"Unless you wanted to look for the grapes first that much," he adds, looking at them with his wide eyes. His gaze looks so clueless. He's actually probably not, though.
Silence isn't sure how to react.
"Uh, um, what ever you wanna do first is a-okay with me!" Silence grinned, giving a thumbs up. They mentally cringed inside at their inability to be persuasive when it comes to talking to children.
This child is also stubborn as heck and enjoys debating. It's better to just not start on attempts regarding persuasion.
"So we're going to look for the meat on the stick first, right?" he asks to affirm.
"If that's what you wanna do," Silence nodded, sweat dropping.
"Okay, then let's do that," Galaxian says with a soldier-like nod. He glances around--at the rest of the drop/roll down, the patch of forest following that, and then the way up the hill and back into the forest they were in before. And then he looks again at the sides, which look slightly ominous in their emptiness. One would wonder how these "hills" were formed.
Silence said, stretching a bit, "Hm... We would have to go back to the direction we came from... how you think we should accomplish that?"
The narrator's been spending the past week(+) trying to drop-kick some sense into this little stupendously unaware god, please pardon the long response time needed.
"We do this!" he exclaims.
But of course, being a little stupendously unaware god, he's not going to suddenly just be aware of things because the narrator stuffed some sense into him and avoided a "We walk!" response, which is not only an incredibly impractical response but also an incredibly inconsiderate one.
Instead, he's gonna continue to be inconsiderate. By which, the narrator means he just teleported Silence (and himself) in the direction he'd indicated before. Being him, he has a good idea where the city might approximately be, and being a frequent teleporter and wanderer, he's probably at least aimed the target location at the edges of the city, meaning he's made a good guess.
But of course, this teleportation was done without warning, and it's not like teleportation is fun for everyone. For some, it might even cause nausea and effects like that, even though Galaxian's teleportation is very concise.
Why is he like this??
Gods, what a mood ngl.
Silence has been through way worse, so the effects of the teleportation are more than likely little to nonexistent. Even if it did effect Silence, they would toughen through it and not complain too much (unless Galaxian gave them a huge reason to be super annoying).
They were a bit startled by being suddenly yeeted into an action they were unaware would happen, so the look of surprise definitely was on Silence's face.
Galaxian acts like he has no empathy and instead just first checks the surroundings to see if he calculated correctly. When he figures out wherever they are (scene description duties are up to the other narrator, (: ), he beams with pride.
They ended up in where the city begins, in the outskirts of it. Not many people are around, and no one really seems to care about their sudden appearance in the scene.
"Huh," Silence said in a bit of a daze. They snapped out of it quickly and said, "That was cool!"
Perfect, as things always should be!
"Yeah!" he agrees, still looking around.
Yay! Plot convenience! :D!
Silence looked around as well. In the area they're in, there's mostly large fields of short, dry grass and a lot of trees, and some roads leading in before buildings start. To the right an ocean can be heard, and if Galaxian looked there, he could see a large beach a bit away.
The closest buildings were large houses, but they very quickly lead to small businesses, to hotels, to apartments, and led on to larger city stuff. The Narrator lives in a small town so they're doing their best with describing. They have no idea what an actual large city looks like around the outside and leading in lmao.
"Ah, I know this place pretty well! I-i-r-c, we're around the south-west portion, a bit more near the south. We're, like, pretty close to some shopping districts, although the most around this area are hotels and stuff 'cause of the beach."
(This thread is making me miss walking around downtown Denver lol)
"So how far are we from where you were before? Can you judge that just from here?" Galaxian inquires curiously.
"Hm, let's see... where I was before was... More, like, towards the middle. I can't remember exactly which direction I was coming in from, though," Silence said, thinking hard.
"Oh, so we just go towards the middle and walk in a smaller circle, then," Galaxian concludes, somewhat intelligently (for once).
"Yeppers! Super easy, yea? A lotta walkin', though. This city's pretty big. Are you sure you can walk for that long?"
Since Galaxian looks like a little kid, Silence is concerned if Galaxian could walk that far because, well, kids don't walk very far or at least for a long time without getting tired. Usually. The Narrator knows Galaxian would be able to walk that and even further, but Silence sure doesn't lmao.
