Took my bc calc exam and it was.... well.
I already know of a bunch of silly mistakes I made and it's arghhhhhhhhh
All I can really do is wait for July 19th to roll around and then sob :/ in the meantime, I guess I'll just continue to study for my chem exam tomorrow :^/
Still find it hilarious how College Board is always like "you can NEVER talk about the exam contents to ANYONE" and then you always have teachers being like "hey guys how was the exam?" and literally right when the exams finish you'll always have people talking about it outside the testing room
I feel you, for both of those things.
You just reminded me of how parents always ask for "how was school?" and you say it's fine, nothing much happened, and they want you to tell more but there is quite literally nothing you could talk about because nothing happened. Or that's for me at least. Idk about girls. I heard they talk a lot about that stuff.
@time: yeah, that happens to me a lot too; there are just some days where I genuinely did nothing notable in school that day and I usually just tell that to my parents
anyway! ap exams were all done as of last wednesday; I feel somewhat confident in at least a 4 in all of them and even though I'd much rather prefer a 5 there's nothing I can do now except wait
my sat is this weekend but I decided to borrow out tocs3 again to play for a bit, so I finished up the juno naval fortress sequence as well as the subsequent heimdallr field study and dark dragon dungeon
the dark dragon was honestly such an annoying boss fight, I had to reset a few times and all in all I think it took almost 1-2 hours to get done (including my failed attempts). At least the mech part and the following "Azure Siegfried" battles were comparatively much easier, taking me around like 10 minutes in total for those two
I still haven't finished the "festival" segment that happens afterwards but I'm not in any rush to finish it since I know this is the "calm before the storm" and I really don't want to get distracted by the heavier plot stuff now that I really should be studying
as usual sorry for talking about literally only two topics here sjfslkdfjdslk
I'll probably get back to studying now, I kinda forgot how tedious the SAT is since I haven't really done much practice since March
Same here for AP exams. I an confident in a 4, and I hope for a 5. But also I'm a bit expecting a 3 simply so I don't get disappointed if I do get a 3.
I say don't worry about posting less topics. I think I actually like it more as there's less to read, and you also have more topics to write about later on.
Whenever you talk about tests you make me feel like it's going to be extra hard whenever I take them lol
@Time: in regards to AP exams, being prepared for the worst isn't a bad idea; I should probably brace myself for 3s too just in case
And I'm like the worst person to ever talk to in regards to tests oops please don't really take my word for anything, especially in regards to difficulty; I'm fully aware of how skewed my personal perception of tests is and I'm by no means representative of all students
I'm sure you'll do fine with everything; it's super cliche to say this but if put in the work and do your best, then you should have nothing to worry about
How much do you study? If you don't mind me asking.
It depends on a number of factors, but whenever I have something important upcoming like the SAT or AP exams, probably somewhere from 1-3 hours a day? but that's really a rough guess, I don't actually count most of the time
it's been a while but! finally done with all of the big exams I had to take this year, now just to wait until results come out in July (which is hhh I just really want to see what I got)
I'm hoping I got at least a 1500 on my SAT I took on Saturady but we'll see,,,
in other news, I finished Trails of Cold Steel 3 last night and boy oh boy what an experience that was
Even though I was spoiled for a lot of what happens, that ending still managed to get me; just aaaaaa
(major spoilers for ToCS3, also I'm really sorry for rambling)
I kinda want to jump right into ToCS 4 because of that cliffhanger but if I want to play the game for myself I'll have to wait until either my library gets the game (assuming they'll get it for the switch in the first place) or I'll have to wait until my birthday, but that's in a few months and I know I'll also probably be busy around then
Had my last day of my junior year yesterday! It may be summer vacation now but it feels pretty weird
It's kinda wild to think about how fast this school year went by, but also kinda scary
Even though school finished though I figured I might as well work on my summer assignments early this year, rather than waiting for August
1500 huh. A high standard
Yeah, this school year was kinda weird. It felt preeetty short
@Time: A high standard indeed :^)
And yeah, calling this year "kinda weird" might be an understatement honestly with how everything went
I've been inactive here again but what I did manage to do is finish two books (that I read for fun, and not for the sake of a class) so I guess I'll just briefly talk about them? I'm not really a proper reviewer or anything so this might be all over the place, but I'll try to refrain from spoiling much
The first one I finished was Thunderstruck, by Erik Larson. It's a nonfiction book that alternates between telling the story of Hawley Crippen and Guglielmo Marconi, who are described as an "unlikely murderer" and "creator of a seemingly supernatural means of communication" (essentially, radio) respectively. I remembered reading one of Larson's books around this time 2 years ago (The Devil in the White City), which also juxtaposed two vastly different stories about the Chicago World's Fair. I enjoyed both books, but Thunderstruck in particular can lull at times when it gets too technical (which I didn't mind, since I enjoy physics, but I know not everyone feels the same).
