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July 5, 2021 23:10:07  #2431

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's really hard to imagine Raez screaming lol
Tbh Wiley screaming is more like him shouting, but even shouting is hard for me to imagine for Raez
Uhhh this was not what I was going to come here to say but it's okay lol.


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July 5, 2021 23:10:41  #2432

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm trying to imagine whether dying young is overrated or not, and I swear this isn't personal or off-topic


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July 5, 2021 23:11:03  #2433

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Ah darn, I forgot 3 of the dying ideas I had, heck


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July 5, 2021 23:28:17  #2434

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've been singing Fate OPs to myself to try to gauge what fits the Fate AU best (because as it happens, my mind is pretty good at automatically making its own AMVs,,, you wouldn't be able to tell if I actually made them though probably) and rn I can't say for sure, but probably one of Fate/Zero's is my guess.
Something always seems off though. Maybe it's the universe's vibe xD.


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July 5, 2021 23:39:47  #2435

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how I'm literally doing this to see how the characters fit with the song, and I'm like "This has nothing to do with themes, @Brain," while my mind continues to shut down every song because "Well this doesn't fit thematically!" We're also not thinking about lyrics, @BRAIN. We're literally just thinking about visuals and vibes. No, no, stop.

I think as of right now I like "Oath Sign" and "Brave Shine" the best (in that order). I might be slightly biased due to "Oath Sign" showing Master and Servant pairs already, though, but right now the imagined visuals are probably the best from what I can feel. Anyways, "Oath Sign" is functioning more like a showcase of the characters, while "Brave Shine" is working as the action variant. Which, if one thinks about it, is kinda their original purpose...does that mean I lack imagination? Probably, lol. 


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July 5, 2021 23:46:45  #2436

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol now my mind's like "What about EDs? Huh? What about EDs?"
Listen, you won't even let me decide on one OP, so--


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July 5, 2021 23:51:25  #2437

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"Sora ha Takaku, Kaze ha Utau" is a Hitan theme song though iirc xD


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July 5, 2021 23:56:18  #2438

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's good at I do remember what my younger self was thinking, like I know I chose to ignore that certain songs were talking about romance, but now I'm severely second-guessing myself because it feels like the more I listen to them the more obvious the implications become, and those are Galaxian theme songs we're talking about here so...xD.


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July 6, 2021 00:12:44  #2439

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For the past week (few days), every time I've read about Aurora being mad I just keep thinking that she probably got angsted at some point in her past, but upon recalling everything that has gotten her mad I don't know what could have happened.
Like right now my mind thinks she got her toes run over by a cart when she was a toddler, and that's actually funny to me in various ways, but it makes little sense.


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July 6, 2021 00:45:31  #2440

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Dude idk myself

I just think she need to take some anger management classes

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 6, 2021 00:52:31  #2441

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Time to do some character dev hehehe~


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July 6, 2021 14:31:51  #2442

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason my mind keeps reiterating that GGaD!Galaxian is a "partial immortal"
Like yeah dude I know
Haha the irony

The real question @mind is what Forum!Galaxian is lol


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July 6, 2021 14:32:16  #2443

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I technically need to find a ref for Xuqiao but I don't really feel like it, mostly 'cause it's been at least 2 years (:


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July 6, 2021 14:39:48  #2444

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Trying so hard to decide whether he should have actual bangs, and if so, should he have the signature center-bangs that GGaD!Galaxian has (and YS!Galaxian too,,, I don't think Forum!Galaxian or Among Us Galaxian have those lol) because his prototype (Galaxian's prototype) had them but now I'm not sure lol
I know Lianhuan doesn't but his brother? Hmmmm


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July 6, 2021 14:47:11  #2445

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay so I finished updating the F/GO document I had (turns out taking a one or two-day break does help) to see how much progress I'd done on the Fate AU characters I have, and surprising no one, Rider and Berserker need a heck lot more of new dev xD
My biggest question, however, is why April me decided to sass present me on a planning/game headcanons document. I mean I'm amused and not gonna complain about it, I just wanna know xD


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July 6, 2021 14:49:33  #2446

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Heck heck heck I almost forgot to post a headcanon I've been keeping in my head purposefully since last night xD lemme type it down. Hold on please.


