. As long as it is a healthy relationship and she's happy (and he's[?] happy), I would be too.
Tbh I kinda want to see LGBTQ+ representation in HYXHN, but then again as soon as that happens the really bad LGBTQ+ non-canon ship shippers are going to go absolutely insane and that's something I don't want to see
I meant about orientations btw, not genders. Genders are kinda represented? For another species, not humans and spirits, though.
-Galaxian-Quanwai creatures are agender, which is something I can understand pretty well related to my own characters.
This relationship has the most candy, and the most angst (:
-Galaxian-The kid's name was Wangquan Wumu
"Mu" means ending, dawn. "Wu" means "none" (technically)
So technically his name (without the surname) means: "There will never be an end"
His legacy persists.
Wang Fugui saw him within the sword and his eyes teared up. Solid proof the guy has emotions.
-Galaxian-Also I didn't say this the first time around but I appreciate Wang Fugui covering up Susu's eyes so she couldn't see the excessive historical bloodshed
-Galaxian-The currently known most OP individual in the series summons himself with a golden pool not unlike the Gate of Babylon from Fate's Gilgamesh lol
It's like he is a Noble Phantasm or many of them lol tbh makes sense
Weird question but
When you guys draw coordinate planes/graphs for math
How do you do it? Do you draw the arrows to the axes first? Do you label all the numbers? Count the spaces and lines for the units? Do you make the dashes before writing the numbers (either from lowest to highest or highest to lowest), or do you write the numbers first?
Weird question I know but it's somehow cool imo atm
I chuckled at this in F/GO
-Galaxian-Lu Bu: I Am Peerless
Red Hare: I Too Am Peerless
Chen Gong: They Shall All Self Destruct
I was about to give an example of me being an idiot (unrelated to F/GO), except I'm such an idiot that I forgot the example that I was going to provide of why I'm an idiot
(*does a peace sign idk*)
I can imagine that when I just got Kagetora and she saw Changgong, she was like
"Rider, right?"
And Changgong laughed a little awkwardly and explained that he's a Saber, not a Rider
And Kagetora had "Huh" written over half her face
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
Weird question but
When you guys draw coordinate planes/graphs for math
How do you do it? Do you draw the arrows to the axes first? Do you label all the numbers? Count the spaces and lines for the units? Do you make the dashes before writing the numbers (either from lowest to highest or highest to lowest), or do you write the numbers first?
Weird question I know but it's somehow cool imo atm
I draw a dot and draw four lines outwards from there (sometimes just two lines though), then the arrow tips, and finally the dashes and numbers simultaneously. I tend to do numbers from lowest to highest too.
How do you draw it?
As usual I shall wait to respond so no one thinks they're responding to a dead prompt, but that's really interesting xD. I wouldn't think of drawing a dot first personally. I wonder if the way we do these things indicate anything about personality
I wanted to inform you that I read the "YEET" in your signature with the voice in the meme (yEeT)
Spanish is fun when we breakout into rooms and others actually want to work <3
We made a story where everything went wrong within one second
I am evil (and admitted to such (: )
Math has me feeling like a scribe rather than a student
A chunk of the notebook is gone already and that's with me writing small lol
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
Weird question but
When you guys draw coordinate planes/graphs for math
How do you do it? Do you draw the arrows to the axes first? Do you label all the numbers? Count the spaces and lines for the units? Do you make the dashes before writing the numbers (either from lowest to highest or highest to lowest), or do you write the numbers first?
Weird question I know but it's somehow cool imo atm
I don't really make a dot for the origin but I always start by sketching out the y-axis, and then the x-axis
From there I end up labeling the numbers on the axes, going from lowest to highest (if the graph I drew isn't big enough, I either adjust the size of the graph or my scale depending on how much room I have)
The arrows are the last thing I put after I have finished graphing whatever I needed to graph, if I remember to put them at all
I've never really put much thought into this before since it's something I do so regularly so ty for asking the question
Okay I checked on the NitroType wiki and apparently the golden Lamborghini I had is the Corsa Mephisto,,, which I suspected
But dang, I liked the v2 design so much better. Much shine. Now it's...well.
