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June 10, 2021 00:29:33  #6211

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lianmei would fit so well into this world tbh
That is. Not a good thing.

Okay but the protagonist here is much smarter than Lianmei ever was lol
Haha yes I will always take any opportunity to ridicule Lianmei



June 10, 2021 00:33:51  #6212

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Get murdered by your younger sister and want revenge? Simple! Just steal her crush. By emotionally manipulating him.


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 00:34:57  #6213

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay, but rip Oscar, tbh, he's really soft as a person and that's being exploited to the fullest rip
Nothing's his fault either, I think. Oof


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 00:41:48  #6214

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The "mysterious family"'s head is obvious as heck, or at least it seems obvious as heck idk lol


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 00:43:33  #6215

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I wonder if Aria will go a similar route as Zhuofan


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 03:56:24  #6216

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh I don't know if her name is Aria or Aniya
This bothers me more than it should


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 17:58:19  #6217

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

OwO Salad's wedding OwO
Lol Aria needs more character dev, or one day her mental health is gonna crash
Also she needs to actually work on the skills that others say she has. She has a lil but not enough


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 19:20:54  #6218

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Romance is always the answer
Jk, but at least it seems to be helping
I still dunno what her name actually is.
Also, I'm like pretty sure the male protagonist's name is Astolfo ahahaha


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 19:27:49  #6219

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For me rolling on the F/GO gacha means trusting that the Throne of Heroes will always know what is best for me
I mean so far it's worked out really well.
I honestly needed William Tell lol I'm ngl. My supports would really be good for him. And I wasn't too inclined to use Euryale for some reason.

I got Lu Bu for the first time. For me he might as well be a SSR lol I've been playing for months and have never gotten him now the Traitor (TM) is here
I guess the Throne of Heroes thinks I have enough Servants to restrain him now, if he ever tries to murder me. Unlike the most unruly of Heroic Spirits it's canon that he doesn't like me so looool 
This guy killed both of his foster fathers lol, for his own benefit. But as a single-target Berserker I needed him a heck more than I needed Arjuna Alter and for that I am grateful to the Throne of Heroes. I think Karna has blessed me
Also we talked about how Karna is never coming himself so yeah I didn't bother to wait until he had a rate-up too
Btw I dreamt I got BB too so rip chances of ever getting her lolol

CE-wise, I also got a 5-star CE that's worse than Formalcraft
So I guess I might be able to burn that and get a rare prism or something :3 or more mana prisms? Idk what I'll get by burning it
I also got a Buster boosting CE. It's a really good one.
And I also got the CE that gives 8% NP per turn. I'm not sure if I'll ever use it but I'm sure that's a really good CE tbh lol
I think I got like the Necromancy CE too but I just burned that because honestly a "chance" is not good enough for me, and also Guts doesn't matter that much to me I think
I have good CE luck! Thank you Throne of Heroes (gacha gods?)


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 19:31:11  #6220

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay but like in a single summon I got like 5 4-star CEs, one 5-star CE, and also Not Nightingale (TM) (the guy who the gods literally thought was too powerful, Asclepius), so my luck is pretty on-point imo
I mean tbh I really wanted healers and this guy fits the job so yes
I love the Throne of Heroes, thank you Throne of Heroes


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 19:45:40  #6221

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The Camelot Singularity is literally just me fighting certain Knights while bringing along Tristan and Swimsuit Artoria because I feel like it's funny to watch people getting pew-pewed in the face by their water gun wielding king as well as the guy who's supposed to be on their side only
And Mashu smashu with her shield too.


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 22:08:04  #6222

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rn my mood is fun because I looked back at a website I mad in 2018 about the Syrian Genocide, but searching up the leader of Syria (one of the perpetrators of the genocide) now, he's still in office, and won the last term by a 95% majority


     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 23:15:13  #6223

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lol one of my uncles outed another one
I'd asked the other one if he was still smoking and he said "No" but I could swear he was lying.
Turns out I can read people even if we talk like once per year
Lol my mom asked the first uncle if the other one had quit smoking and he went, with 100% certainty, "No."
Lmiao I mean @other uncle it's not my lungs, it's yours, your wife's, your children's, and my grandfather's
(along with many other organs)


     Thread Starter

June 11, 2021 19:39:16  #6224

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Bruh so in Huyao Xiao Hongniang's game, Rongrong is like F/GO's Asclepius?
I guess the healing is probably tamed down more though


