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April 25, 2021 22:14:23  #1741

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Jealous of Wiley because no matter how much work he does, he doesn't get demotivated. 
He's not really that much of a work fanatic though. I guess he likes doing his work, but it's not to the point where he'll self-destruct by forgetting everything needed for him to function as a human being.
He does forget sleep. But then again, it's not much of a difference between him forgetting and him not wanting to, so I guess that's not accurate either.


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April 25, 2021 22:37:26  #1742

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how I can gauge my mood by asking myself, "How's the character design skill?" And normally my attitude is "Okay, needs improvement but at least it's not that cringe," but when my mood is leaning towards the horrible side, the response is "You suck"
In reality, I probably suck a lot more at making good color palettes and making good clothing. And maybe making recognizable faces, though for some reason, I can recognize them? Idk, overall the similarities are strong, possibly due to the anime style I have. But at least the recognition factor is strong enough that I can tell when I'm not drawing a character correctly and can switch to another character. 
As for clothing, I can't really say if I suck at making clothing without high collars or if it's just me liking high collars a lot.
I do like high collars a lot. 
I also like cloth, like capes, cloaks...that's pretty obvious. Belts too, for some reason. Boots, specifically ones where the kicking isn't for show. 
I like armor but can't design it, yay. 
I don't like revealing clothing, and that includes shorter pants/skirts and even just revealing the stomach. I used to be even more particular about this in my youth. For all I was concerned, even the clavicles being visible was disgusting. I also liked masks across the face a bunch, mostly coupled with hoods. 
Of course, it wasn't really a conservative sort of belief system. It was me feeling like the human body (and most parts of the face) are ugly. I still kinda have that belief. It's a bit better now, though, since if I say "Lol we all ugly" I'm pretty sure most everyone would take offense. In the case of revealing clothing, I don't really care how masculine or feminine a body looks; my primary reaction will be "Bruh." It's gotten a bit better, since I have to do anatomy study once in a while. Still haven't gotten used to feminine anatomy, though, since for some reason I've always cringed at that and so just keep drawing male anatomy. 
But anyways, when I say "I'm ugly," the "ugly" part isn't degrading at all. It's normal. I dunno, I'm weird.
So when I say someone is handsome or whatever, that's usually 'cause I draw with the anime style and also because it's funny to say so. It's like a version of gloating that's comedic. Though, I have to say, real people would look horrible with anime proportions. 
I guess there are some parts of the human form I like. One, the eyes. And eyebrows are nice, kinda. These two combined give me a pretty good idea how others are feeling. It's funny how people's eyebrows will move without them realizing it. And eyes and eyebrows can't hurt me. Lol, reference to the pandemic, where the nostrils and the mouth are the parts uncovered and I'm like "Ugly, disgusting, I don't want to see them." And the mouth is what spews out trashy words, which is also not very good at all.
Anyways, in addition, I like the lighting effect/texture of skin. Very cool. And I love hair. Probably one of my favorite parts of the human form. I also like backs, for some reason, maybe because usually the back means the face is faced away. And hands are nice--fingers, palm, thumb, back of hand. Don't know why for that.
I like certain types of clothing, mostly medieval, for some reason. I don't care about physique, but I cringe when I see ultra-thin waists and just about any part of the body that's altered for "appearance" reasons. Like, ugh, can't understand why people do that most of the time. Maybe my standards aren't normal, though, seeing as...factors mentioned above, lol.
And I don't like makeup. It seems fake. I don't like fake appearances or things or people...fakeness in general, yeah. But mostly it's because components of makeup are disgusting. I'm still stuck on the 7th grade lesson of lipstick having wax, I guess, but mostly the specific dislike towards lipstick's because when I was around 5 years old, I was forced to put on lipstick for a performance and I hated every moment of that performance. I couldn't speak at all, not to mention sing (which was the intention of the performance), the lipstick taste was horrendous when I wasn't even swallowing it, and speaking of swallowing it, I actually ended up nearly choking on lipstick and saliva and had to spit it out on the stage because no adult at the school would let me go to the bathroom. Fun. 
Anyways, that's all to say that I have biases, lol. Weird ones, at that. Maybe some are more logical and some aren't as logical, but everything's perspective. But they do influence me, so I'll admit it. But I still respect anyone who chooses to dress in ways that I myself would not prefer, and that applies to characters as well. Nudity is over the top though, please don't. (*COUGH*) NationStates citizens...
And obviously, I don't care if male characters go out without clothing on their top (like for swimming), but generally, for general designs, I try to make sure characters go out mostly covered. It seems like the rational decision, anyways. Less chance of skin cancer. :D

And a fun fact: I put lipstick as part of Death's design (even though it's only a little) to further emphasize how I can't really understand them. I still don't understand them, lol. 