The second one was The Raven Tower, by Ann Leckie, which is a fantasy novel. I finished about 3/4 of the book yesterday, while the other 1/4 took me around a week or so to get through. Part of the reason it took me so long to get through the beginning was because it was admittedly kinda slow, but there was also real-life circumstances that prevented me from reading much while I was going through the beginning. I think it's worth mentioning that this book is mostly written in second person with a potentially unreliable narrator, which is a style that I found difficult to get used to at first - and it also switches from the present to flashbacks quite a bit. Even despite it's odd pacing and narration, I still relatively enjoyed the book - the plot is interesting enough to make up for some of the issues I had with it. It's probably also worth mentioning that apparently this book is loosely based off of Shakespeare's Hamlet, although since I haven't read Hamlet myself, I didn't really get the parallels. (ending spoilers ahead)
and actually now that I'm talking about this, I also ended up reading Wishtree by Katherine Applegate while I was bored at my cousin's house a few days ago as well. It's a comparatively short read, particularly since this one is probably intended for younger, elementary-middle school students. This was narrated by a wise old oak tree (which, now that I think about it, might be why I wasn't completely lost while reading The Raven Tower, since that one also featured a similar type of narrator), who describes both the story of what's happening in it's own life as the threat of being cut down looms over the tree, as well as the story of the girl who moved into the house by it, who feels lonely due to the discrimination she and her family faces. Despite the heavier premise, both stories contribute to the overarching narrative about optimism and acceptance. Even though I'm far from the target audience from this book, I think what I liked was how cheesy yet not unrealistic it was? You pretty much can guess how it ends just from the synopsis and the focus on "wishes" and even though it was a relatively happy ending, it's still pretty clear that it's just a step towards change; the world isn't suddenly perfect and free from bigotry, and this is implied with how (ending spoiler ahead)
The only thing is that I'm not sure how subtle the messages in this book are, or how the intended demographic is supposed to interpret this; I remember talking to my 9 year old cousin (who was about midway through the book) about what she thought about the book, and I'm not sure she got anything out of it more than just "tree that is believed to grant wishes" - she seemed pretty clueless about the heavier themes, which I guess is just a product of how Applegate presents it
Last edited by autumnlibrarian16 (July 12, 2021 16:15:24)
Recently I've gotten back to playing Xenoblade Chronicles DE again after a few months of forgetting about it (you can mostly thank the Trails franchise for that, oops) and it's been fun!! I've mostly just been grinding side quests since I got to a slower point in the story where it's trying integrate new party members (Riki and Melia)
I will say though, Trails has definitely spoiled me when it comes to side quests (since that sort of thing is one of the franchise's strengths); going back to the more "regular" types of side quests is kinda jarring (not to say the ones in XC are bad! they still do their job as side quests)
The heart-to-hearts are very fun though, since they can only be done when you have the right affinity levels with characters in your party - I've only seen a few of them but I love the banter that comes with it (party banter between different playable characters is always so much fun in rpgs, I always love it so much so this isn't really much of a surprise but I felt like I just had to say it)
In terms of plot I have genuinely no idea how much of the game I have left but I assume quite a bit since I'm only like 20ish hours into it so far
I've heard over and over again that the story for this game is really good so I'm pretty excited to see more of the plot unfold but since it's been so long since I went through the beginning I almost forgot that this is technically a story of vengeance. Being aware of a few vague spoilers does that to you oops
in other news, today was my first day of tennis practice for the year! I got to see and talk with a number of people I haven't been able to see in a while so that was fun
also completely irrelevant but yesterday my SAT score was finally released and I was pleasantly surprised by my score and I'm so glad I don't need to retake it ever
although I'm kinda in fear for AP exam score releases in less than a week, I feel like they're going to be disappointing as some sort of retribution for a good SAT or something idk fhslkfjksd
autumnlibrarian16 wrote:
