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April 9, 2021 00:24:36  #1561

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Plot twist: Wiley failed the CC test at age 14 and became a Purple Sash because he used a pen on the test, which required pencils


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April 9, 2021 00:26:25  #1562

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I can see Wiley using an eraser to do a test (writing with the scrubbed-off parts of the eraser essentially) that required pencils and handing the test to the teacher while being like, "Be very VERY careful with this test, if you mess up the answers I actually got, it counts as sabotaging a student! ;)"


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April 9, 2021 00:27:46  #1563

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Technically on standardized testing they say you have to use a non-mechanical #2 pencil but they never said which end of the pencil you needed to use did they


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April 9, 2021 00:31:17  #1564

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason you posting all of this info about Wiley made me think of the "Why can't you just be normal" meme lol

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that you build with a smile!

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April 9, 2021 00:32:41  #1565

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

For some reason you posting all of this info about Wiley made me think of the "Why can't you just be normal" meme lol

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April 9, 2021 00:40:47  #1566

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like there was a time that Raez told Rai every single homicide/crime involving murder he remembered (which is a lot) in detail and Rai just listened stoically for like 5 hours and then around the mark of 6 hours he kinda just folded his arms and rested his head on it and didn't look back up, which is actually a good indicator of him showing that he's dead inside, but it took Raez 2 more hours to notice that Rai wasn't asleep or responding really. He stopped by then but it took a good while for Rai to get out of the phase where he looked completely dead inside on the exterior.


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April 9, 2021 00:46:46  #1567

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Based off a true story (repetitive actually)
Today's version of that true story was me telling my mom about 5 particular angels of death. Each of those "angels" (read: Demons, bastards, "people" who deserve to burn in hellfire for the rest of their diddly darn existences) of death killed at least 60 people (each) with poison
I actually tried to keep it short but I gifted her a headache and disgust towards portions of humanity regardless, so...


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April 9, 2021 00:54:34  #1568

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley's laughing at me for doing problems with the answers in degrees instead of radians (that wasn't specified on the original set of problems)
Thanks for being supportive, Wiley
Btw he says I don't have an excuse because I should've had "divine intuition," whatever the heck that means


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April 9, 2021 16:35:03  #1569

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

@Galaxian - Consider: "Positive development arc" :-)


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April 9, 2021 18:54:33  #1570

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

NationStates Galaxian likes peace too much for his own good
"Under love's heavy burden Galaxian sinks lower in the political right's esteem."


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April 9, 2021 20:13:59  #1571

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I drew realistic Hitan and just gonna say this


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April 9, 2021 20:35:45  #1572

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I need to learn how to admit my mistakes
Unfortunately until I learn to do that I'll have to blot out wrong things I said by trying to make up stuff for it


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April 10, 2021 01:06:31  #1573

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I got the rare SF plot inspiration thing heck yeah :D
On a more negative is Not Enough lol but I'll take whatever I can UwU


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April 10, 2021 20:36:56  #1574

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wonder if people ask Death if they're an albino


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April 10, 2021 21:03:58  #1575

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kokumajutsu and Galaxian but instead of Kokumajutsu being super vexed by Galaxian he just does this perplexed expression, points to Galaxian, and asks Kenshin: "What is with this sassy...lost child?"


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April 10, 2021 21:36:45  #1576

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Copying this from another thread for reference because even though it's a joke I might do something with it in the future
"[W]hile [Forum!Galaxian] punches all of [his friendship] bracelets just fly off his arms with the momentum. The enemy was already hit by punch[es], [each] strong enough to make a planet get split in half, and then they get smashed 100 times with 100 bracelets. Ultimate power move, the true lightspeed punch, the true Power of Friendship (TM)"


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April 10, 2021 21:49:16  #1577

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like Lianhuan accidentally has the habit of using English phrases while speaking in Chinese and Xuqiao just finds it cringe. But he doesn't want to offend Lianhuan and it's not like Lianhuan's doing it intentionally so he just bears it. xD


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April 10, 2021 21:51:49  #1578

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

When he was younger, Lianhuan used to be really scared of Xuqiao's pet tiger. There was a period of time where he stopped eating meat out of the fear that Xuqiao's tiger would try to hurt him for it. That was while Xuqiao just took her in, though; afterwards, Lianhuan got over the fear. Now Xuqiao has to deal with Lianhuan wanting to feed the tiger all the time. He's tried to feed her ice cream before so she just has this disgusted tiger expression on her face while waiting for Xuqiao to come save her


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April 10, 2021 21:53:26  #1579

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I feel like Lianhuan would be the type of person to literally interpret any unfamiliar term as food
So it's like his teacher in Ancient China would be reciting some poem with a theme about human solitude and he'd be like, "What does (*insert term*) mean? Is that a type of meat owo?" and his teacher's like "How are you even a top student"


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April 10, 2021 21:56:43  #1580

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

When Lianhuan wants to seem smart in class he just presumes the theme is death
He's usually wrong

