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February 20, 2021 18:20:58  #991

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well the answer is yes, he stole his mom's hair dyes a lot, also he made random colors with different materials.


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February 20, 2021 18:30:03  #992

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how Wiley feels like I need his reactions
Like there was a part of a video where a car passed another car in a swerve and the passed car started flashing sirens and he was like "ooOoooOOoOOOOO"

Also there was a scene from a video where a flaming car shot across someone's backyard
Raez was on reaction duty then; he was sipping tea while that happened


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February 20, 2021 23:35:06  #993

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan and Galaxian have a deal
It mostly came from a conversation about morals (the two of them are conversationally very compatible) and Galaxian was basically talking about how even though it's good to realize one's wrongdoings, one should still take on the responsibilities afterward. Essentially, even if a criminal realizes the extent of his crimes and feels regretful, he should still spend time showing that regret.
And Hitan kind of went, "Noted."
Essentially it boiled down to an agreement between them that if everything on Hitan's end is over and everything he wants to take care of is taken care of, Galaxian has the rights to imprison him somewhere or come up with some sort of sentence for Hitan.
Hitan does feel bad for killing people. He doesn't show it a lot, but the fact haunts him. He hopes that if everything comes to an end and he still exists, then he can show his regret and spend however long of a time needed repenting. 
But if Galaxian hasn't changed from before, then I doubt he can enforce the appropriate sentence. I mean, last time Kenshin went completely off the hook for mass murder, and I feel like Hitan's "crimes" are actually lighter than those of Kenshin's. He doesn't go around burning villages. He's never done that and doesn't want to do that. He also doesn't kill children. 
In any case, that end is still very far away, probably unachievable.

Fun fact: Rai hasn't murdered anyone before. Though, he can sometimes understand others' sentiments regarding crimes like that. He doesn't have a particular moral dilemma over the issue but it's not like specifics to said morals completely set yet.


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February 20, 2021 23:42:53  #994

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

How I'm currently avoiding homework reminds me of Raez
His grades are good, but he has huge struggles getting homework done because he wants to do many other things, including hanging out with friends and potentially depleting brain cells from that
He'll be the first guy to encourage someone to do homework but he'll also acknowledge the challenges, like limited attention span (*waves*) and sheer tedium

Wiley has horrible grades because he doesn't care for homework
He does like one problem of every type and then is like "Good enough for me!"
He writes the answer for an essay question. It's not even a complete sentence darnit
If one asked him about the question he could probably speak the essay but he's too lazy to write/type lol
He's okay with multiple choice though, he finds it fun knowing the correct answer but making the scroll on his mouse do the diddly-diddly-do, up and down, to get to random answers

Rai actually tries at school but sometimes he gets distracted; not by people though


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February 20, 2021 23:45:25  #995

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wiley in CC would've been fun to POV probably
He cares not a whit for politics
If he were friends with Rai there it'd be so funny because Rai's like "But all you watch on video platforms are politics" and he's like "Yeah" 
"But you don't have any interest towards this event???"

There'd probably be times where he's like
"I thought you were a shady government official yourself"
"Where did you even learn that"

Wonder what Quinn would think of Wiley
He probably wouldn't
think, I mean


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February 20, 2021 23:47:11  #996

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

People: (*protesting about the Color System*)
CC!Wiley, walking through the crowd like he owns the property they're protesting on: hey yeah excuse me sorry could y'all let me through, I need to get to the cookie store.


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February 20, 2021 23:48:26  #997

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm trying to remember what CC!Galaxian was like. I don't think I regret creating him but I don't feel particularly inspired by my choice to create him either, hmm


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February 20, 2021 23:52:40  #998

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

YS!Galaxian though
I kinda like his design. It's not much but I like him. Loyal guy. Pretty old too. He's 15. And he cares about his school a lot and gets along with other students, the latter of which is the part where I stop relating to him. 
I wouldn't want him to get in the actual game though,,, that'd mean he'd get stabbed by game players 50,000+ times so no
Also I have 0 experience with 3-D models and drawing them out so
Lol imagine if I won an art contest and then failed at drawing clothing afterwards


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February 20, 2021 23:54:28  #999

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol iirc he was the subject for my first piece of digital art? 
I still don't feel like I can use Medibang well lol. Finding brushes for me is a huge hassle. On IbisPaint it took like months (though I use it like once per 3 months) for me to find brushes I like and am compatible with. Even now I'm not completely sure. I just know I like my lineart brush. 
He looked depressed in that art though iirc.


