It's just kinda in two halves. It's nowhere near a perfect two halves, though. Also, there's a tiny piece that broke, somehow.
How do you break a LEGO piece...
The Cheetah set to try to fix the castle a bit.
At this rate I really wonder when they'll actually go trick-or-treating.
This is why the A.A. has started preparing at least 2 hours early. See? They're actually a genius.
The A.A. must be admired.
The A.A. is a god to the narrator at this point.
It's not long before the Mamba barrels over both the Cheetah and castle in pursuit of the...the wall.
"Mambaaaaa!!!" The Cheetah whined.
"Hiiii!" he answers.
"No, bye! Go away! You're going to mess this up again!"
"Hiii!" he insists, unoffended, scrambling up.
"Hi!" he insists again, nearly slipping on a LEGO (realistically, for once) but nearly catching his balance on the wall. Ironically, the key word is actually "nearly." An allusion to him saying the wall is moving, maybe, but he literally just fell over when it appears he actually held onto the wall for a split second.
R.I.P. the castle.
The Cheetah just let out a brief and strong "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" and then went silent.
The A.A. puts up another sound barrier. They didn't think two would be needed for Halloween preparations, but even the most intelligent of masterminds have faults in their plans.
"The castle should be named Castle Cushion!" the Mamba declares from his position on top of said castle.
The Cheetah pounded a pile of LEGOs nearby with her fists.
"Fix it! Help me fix Castle Cushion!"
Ngl, that sounds like that would hurt. The banging of the fists part, I mean. Not the "Mammm~baa" part. That part sounds like a sheep. It seems other than being the Cheetah, she also has many other identities.
"Fix it? Fix how?" the Mamba asks cluelessly. To him, Castle Cushion is perfect just the way it is.
It doesn't hurt the Cheetah, though. At least not for now.
"Make it back to like it was before!"
"Why?" he asks cluelessly. The Mamba is, as one can tell, an advocate of change. By which the narrator means "destruction," but you know, "advocate of change" sounds more deep and meaningful.
"Because!" Replied the Cheetah with lots of passion in her words. Well, word. She didn't give any supporting details to her reason.
The Mamba unliterally emits "????????????"s.
"See! That's because!"
The Mamba relaxes more, the equivalent of him plopping back onto the poor castle if he had been standing. How is that even comfortable for him???? Figures.
"Tomorrow we'll build a castle that's better than Castle Cushion," the Cheetah decided after sighing.
"Okay!" he agrees with a good tint of excitement in his voice.
We're going, the A.A. tells the two before the Mamba or her can suddenly come up with the notion of "Why wait when there's now??!!!" like they sometimes do.
"We're going?" Cheetah looked up with a very surprised face. "Where to?"
The A.A. is patient, unlike the narrator who, if they were an OP character in GGaD, would've broken the 4th wall just to stare at the thread's title and then flipped a table. Out, they go.
Well, at least the narrator can say they're better at explaining when they put their mind to it.
That's all it took for the Cheetah to jump to her feet.
"We're heading out!" She told the Mamba.
Only took us almost half a year to get to this point, Specter! :D
"We are???!" he asks back with a very momentary ":0" expression like he's deaf and didn't hear the A.A. when they said anything. He does so with the weirdest expression, too--he looks like he's at a beach, making his voice completely (but unintentionally) at odds with his expression.
((Beautiful... we did it before October... this is wonderful :D))
"Yep, we are!" she exclaims back, adding in a little hop of excitement.
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (April 18, 2021 01:04:38)
"Okay! Where to?" Like she knows. The Mamba asking the Cheetah questions she doesn't know the answer to is apparently a habit. Yay, character development.
"Where to?" she echoed, but (luckily) it was directed towards the A.A. and not the Mamba.
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (April 18, 2021 01:11:33)