Sunny spends the rest of the time eating like a turtle who's on a schedule. Regardless, by the time he's finished, his plate is ridiculously clean, like he's washed it.
Sollux had been eating at a decent pace, but she slowed down when more than half of the food was gone.
"I think I'm not hungry now, Sunny," she mentions while dragging her fork around the plate to push stray bits of bread.
"But you have to finish the plate," Sunny says, gesturing vaguely with his fork.
"I'm fuuuuull," she protests. "You can eat this!"
"No, Mum and Pop said you have to eat all of it yourself!" Sunny counters, crossing his arms.
Sollux looks down at her plate with a lightly dejected face.
"I can't eat more..."
"Awww, fine," Sunny gives in.
Well that was quick.
Anyways, he yanks her plate to himself through the air and starts plowing through the food in a manner unlike his former one, probably afraid he'll--they'll--get caught by their parents.
"Thanks!" Sollux looks on with a smile, rocking her chair just a little.
Sunny stops chewing for a split second to tuck in a glob of chewed-up food under his tongue and then stick out said tongue at her to prove a point.
Sollux just grins back.
Sunny gives in quickly and almost smiles before he scoffs and returns to wolfing down the food.
"Hmm? Sunny, you aren't eating Lux's food for her again, are you?" comes the voice of two certain half-demigods' mother from somewhere down the hall, also causing Sunny to nearly choke. He quickly recovers, though not before it looks like he was about to swallow the entire plate. And table.
"Hurry, hurry!" Sollux whispers to her brother.
Wow, real considerate. xD
Sunny shoots her half a glare as he takes the time to gag a bit from a choke he just swallowed.
She's just swinging her legs and waiting for him to finish. It's almost as if she's silently cheering him on.
The thing is, Sunny's usually a paced/moderate eater, not to mention that she left half of her portion. So try as he might, unless he actually eats the entire plate, he won't be able to finish in time. And also...he already ate his own portion, of course.
Really, Sollux does not think of that at the moment. She's got full confidence that Sunny can somehow devour everything in a minute or less.
"Sunny?" their mom's voice goes, now even closer.
He's...not gonna make it.
Oh, that sounds more like the narrator saying he's gonna die. That isn't the intention. In actuality, the narrator meant to convey that he can't eat all of it...and also that he looks slightly blue.
Lux tilts her head to the side. "Your face looks..."
Sunny actually doesn't need to know what his face looks like. In a moment of desperation, he pretty much just dumps all of the unfinished food into his pockets and then threw the plate back to Sollux like a vertical Frisbee.
Sollux squeaks while she covers her face to avoid the possibility of the plate hitting her.
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (March 28, 2021 00:05:59)
Sunny meant for her to catch it with their super-cool abilities so that she can pretend that she's done eating hers and he's done eating his, actually.
Anyways, thanks to Lux's super witty and quick thinking, their mom comes into the room just in time to see Lux's plate smash into the nearest convenient wall.
Sollux just flinches. It's then that she realizes she should have done something else... and what will her mom say now?
It takes a second for their mom to realize what just happened, but anyways, in the time it takes for her to do that, Sunny somehow executes a perfect series of actions. That is, stand up, push his chair in reverently, and then bolt past her. And wow, does he bolt fast.
A second after that second, Sollux notices what had just happened. She kicks her seat backwards and tries to follow her brother even though she isn't as fast as he is.
Her eyes got hot and blurry with tears thanks to the realization that she has just broken a rule in front of her mom.
(Lol xD this just makes their mom seem so scary when in reality it's probably just Sunny and Sollux being some variation of goody-two-shoes xD)
Xenia nearly doesn't manage to catch Sollux, mostly because Lux is a lot faster than she looks and also because there's a height difference between an adult and kid, meaning she has to lean down to execute the action. But somehow, compelled with the power of the narrator not wanting to POV an adult chasing after two itty-bitty kids and also her mom instincts, she's able to scoop up her daughter as if her arms combined were a shovel; and somehow, she's also able to not drop the kid, who undeniably is feeling a lot more like a worm or a snake than a humanoid being.
Sollux did try to squirm away from her mom's arms at first, but then she gave up and hugged her tightly while sobbing. Her crying is raising the temperature in the room but Xenia is probably used to that.
Xenia, way too used to this, just softly pats her daughter's back a few times. Well, she doesn't say the stereotypical "There, there." That's a good thing, hopefully. And yeah, she's used to it, lol.
Little Sollux just continues crying and hugs her mom more tightly.
Where's Sunny?
Running away from his problems. Oh, wait, the question was "where." Well...probably somewhere near the outside. That's just how he is.
While patting Sollux's back, Xenia surveys the damage done to both wall and plate (more was done to the latter than the former) and considers the correct course of action.
Hey, other narrator, she's considering calling for the two's dad, so he might need a name and personality real soon.
Sollux doesn't want to look at the broken plate or upturned chair, so she buries her face into her mom's shoulder.