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April 25, 2021 22:41:29  #1743

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I haven't drawn GGaD!Galaxian in a long time tbh. He was nice to draw.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with him. Am I even roleplaying him correctly at this point? I don't know.
Maybe my impressions of him have always been him being a strangely moral kid who's bossy but also very clingy. And maybe that's an accurate impression sometimes, but for the entire part? I don't even know anymore.
I remember his eyes being the most fun part to draw, mostly because I never was that content with his hairstyle (or at least how I depicted it) and his clothing (which was...okay, but really general lol). His red eyes was based off the idea of how red isn't really seen as an auspicious color, and I thought it fit with his energy. That's also why his eyes change over the course of plot--usually to a color that doesn't fit him, like black. It's a sad shift for me as an artist, lol, because I love drawing his original eyes so much.
But anyways, is it me no longer qualified to roleplay him? Who knows. Or maybe he's changed beyond who he should actually be? Who knows. 


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April 25, 2021 22:45:12  #1744

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh I did try to do the annual comparison piece for him (which I did in 2018 and 2020) in February of this year, but I never got around to finishing the piece, lol.
It's not really him, though. It's more like his prototype. The one in the forums where he still has black hair and red eyes and somehow is older, I guess. The older part wasn't part of most any design, actually, but the first drawing made him look old, so comparisons look old as well. 
I also did sketch him back in March of this year. He looks kinda derpy there; idk if I can fix it, lol. But he looks very excited. The point was for him to look very excited. (There was a sketch storm in March, since I wanted to get ideas down. Probably will have to re-sketch when I get the time to do actual drawings?) I'm a bit fond of that piece, actually. It's only a sketch, but it reminds me of good things. I can't go wrong with drawing happy GGaD!Galaxian, basically. It's like an ultimate shot of happiness. 


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April 26, 2021 00:29:01  #1745

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I got that NationStates issue where there's that blond tennis player or someone who says her ideal love interest is the nation's leader, and the nation's leader happens to be Rai lol
Is Anima a blond tennis player and bisexual? I don't think so! :D Therefore to keep Rai single I increased political apathy,,, 100% worth it.


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April 26, 2021 00:32:25  #1746

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Headcanon that Wiley actually really likes the sound of glass breaking. He's not chaotic enough read: rich enough to break glass on purpose but when glass things do fall off of the counter his first reaction is "Oh! cool sound" and then it's "Lmao oh no what has been done"


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April 26, 2021 00:40:30  #1747

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Raez: Dear whomever stole my saltine crackers, I will--
Wiley: I did :D
Raez: ...I will go out and buy new ones, have a wonderful day.

Saltine crackers is no longer accurate. I will be changing it to animal crackers. Have a good day


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April 26, 2021 00:42:16  #1748

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol Raez is sleeping now so I shouldn't be saying tantalizing things but he likes graham crackers...s'mores...:D
Lol I should shut it before I attract Wiley the wrong person


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April 26, 2021 00:50:07  #1749

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The funny thing about my hair designs for characters is that the hair is actually really symbolic of characters
Therefore I struggle with Kiaane's Fate design (and HPA,,, I think they might share a hairstyle but idk, if Fate's is too wild then,,, more work for me lol) because they could care less about how their hair looks as long as it's mostly out of their eyes
And mouth. If hair gets in Kiaane's mouth, they automatically start biting down on it. So. 


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April 26, 2021 00:58:18  #1750

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This kinda thing gives Rai vibes for some reason

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April 26, 2021 01:08:26  #1751

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I spent like a solid 10 minutes trying to think what Kiaane's name would be in Chinese, but the conclusion (that should've been obvious) is that Kiaan is the name that can be translated to Chinese; Kiaane can't.


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April 26, 2021 03:08:47  #1752

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Randomly remembered that one time where my mom exposed my cousin's magic trick xD
Wondering how Death would react if their magic tricks were exposed.
Probably they're too much of an expert for that to happen, but hey, maybe tiny Death got their magic tricks exposed before xD, who knows?


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April 26, 2021 13:23:58  #1753

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason my mind thought it'd be good to think of the climax of an AU at 3 A.M., so I had to spend 3 hours writing it all down before I could do work


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April 26, 2021 13:27:08  #1754

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

It's kinda funny that I always have the ultimate plot point of just about any work or roleplay (that has plot) thought out but lol how to get there? Idk lol, I just know of ideal points I wanna reach. 
It's also hard not to spoil when it comes to AUs lol. It's not that much of an issue for Kiaane but for Wiley? Lol. 


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April 26, 2021 18:16:17  #1755

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Raez, stirring chicken & egg stew while holding the pot with one hand: Dear chicken deities, please lend me thy strength, thy forgiveness. As long as this man lives, your sacrifices will not be in vain
Wiley: Firstly, that's my Bunsen burner, secondly, what the he--


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April 26, 2021 19:53:11  #1756

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GGaD!Galaxian colors in the lines very well I have always been a god at coloring,,, in the lines ofc lol, not in terms of aesthetic :-P but his drawings are very immature. I mean, he gets shapes down pretty well for his age. Better than me lol. But he's no art prodigy
But they seem cryptic lol, the drawings, I mean. Lol


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April 26, 2021 19:59:29  #1757

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GGaD!Galaxian specializes in mashing colors together that don't create ugly combinations and bizarrely blowing out viewers' eyes visually
Unlike me, he has an excuse. He doesn't quite see colors right, and he also hasn't been around long enough to be able to train his eye to be see in ways mortals do. So, yeah. 