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July 6, 2021 14:54:35  #2447

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay, so essentially the headcanon was that Sollux did her homework by candlelight up until recently (somewhat recently is what I mean) because she didn't know other kids didn't, like, y'know, do that, until recently.
She heard about (*insert convenient conversation about light bulbs and electricity here*), I guess!
The thing was, when she was really young, Sunny tried out electricity once, but he couldn't figure out how to pay for it. So the electricity was cut and he stuck to fire magic ever since.
Tbh he can barely buy groceries lol. But at least he can, since he buys groceries and candles to go with 'em. But I guess now Sollux knows how to pay the electricity bills, so she does it for him. Because of her paying bills for them, I think she knows all their credit card numbers, Social Security, and/or whatever the heck else is needed for paying stuff in their world. Yay responsibility.
Sunny's terrible with technology in the Fate world, lol. R.I.P. him.

The ironic thing here is that other versions of Sunny hate candles and are good with money xD.


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July 6, 2021 18:25:34  #2448

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why am I giving Helge powers that I am too big dumb to figure out even now
It's okay when I'm telling but he's too smart lol I won't be able to characterize his fights correctly smh


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July 6, 2021 19:47:15  #2449

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yay after an hour of scouring through the free trial of heck (the upstairs) again, I hath found it :3
One lifetime I'm gonna redo all my past sketches that I want to redo but for now I'm just going to be myself (lazy)
Lol somehow my third sketch of Time was worse than the first. I swear I go back in progress and none of y'all point it out, which I despise :-P


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July 6, 2021 19:50:33  #2450

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's been funnier than cringe because at one point I found the prototype design for Raez and immediately Wiley started yelling at the shipping part of my brain "YOU JUST WANT ME TO GET ARRESTED DON'T YOU"
The reason for him yelling this was because at the time I drew everyone like they were 14 and Raez actually looked more 12 than 14. Which isn't such a big difference but that does make it even more illegal
Anyways I definitely like his current design better, but I should probably take one part from his prototype design (because I like it and forgot about it lol) since it's (*enter Ryuunosuke Uryuu voice*) COOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL


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July 6, 2021 19:59:29  #2451

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The sketchbook tour experience is also fun/interesting because a lot of the time for older art I have no idea who anyone is :') so I have to guess.
I can usually guess for Galaxian but it gets harder for anyone else. Like I guessed a handsome dude was Rai xD because of the hairstyle but I have no idea if he actually exists. Ah well, he's Rai now.
Also, I forgot I drew an older Lianhuan xD little guy's gonna grow up (at some point...) to be handsomeeeeee
He also kinda looks like a flirt in that picture. Oh no xD


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July 6, 2021 20:01:05  #2452

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I also found a sketch of Wiley with freckles and OW my eyes :')
Lol that one was from Valentine's Day, which is funny. His hair was also surprisingly ruly from the looks of it lol.
It might've been for CC!him idk.
Lol me trying with all my might to make him avoid the sun in any verse because I don't want him to actually get freckles.


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July 6, 2021 20:03:32  #2453

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I also drew refs for some characters in the past, which is like...really nice. Not sarcasm, btw xD. It's genuinely nice. Like now I can't do refs xD. I can try, but I can't.
I'll have to source some character designs from those references, which is both kinda exciting and also terrifying. But yay!
I don't have one for Xuqiao, though. Oof. Gotta make him a design.


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July 7, 2021 03:43:30  #2454

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

A'right, I'm about to go to bed, but I need to say two things (or three? idk) before I go because, uh, my mind won't let me fall asleep otherwise.

