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April 28, 2021 21:52:32  #1801

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

CC!Rai can get nosebleeds (they're very rare for him though...lucky (: ) and one time he's unlucky enough to be seen by Wiley, who's like "Who are you simping for? 'Cause I don't see anyone in the vicinity except for me" and Rai was like "..."
GGaD!Rai gets a break from nosebleeds lol


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April 28, 2021 22:01:51  #1802

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Honestly it's a good thing that Wiley is only in like 2 RPs (more AUs,,, but those are under my control at least somewhat so I don't worry that much) because it's a matter of me 1) making him OOC; real Wiley flirts all the hecking time, and he does not care for the others' orientation. Flirt first,,, 2) making him OOC version 2, I can't write flirting for my life, what is "being smooth" lol though I guess Wiley's chunky peanut butter,,, he's the peanuts lol 3) If in the right fandom, probably he'd be in too many crackships
At least he doesn't flirt with people who are underage lol,,, but then again I'm pretty sure he's underage himself oh no.
He's not sure about Raez's age, so that's why Raez is somewhat safe, but there are times when Wiley forgets/screws up and it's just awkward silence because Raez doesn't know how to flirt and doesn't wanna know. Their vibe is so weird lol they do the duets for love songs but flirting is crossing the line apparently. 


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April 28, 2021 22:47:45  #1803

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

One of our neighbors had their catalytic converter stolen and Sunny is like

in my mind


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April 28, 2021 22:50:09  #1804

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol btw no, it probably wasn't stolen for pro-environmental purposes, probably was to sell the metals in the converter. But if it were the first case, that'd be hilarious I'm ngl


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April 28, 2021 23:08:01  #1805

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol just remembered Valentine's Day dialogue exists for F/GO and now I'm sorely tempted to write it for characters.
Specifically Kiaane. Though I feel like writing them for being the one to receive first and the one to give first. Separate scenarios. But that's probably not a good idea. Hmm...
It might be kinda weird that I want to do it that way in the first place, since the females are the ones who give first (+ Astolfo) and the males are the ones who receive first and give back, so uh? Idk. 
I dunno if Chevalier d'Eon gave first, actually, speaking of Astolfo. 
Okay, so they did give first. I guess in F/GO, those with ambiguous gender or no gender give first? 


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April 28, 2021 23:12:40  #1806

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

If you write that, post it please lol I want to give Kiaane a chocolate

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

April 29, 2021 11:22:44  #1807

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay, lemme see if I have the right inspiration to write something that isn't that trashy and see what format I can post it in so that you're better served by it xD (kinda like how in F/GO it's interactive, but here I have neither avatar for character nor the interactive options lol. Well, I'll see)


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April 29, 2021 12:11:13  #1808

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

No one:
Servants, clearly holding like the scariest weapons: C h o c o l a t  e ?


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April 29, 2021 14:30:27  #1809

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley has, like, the best bastard expressions


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April 29, 2021 14:31:10  #1810

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"Wiley with an unibrow" is the most cursed thought I've had all afternoon
Given, it's been an hour and a half.


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April 29, 2021 14:40:41  #1811

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagined Akuma existing in Fate as a Servant in F/GO and saying "Valentine's Day is a day where heart is important!" and handing the Master a heart-shaped chocolate box filled with chocolate-filled actual heart pieces, and I retched
"What about it, Master~? I did make this with a lot of heart! Specifically, three of them, I think? I picked out the most quality ones for you, too!"


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April 29, 2021 17:39:49  #1812

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol ok I tried my best to sketch Wiley as quickly as I could for Fate but he looks like a darn kid and he still looks like a bastard
There is no such thing as cute for Wiley, only NO WILEY I WASN'T GOING TO SAY HOT bastard


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April 29, 2021 17:47:19  #1813

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol I forgot which side Wiley has a double eyelid on again, this is fine


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April 29, 2021 21:30:20  #1814

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how I hesitate so much to put ideas in threads lol it's really not that hard, Galaxian


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April 29, 2021 23:31:54  #1815

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I was wondering in the past why "Emmot" was familiar to me and then yesterday, the theme song for the Lego Movie randomly came up in my head. I remember fellow middle schoolers hating it lol. I never cared much either way though. Anyways, that reminded me that the protagonist in that movie is called Emmet. Figures lol pun intended. Figures? LEGO? Haha


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April 30, 2021 18:21:42  #1816

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know when you see an art piece from like 2 years ago that was actually pretty good and your optimistic half is like "Oh that's good, we can use this as a reference" and the pessimistic side is like "End me lol, I haven't improved much and probably got worse after this picture"