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February 21, 2021 00:34:44  #1000

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Oh yeah I found the headcanon that happy people tend to get up earlier (and easier) than people who aren't happy so I was like "Wow all of Forengard must be late risers, no wonder murders don't usually happen in the morning"
Me wondering if I should get up at 3 P.M. lol


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February 21, 2021 00:35:38  #1001

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The thing about happy people smiling 40-50 times a day while at the same time people who smile excessively are probably in emotional pain gets me too


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February 21, 2021 00:37:18  #1002

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"People can tend to fall in love with people they meet in dangerous situations"

Well Hh and Rai x Anima just defied this lol
I guess Hh were children when they met though


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February 21, 2021 00:42:22  #1003

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wonder if Hitan thinks of himself when he sees Galaxian, and if that's why he tries to keep Galaxian out of what his life is
I think most of the time he doesn't think about stuff like this on purpose because Akuma can read him like a book and he doesn't want Akuma targeting anyone
In fact I think if there were some weird correlation where if he forgets Helen Akuma also forgets about her, then he'd probably go find someone to do a specific memory wipe for him.
Fortunately and not, it doesn't work that way


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February 21, 2021 00:48:18  #1004

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Trying to think of scary anime movements
There's one for Galaxian that is up there in terms of being scary
Probably what happened when he hurled a comet at a certain someone
I imagine that his eyes widened and his iris as a whole kind dilates before he brings his arm and hand around as hard as he can; at the same time, a trail of blood runs down from his right eye and his left eye goes completely black, but his expression is one of desperation and anguish but also rage
It's kinda funny how he has mixed opinions about people, like iirc he did not like Katori and was jealous of Rina but still he got so angry towards Enochi and Kokumajutsu when in the first instance Katori was turned into a monster and Koku tried to kidnap Rina (wrong chronological order but whatever)

Lol iirc the time where Koku possessed Katori I literally said aloud, "No, not this again. No"

And iirc I wanted Galaxian to get kidnapped for many questionable reasons that I still, questionably, do not regret
He was pretty chill about it iirc


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February 21, 2021 00:52:04  #1005

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Galaxian's weird. He's easily jealous when those he cares about cares for others in a similar way, but at the same time he acknowledges how important those "others" are to "those he cares about"
Currently I think he's being a bit more healthy about it
But that's probably because he only has a few friends he rarely sees and Hitan, who tries to stay away
I guess this all has my components in it too
It's much easier to stay away but the attachment is still there

A while back I actually wanted to elaborate on something related to Galaxian but I decided not to, thank the gods lol
You have no idea how many times I'm tempted to rewrite something between Kenshin and Galaxian. Like, rewrite my POVs and put Fallon's in as well to make an excerpt.
Tbh sometimes I wish I copied threads but sometimes I don't too.


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February 21, 2021 00:58:42  #1006

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think if Enochi had remained active there would've been a hard dev arc for Galaxian
I mean, the premise was that he was willing to kill Enochi and then kill himself for doing that. But he really was in a horrible state of mind. If present him, with all his current problems, knew of his past mindset, he'd probably be only halfway understanding. 
And I never wrote a lot for when he was pretending to be Whyatt, but I think I still really like that arc. I'd like to explore it more. It's really significant and it's open for my imagination. Essentially while he was pretending to be an assassin, he nearly killed a lot of people. He had to watch their faces contort as they begged for their lives and the lives of their families/friends, and he went under a lot of stress while trying to hide the families/friends in question as well as the intended victims. Sometimes he had to do all of this with other assassin partners being there, and since he couldn't use his abilities on them in fear of loopholes, he had to plot everything out extremely quickly. And of course people don't usually thank you for not killing them and will fear you for the rest of their lives. He also obviously couldn't prevent assassinations being carried out; he was constantly in places with a lot of death that he hadn't directly caused. He can't up and leave either because from his standpoint, if he leaves then he owes something to the entire pantheon. By spying, he was trying to up their chances of victory should Alexander/Kokumajutsu/allies try to wreak havoc.  


