My color choice for this outfit looks XDDD well, the shirt looks like mustard and the coat like ketchup.
Adjfdhdjfhjdfdf "Rolling Girl"
Hmmmm five guests?????
Headcanon that on Halloween, Specter will go trick or treating with some ghost children just for fun :3c
I remember hahaha the first time I ever listened to "Spooky Scary Skeletons" I was absolutely terrified of clicking the song XD I feared what it would be like.
Turned out to become one of my favorite songs
Though I'm like that kinda???? Scared of stuff yet I often end up really liking the stuff that scares me. I remember my mom used to be o.o by that attitude of mine when younger >:D in which I'd see or play something that made me afraid (I've always been a bit of a scaredy-cat ok) and then I'd be like "dO IT AGAIN"
I'm almost done with the coloring part of the drawing but I have no idea of how I'm going to shade the hair when I do so.
Probably will try a special layer and shade everything with black. Should have to try it first though.
Seriously though it'd be a pain to shade every single part of the hair by hand by matching the colors tbh. That's the problem with color-fade hair XD
Ok really why are there so many guests
TFW your brain randomly decides to remind you of all the cringy things you have said in chat
Ok and not even all of them xD my memory ain't that good.
Hey uhhh I feel watched with the guests just kinda there XDDDD
Here, this is my progress for tonight! I'm stopping there because if I do start with the shading, I'm probably going to sleep too late.
I don't like to leave work things half-done. Yeah, surprising from me, right?
I've been toying around with effects tbh though in the end I used only an airbrush for the hair fade. I had a bit of a hard time doing the freckles? And they're not visible smh. Anyways I put a little more effort on the eyes. So yep there's a new kind of light shine in them that I'm testing out.
Well, I'm tired enough to sleep. That's surprising!!! Hehe. Too bad I'll have to wait until the next weekend to be able to finish the piece.
Ah well.
I'm about to start my very final exam and... my heart's beating so quickly and so loudly that it's bothersome and I don't feel well oof haha. My neck and chest feel fkjsdfksdf.
Anyways I'll start now.
Good luck for me Ig
Just sent in the finished exam. I got so nervous dsfkjdfskjds I just kinda winged it since I forgot literally everything. Crossing my fingers that I did decently well.
I'm not feeling too well rn :/ kinda lightheaded and my heart's still pounding. I think I'm going to rest for a while. Ghhhh.
Then I think I'll finish up those worksheets and that should be all for 8th, finally.
I'm on the verge of tears because of so many events aaaaahhhh I can't really take this for much longer. I've been trying to relax a little bit today by watching anime during my recess and it kinda worked to take my mind off the stuff Ig
It's just,,,,, I'm SO close to finishing and being done with it once and for all but the atmosphere at home rn is tense. And I can't bring myself to actually concentrate on these final tasks.
I also started my 9th grade courses today, yay! My teachers seem nice UwU. Algebra 1 looks very interesting indeed.
Also we got some of the final grades for some of my courses, and I'm about to cry over that as well because these are the lowest grades I've had in all my history as a student. Not that I flunked the tests or anything, but my performance has been rather... poor, shall we say.
I'm not very used to memorization as a means of learning, since I'm more of a visual and critical thinking person. I can't blame my grades on that but let's also say I do NOT do well with timed assignments and deadlines. They put too much stress on me.
Also my lack
of time management
Anyways I am depressed about my PE grade, since it's the lowest one out of them all. It's a C. But what can I do??? I wasn't able to complete 1/4 of the course because of an accident with my ankle and since I didn't go to an official doc's appointment we couldn't justify my not being able to exercise.
So, while I do have to admit that there was a shock to myself from changing the homeschooling curriculum and also the method for learning, I know that there's quite a bit of stuff which I'm at fault for. It's mostly that. I'm not a bad student, but I'm just not dedicated enough it seems.
I hope I can do better this 9th grade. Right now I just want to throw myself on my bed and cry for hours. School-related worries aren't the only thing weighing my mind down right now.
It is definitely a shock to me, an almost-straight-As student, to get non-A grades in the majority of their courses.
Bleep. Honestly, bleep.
The worst thing is that I actually do feel as if I learned the things I was taught. I just wasn't able to perform as well as I should've on the exams. Having quizzes every other day in all courses is what has brought down my grades tbh. Because my test results are pretty good.
Ah well, grrr I'm just venting right now. I don't think I've ever felt like this before except when I finished 5th grade. Man, that was torture.
I feel like eating a whole chocolate cake by myself right now. Too bad I can't do that haha.
Well, just don't mind me. I'll get over this feeling pretty soon. It's the best I can do!
To move on, y'know?
Anyways I'm off to suffer a little more and be done with my tasks for today.
Life can screw itself rn though lol.
This is unrelated (sort of) but my heart hasn't stopped its fast beating since noon and it's actually starting to make me feel kinda sick??? Eh whatever Ig it'll be fine.
I have obtained a smol chocolate bar.
My dad can be really nice sometimes.
*yeets self into the void*
I just need,,,, one more,,, current event,,,,
But heckity heck how am I supposed to find anything if literally everything on the news right now is about the COVID-19 and I don't want to write about that yet again.
My inability to concentrate on classwork whenever I'm on a device with free internet access strikes again!!!
I had a mental image of myself in that IQ which is about being in a dark room and starting to shake violently and then lighting up because you ate a glowstick.
Don't ask xD
Yes I'm still missing one current event, but I did finish my science news article report.
I only have to,,, give the presentation,,,,
Also I probably shouldn't be here anyways. I have no business on the family computer rn lol. Probs gonna leave in a bit.
Idk what I did but I think I messed up Chrome? Because now it won't open or load so I got the computer stuck in IE hehehehehe :'-)