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May 1, 2021 00:37:16  #1817

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know, I feel like laughter can easily be categorized. There are people who laugh and it just seems sarcastic no matter what. And there's laughter that always seems fake. And there's contagious laughter, and the kind of laughter that makes you feel all fuzzy inside, and there's laughter that makes you shudder and laughter that makes you want to slap the person laughing. Or maybe it's hypnotic laughing and it makes you want to fight someone else. Sometimes maybe the laughter changes in categorization as time goes on, like...maybe for the enemies-turned-lovers trope, the laughter starts off being like "Dear gods I want to murder you" to "Protect." 
Some laughter comparisons don't make much sense to me personally, but I use them anyways, lol, e.g. the "her laugh was like wind chimes" one. I've never heard anyone who has that kind of laughter. Soft? Yes. Pretty? Yes. But wind chimes go unrivaled lol, mostly because if laughter is too soft and beautiful it sounds kinda forced, while wind chimes are completely natural and doing their thing.
Surprisingly enough, Wiley's natural laughter is actually the contagious type. It's not bad-sounding and it's not like his voice is grating. But he tends to make his laughter sound like the type that makes one want to choke him. His laughter is better when he's with friends, though. He's discerned it's of no use to them and no practicality for me to be laughing like that in their presence. Yay :D.


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May 1, 2021 18:16:20  #1818

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol I had a really good dream (not as in, like, "fluffy," but like, many characters appeared compared to usual lol) and I'm going to talk about it :3
It was one of those dreams where I'm kinda in the perspective of a character but I have just about no influence on what they do. First off was me being in the perspective of Hitan. For some reason Mr. I. (Helen's dad) was in the dream and he was nice. Like, yes, he was nice xD. Ikr, "Whatt?" Hitan was confused too . Helen was there too ofc. That was really confusing for me because Hitan has a crush on Helen (duhhh) but I've never had a crush before so I'm there in his perspective like "Lol what are these feelings" "Lmiao I don't want to feel this" "Help me"
Mr. I. looked way too old lol, and he was as light as a stick. I dunno what happened to him lol, maybe I have a grudge towards him I definitely do btw even though I made him good in the dream
Anyways nice things don't happen because Mr. I. and Helen were both kidnapped and Hitan's thoughts were basically "Reality is cruel, as is non-reality" but he went to go save them anyways. Anyways, Hitan apparently relies a lot on his arms, because he had to carry both Helen and her dad and he got injured 'cause he couldn't use his arms well dw though it was just an injury on the foot and he has high pain tolerance
His abilities were super cool in the dream lol. I could sense him being happy as he flew even though the situation was a scary one. I guess he just really likes flying. Also I love flying lol. He also used much better teleportation than he currently can, and his kicks are super powerful xD. And he aims really well with feathers; what can I say, lol. None of the abilities from the future, though, unfortunately. Just better use of the current ones. And no Akuma :D. 
I also got to experience how he feels when someone kidnaps someone he cares for lol and the summary is that the kidnappers should fear
Part 2 coming soon


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May 1, 2021 20:33:31  #1819

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"Coming soon" I say
It'll come at some point

I wish there were some online psychologist service because I can't do so myself :3 or at least not without having anxiety and other stuff lol
Like yes I know Hitan has PTSD. That's pretty easy to see. But Kiaane has...they have...conditions.
I'll work on it lol, I'm deathly afraid of getting things wrong, but it's safe to say they have autism at least. 
I'm not sure if that information is okay to put on their page, so I'll keep it here for now. Kinda afraid of offending someone by accident lol


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May 1, 2021 20:52:57  #1820

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sunny and Kiaane are kinda similar but also vastly different, which makes me laugh a bit
When Sunny was younger, Xenia constantly had to wash his clothes because he stuck whatever the frick he found into there. Plants, soil, rocks, animals...yep. He kept saving ants from anteaters and also just similar things. Xenia tried to teach him that naturally ants will be eaten by anteaters--same goes with plants being eaten by plant-eating organisms and such, but he didn't really listen. So yeah. 
Meanwhile, Kiaane's kinda similar to Sunny in that they're a huge headache in some ways. Specifically, don't wash their clothes for them. If they lived in the Modern Sect, the washing machines would die. That's 'cause Kiaane stuffs a lot of things they find interesting into their clothes, and you can have checked every part of the clothing (or so you thought) but the moment you actually put the clothes into the washing machine and turn the machine on, the machine goes SCREEEECHHHHH. That's because Kiaane stuffed things into their clothes. Sticks, for instance. Pinecones. They like sticks and pinecones when they seem fresh and are kinda soft, not dry and hard and generally not pleasant to the touch. 
They also like rocks. (If you haven't figured out by now, this is a reference to my younger habits, lol. I loved rocks and my mom constantly reprimanded me for not taking out rocks from my pockets. When in reality most of the time it was me putting clothing to the side and her taking it to the washing machine. I didn't know. I'll admit I made mistakes, though.) 
Anyways, in GGaD, they usually take their clothes to a river or something and divert a bit of water from the river to wash their clothes. They sometimes end up forgetting their clothes by the riverside, though. You know how they are.