Trails has definitely spoiled me when it comes to side quests (since that sort of thing is one of the franchise's strengths); going back to the more "regular" types of side quests is kinda jarring (not to say the ones in XC are bad! they still do their job as side quests)
(just realized that I forgot to mention that the "regular side quests" I was mostly referring to were the ones that are given by all the nameless npcs. most of the ones given by the named npcs in xenoblade are pretty interesting and neat, but the unnamed npcs ones are a lot more common and are typically just the grindy ones)
also today I learned that apparently one of the characters in the Great Ace Attorney/DGS had their named localized as "William Shamspeare" (in the fantranslation, I think his name was something like "Petenshy", as a play on the word "pretentious") and honestly I think it's great that you can play a game that includes the characters Herlock Sholmes and William Shamspeare
Sherlock Holmes and Shakespeare who?
anyway with that, back to summer assignments I go
genshin 2.0 released last night! haven't started any of the new quests yet but I'm very excited to explore inazuma and meet the new characters
I tried rolling for ayaka but got c2 diluc instead,,, diluc sir why do you keep doing this to me, please go home
also got my AP exam scores! got 4s on my humanities, 5s on calc and chem
very happy with my chem score, since that was the one I was most worried about; I wish I did better on lang and apush but there's nothing I can really do except try my best to make up for it with lit this upcoming year
speaking of lit! I should probably go work on my essay again
Wait is there a Gershon impact 2 or just a big update?
Congrats! I'm still waiting for mine. Hope I did good.
Time wrote:
Wait is there a Gershon impact 2 or just a big update?
Congrats! I'm still waiting for mine. Hope I did good.
It's a big update for Genshin! update 2.0 added a bunch of new things, most notably the next major nation/region (Inazuma)
There's also a bunch of new story missions which is exciting
and thanks!! hopefully you did well on your exams as well, Time!
just returned from a week long trip to the general yellowstone national park area! probably didn't get enough sleep as a result of the weird timing of the flight + time zones but yeehaw that's something
it was fun, a lot of hiking/walking but overall it was enjoyable
also since I finally got the time to properly play genshin today after a few days of being away from home I did a few rolls and apparently I got a skyward blade on standard and an ayaka on event,,, despite the diluc c2 I got recently
that was neat! although I have literally no in game resources for her at the moment so guess who has to grind :^)
it just hit me but,,, it's august already huh :^)
I completely forgot to mention it yesterday but in terms of "things Autumn has been reading recently for no good reason" I have two new additions: the first 4 volumes of Haikyuu and a book called Magyk
both of them I ended up reading while in travel during my vacation; the former was because I was just searching on my library's ebook service for a manga and that happened to be one of the few on there that started at volume 1, while the latter was because my cousin was reading it, and I decided to read it too at her recommendation
Haikyuu was fun! never thought I would be reading the volleyball manga but here I am, I'll probably go and try to check the physical library for the next few volumes once I finish up with my summer assignments. I probably can't say much else about the series yet since I really haven't gotten that far but I can see why it's so popular
as for Magyk it was admittedly very predicable with how it was going to go from the very beginning but as a simple fantasy story I found it enjoyable. it's first book of a larger series named after it's protagonist, Septimus Heap, but it can definetly be read as standalone due to the way it ends. The only thing is that I still have pretty big questions about the main villain and other few loose ends but that's probably just because I haven't really read the later books (which I probably won't read, but I might go and search up a summary of them later out of curiosity)
I forgot how much I loved Seaside Vacation (from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) but it's all I've really been listening to for the last day or two
Remembering the context of the song is kinda wild though, even though I don't fully remember what the lyrics translate to in English the fact that it's supposed to be a song sung by
The in-game ambient version works very well as writing music too; it's helping me very much with my Lit essay which I'm glad for
decided to write a little poem! I'm not a poet by any means and I don't think it really follows any formal poem structure (and it's honestly not that good), but I just felt like writing and figured I might as well try to write a poem since what I had in mind wouldn't really work in any other format
I don't really know where else to post it so here:
"a little leaf"
A little leaf,
Floating away in the wind.