One, for some reason, my mind's telling me that maybe it'd be better to put the roleplaying categories as "Archived" and "Ongoing" instead of "Public" and "Private." I personally think this is probably horrible in terms of being an idea, but the logic it's providing is that 1) It'd restore more of a before-feel, like when we used to mark threads as public or private, and 2) Maybe mixing the two together would make for more participation. However, I personally feel like it might be an unneeded hassle, and also I feel like lack of participation in public threads is due to forum inactivity in terms of roleplayers, not how posts are structured. So, this idea is unlikely to be put into any sort of action unless a really good point is brought up for it, but for now I'm just putting it here in case I get one such idea in the future.


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July 7, 2021 03:51:15  #2455

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Two, I did a drawing of Xuqiao. Ignoring how he somehow looks slightly like Kiaane to me (it might be due to a little bit of a stylistic shift I keep doing in recent drawings for the Fate AU), I'm actually very happy with how he looks. Like, I keep getting worried that I can't live up to saying that he looks handsome and whatnot despite being around 15 or so, but he looks pretty handsome to me, I dunno xD. I think I just have fears regarding designing Chinese characters first of all and then even more fear when it comes to Galaxian-related characters, like Xuqiao (who's technically a revamp of GGaD!Galaxian's base). But honestly I can't see much of a resemblance between Xuqiao and Galaxian atm, which hopefully means that Xuqiao resembles his base more than the character who...also followed that base? I don't know how to explain it well.
For Chinese characters, I'm always very worried about these aspects: 1) Distinctions, 2) Culture, 3) Efficacy. And so right now I think I've proven that I can make all three work, somewhat. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement, but at least I'm not just stuck at one point like I feared, right? I do have to continue keeping the concerns in mind so I can try to avoid them.
Well, the gist of this point is that I have a part of his design, which leads to the following points:

2.5) It's not his entire design. That will need work. 
2.75) It's not necessarily his Fate design, and even if it were, it may not be Class-suited. I definitely will need to keep an eye on the class needed.

3) I have many drawing ideas, but three things I do need to get down for now are: 
 1. A drawing of Ambryll, likely a sketch without color on paper or a colored sketch digitally;
 2. A colored drawing of Forum!Galaxian, preferably on paper;
 3. Xuqiao and Lianhuan. Hopefully with outfit designs for both of them, but I'm more concerned about Xuqiao's outfit than Lianhuan's. I do expect facial and hairstyle design for Lianhuan, however. And this needs to be fluff, Galaxian. Not angst. The point of view should be fairly frontal for both of them, but especially for Xuqiao.


Last edited by GalaxianExplosion (July 7, 2021 03:51:29)

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July 7, 2021 03:51:54  #2456

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Personally I think mixing the two categories together might make it harder to find threads, like it'll get messy or something. Idk tho, I'm bad at imagining layouts and structures so

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 7, 2021 03:55:50  #2457

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Aaaand that's a wrap. I'm pretty intent on trying to work more on Xuqiao and Rensa before I work on Saber. For all I know, my motivation regarding Saber is limitless. Hopefully it's so, or else when I get to them it's gonna suck xD.
It's not like I'm demotivated on Xuqiao and Rensa, by the way. It's just that for them, motivation is manual. So I need to think about them on purpose. I can't really classify my motivation for Helge, Ambryll, and Sunny for now, but I think it's a little bit different. Anyhow, I love them both so it's not like I don't want to do this. I just hope I can do them justice.

Oh, and one more thing--need to re-read the entire Kiaane and Martin thread again. Yay, reading! Anyways, the problem is I might have forgotten some points again. I need to reconnect to make sure what I'm thinking for the next POV is correct.
And that's it. Good night, whoever's still on.


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July 7, 2021 15:35:12  #2458

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Just realized the thread starts off with irony because it implies that Martin is the only Thaohal with nothing to do but then again now Kiaane's just chilling in the kitchen with him like:


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July 7, 2021 15:36:59  #2459

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love Kiaane because xD they're so clueless, I literally am imagining Elio and Aereon being under the table instead of Martin and they're like "whatever" and just do whatever they do


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July 7, 2021 15:43:24  #2460

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I hope there's some follow-up to this thread where Martin is able to see what Kiaane did to those pebbles and Kiaane is, like, proud inside.


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