Dang, it was my favorite car, too. Now its value plummeted (lol realistic)
I guess I like the texture of the earlier design more than the later one, smh.
Welp, the Corsa Mephisto is definitely safer on the road. The Lamborghini would've blinded people, I reckon.
I'm done with homework
As in, like, actually done with it. Not emotionally done. If I were done with it emotionally right now then I'd be rather pathetic, which I am but not that pathetic, if you get what I mean.
(As in I'm rather easy to get down, but I'm also not that bad at school, and I know how much to try and do it, so yeah.)
I was actually done sometime before dinner (this entire weekend plus yesterday and today was spent on Calc; the other classes' work was done on Friday) but I had to do more stuff so yee.
I don't really know what I'll do with this time, tbh. At least I've been doing stuff, though.
I think here, I'll respond to some threads, and then I'll try to go write something I've needed to write.
@Specter & Autumn - Thanks for your responses! I know I said I'd wait but it looks like no one else will respond for the time being, so yeah lol. Don't want to drag it out to reply and completely lose the thread of discussion, especially with how much I spam my homethread.
It's really cool to see the differences tbh. It might be a somewhat trivial thing, but I's interesting to see how much little habits have formed an entire habit that has so many different components, even though you guys probably draw the graph for similar reasons.
For my response:
First, I use a blank white paper or a line paper with faint lines. I can't work with graph paper well; there's so many lines there that I think my mind gets overloaded. If I do use graph paper, I use pens. I use pens for the former two too, but yeah, worthy of note.
In the relative center, I draw the y-axis from up to down (unless I know the domain and range of the graph very well/have noted it), then I mark the arrows (top then bottom). Then I draw the x-axis--left to right, then the arrows (left and right). Sometimes I don't make the arrows, 'cause I don't know if I have to expand it, but usually I forget (lol) or get it right and am thus infused with hubris (lol x2).
I mark the scale of the x-axis first. I do the marks on the positive side first, then the negative side. Then I scale the y-axis, from the positive side upwards and then the negative side downwards. After that, I do the numbers in that same order (usually, but this is more flexible).
Ideally, I would plot the points last, but the truth is that I get impatient and usually plot the points before numbers are actually marked, so sometimes I count to a value on either axis, count to another value on another axis, and mark the numbers backwards. Depends on the type of problem.
My favorite part of graphing has gotta be either plotting the points or connecting them. Maybe the former, idk. I like blotting the paper with dots, I guess.
I think this might be one of those posts where I seem even more like a nerd than usual
I really enjoy plotting the points xD I'm strangely not very steady when using a ruler, so you can guess I don't like connecting the points that much.
Graph paper is confusing on the eyes xD.
Imagine a personality test but it's just based on how you draw a coordinate plane
Oh, you don't usually graph non-linear functions (or non-functions)?
I haven't plotted very linear functions for years xD so this year we went back to it and it was kinda like throwback. I think it might be that I can draw straight lines pretty well (lol you guys can't tell from my art but this is true) along with curvy ones, so drawing both is fun for me (as opposed to drawing a coordinate plane over and over again; scales can sometimes be very similar and lol tedious)
Little kids who haven't learned what a coordinate plane even is be like 👁👄👁
Imagine the F/GO community but it calls Blackbeard Ned
N e d
AP Lang teacher: On social media you're trying to convince people
Me, who posts spoilers, random videos, and the most random posts here: I don't need to convince my friends that I'm weird and spammy as heck; they should have known this since loooong ago
AP Lang and AP U.S. History teachers: This week will be an easy week
Me, who cried through half of APUSH due to us watching 9/11 material, and who clearly sees the week for both classes revolves around 9/11/2001: USO DA
This week is gonna be rough emotionally
Also today I have -100 motivation to work.
And we call that an oOf