It looks to me you improve your mental... game before you go into that stuff, I think. I don't think trying to ignore it is always the best because at some point you must deal with it.
I mean... ignoring is me dealing with it lol. I just... I don't think I can stand seeing her again. Also yeah my metal health is uh... not the best but it's getting better. I think I'll just like not interact with her ever again, like a coward, and hope I forget her one day? i mean she has my email so if she really wants to talk then she can me
There are many ways to do deal with this stuff. In my personal belief, ignoring and hoping to forget is not exactly the best choice, in my opinion.
So you say if she wants to really email you, she'll do it. But what if she is experiencing the same thing as you where one hesitates to do it. If you wish to talk with her, you must do it yourself.
I know it's a bit blunt but, what's the worse that could happen? Just say hi and ask how it is going. That's all you need to do for first contact.
Time really is giving good life advice
The worse that could happen is she tells me to leave her alone which will hurt a metric truck ton and I’d rather just feel the uncertainty and regret of never ever ever contacting her again than to face the possibility of that ever happening. It’s not that I hadn’t tried to, we started talking again maybe half a year ago but that lasted barely a month before my brain convinced me she hated me which ended up making me lose contact bc I was sure she didn’t actually wanna talk to me, she’s just too nice to refuse and now like... if I reach out again I’m just gonna come off as clingy and I know she hates how clingy I am... so after weighing out every possibility, I’ve decided the best solution is to run away from my issues like a coward
Time wrote:
There are many ways to do deal with this stuff. In my personal belief, ignoring and hoping to forget is not exactly the best choice, in my opinion.
So you say if she wants to really email you, she'll do it. But what if she is experiencing the same thing as you where one hesitates to do it. If you wish to talk with her, you must do it yourself.
I know it's a bit blunt but, what's the worse that could happen? Just say hi and ask how it is going. That's all you need to do for first contact.
It’s midnight, why am I still jp
I mean... I would rather have closure instead of not.
In my personal opinion, I wouldn't think popping in every now and then is considered clingy.
lowkey mad at myself rn for completely forgetting how tone marks worked in pinyin... at least I can still read the characters tho so I'm not completely illiterate when I go back home for vacation some time in the future
I just think it's neat how 520 stands for "i love you" in Chinese
I need to relearn chinese internet slang
Why is that? I can make a guess but why?
I might.... I really might just... email her... but also that's dumb because I know there's like no chance for us for I'm just gonna be hurting myself. She's moved on by now I'm pretty sure so like... I shouldn't bother her... but also I really really just wanna see any form of her back in my life.... I hate emotions
nvm I am still a coward who's too scared to face her so... back to trying to forget
oh cause like normally I'd go back to china for the summer so I don't wanna seem cringy or uncultured I suppose...
Time wrote:
Why is that? I can make a guess but why?
Seems like if you want to, you're going to have to better yourself enough to say so.
Oh nice. I guess it's a good enough reason indeed.
I'm still alive! And stuck on how to finish Marsh's backstory uhhhh....sorry
What are you stuck on? It doesn't need to be as advance for a starting form.
dfgsmhskf ik ik but my inner perfectionist....
the perfectionist can wait, if you want you can update it later!
can lava not look so tasty?? Pls I wanna just slurp
Why does it look so tasty to you? It's hot earth
idk why, i just wanna nom it
Is it the black and red/orange color really appetizing to you
Hey Marsh, nice pfp! Did you draw it? :0
hsdghsgf yeah i did, tiny tiny marsh
hnnnnnnnnnn tired... again.. like always
I can... I can read chinese I swear I can still read chinese... it's just a bit harder. Cod dam I go one and a half years without going back to china and I'm almost illiterate ;-;
girls are so pretty omg
I'm touch starved but I also hate physical affection....