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August 3, 2021 01:07:24  #6571

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hint: Most of the time it's gonna be the bastard I'm talking about. I think.



August 3, 2021 01:08:31  #6572

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh! We on my favorite page. Next favorite page will be 666 and then it'll be 2222


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August 3, 2021 23:24:24  #6573

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

What the heck did Fandom do to its logo lol


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August 4, 2021 00:00:59  #6574

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Olive oil cake looks okay on the images, but the name makes me want to throw up a little in my mouth lol


     Thread Starter

August 4, 2021 00:08:42  #6575

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lol not me realizing for the hundredth+ time that the type of calligraphy and cursive I do in both Chinese and English will not work for a signature and still not practicing a signature I need to sign


     Thread Starter

August 4, 2021 00:09:24  #6576

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also yes, this is also the reason for my art signature sucking. Because I can't cursive or calligraphy in the way signatures need lol lmiao
Somehow this lacking is gonna come from lack of creativity, I'm sure of it lol


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August 4, 2021 00:42:10  #6577

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think my mom, without realizing it, named me thinking I'd grow up and become a sorcerer
(*stares at paper*) 'Else, who'd be able to write this quickly?


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August 4, 2021 00:51:15  #6578

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ever just add "Don't want to practice signaturing" to your list of reasons for why you don't want to grow up


     Thread Starter

August 4, 2021 01:02:53  #6579

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh a signature can be whatever you want. I don't think it should be a thing you need to practice

Bruh the signature be wacky

August 4, 2021 01:04:15  #6580

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It's true that a signature can be whatever you want, but also you're going to be stuck with it identifying you for probably the rest of your life so you definitely want something you really like.

I already have my legal signature and while honestly I wish I could've come up with something cooler, what I have rn isn't bad, and really, practicing beforehand is truly worth it I tell ya.
Also you want to be able to write your signature easily so practice lets you do that.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

August 4, 2021 02:35:29  #6581

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

Tbh a signature can be whatever you want. I don't think it should be a thing you need to practice

I agree on it being what I want. The problem is, what do I want? xD I can't just print my name as a signature. And without practice, there's no way I can make anything that looks even remotely okay out of my name. And without practice, I don't think I'll ever know what I want lol I understand this so I should write more,,, but haha, I'm dumb in this way.
I will definitely end up overcomplicating this, but hey, if I can tell someone's trying to forge my signature because "that one curve that symbolizes rising and self-growth was done wrong," maybe that'll be a good thing somehow xDD

I actually am under a little bit of stress because my mom's signature is positively beautiful, and I'm kinda competitive lol. Not competitive as in I want to make mine better than hers (because I think that's impossible), but as in I want to make something that can at least show on the bottom line underneath hers haha


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August 4, 2021 02:36:51  #6582

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

It's true that a signature can be whatever you want, but also you're going to be stuck with it identifying you for probably the rest of your life so you definitely want something you really like.

I already have my legal signature and while honestly I wish I could've come up with something cooler, what I have rn isn't bad, and really, practicing beforehand is truly worth it I tell ya.
Also you want to be able to write your signature easily so practice lets you do that.

Well, the good news is that I have a pretty long time to prepare compared to the rest of y'all. Bad news is I procrastinate. Oops, there goes the good news--

I didn't know you already have your legal signature lol. Cool! I'm sure it's fine, lol. Guessing you practiced xD.


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August 4, 2021 10:00:22  #6583

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I mean another option is that you could take parts of your name and stylize them, it doesn't really have to be your name but also I've heard that in the States it's common to use names as signatures?
Tbh take your time. Procrastinate a little, don't force yourself to come up with something on the spot. You do have several years to come up with something xD.

Yeah I do! I was convinced I still had another year to prepare, but lol I had to do it this year and,,,uh,,,I think I'm confident nobobdy can forge the horrible handwriting in my signature xD. I definitely did practice, lol, I just feel that the final product could've been a whole lot better.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

August 4, 2021 18:43:48  #6584

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Which of the 40+ parts of my name xD that is the question.


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August 4, 2021 19:01:07  #6585

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Keep up the talk about the signatures if you guys want btw, I just kinda need a place to talk about things that I'm not as comfortable talking about elsewhere, even on other homethreads.

Well, I guess this message is kinda more pessimistic than I was aiming for. Not that I'm usually a bundle of optimism, but I still like to think that I'm somewhat realistic. Like, me complaining about constructing a signature is actually kind of rational, and it's not like I'm really bothered by it. I just...well, excuses, excuses, lol, but it's hard, I think. But I'll definitely say that I'm okay with what I have so far and think it'll work out by the time I do actually have to go by a solid signature.

