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July 7, 2021 17:24:05  #2461

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

While continuing to avoid doing actual work, I'm headcanoning how Huyao Xiao Hongniang Rai would be like.
It's kinda fun, tbh, mostly because of the themes. Themes with Kiaane were already fun but it's even more so for Rai since he's my go-to themes guy. xD


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July 7, 2021 17:28:53  #2462

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

HYXHN!Rai: (*meets the Dao Meng*)
HYXHN!Rai: (*sighing intensifies*)


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July 7, 2021 17:35:13  #2463

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Actually, thinking about it, where Huyao Xiao Hongniang is rn in its donghua form, I can totally imagine Rai debuting soon xD

We just passed the arc where yaoguai are being abducted and basically killed through mind control relating to the outer-circle creature Jin Chengxi. I can totally see Rai investigating the matter.

Though, lol he's not OP enough in this universe, mostly due to lack of compatibility. Oof.
I guess the romance part would also be kinda weird. I have no idea where he'd fit in.
None of this matters though. @Xiao Xin - Do it. Add Rai. xD


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July 8, 2021 00:04:25  #2464

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have decided to rewrite Xuqiao's personality, somewhat because it helps me grasp his character but mostly because I can't actually tolerate how I wrote it in the past
Trying my hardest not to look at Rensa's form so I don't see what a hecking mess that was.


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July 8, 2021 17:17:49  #2465

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

inspiration storm; help


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July 8, 2021 23:33:30  #2466

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Drew Xuqiao and Lianhuan yay
Lianhuan needs clothing design (:


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July 9, 2021 00:38:37  #2467

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I didn't know it was possible for just drawing a character to be so nostalgic, but drawing Xuqiao is
Tbh it's slightly concerning how technically Lianhuan and Xuqiao are in a much better situation than they were 7 years ago
Little me was kinda a psycho in the sense of being merciless when it comes to angsting characters
I guess current me still kinda has that. It's a little better though.
But what's worse, doing something and not feeling bad about it at all, or doing something and feeling bad and knowing why but not changing anything about the current course of action that's resulting in the guilt?


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July 9, 2021 00:42:00  #2468

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

dfsjuiiofjdfo okay so I made Xuqiao resemble his base more (because technically they're the same character, just with different names), but now I just keep wanting to call him by his original name xD
Also slightly concerning how I don't cringe when thinking about those original names lol like I'm pretty sure they're bad. Then again, I still name people kinda the same as I did back then when it comes to Chinese names. Soooo...not so curious when it actually comes down to it, huh?


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July 9, 2021 20:22:15  #2469

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

 I started off listening to this song thinking it might be a song I can associate with Sollux but the story went off xD

This is probably a song the cover singer of "#23 Hospital Bed" would sing quite well. Just sayin' xD not to bash on the singer here. But the kiddo voice that that singer has gives me that feeling.

Anyways, posting it here because it relates to some thoughts I had in the past about Xenia and Paymon, ig. Iirc I made a post where Xenia's pretty obviously inclined towards marriage being something that lasts after death, and iirc Specter made a post in response that sounded like they did not approve (they were like "Who thinks about that while getting married?"). Or at least they just weren't in a good mood at the time xD so I didn't pursue the matter.
But yeah, I guess if Sunny were a kid in the situation the song portrays, he'd probably be kinda like the kid in the song--silent, apparently obedient, but firmly against his parent's remarriage. Or at least, one that happens so quickly. But while the parent re-marries he's there at the marriage ceremony, wallowing in his own sorrows.
I think once he grows up a little more he understands why the re-marrying happened, but he'll still never see the step-parent as an actual parent. Probably a friend at most.

In my interpretations, the story in the song is pretty tragic. I see it as the dad having quickly married the new "mom" for money after the child's actual mom died. Part of my mind actually sees it as the death of the original mom having actually been caused by the father, but I'm trying really hard to not let my mind wander there because that's dark in an unjustified way, lol.
I guess one could also just interpret it as the father just re-marrying, but it's implied that the marriage happened quickly after his original wife's death. And it seems like he didn't consider his child's opinion on it, since a lot of the song has her being alone. I'm just trying not to think of him as a total scumbag, since at least he didn't abandon his daughter. So yeah.
I wonder if Paymon would re-marry if only Xenia died? I guess I haven't seen any characterization of him yet, but still.


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July 10, 2021 01:11:34  #2470

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sketched Forum!Galaxian
About to give up on the saying "He doesn't look like GGaD!Galaxian that much!"


