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August 28, 2021 19:37:33  #2791

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Once in a while I start questioning literally every persona of every character of mine who currently exists, and honestly this is kinda awesome except I have school stuff to do (: 
Also there's too much stuff tumbling together,,, oof


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August 28, 2021 23:35:35  #2792

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My mind is headcanoning F/DA fights and honestly this is awesome
But could it please save a little for later please lol I need to do homework and just came from dinner so,,,


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August 28, 2021 23:46:17  #2793

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

One life skill I wanna learn (idk if it's actually a life skill but I consider it one) is mimicking a voice that could belong to the opposite gender, and thinking about that skill made me consider whether my characters can do that.
Rai can't. That's why he can design a program that alters his voice that way lol. But I don't think he's really seen that as being helpful, lol.
Hitan can, but only for songs. If he wants to have his voice sound feminine while speaking normally (while being consistent and, like, uhh, persuadable) then he'll have to try really hard. Even though he's an alto lol
Wiley can do a persuadable female voice (including a high one) but I feel like he'd be too susceptible to giggling hysterically while doing so. He does it often for songs though (without the giggling) yay
Raez can speak in just about any voice perfectly. He can also do it for songs.
I feel like Iollan could try for songs but can't really do that in general. Rip.
And yeah, Galaxian can do any type of kid voice. He could do adult voices too but he doesn't for reasons (or lack thereof). He could technically imitate a baby perfectly too but yeah why would he do that? There has been no reason for doing that thus far.


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August 29, 2021 00:11:27  #2794

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo's comment on Malaika fighting an ex-death god made me laugh because that made me remember that Hitan fought an actual death god along with a squad of undead assassins (also led by an assassin) in his past
Unfair comparisons, I guess.
So many things I am incapable of writing lol
Also the fact that I still have yet to sketch Alexander to a satisfactory degree will haunt me to my death and beyond


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August 29, 2021 00:12:11  #2795

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The name "Alexander" is becoming more and more cursed now that I think about it


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August 29, 2021 00:14:20  #2796

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I still find it funny that Alexander bargained with a child, even if that child was the host of Akuma
Like I imagine the scenario and kinda burst out laughing because it feels ridiculous.
I think it might not be as funny as I'm thinking, though, but idk I just remember Alexander wasn't the type to like children or most anyone in general he hated Galaxian iirc


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August 29, 2021 00:18:28  #2797

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

One of my usual rebukes to Akuma is "No one likes you" but that's actually not true. Ofc I don't think anyone likes their true self but sometimes they do pretend to be cute/Kaori-y (has never happened in-RP iirc, closest to canon would be in writing, towards Hitan) and yeah it's won over some people.
For some reason I can imagine Akuma cringing Alexander to death
I think Alexander must've really hated working with it, since it had a habit of making fun of Alexander's failures whenever it wanted to, right in front of his face before reminding him that he couldn't really kill it or punish it or anything like that. Lack of authority seems like a sore spot for him?
It was worth it, though, kinda. I mean, working with Akuma in itself. It had a hand in quite a few of deities' deaths while Alexander was obsessed with that. They kept it pretty obscure though because they didn't find it worth it to announce such information. 
Idk if there is something I kinda like about Akuma it's that they can be very low-key 


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August 29, 2021 00:27:50  #2798

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley: Hey Raez! I got tattoos
Raez, very nearly spitting out his most recent (now) ex-drink of water:



Wiley: (*takes off lab coat to show his arms with like 50 temporary tattoos on 'em*)


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August 29, 2021 00:28:52  #2799

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay but Wiley would definitely get however many temporary tattoos just to make one singular pun
I think he'd even make a temporary tattoo himself and copy it 50 times to put them on, all just to get his point across


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August 29, 2021 00:39:16  #2800

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why is Wiley acting like he's never seen grapes in his life
Okay so I took out a vine of those small golden grapes for eating and this man started  s h a k i n g  while singing a song about "all natural Fruity Pebbles"

It's 11 P.M., Wiles. Go to bed.


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August 29, 2021 01:06:31  #2801

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason every time I think something like "F/GO's Nobukatsu has cool animations and a cool NP" Fate!Wiley is saying "Wow that guy's a mood"
For reference:
Like, no.


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August 29, 2021 01:08:27  #2802

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I really hope he just means that Nobukatsu has a cool creepy laugh and a cool design


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August 29, 2021 01:12:34  #2803

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay so the man clarified and said that he meant Nobukatsu has a stellar laugh, funny but kinda realistic animations (he would also love to just throw grenades instead of having to move) and then...