     Thread Starter

June 12, 2021 00:20:31  #6225

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Chuan Yue Xi Yuan 3000 Hou updated again
I gotta say, I have to thank Akuma for helping me practice with hating one face and loving the other, even though they are basically the same face
Somehow coupled with

Yamanla's possession, I hate Yali Shanda's stupid face even more. I am filled with loathing upon sighting it.
Even though yes, Yali Shanda is technically in Li's body, so technically this is Yamanla possessing Yali Shanda to control Li's body, but listen, Li is only Li with tied hair, otherwise it ain't Li, so it's actually Yali Shanda's stupid hair face
I'm pretty sure Yali Shanda just tried to mind control Yaoyao too so frick him
And yes I know that was actually Yamanla trying to mind control Yaoyao via Yali Shanda but still frick him. Frick her too. Heck both of them
Idk where plot is going tbh loool but I knew Yaoyao was gonna get dragged into it at some point
Once again, Windsky has failed to tell Yaoyao "if some pretty guy with white hair and weird orange eyes comes up to you, don't listen to him, he sprouts bullcrap." Because Li literally told him that wasn't him? Bruh.


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June 12, 2021 00:23:14  #6226

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know why I'm filled with loathing even more?


Lol remember when I didn't hate him

and just thought he was this weirdly naïve COUR member who was willing to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with an Earth ambassador as long as it meant peace? Yeah, same, me too. I don't.


     Thread Starter

June 12, 2021 12:16:50  #6227

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know when you fear you might be Jeanne in just the sense of getting nightmares from this...this thing.

     Thread Starter

June 12, 2021 22:57:06  #6228

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I was gonna post a long hecking rant, but no. I can actually filter most parts of it, so here I go.
One, I got my first shot for COVID-19. I hope I don't get a severe allergic reaction, and if I do, I hope I can get an ambulance in time and that they don't do the thing where they're like "They're gonna die anyways, why bother." Yay.
But mostly for side effects, it's just soreness and tiredness. I have no idea if there's actually anything else.

Two. Here's the important part. 
Please, if any of y'all ever recruit someone to labor for you for seven hours under the scorching hot Colorado sun (also known as just...the Sun during the Colorado summer, which would be more accurate in terms of sayings go) during noon, which happens to be when the Sun is the hottest as well as lunch time, then please at least do these things: 1) Either buy lunch or give her time to buy herself lunch, instead of presuming she can survive off of water even though she ate breakfast at 6 in the morning, and 2) If you're going to presume she and her child can just eat water for lunch, then please remember that water means that people need to use the bathroom...????????
Instead, the guy who had my mom help him do very tiring things for free under the scorching hot Colorado sun for seven hours without lunch bought us ice cream. For less than 4 dollars, including tax. Yes.
Did I mention my mom helped him for free??????
I ate 3 ice cream bars for "lunch." So did my mom. I had it much better. She was the one toiling for seven freaking hours on an empty stomach. I woke up later and also did just about nothing because I was literally there out of paranoia. (Look, this experience has taught me, paranoia on my end is good and reasonable.)
But even so, my stomach is screwed up, my head hurts, my arm hurts, my body hates me. But mostly I am disappointed and in mental agony for reasons I will list in my third "paragraph," which you probably shouldn't read because I don't want to get y'all upset (too upset).
Anyways, please, even if you're someone who doesn't like using money, either chop your freaking trees down yourself or them lunch. It's literally the least you can do. Buy them a freaking pizza or something, that's like just 2 dollars more here and actually a lunch. We're not gonna talk about how someone bought the ice cream way past normal lunch time too, by the way.
Also, you think I'm gonna let my mom have a "next time"???? My dude, I love the way you think.
No, I'm not gonna let my mom go back there to "help you 'support the ladder' while 'you chop down trees'." Did I mention that this time, she spent like 98% of the time doing much more menial tasks than just holding the ladder in place? Ahaha, cute.
Please, there's a certain degree of lack of generosity where it's too much. We understand if you're a bit penny-pinching. But like, I'm pretty sure this is just against human rights to some extent, and definitely how friends should treat each other.
Next part incoming. Again, please don't read.