Anyways, I guess my mental health has taken a dip. It's kind of normal. I usually have mood swings and stuff like that sometimes, but this sort is also more rational, and so it's not a huge dip. And I know the reason.
I've long guessed that my school will not mandate masks and social distancing, and that's why I chose remote learning again, even though it (remote learning) digs chunks out of my mentality a lot. And of course, I didn't trust my schoolmates to follow the mandates correctly, and I still don't.
Anyways, my prediction is true. Other than on transportation, my school district isn't mandating masks or social distancing. And...well, the should be insignificant, but for me it's more like a pillar of belief I had just collapsed.
I feel disillusioned to a degree. Elsewhere in America and in the world, I've seen horrible decisions being made in the name of concepts like "liberty." I guess I didn't think that those decisions would hit so close to home, literally. Well, at least, that was what I had hoped.
And I know, this has been going on for a while, but I've avoided news and things like that so to avoid making myself upset. I even haven't googled "U.S. COVID-19 deaths" in a while, and I used to do that almost every day. All regarded, it's a stupid thing to do when one regards realism and all that, but the truth is I'm not strong enough to learn what's happening and take the brunt of the emotions while not being able to do anything.
The other day on the news, I read that unless America sees a "larger than substantial death toll," then it's unlikely closings will happen again. That sentence and wording struck particularly hard because--is the death toll currently not "substantial"?
Six hundred twenty thousand people have died in the U.S. alone. Add a few ten thousand, and that will be the population of Washington, D.C. in 2020. If a bomb wiped out the capital and all its inhabitants, is this how America would react? Is that how any country would react? Yet here the country still is, along with others, denying science, being selfish, and hating inconvenience to the point of endangering everyone in their proximities. Here my school district is, in a state I thought could maybe do a little better than the rest of this nation, claiming that since kids don't usually die from the disease, masks and social distancing--two of the most effective measures that have worked regardless of vaccines existing or not--aren't required. Only recommended.
And if you're wondering, no, vaccinations aren't required either. I would be less ticked about this if mask-wearing were at least mandated.
The entire situation isn't what's stupid, it's the response to it, the inefficient, stupid response, that's stupid.
And it's stupid that I'm letting my disillusionment in these stupid human beings get in the way of my relationships with people who I care for and who aren't the people I resent.


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August 4, 2021 19:16:45  #6586

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Most cursed thing I have found today

(It was a picture of Zouken in the Yuno Gasai pose)

Bruh I don't even know what to say


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August 4, 2021 21:55:43  #6587

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"A survey found that unvaccinated Americans are less likely to wear masks and avoid crowds, the Kaiser Family Foundation reports."

Why would they need a survey to know this? / No (crap) Sherlock / duh lmiao


     Thread Starter

August 4, 2021 22:37:09  #6588

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This is your homethread, so really, you should just feel free to talk about whatever you need or want to talk about here. 
Well, in regards to your longer post up there, I've read it and also  I understand what you mean. Like, at least for me it's somewhat similar? 
It really is very sad to see that word "substantial". It's...well, I don't have words for it right now, but ugh isn't it just horrible to see that and think that there are people who think that way? And have no regards for the value of human life?
I guess some people are just stupid and it's a pity we can't do much (if anything) about it :/
But on the bright side, I'm pretty sure that you can count on your friends here to follow the correct health safety measures! There's always some people at least who do the right thing, and tbh it's really easy to lose hope in humanity, but there's always those who think in a similar way as you do. So don't feel alone in this.
I don't really know what else to say. Even if you or I or others can't do a whole lot to change the way others impact the world, we can do a little bit of small impact ourselves by following the rules and reminding those close to us to do so as well, and we can be at peace knowing that we're contributing with our best to the cause of helping others :>.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

August 5, 2021 03:41:50  #6589

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

There are some subjects that I myself don't like seeing brought up over and over again, so I want to understand that and exhibit that understanding in my own homethread. Sure, there are supposed to be less restrictions, but sometimes I feel like something I say might ruin someone's mood or their day, and that's just not warranted most of the time. Some self-control is good in any regard.
I guess I can hope that all of y'all share some similar mindset, but some of y'all I don't know very well, and you don't talk about it. It's fine if you don't talk about it, because different people like talking about different things (and you could also be avoiding the situation like I was), but in case you guys haven't noticed yet, I like knowing as much as I can when it comes to things and people I'm concerned about, and when they don't volunteer that information I get worried. xD Don't mind me. I just...well, I want to know that I can hope for the best, but you don't have to mind that. Just know there's someone out there who cares for you, even if in a weird way (and also in a way they really suck at expressing and showing correctly lol).
And...well, continuing to respond would just undermine why you (Specter lol) responded in the first place. Unneeded. And selfish. So I'll stop typing here. Just know it's not anything directed towards anyone here, just opinions that don't need to be expressed.