Away from its tree,
But it knows not where to go.
The wind, sometimes gentle; sometimes harsh,
Pushes the leaf along.
Even with no say in where it goes,
It does not resist.
But then, what if,
What if it wanted to find its own direction?
Never having done it before,
It fails.
Back to being pushed by the wind,
With no say in where it goes.
Until it tries again.
Ah yes. One of those poems where I really hope it's not talking about a personal self for most of the poem's duration
although rereading it, I realized there's at least one completely different way to interpret it than I intended so I'm kinda curious to know what you thought it was about
actually the interpretation I just thought of makes a lot more sense for this poem than what I was really writing about which oops
Think of the most depressing interpretation and that's mine xD
(okay maybe not the most depressing but if you have two interpretations and one's more pessimistic than the other, then that's probably the interpretation mine is closer to)
I suck at interpreting though so you probably shouldn't take my posts seriously lol
I didn't mean to worry you oops, sorry about that
I know I'm not very active here to begin with, but expect me to be even more inactive (if that's possible) now that school is about to start
Fall/back to school season tends to be very busy as it is for me but I need to make sure that I don't procrastinate on working on all my college apps, especially since it takes me a while to figure out how to express the thoughts I want to express
I got tocs4 last week but I should probably be smart with my time :^) the faster I get everything all done, the faster I'll be able to get back to it (luckily I'm not that far into the game; I just got ash back and I assume we're getting musse before we finally go and get the main protagonist back)
but even though I'm only like 10 or so hours into the game, it's made me almost cry a few times already,,, which isn't too surprising but I wasn't expecting the feels this early into the game
school finally started last week,,, as expected, tennis practice, my school course load, and college apps/research eat up most of my time :^) I wanted to finish reading Jane Eyre (which I started some time ago but haven't been able to read much of) but it doesn't look that's happening
even though I haven't been able to play any tocs4 recently I still have been listening to its soundtrack, I don't know what it is but something about trails/kiseki's soundtrack is so enjoyable
maybe I'll ramble about the series in general some time (without spoilers), because despite its flaws, I really do love this silly franchise
fun fact: the real reason halloween is associated with scary things is because it's the day before (a good number of) early application deadlines; high school seniors are in terror of it every year
// please don't take me seriously I think college applications (truthfully, just the essays) are hurting my head
october starts next week and that's,,,, aaaaaaaa just where did all this time go
I really do want to get back to doing more art-related things (I normally draw on a regular basis but I just haven't had the motivation for it these last few months; I also really want to try picking up either sewing or photography as a hobby because that seems kinda fun. writing is also fun but I mean college apps are taking the fun out of it) but I guess that'll have to wait until college app season is done :^) but that's in a few months time, so I guess for now I should focus on all of my school-related activities
and that's probably my cue to disappear for another 3 weeks or so! as usual if you ever need me for whatever reason the best way to do that is to contact me via discord, although if you post something on this thread I'll probably see it within a day or so