There was a small tug on Apollo's sleeve. "..can we... not." Frances muttered quietly, he seems uncomfortable.
"Hm? Hm... Yeah, sure," Apollo shrugged. "Let's go back to the library, I need to write a... letter, anyway."
"ok...thank you" He doesn't question what the letter is for, not seeing the need to stick his nose in other people's business.
Apollo made his way back into the library.
"Can you bring me some paper?"
"of course." He left the room and quickly returned with a stack of blank sheets "I uh didn't know how many you needed so...oh I got you a pen too."
"Thank you, I believe this should be enough," Apollo smiled. He sat down on the floor, arranging some rocks on the ground. He closed his eyes and muttered. The rocks glowed for a long moment while Apollo mumbled; they stopped glowing the second he opened his eyes.
Apollo took the pen and started writing.
He said while starting his letter, "Do you write much?"
“No.” Frances replied, watching Apollo do his thing.
"You should, it's calming and exercises the mind. I quite enjoy it."
Frances wasn't sure what to say so he just nodded in acknowledgement.
"I never use big words, too formal and lengthy," Apollo said. "It's, like, super uncomfortable."
"Ah that makes sense...literature isn't really my thing. Elaine taught me a lot of what I know but I've never bothered to learn more than I already knew." More words than his last response, he seemed to have realized socialization requires him to actually talk and stuff.
Apollo nodded.
"The most I know is a high school education. Guess I'm too lazy to take college~"
" public school hard? Elli always had a private tutor who taught her everything and I don't really have much experience in a public school system.."
"Kinda. The system is pretty messed up, but I got a pretty decent education. I wasn't very popular or had many friends during that time, so I was kinda lonely." .
Apollo shrugged.
"I have pretty awesome friends now, so it's all good."
"Oh that's nice..."
"I always brought my lunch to school 'cause I hated school food. I think now I wouldn't mind it, though."
Apollo sure is a talker.
"Oh..." He's only been in school for a bit before he got turned and what he could remember of it has all been faded. "Lunch at school...I wonder what that'd be like. With so many people, it surely would've been loud?"
"Loud, crowded, very hard to find a seat."
"I could imagine... do you prefer the loudness though? You seem to be the type who likes crowds..."
Apollo did his little soft head-tilt laugh.
"To be honest, not really. I prefer smaller groups over large ones. I guess I like talking though, and I never minded the loudness 'cause it reminded me of home."
"I see..."
"I can't quite say I like pure quiet, though," Apollo added. "Ever heard of the term 'deafening silence'? I think I would go insane from sitting in a pure quiet room for more than a couple minutes!"
"Oh? I find the quiet quite calming... some time to sort out my own thoughts you know. Though it's hardly quiet when I'm around Elli. She talks a lot, about all sorts of things."
"Ah, she does seem like the talkative kind of person. Any topics you like to discuss?"
"Well usually she's the one talking, I'm more than happy to listen. She rants a lot, about the newest book she read or some strange peculiar event she encountered during her day."
Apollo nodded, smiling. He folded up the letter he was writing and started on a different on.
"I see... do you enjoy talking?"
"...not particularly no, I'm not a really social person."
"I think talking's nice, it fills in the quiet gaps. Although, if you're uncomfortable talking to me and want to stop, say so any time, yeah?"
"I'm not uncomfortable...just not sure what to talk about.."
"Ah, I see. Hmm... Do you have a favorite food?"