     Thread Starter

June 12, 2021 23:02:52  #6229

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Long hecking rant," I say like I didn't just post two parts of a long hecking rant
Sorry, this was supposed to be the last part, but lol I need to go try to stomach dinner down now. I drank soup and my body still spites me but this is a relationship where I need to try a lil harder on my end


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 19:22:57  #6230

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You know how I said "Li is only Li with tied hair"

L,,, lol

Tbh at first I wasn't exactly sure if I was right on this being Li, since I have no idea which chapter's cover art this was and as such I dunno if Yali Shanda actually debuted already by the time this cover art appeared, but I think the trick is actually to look at the bangs. Li's bangs go towards the viewer's right (his left), while Yali Shanda's go towards the viewer's left (his right).
The weird thing about this, however, is that during the chapters where

Yali Shanda pretended to be nice, or idk what the heck he was doing, maybe he wasn't so screwed up in his past? This is not clarified completely as of right now,

his bangs also went towards the viewer's right (his left). The possibility also exists that the authors just weren't sure whether or not to make Yali Shanda and Li's bangs identical or not in the directional sense, but I prefer to think about it in the "If the bangs go towards their left, it means they're nice" way, which is honestly a stupid way to think about it but whatever lol


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 20:01:00  #6231

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For all I say about

hating Yali Shanda, I actually mean that I hate the current him. Past him is...up to debate.
That's because I don't know if past him was genuinely nice in some way or a true fake.

I guess for me, the greatest distinction between Li and current(?) Yali Shanda is not their honesty, but their motives.
Well, as y'all probably know, Li's one of my favorite characters, as is Run. And neither of them are really honest.
Run is kind of dishonest. His smile might be fake, as are his words. For Li, I think it's a little different. To say his entire personality is "fake" is probably wrong (as would be the case for Run, I imagine). For him, it feels more like he's acting along with what he's seen works. A perpetual smile works, so he smiles almost perpetually. But the nice thing about him and honesty is that he doesn't smile perpetually. There are times where when he lacks reason to smile, he doesn't. But when he doesn't have reason to not smile, he does. It feels like some important distinction. I doubt I would like someone who always smiles, constantly, without regard to the circumstances.
Anyways, that's not the important part for Li and Run. The most important part is that while their conduct usually might have superficial elements to it, their caring for their close ones isn't fake. I guess for me, that's the most important part.
Li genuinely cared about his students and his friends. Li genuinely cares about his friends. Run's motives obviously stem from his caring. I think that Li's do as well, and both of those motives are thus respectable.
Meanwhile, for Yali's not like his ultimate motive is deplorable at its roots. At all.

His motives are stated plainly--he wants to prevent the destruction of the human race and the Earth by the hands of those with the demonic seal. It's the way that he's currently gone about it that are extremely problematic, and those that make him an anti-hero.
He's tried to kill those with a demonic seal, manipulated the "children of demons" to pit them against each other for his purposes, twisted the mindset of an already emotionally twisted girl further so she could aid his cause, and as such was responsible for what those people did. Mass killing, plant possessions, child experiments...the list goes on. Not to mention, he has his own committed atrocities to take responsibility for behind all of that. Possession of someone's body, attempted destruction of that someone's existence, changing of history...the list goes on.

But technically, we, the readers, don't know if all that Yali Shanda has done in the present time were "means" for his motive before his death--the same means that make his methods despicable now. 
For him in the past, we know that his sources are the same.

He's an incarnation of Yamanla who's since separated from her, who wants to work against her and for humanity.

But what did he want to do before

his death? Would past him have really wanted to just do the simplistic means of "killing all those with the demonic seals" to achieve his goals?
Because that's unclear. We see him doing more things that would have been extraneous to those means. He established COUR and moved humanity to Mars. He made horrible decisions as to membership requirements for COUR. Seriously. He constructed a "vessel" in case he died. But he didn't declare war on Earth, where those with demonic seals resided. (Speaking of which, I wonder if there are "children of demons" on Mars? If not, interesting.) In fact, he welcomed the peace ambassador from Earth with open arms.

It's not to say that all of this could've just been an equally deplorable but more complicated way of getting to his endpoint, but for now, it doesn't make sense.  
Well, then, if past him was truly a hero, rather than an anti-hero, then many questions will need to be answered.

How did he plan on achieving his goals? is the biggest question. But other questions include: Why did he construct a vessel? Would he have treated his vessel differently compared to now? How great was Yamanla's influence on him?

Technically, all of this is being questioned because it's said that Li "is" Yali Shanda. I wholeheartedly reject that idea as of the moment, but what if in his past, Yali Shanda truly was essentially Li--a truly caring and intelligent man who, instead of seeking to eliminate all those with the demonic seal, instead aimed to cure them of their seals, perhaps by attempting time travel back to the time of Yamanla and erasing the causes of the seals themselves? Whose mind has been twisted since his resurrection due to the influence of someone else, not himself, who has been trying to usurp his existence?
Many questions need to be answered, but until they are, I cannot say that I hate someone I don't understand completely yet.