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July 10, 2021 01:28:25  #2471

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hating sketches of Forum!Galaxian is going to become a recurring joke


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July 10, 2021 02:42:49  #2472

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I say that for Kiaane my inspiration is limitless, but inspiration doesn't mean anything when it doesn't have enough fuel/brain cells as backup xD
I don't know what their NP is. xD Will need more thought.
I have a better idea for Rider, which is saying lots.
Also have no idea what Berserker's is, but even that is easier than Saber's atm.
Ah well.


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July 10, 2021 02:44:42  #2473

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I did solidify Fate!Kiaane's pronouns, though! So here are the three worlds where they're in (where y'all know of :-P or maybe don't idk) and the pronouns and names they have their

GGaD - Kiaan/Kiaane - "they/them," "he/him" can also work, they don't care. 
HPA - Kiaane - "he/him"
Fate - Kiaane - "they/them" (when others refer to them that is)
Yayyy :D


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July 10, 2021 02:54:15  #2474

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

There's a surprising amount of roasting going on with the earlier IQs between Raez and Wiley xD and they're still accurate
If I knew how to roast in a non-offensive way (and knew more pop culture stuff in general) their interactions would involve way more references (to memes and vines), roasts, drama, and puns (and random wholesomeness too ig since Raez has a knack for that too)


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July 10, 2021 02:58:52  #2475

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley: (*joke flirting with Raez ig*)
Raez: So does that mean I can hug you?
Wiley, metaphorically screeching to a halt: What do you think (:
Raez: No? ):
Wiley: No (:


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July 10, 2021 03:09:53  #2476

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley sometimes lets Raez hug him, but only when he thinks Raez needs it, not the other way around
He doesn't, like, ever need it tbh. It's actually kinda admirable and one of the most interesting things about him for me. 
It's really hard for him to gauge when Raez needs it, though. I mean, Wiley's not bad at reading how people feel, in fact I would say he's quite good at it, but Rai and Raez are too good lol.
I think he probably asks Rai sometimes lol. Like, after Raez asks him, "Hug? (:" he looks at Rai and if Rai nods then he says "Yeah" then he hugs Raez, if not then he's like "Nah"

Even with all this, Wiley has still let Raez hug him more than Rai has; Rai's only been dragged into being hugged like once or twice and every time Raez comments how bad he is at hugging, which has given Rai an excuse to not hug.
He can say, like, "Well, I'm bad at it anyways, so why bother you with doing it?" Raez thinks that's an excuse lol.

Tbh at least Rai feels like a person. Wiley feels gangly xD like a knot of fishing wires is the way I think about it (it's overdramatic lol)


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July 10, 2021 03:18:27  #2477

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

One of the funniest things about Raez is how convoluted his actions are technically.
Like, both Wiley and him are very guarded over their food, but for Raez it does depend. (Unlike Wiley, who hoards his food like a mother bear.)

For outsiders, you aren't going to ever going to get the opportunity to steal his food. Simple as that. If you try you are getting whacked. That's why he's a True Neutral
For acquaintances, he'll make food especially for you, but he's not gonna share food that was meant for himself no matter what.
For friends, he's willing to share, but Do Not Ask Him for His Food. Wait for him to share. Or else you're not getting any.
In addition, for friends, if you (manage to) steal his food, "Hello Darkness my old friend" plays in the background while he stares off in the distance in extreme disappointment, but you don't get whacked for the time being. If there is ever a time that you and him are no longer friends and there's a reason for him to whack you, though, he's gonna whack you harder than he was originally going to, if that makes sense.

And if you're his crush and you steal his food, you are getting dumped real soon, fren.
Hard to imagine him having a crush rn xD. And by 'dumped' I mean the other person probably liked him first. Not the other way around.
Though who knows? Right now Raez just doesn't care is all.


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July 10, 2021 13:50:54  #2478

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how I called Wiley a knot of wires and then likened him a bear, which is very much furry
Lol what is consistency


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July 11, 2021 23:17:44  #2479

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Raez likes yogurt in the container while I guess Wiley might like the stick type. He probably likes frozen yogurt more though. I guess he would also probably like the type I like the most (speaking of which I haven't had frozen yogurt in such a long time lol wow)
Rai eats the plainest yogurt lol.


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July 11, 2021 23:32:05  #2480

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's kinda stupid but even though I technically know why Helge isn't Hitan, it doesn't seem like I've been able to convince even myself that they aren't the same person
Hmm, would Helge develop a crush on Helen? Is that the difference? A good question.
At least now I write his name as "Helge" and not "Hedge" lol


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July 11, 2021 23:40:45  #2481

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh sometimes I personally feel like maybe Hitan's also confused as to why he has the crush on her, and in the past I questioned it (I always question anything's authenticity, but especially ships, and especially ships between my characters and other characters because that's how my mind be), but I've long since realized that even if we both don't know why (and I think Hitan knows why, he just sometimes get confused on it when thinking about it), it's there and we can't do anything about it, lol. And we don't really want to do anything about it.