I think Kiaane likes noodles. For some reason I feel like that vibes well with them. 
What if noodles were made in coffee...


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May 1, 2021 20:59:32  #1821

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For meals, Kiaane usually picks, like, one thing to eat. Broccoli? Yes. You'll find them eating literally nothing else but broccoli for that meal. 
But usually you don't get to see it, 'cause they don't really eat unless someone makes them come.

Also, they don't really give off the feeling of being someone who breaks the law, but they've done things like go to the Modern Sect and into a high building, and on a whim they basically break a window and attach themselves to the side of the building to climb onto the roof. They do fix the window most of the time. And if someone accuses them of anything after they break the window, they usually assume it's 'cause they broke the window, not because they climbed onto the roof, which is usually illegal. 
They like high places lol. They're like a cat. If you give them a choice between climbing up a staircase, staying where they are, or going down the same staircase, they'll go up. Who knows why.


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May 1, 2021 21:25:29  #1822

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rai has, like, immunity to cancer. Kinda jealous of him for that
Fun fact, if you're Wiley's friend and he's refusing to eat/sleep, you can scare him by reciting information related to what could happen if he doesn't eat/sleep
That's mostly what Rai does. He's taught Raez some too, but Raez usually is too general with the information lol. Meanwhile Rai is like a human archive
In the forum gang, Hitan could probably scare Wiley lol


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May 1, 2021 21:28:16  #1823

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Btw Rai has immunity to cancer because his genes basically have a 100% success rate when it comes to copying correctly and not being influenced. 


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May 1, 2021 23:37:29  #1824

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Reminder to self--Zhitong's name is slightly ironic in how it pronounces


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May 1, 2021 23:52:24  #1825

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol this is kinda weird but I'm wondering if I should change the surname of Zhongli Mo (a character of mine)
Tbh I don't need to by any means; Zhongli is very much a Chinese surname and it's not like I knew Genshin Impact existed when I named him.
Still there's that little doubt lol


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May 2, 2021 00:06:09  #1826

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This post might be controversial, so read ahead at your own risk.

Continuing on the gender philosophy topic I was talking about on my homethread, I guess my idea about gender identities is that, other reasons aside, and not talking about its basic importance to an individual, its establishment seems to base a whole lot around the idea that ideas are based off of gender and/or sex, like the idea of "wearing dresses" going with "female." And there are many more such ideas to the point where I think gender identities might be established to rebel against such connections.
I dunno. Of course this is my opinion, as a cisgender individual who hasn't had that much social experience anyways, but for all the people who aren't cisgender who I've interacted with, it seems a lot of the time that their families really take the ideas' supposed connections much more fervently than I could ever relate to. And I think that if ideas are too fervently imposed on kids, a lot of those kids will rebel against them. Of course, I don't have any data, so I'm not going to go saying "the majority" or anything like that. Just, "a lot." Enough to be counted. And of course I'm not saying that if every household were like mine, then all kids would identify as cisgender. That's ridiculous. I'm saying that I think background might be a more important part of determining a kid's gender than it's given credit for. 
This might be a controversial view? I hear a lot that sexual orientation is determined from birth, and I'm not too sure if gender also has that argument. (I think that sexual orientation has roots in both genetics and environment, by the way. That might be controversial too.) However, I do think that it at least is a factor. 
But either way, I think that maybe the fact I can't relate to either factor much is why I don't really go ahead making characters who are transgender or pangender. At current, I usually think of experience as the greater factor for determining gender identity, probably because I see it more at play for other factors as well. And I don't understand what experiences exactly could formulate gender identities. 
Am I overcomplicating it? Maybe. But that's how I think.


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May 2, 2021 12:36:56  #1827

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol I know it's a joke, but every time I draw Rensa I'm under so much stress 'cause Specter called him "husbando" once xD


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May 2, 2021 12:50:13  #1828

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I need to do a better job of showing how different characters influence different characters lol
I was talking about Iollan and Hitan there. Iollan's dragging Hitan into the cult of Memes


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May 2, 2021 12:54:01  #1829

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Both of them laughed at that
Mission success, I love hearing them laugh lol

Tbh I didn't intend on making Iollan look a bit similar to Helen lol but since the similarities are there,,, they're there ig xD for my amusement
They both have wild brown hair and kinda gray eyes xD ("Kinda" for Iollan, Helen's eyes are just gray)
Helen is better Athena :-P (than Saori, not Iollan lol duh)
Tbh I'm not sure what I would want Iollan and Helen's relationship to be,,, older brother or kinda like a dad? Honestly when RPing him I go for the older brother vibe but apparently I fail at that, judging from how Echo and Specter think he's 30


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May 2, 2021 12:57:40  #1830

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

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