He's like the opposite of the student who sleeps in class--he wakes up anyone snoozing before the teacher can because he gets absurdly excited with the littlest of concepts and will go like "OWO!!!!" and literally scare anyone awake
He probably has to take some kind of special class where he's the only student to try to learn how to conduct oneself with dignity and stuff like that, and he gets by by imitating Xuqiao (and others, but primarily his older brother), but in real life he shows no knowledge of dignity 94% of the time 


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April 10, 2021 22:00:57  #1581

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lianhuan's the type of kiddo who hasn't changed in many years. He seemed really mature when he was younger at times, and that's how it is right now too. Most of the time he just seems 3 though. He's super attached to anyone he knows. Generally he likes the familiar, but he doesn't like being confined to it. He's been clingy to Xuqiao ever since he was little. Like, when he was a tiny baby who just learned how to walk, he'd always wobble after his older brother instead of trying to go after toys most of the time, not that he had many. He learned how to run really quickly too. And back when he'd just learned how to crawl, he was to be feared in terms of speed. He might've even outcrawled a running (and tiny) Xuqiao, which made older mages laugh. They mostly joked that he could probably outrace Xuqiao when he was older even if he didn't quite get around in terms of magic potential. 
And in terms of agility, Lianhuan will probably get to a point where he's more agile than Xuqiao when he grows up. But he won't be able to defeat his brother in terms of combat ability no matter how hard he tries. Thankfully, that's not his aim anyways. :-)


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April 10, 2021 22:06:10  #1582

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

When Lianhuan has nightmares, he isn't one to go running or calling for Xuqiao, though. He thinks that'd be a burden, actually, so instead he just buries himself in blankets. But actually, his older brother has superb hearing, so he comes anyways, lol. Most of the times he comes after Lianhuan is already asleep again, worrying that Lianhuan would reject his help even though his younger brother does need it. So he just mostly hugs Lianhuan when Lianhuan doesn't know.
Xuqiao doesn't really have the...the problem? With hugging. In Ancient China, physical contact is usually sparse, but he's used to it in terms of hugging his little brother or rubbing the top of the kiddo's head/shoulders. 
The two of them generally assume upon instinct that their relationship will always be like this way.


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April 10, 2021 22:18:06  #1583

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Currently, it's Xuqiao who's the one having nightmares. He has them every day, and they happen after 00:00. His nightmares are absolutely horrible--they involve all of his senses, and any injuries he obtains from the ridiculous circumstances of the dreams are actually put on him physically. 
As a general, he's very used to pain, but he still makes pained sounds at times, which means that Lianhuan or Rensa (or someone else, but usually these two, Lianhuan having to be in his world ofc) will come. He doesn't want them to come and worry, so he's tried to make himself more resilient to pain to the point that he doesn't cry out. However, there's already been one time where Lianhuan heard him (Lianhuan was getting up in the middle of the night because he forgot his sword) and came into his older brother's room to find a huge pool of blood on the bed and Xuqiao's right arm (also his spear arm) literally severed off and also a huge cut on the general's neck and face. Understandably, Lianhuan high-key freaked out, and he couldn't even wake Xuqiao up, and he also isn't adept in healing to treat something like that, so after he weighed which was worse--his brother bleeding out or a possible assassin being there--he raced to find Rensa while carrying Xuqiao with him. That was also the first time Rensa came to be aware of the circumstances and overall it just wasn't a pleasant experience. 
Rensa now stays closer in the night to where Xuqiao is. Fortunately, he does have abilities where he can seal away dreams for a while and then try to get Xuqiao awake. He doesn't usually sleep (because he doesn't need it), so the first time, he was actually out. Xuqiao feels horrible that his tribal leader needs to guard him rather than go out to actually do productive things, but Rensa has said that he doesn't mind, and he probably actually does not mind. He says, "We guard each other," whenever Xuqiao tries to get him to go somewhere else. 
Is this fluff or angst? I have no idea. Fluff arises from angst, perhaps. 


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April 11, 2021 01:35:20  #1584

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Eyyy it's now "Think 'He's so handsome!!' for literally any realistic depiction of a male OC" hours apparently! Yayyyy


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April 11, 2021 01:37:34  #1585

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol I'm really trying to steer clear of Hitan because iirc once Eliza said he was cute and Helen did a ">:-(" and if I make Helen do that Hitan won't be very happy
Helen's in bed though, or at least she's supposed to be
...So, does that mean I can say he's handsome now >:-)? (:


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April 11, 2021 01:38:24  #1586

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lmiao for some reason my mind is saying "So to summarize that post, you're saying the correct Simp for Hitan hours are after Helen's curfew" and lol


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April 11, 2021 01:38:50  #1587

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Only at sleeping hours because he is Hot Dream

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April 11, 2021 01:42:30  #1588

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I was actually gonna say that Wiley is hot but he's still up so
What, Wiley? I wasn't saying anything.


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April 11, 2021 01:55:36  #1589

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Heck yeah Simp for Raez hours 
The dude is cursed btw, I can never draw him correctly


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April 11, 2021 02:34:00  #1590

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

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