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June 3, 2021 22:08:58  #2191

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Accidentally made them look like they're smiling.
Why does this always happen to me
lack of skill duh


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June 3, 2021 22:15:25  #2192

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Welp guess I can't show this
Not to mention I failed on some parts
Eh, it was just supposed to be for practice anyways. Also they don't have any clothing atm (it's not as bad as it sounds I swear, only like their chest is showing)
OwO free for all


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June 3, 2021 22:17:55  #2193

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay, ngl though, I'm pretty sure I'm happier with this design (for an AU that will never actually exist,,, literally just doing it for fun while *cough* ignoring the Fate AU lol I fear their Fate AU design *cough*) than their GGaD one, which I will have to work on at some point...never will probably I think that means.
I'm getting too attached though lol oh no


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June 3, 2021 22:22:02  #2194

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

If I have any excuse, it's that their outfit for this AU may find its way into the Fate AU,,, somehow,,, press X to doubt lol
Also, art practice. I guess. I need to get better at a lot of things, and I'm a bit less serious about this than actual existent AU yeah, it's a nice change of pace.
I really hope that I'm actually improving--looking at past sketchbooks, there have been times where my art progress actually runs backwards. So I hope that doesn't happen again. Knowing me, though, it definitely will. Haha.
Why do I do things when I lack any sort of talent tbh, I thought I was rational


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June 3, 2021 22:24:07  #2195

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wonder how they were in their basic form
Idk my mind screams "CUTE" but I can't say that without proof

Hhhhh I mean if I wanted to I could try to digitalize this,,, but I'm pretty sure my fingers would die from the digital process atm. Btw no I still do not have a stylus or a tablet lol, and any chance of digital art otherwise would've been in in-person school. Which I'm not going to? Yay.
One day.


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June 3, 2021 22:25:14  #2196

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm trying to think of abilities/powers (powers for this world probably) and tbh it's slightly surprising that they aren't as OP as I thought
That might change depending on their hypothetical role. But yay? Okay power balancing for now? What the heck is okay power balancing.


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June 3, 2021 22:27:32  #2197

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yes, I will make them beautiful (tbh I don't do anything though, they're just beautiful on their own and I ruin that beauty by depicting them with my horrid arting skills), I will make Canon Character (TM) scorn them
Canon Character (TM) doesn't actually care for beauty though.
I admire Canon Character (TM) for that.


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June 3, 2021 22:32:06  #2198

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol they look slightly androgynous, but then again, my mind always says that.
Is everyone truly androgynous or is my mind just truly, very wonked up? I'll never know.


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June 3, 2021 22:32:48  #2199

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Also does anyone else have those grammar crises, where you thought you knew grammar but after learning something in English now your mind just has to question every word and punctuation mark you'll ever write/type


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June 3, 2021 22:33:02  #2200

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Waiting for the day in which you'll post another drawing of Kiaane xD so we can admire their beauty :3

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

June 4, 2021 00:10:26  #2201

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol good luck waiting ig xD


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June 4, 2021 02:15:50  #2202

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol just thought of UBW Abridged and Assassin with Saber there and randomly switched them to Rider and Lancer (from the Fate AU) in my mind

"Who are you?" asks Lancer, readying her stance to summon for her weapon anytime.
"Well, it should be obvious from my weapon," goes the teenage boy, slightly leveling his weapon--a lance, "as to which Class I belong to." He states, "I am Lancer."
The actual Lancer does a small double take, but she tries to remain polite. Or at least, she tries to think that he's probably joking, but there's no indication of humor that she can extract from his entirely serious expression. "Ah, I see..." she goes, trying to keep herself from smiling or laughing lest it seems mocking to him.
However, whatever slipped through her expression must have been noticeable anyways, as he somehow becomes even more serious. The change in his eyes is apparent, though the change itself is very slight. He asks, "What class do you belong within?"
She considers saying something else--going along with the possibly non-existent joke, or outright lying in that case--before she decides that she can't go through with it. "I'm sorry," Lancer apologizes. "I am Lancer."
There's such a lack of change in the opposing Servant's expression that Lancer can't be sure whether he was actually joking or if he was actually convinced that he was Lancer (and thus is having an identity-related crisis). That is, until he asks: "Could you please not tell others that?"
"What?" She's slightly confused. She's seen and heard much worse, however, in terms of confusion-inducing dialogue. She never thought certain experiences could be so rewarding in any aspect.
He sighs slightly. "What I mean is...could you please not tell the other Servants of this War that you are Lancer?" He reasons, "I don't particularly feel like a Rider, so it would be preferable for the others to think of me as a Lancer instead." After a momentary pause, he adds tentatively: "Who did you tell of your class?"
Everyone. Except for Saber and Berserker, who had yet to show themselves. So she answers honestly, once again, saying her thought aloud, verbatim.
"I see," he says after pondering it a while. "Then, would you please say otherwise when meeting Saber and Berserker?"
"...I'll keep it vague," she reassures.
"Thank you," he says gratefully.