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 20:05:01  #6232

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I just realized that if Li dies, he'll have died even earlier than the 20th century Gold Saints, who were all 20 at least. Li's 19, probably freshly 19 tbh, though I dunno how aging works in the world. (Same for SS. No idea if people like Mu were 20 at death or at their debut. Seems like a good distinction to be made,,,)
Oh boy. That's horrible to think about.
Lol if he dies I'll be like, through tears, "Lol imagine dying earlier than a Gold Saint in Saint Seiya"


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 21:56:31  #6233

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My computer keeps closing whenever battery goes beyond  (lesser than) 15% lol help


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:05:04  #6234

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Darn I forgot to talk about this

I did Mordred's and Tristan's boss battles yesterday (:
I 5-turned Mordred with her watergun-wielding father, Smashu Mashu, and...(*struggles to think of a nickname*) the guy who puts on his mask just to take it off again during his NP (I still love him)
I feel like it's a bad influence to tell Mordred she can't ever actually just. Serve King Arthur sincerely. Whatever lol

For Tristan, I brought along Bedivere (for his 3rd use ever), Mashu Smashu, and a Merlin who I couldn't use the NP of (and didn't want to), mostly because Camelot team yeah. And also damage test for Bedivere's NP ig. (Spoiler alert, it's unimpressive rn tbh, oooof.)
At one point, Tristan decided to target Bedivere. This was the turn before I could use the Master Skill of healing again. And I was like "Frick frick frick~" as I watched Bedivere's health dwindle.
And then his health stopped not at 0 health, but at 4. And then I could heal him and then use his Noble Phantasm.
You know, emotional battle moments xD. I see it as in "canon," Tristan was acting entirely off of his Gift and attacking Bedivere like he said he would, but that little part of him, the part that's actually him, lowered his attack just enough to not kill Bedivere. And if that's not touching idk what is.
Unfortunately, Bedi's only at level 50 and NP level 1, so I couldn't finish the battle with his NP there (and had to use Mash's taunt to avoid Tristan using his NP...I'm sorry Mashu), but on a brighter note, the battle did end dramatically. Because as soon as Mash exited, Changgong came in, and he buffed attack. And Merlin's two attack up and buster up skills also became usable that round, so I did finish the battle with Bedivere's NP.
Anyways, both battles weren't hard. Tristan's evade was much less annoying than the Hassans', since it's literally just one hit.


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:16:35  #6235

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Owwww why must band-aids be so painful to take off
(They wouldn't be if I...anyways loool it's fine)


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:19:03  #6236

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I was going to talk more about Yali Shanda but there were pictures involved that got closed after my computer did a (: so rip that ig


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:21:21  #6237

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay see, I hate it when this computer shuts off because it's incredibly hard for me to open Word again, also I usually can't get back my tabs and sometimes those tabs are threads I need to respond to


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:23:25  #6238

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Google Drive: Use another browser (: it's that easy
Me: How can I install browsers that can't be installed via the app that I have to install browsers through (: because they don't exist on the app (:

See, this just reminds me of bad experiences IRL, when you can't do something and people treat it like the reason is that you're stupid.


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 22:28:28  #6239

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Speedruns can be really fun to watch (after the experience is edited) but personally I cannot imagine ever speedrunning
Starting off, I'm not very good at games xD adding the stress of the timed thing would probably make me somehow do worse. Also my memory is not good lol I would probably forget methods and routes and stuff and fail at it anyways. Not to mention, I would probably fail at the methods and routes anyways so...why bother xD stress and inability are not a good pair.


     Thread Starter

June 13, 2021 23:46:08  #6240

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Speedruns can be really fun to watch (after the experience is edited) but personally I cannot imagine ever speedrunning
Starting off, I'm not very good at games xD adding the stress of the timed thing would probably make me somehow do worse. Also my memory is not good lol I would probably forget methods and routes and stuff and fail at it anyways. Not to mention, I would probably fail at the methods and routes anyways so...why bother xD stress and inability are not a good pair.


I too enjoy watching speedruns. I find it interesting to see all the tech and strategies they use to shave time. I'd probably enjoy speedrunning myself if 1. I liked to play games for longer than 20-minute sessions and 2. if I was willing to put in the time investment into learning how to speedrun the game. It's why I enjoy speedrunning individual levels/sections over entire games


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