And then he stopped talking after visibly pausing on purpose O_O


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August 29, 2021 01:31:23  #2804

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think for F/DA I gotta start thinking more for the similarity between Japanese and Chinese instead of Japanese and English. I mean, for Noble Phantasm names.
I think I'll have to come up with Chinese names before translating them because right now I am having a very bad time making up not-derpy names
Not that I'm not horrible at doing so in Chinese but idk. Worth a try.


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August 29, 2021 03:48:09  #2805

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have a problem with coming up with chants too (not as big of one though
The problem is how to make them not (too) cringe (: I think I might do better with Chinese than English for that too but it's more or less more equivalent in terms of ability


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August 29, 2021 10:34:59  #2806

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Okay but Wiley would definitely get however many temporary tattoos just to make one singular pun
I think he'd even make a temporary tattoo himself and copy it 50 times to put them on, all just to get his point across


I read this as "he'd even make a temporary tattoo of himself" and I just wondered why Wiley would tattoo his own face on himself 50 times 

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August 29, 2021 14:02:25  #2807

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm just letting you know, he would 100% do that if that makes a point too, probably to flirt and test boundaries of the victim whoever he's flirting with


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August 29, 2021 14:11:15  #2808

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sometimes I'm tempted to draw the GGaD community but then again I don't know any of our personas' designs (I don't mean forum personas, I mean like literally IRL personas, maybe slightly modified), including my own xD I think I maybe remember Specter's but otherwise I cannot remember specifics for anyone I have snippets of details for Eliza's persona and Echo's but especially for Echo I'm like "well if I screw this up this will not be good"
Also my own persona is too close to my real appearance, which means my mind starts going "lol ugly, disgusting, reviling monstrosity" which is...not exactly fitting for someone who's mostly realistic instead of pessimistic realistic if you get what I mean.


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August 29, 2021 15:23:20  #2809

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Female lead: (*exists*)
Chinese authors: So anyways she's the fairest of them all, Snow White has nothing on her, HER LOOKS MAKE THE VERY HEAVENS JEALOUS--


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August 29, 2021 19:32:40  #2810

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I keep writing "sandwich" as "sandwitch" and Wiley is making a lot of fun out of me
Gimme a break, dude


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August 29, 2021 22:36:02  #2811

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You (I) know it's bad news when you (I) draw myself as a base and then end up drawing Ambryll instead
In my defense, at least I could already tell I was drawing myself too old, so yee

Anyways at least they look cute


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August 29, 2021 22:49:09  #2812

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Whenever someone tells me that "You don't look like you're having an anxiety attack," it's just...weird.
Like I guess it might be annoying but on the other hand I'm mostly confused on what to say. "Well I am" sounds unnecessarily snarky, but on the other hand "Thanks" doesn't exactly sound right, either.

Speaking of which, poor Hitan though. My anxiety attacks are okay as anxiety attacks go but he'll have one during teaching and he'll have to endure it and pretend he's not having one
He's a really strong guy, even if sometimes it might not seem that way.


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August 29, 2021 22:52:27  #2813

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Every time I say "I have 27 tabs open!" I feel like I can feel Rai raise an eyebrow, so I'm guessing that he...does not open 27 tabs at a time.
Idk but at the same time, I feel like an eyebrow raise can either mean "Why?" or it can mean "Only 27? Pathetic."
He doesn't elaborate, so...


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August 30, 2021 00:56:31  #2814

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yesterday I pretty much guessed right on who my cousin ships in Kimetsu no Yaiba, so now I somehow need to pry if she sees LGBTQ+ ships as legitimate because she gives the vibes that she would definitely crackship Raez and Wiley, so I need to keep their existences a secret from her if so at all costs


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August 30, 2021 02:38:05  #2815

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me: (*keeps getting borderline cursed ideas for art*)
Me, sighing as I go sketch as quickly as possible: Guess I'll die.


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August 30, 2021 13:38:53  #2816

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My mind keeps reiterating that the Dreemurs in Undertale are those who help and that it was because of that that they were harmed and dfjsidfjdfosdi the mind's also over-connecting Germaine and Toriel lol


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August 31, 2021 08:52:32  #2817

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The day before yesterday I was randomly thinking, Wiley would be the type of person who knows he's about to get beaten up, and so he does magical boy transformation poses right before it happens
And yes he does know it won't work, obviously. He does it for the hecks and giggles ig


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August 31, 2021 22:30:28  #2818

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

What would he do if it suddenly worked one day

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August 31, 2021 23:27:36  #2819

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Continue doing it until reinforcements arrive, he says, while snorting and laughing, so I'm pretty sure that's not the actual answer.
Other alternatives are, I guess, performing the duties of a magical boy or doing it a little more and then breaking for it. He's not slow, so,,,


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September 1, 2021 02:09:24  #2820

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley and Raez, in a situation that they Wiley could have entirely avoided, but no: 
Rai, watching without helping, Dion next to him: So, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty-


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