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June 4, 2021 15:26:57  #2203

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why do I always do hair lineart at 2 A.M.
@2 A.M. Me - You do realize that at 2 A.M. there aren't enough functional brain cells to keep up with your own art style, right? Or any art style?


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June 4, 2021 21:08:19  #2204

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have 12 things listed to draw...which is fine, ig, since I'll probably forget the list (even though I've written it down) in like 4 days


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June 4, 2021 21:13:19  #2205

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I do know that Kiaane's birthday is this month, which means that for their birthday present I repeatedly butcher their appearance for my own happiness ig
I have no idea what actual day it is, btw, because they also don't know. They just know the month.
Because Kiaane gets almost no action time as of right now, I think I can safely say that the birthday will not count in-roleplay. I actually dunno what month it was when Amadeus decided to commit familicide (if Kiaane is only adopted family to him, does it count as family annihilation?) so yeah I also don't know if they're actually 18 or 19 physically


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June 5, 2021 00:51:49  #2206

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

My mom, about a song: Who's singing that
Me: idk
My mom: Is whoever on the screen handsome
Me: What
My mom, heading over to see:
Me: Uh,,, no she's a kid,,, also she's...she if you get what I mean
My mom, already next to me:
My mom: They're not as pretty as them (*points at art of Kiaane*)
Me, in my mind: Well I am flattered but at the same time slightly concerned as to how old they look and how feminine they look--


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June 5, 2021 12:03:34  #2207

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's gonna take me like half a month to color this art, and by then y'all know I will have abandoned it


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June 5, 2021 21:49:12  #2208

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I read, like, 2019 writing, and the bad thing about it is that I'm not actually cringing (most of the time).
Guys, I think I've gotten worse.


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June 5, 2021 22:06:05  #2209

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I say that, but 2017 takes the limits and grinds them to the extremes of pain under its heel.
So my writing abilities haven't deteriorated back to 2017 levels. (Yet.)

I wrote "elegance" as "elegantness." Please do end 2017 me; I'd appreciate it.


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June 5, 2021 23:08:01  #2210

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like when Wiley does curse he puts on an English accent because apparently curse words get classier when one puts an English accent on while cursing???
Btw @Wiley idk where you are now but still no cursing allowed in my residence. Rai has that automatic filter still


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June 5, 2021 23:22:05  #2211

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I just remembered that Kanzaki Kaori (idk how I remembered her name; Kaori was not named Kaori when I saw her lol) reminded me a lot of Fallon when I saw her


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June 5, 2021 23:25:45  #2212

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kanzaki doesn't dress anything like any Fallon persona would though I think
I think it might be the sword idk. And the general demeanor. I did not watch much of the Toaru Majutsu no Index series so do not take my word for it please lol


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June 6, 2021 01:50:54  #2213

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sometimes I'm like "Oh no, basically all I write about is Galaxian, I've lessened writing diversity," but then I realize it's been this way ever since I joined the forums and shared writing basically


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June 6, 2021 01:58:58  #2214

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh when thinking about fighting styles, I don't think of Kiaane as being the agile, extremely tricky-to-catch sort of fighter. I mean, they are agile, but for some reason, I feel like that's not what they usually do.
I feel like they instead kinda just bomb the opponent. Or deliver an extremely strong, crippling/debilitating blow. And they can switch to being sneaky after that. But starting off really strong seems to be their way of doing things.
I said they don't mind not doing expedients, but who doesn't like expedients? I mean, excluding if one is overdramatic as heck.


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June 6, 2021 02:06:47  #2215

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm definitely missing something, though.
I think it might be the fact that my subconscious thinks of Kiaane as being quite gentle.
Then again, they weren't really meant to fight, so technically...they are?
To be honest, the starting movement likely depends on their magic/abilities. Not on physical strength.


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June 6, 2021 02:29:09  #2216

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Fate!Salieri: Be careful, Master...I am death.
Me: Dw about it Salieri, I've dealt with Death a lot and at this point can't be afraid anymore


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June 6, 2021 02:47:54  #2217

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm definitely missing something, though.
I think it might be the fact that my subconscious thinks of Kiaane as being quite gentle.
Then again, they weren't really meant to fight, so technically...they are?
To be honest, the starting movement likely depends on their magic/abilities. Not on physical strength.


Wow I really overcomplicated it


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June 6, 2021 03:31:34  #2218

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I really hope I can finish the art tomorrow and start on new art or writing afterwards...later today.
But for now I'm off to bed lol. Good night (:


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June 6, 2021 20:33:03  #2219

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The hair is done
I mean I'm gonna make a mistake no matter where I start so might as well do what I have a lil more confidence in, right?
Now onto the parts where I screw up my own art and happiness


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June 6, 2021 23:33:52  #2220

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I realize that as soon as I grow a lil more I could lift Hitan up (the only problem rn is that I'm too short)
Oh, I can feel the power within me already


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