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August 5, 2021 16:25:06  #6590

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I have Astolfo in the Second Archive at the moment, but I'm trying to figure out if I should (drag them out again to do work and) level them again or leave them be. (I mean I imagine they have a pretty fun time in there lol I reckon they and Edison get along very well, along with all the Valentine's CEs lmiao. And Siegfried is there for now too. I can't remember who else is there xD)
I'm mainly trying to figure out if I have enough crit support for them, which I can think of if I put her and Astolfo on the same team she probably would die quickly and I don't want that.
Then again I could also just use Astolfo for farming,,, not that I farm QP usually oof. I usually use Martha and Ushi on the Caster pieces/gems/etc. farming node so uh.
Anyways I kinda feel bad sticking them into Second Archive. It's been months since I last used them


     Thread Starter

August 5, 2021 16:39:26  #6591

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lol you know when someone you need a response from just vanishes because they're on vacation now and didn't tell you and you have to go to a place where your account was deleted out of alleged inactivity and scour through their messages to see that they told others, just not you and others like you, of course, and you just don't feel like you ever mattered to them, lol
And you really don't care about that at this point tbh, in all honesty you just want a response to get things over with lmiao
Mistakes, mistakes lol


     Thread Starter

August 5, 2021 16:43:22  #6592

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Out of about 3.5 million cases of Covid-19 in children in the U.S., 519 have died from Covid-19 (fewer than 0.015 percent)."

Yee, remember when 500 people in the U.S. in general died from COVID-19 and "we" were "all" saying that "one is too many"? Now we're calculating by percentages, I guess.
Lol this sort of saltiness was supposed to "fade over time," I don't see it "fading over time." I'm still crying, harder even than I was in 2020. I can't tell if this makes me more human or more stupid


     Thread Starter

August 5, 2021 16:59:42  #6593

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You're definitely not stupid; thinking about all of the death and suffering that's caused the pandemic (as well as some people's dismissal of it) is upsetting, and crying about it is absolutely understandable
It really stinks that there isn't a much else I can do, but please remember that your feelings are always valid

Autumn (she/her)
I do promise I check up on this place occasionally

August 5, 2021 20:45:40  #6594

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Don't worry, just responding is enough. 


     Thread Starter

August 5, 2021 23:23:43  #6595

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me, forgetting to take out the plug to my mom's computer (because it was at low battery and I plugged it in just before dinner) and knowing it's definitely overcharged by now, running over to the plug:
My mom, with her back turned: I took out the plug while we were eating dinner
Me: Oh
Me: Thank the heaven and the earth (this is a saying in Chinese btw lol)
My mom: You shouldn't be thanking the heaven and the earth, you should be thanking your mom, who pulled the plug out
Me: I don't see anything wrong with what I said; you're my heaven and my earth after all <3
My mom:
My mom: you devious little child
Me: :D


     Thread Starter

August 6, 2021 01:10:08  #6596

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

School for me is starting in 10 days, but apparently in China they pwned summer break or smthn because a week earlier my mom asked my aunt whether my cousin (her daughter) was off of school yet and she wasn't (and iirc summer starts at least by July in China, or at least it used to)
Though I'm not sure if "school" means, like, the "extra tutoring classes" that China is basically making mandatory where my family is.
Not that the tutoring will help my cousin, who doesn't attend the online classes and doesn't even have the patience to learn from her mom, who has to get up bright and early and attend her own daughter's classes for her before heading off to work for an entire day
Yes, this message is filled with scorn by this point lol. Didn't start off that way tho btw.


     Thread Starter

August 6, 2021 22:29:57  #6597

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Saw some group advocating against mask mandates in schools because it's one of the causes of mental health issues in children
Look, saying this sounds controversial even to me, but if a bit of depression and panic attacks on my part can save someone's life out there, it's worth it. I'll rant, sure, but it's worth it. A week or month or year of mine that's slightly dark in exchange for someone who can live decades more, or even a few more years, yeah?


     Thread Starter

August 7, 2021 02:22:02  #6598

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yesterday I dreamt that I was Cu, and I killed Kirei with a spear.
In my defense. I wasn't the one who instigated the fight.
Anyways we have finally upturned "Lancer ga shinda!" Bravo!

Honestly though it was kinda satisfying I'm ngl
The fight animations were top quality too. 10/10 would watch again (ignore the plot hole that is technically Kirei probably can't fight Lancer one-on-one,,, lol)

For some reason I remember in the dream that there was something about it I should remember for F/DA but whatever that was, I can't remember it anymore. Ahaha.

The second dream was me rewriting Shingeki no Kyojin's. I would rate my ending over the official manga one (: but not in terms of pure quality or thematic ideas. Just for...reasons, yes.

Pretty sure I had 4 dreams. Only remember 2. Welp.


     Thread Starter

August 7, 2021 03:24:03  #6599

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know when you open a new browser window and then immediately forget why you did that


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August 7, 2021 20:27:46  #6600

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

CYXY3000H updated again.
Don't have much to say.

I want Li back. (: That is all.
Without Alexander being there too, thank you very much.


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