It's kinda a similar case for Rai and Anima, except those two know much better than I do in terms of that stuff, so I don't question it at all.
I do need to think more on those two, though.
Weird that Hitan might be older than Rai in GGaD and I still feel like in this regard he knows less than Rai xD.


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July 12, 2021 00:16:30  #2482

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I found a book I haven't read yet and started reading it. I need to remember to stop every chapter lol or else I forget everything else I need to do.
Hitan's always there, too, being a bookworm with me. Quality time xD. I'm glad he's patient, since if he weren't then my reading speed would probably irritate him or something.
My mom keeps using "quality time" these days as a term so I guess I keep using it, too.
But when I say Hitan's there, the presence is really vague. He's there but not speaking xD.
I'm really starting to re-realize that I'm mostly happiest when I'm "alone," as in when people I know/like are nearby but not interacting with me (at least IRL it's this way lol), which I guess is why I'm not 50%-50% introvert and extrovert, but 51%-49% introvert and extrovert, or something like that. Tbh it feels more disjointed than that a lot of times. It's selfish, anyhow. It's like, if I'm ignoring others most of the time they should definitely ignore me most of the time too.
Anyhow, I should go re-take the Myer-Briggs personality test. Bet I've changed from that ratio.


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July 12, 2021 00:22:04  #2483

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Is it just me or did the MBTI Personality Test change some questions??


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July 12, 2021 00:27:45  #2484

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"Social events? What social events"
How extroverted and energetic must someone be to think that a lively social event is what they "need after a long, stressful week of work" anyways xD just take a nap.
I haven't taken many variations of this test for characters but iirc even Manai didn't give a big "agree" to that question, if at all


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July 12, 2021 00:31:37  #2485

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kiaane writes cryptic as all heck but they also write so well lol
I like their writing too much.
It's a good thing that the GGaD Pen Pals idea went up in flames because I can't write them in their style. Or anyone else's writing.
Nagesh's writing is also very nice but he was teasing me yesterday night


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July 12, 2021 00:35:44  #2486

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I used to periodically try to keep a journal, but now I've given up on that and find it hard to imagine any of my characters would write one.
I mean, I guess some would maybe document things, like certain witnessed events and maybe for other people. Like, maybe if they were parents they'd write stuff about their infant kids' accomplishments. But not for themselves.
The closest would be Rai, from what I can recall. He'd write some things and then immediately shred them to itty bitty pieces. That was more of a symbolic ritual than anything else, though. Most of the time he types for work and stuff. He doesn't like texting that much, and as of right now he almost never uses any texting service.
Anyways, that all was kinda to say the stuff about Rai, and also that Kiaane doesn't write in a journal.


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July 12, 2021 00:39:16  #2487

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I do write down dreams, though! I do it pretty thoroughly, so usually I hope the good dreams don't come in a row. I usually spend the entire day trying to make the memories of the dream as clear and thorough as possible, too.
I'm actually pretty imaginative if you just look at what I dream, but then again I'm also really cruel to myself in terms of that imagination. Like, a few days earlier, in the dream where I was murdered? I was murdered after a plot twist that didn't need to happen. It was a twist that ruined any happy ending, and twists like these happen all the time.
They might be kinda trite, but they're still kinda realistic, and overall, very cruel. I dunno why I think that way.


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July 12, 2021 00:41:51  #2488

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

There have been fireworks outside even though it's been a week (now) since the 4th, and for some reason every time I hear a bang my mind reminds me of the I.Q. with "Coughing, coughing, you'll end up in a coffin if you keep on coughing. / Whoa, whoa, okay, I'm stoppin'." Why? I don't know. Logic, I guess.


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July 12, 2021 00:57:53  #2489

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh I call my characters OP, but in actual combat threads they actually have too many limitations for the most part. At least, the good ones do
Thankfully due to even more limitations they can't find their way into actual combat threads yayyyy


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July 12, 2021 01:09:49  #2490

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think "Xenia and "Paymon" and immediately the (only) image my mind generates is the scene with Irisviel and Kiritsugu with her slightly rubbing her head next to his. And for some reason? This is cursed. Irisviel and Kiritsugu are a lovely couple, kinda, but also, yes. So no.
And yes, this post explains a lot. You're welcome.


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