Cosmic is an art prodigy lol. He paint

SF!Galaxian is kinda close to me in that he sucks at drawing and doesn't have much time to do it anyways. He mostly writes. I think I'm better at that than him, though.


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April 26, 2021 20:04:51  #1758

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lianhuan's actually the one who's really good at drawing in the GGaD kiddo gang. He has to take lessons though lol, he's apparently not good enough. But arguably, he's already good enough. Ancient Chinese standards are just high lol
Rensa can draw super well btw. He does calligraphy too, and he does it very well. 

Wiley's art is mostly "handwriting when he tries" and also design things he gets out. 

Speaking of design, the Mamba's excellent at designing (when he tries) but his design sketches are pretty bad lol. The lines are all over the place, so hopefully that means the Cheetah can make the idea solid. If she tries too, that is. Otherwise, ig the A.A. could do it lol. For the two other kids' "college fund" (lol). 


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April 26, 2021 21:19:39  #1759

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol me doing plumbing on the (very clogged) toilet and Wiley going "Ewwww! Disgusting!" when he ain't even the one to plumb
Real helpful, Wiley


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April 26, 2021 21:32:26  #1760

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm trying to think of someone in a Fate AU who would hate their younger self/older self, kinda like how Kid Gil hates his older counterparts and how Carmilla and Elizabeth Bathory bear mutual hatred towards one another, and I don't think I can think of anyone. 


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April 26, 2021 22:33:12  #1761

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley is making a point of imitating the most annoying female laughter
The guy really won't give me a darn break will he


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April 27, 2021 10:15:11  #1762

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Headcanon that the only reason why Wiley thinks being a politician is good is that you can eat really weirdly and people will be amused
CC!Wiley, when he finds out CC!Rai actually has table manners: Noooooooo


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April 27, 2021 18:16:48  #1763

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Right now I can perfectly envision me leveling up the Gorgon Sisters in F/GO just to charm lock Wiley (who would of course hypothetically be a boss in the game...somehow)
And of course I would laugh at him 
It would be a turning of the tables (usually he's the one bullying me)
Of course, accurately I'm pretty sure his Magic Resistance is high enough for him to be able to evade the skills of Stheno and Euryale in the first place which means I can't even hypothetically bully him oh no


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April 27, 2021 19:00:19  #1764

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Thinking about F/GO Kiaane (as a Saber) and realizing they would be really good at star gen lol


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April 27, 2021 19:26:10  #1765

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol Wiley was talking nonstop, but when I went upstairs to look at the rain, he actually stopped jabbering
And then he shouted to compete with the sound of thunder. Good things don't last


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April 27, 2021 19:34:07  #1766

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Trying to imagine Kiaane doing a skill animation for gaining critical stars and just laughing
Tbh how do Servants even do the gaining critical stars? Because right now I'm just imagining them suddenly becoming even more buff


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April 27, 2021 19:37:06  #1767

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh poor Kiaane, I've gone in all directions for considering how they are tbh
In fact, one of the primary wonderings I've had on them is for them to being intersex. I mean, this isn't really a bad idea tbh compared to genderbending them at least, which is out of a pure desire for irony but I don't really wanna make characters intersex or homosexual or whatever just for the sake of them being that. 
But for some reason, them being AMAB has never really clicked for me, but I dunno if that actually means anything.


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April 27, 2021 19:41:14  #1768

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The decision-making process is made more ambiguous by the fact that they do look masculine facially. I think, at least. I'm not really sure if "masculine" for me is accurate, since a lot of my characters have pretty soft features that could be called "feminine," and of course, my style goes into making it ambiguous. I did draw them realistically to start off, though, and it's pretty clear they're male. I think I might've made them look Asian, though, which makes things worse because Asian men have pretty soft features and are probably considered to have more feminine features than men of other ethnicities,,, aaaa.


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April 27, 2021 19:43:06  #1769

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think I'm on a somewhat good start for designing Fate!Kiaane, though I'm not really sure if I'm trying too hard.
I mean, I think I always try too hard for AUs for some reason. 
I dunno, there was a period of time where AU personas basically where just the same people with the same facial appearance with the same hairstyle and hair color wearing different clothes, but I guess that's changed. Or at least it's trying really hard to change.


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April 27, 2021 19:58:55  #1770

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh Iollan's students are probably angels compared to real life kids. I can hear the jeers coming from kids in my grade when teachers, quote-on-quote, "pretend to be cool." They're trying, gosh darn it.


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