"I can walk," he informs, "but your stomach was being really growly earlier," he adds, "so technically that means you can't walk that far, or you're going to be really hungry by the time we actually get there and try to find the vendor."
Oh look! Look who's being considerate! Finally!
"I'll be fine, I'm super strong," Silence smiled. They flexed their arm in a childish way, trying to be funny in hopes that Galaxian would laugh. "Plus, could be way worse."
Galaxian's a little bit different from mortal kids, so that means he sometimes doesn't know when something's supposed to be funny. Now's one of those times--but he does smile because they're smiling, and also because a smile means people are more likely to listen to him. The narrator swears, that isn't as manipulative as they're making it sound. It's more like, uh, he usually wants the best for those around him, and so he hopes they'll listen by him being more approachable.
Y'know, yeah, they're overcomplicating this. Anyways--
"But why make it harder on you if we don't have to?" he inquires. "Being hungry might hurt your stomach. If you're going to have times where you're hungry, and therefore more times where your stomach might be hurt, then I should be trying to make this process as succinct as possible, right?"
Yeah, usually other kids aren't as bossy as him, and nor do they use so many big words out of the blue like he does on a daily basis.
Silence blanks out because they're trying to figure out what "succinct" means. As well, they don't quite know how to respond.
In a very confused tone with an equally confused expression, Silence 'replies' with, "...Yeet?"
Very helpful.
"Glad you agree!" he exclaims as he beams.
Oh, he heard "yeet" as "yes." Oopsie. I guess facial reading means nothing as soon as he hears any type of affirmation.
Anyways, he just grabbed their arm (thankfully, loosely). They have an incredibly limited time to specify that they're confused. That's to say, they're teleporting within around two seconds.
"Huh? Wait? What are we doing?"
"We're going to make the process more succinct!" he clarifies as his entirely black eye gains some silvery strands within it, as if trying to clarify the shape of a vortex. This is, of course, probably not a very noticeable detail, however, considering the circumstances.
"Succinct? We're what???"
"We're going to go closer to the center!" he clarifies again. And with that, they teleport again.
Y'know, the nice thing about this is that the more you teleport with Galaxian, the more you grow accustomed to it. In fact, the acclimation comes very quickly, almost so quickly that it's peculiar once one considers it more.
Silence just goes along with it because, well, it's not like they can do anything. Well, tbh, they probably could, but they don't want to come off as mean or rude. So they just go along with it.
(Sorry, for some reason threads with you keep getting targeted when tabs close randomly lol)
Or uncommonsensical, one would suppose.
Well, now they're closer to the center! Are descriptions from the narrator here needed?
(oh RIP)
Well, there are a lot of people. Anyone that saw the two suddenly appear don't really seem to care much, too busy with their own lives to stop and stare. To be honest, they have seen weirder things and happenings. There are also a lot of tall buildings, obviously. There's the smell of food nearby, but it's not that easy to smell with all the other aromas nearby. The buildings around them seem to be businesses, a large mall nearby, and other sorts of stuff like that.
It's a bit loud around the two, but Silence doesn't seemed bothered. Most than likely, they are used to such noise as they have lived in multiple cities throughout their life.
"Oh, coolio! We're, like, totally close, huh."
Silence grinned, happy to be surrounded by so many people at once. It was very nice to them.
It takes Galaxian a little bit to respond. For the five seconds or so that he pauses, it looks like he's busy biting his lip, or whatever.
"Okay, that's nice to hear," he says before looking up at Silence expectantly, like a puppy, probably expecting that they'll lead the way.
Bruh, and you were being so bossy less than ten seconds ago.
Silence noticed Galaxian biting his lip, and they noticed the pause. They wondered if he didn't enjoy crowds too much and then felt a pang of guilt because it's a bit their fault the two of them are in a crowd. Stupid hunger!
"Okay, kiddo, hm."
They think for a second before offering their hand for Galaxian to hold.
"Firstly, we can't have ya get lost, okay? If ya don't wanna hold my hand, you can, like, hold the cloth on my arm."
Said cloth is that transparent, black part sleeve attached to Silence's arm. It's puffy and kinda looks like a veil.
"Or if you don't want to do either, that's fine too and pretty understandable."
Their Older Sibling Mode is Activated.
Last edited by Echo (June 29, 2021 23:21:03)