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February 21, 2021 01:00:10  #1007

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I have to say, if I'm being moved along a plot, I don't think I do a bad job, tbh.
Actually now that I think of it I never asked Fallon if I could send a comet onto Kokumajutsu WHOOPS hehe
That was fitting though imo


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February 21, 2021 01:03:36  #1008

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Anyways during the entire False Assassin Arc (kinda what I call it), there's even more going on for Galaxi because...well, remember the premises? In the most selfless context it's that he's doing all this for the pantheon, but remember, Kenshin and Rune and all those related to them are also connected to the pantheon. Not only that, Kenshin and Rune's biggest enemies were Kokumajutsu and Alexander. Thus, Koku and Alex were basically the biggest threats towards his teachers in Galaxian's view. Working against Koku and Alex as hard as he could could mean sooner safety for Kenshin and Rune.
Meanwhile, Kenshin and Rune carried out their lives in basically a normal fashion, didn't really do anything to check on Galaxian's status (I will say I think this was after he said they're no longer his teachers and that he's cutting all ties, but I don't think you should just take someone's word for it and act like you never cared for them even after this), and probably didn't do much anything to counteract the threats themselves. Well, that's of what GalaxE knew, anyways.
Needless to say, it kinda sucks when those you're trying to help don't seem to care at all.


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February 21, 2021 01:04:55  #1009

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Note: I know some of this is because roleplaying limits the things that go behind in the background. I'm not saying Kenshin and Rune were completely at fault, but definitely mistakes were made on both sides and Galaxian's mentality did not go in a good direction from this part of plot


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February 21, 2021 01:06:54  #1010

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh now I wanna just write a paragraph of someone hugging Galaxian
Galaxian's ideal hugging time is: hug
Iirc I had to remember to narrate him letting go reluctantly while I was in the WoFMB because the little guy doesn't really let go
I'm pretty sure one of the few times Hitan relented to physical contact Galaxi basically clung to his chest like a monkey for the next 12 hours. He went invisible while Hitan went to work but dang


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February 21, 2021 01:13:04  #1011

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm thinking of my roleplaying decisions and overall on GGaD!Galaxian I'm like "I was such a jerk but would I do it all over again? Yes I would"


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February 21, 2021 01:15:10  #1012

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Same goes to any other character's backstory. I don't even regret CC!Rai's backstory and that's an absolutely horrific thing to not regret
Like his backstory in CC is fundamentally more angsty than in GGaD
CC's not the worst one for all his personas though
The other day I did add some details to his CC backstory, which btw I told both Specter and Echo once CC turned inactive but I'm like 98% sure both of them forgot it, which is genuinely very great


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February 21, 2021 01:17:10  #1013

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think one time I was really tempted to tell GGaD!Galaxian's backstory to Specter but they were like "You don't have to" so my stupid little younger brain was like "They don't want to know"
Thankfully I didn't tell them because my ideas for that back then sucked, thank the gods I was petty and didn't tell


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February 21, 2021 01:17:45  #1014

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I nearly thought I typed "then" as "than" and I nearly screamed (mentally, my mom's sleeping now)


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February 21, 2021 01:30:30  #1015

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh that makes me wonder if, in a situation, I were to...write out a very gruesome death for someone very deserving of it. Would I regret it?
Yeah I probably would not


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February 21, 2021 01:33:55  #1016

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm referring to Hitan's death btw
I regret that he has such a tragic life but no I do not regret the details of it
Mostly because it ain't my fault, I was just gonna have him die, like, as peacefully as possible? But Akuma doesn't freaking do that
The past is the past ig, the only thing that ticks me off is that I can't make reality take what happened to Hitan and reciprocate it on Akuma


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February 21, 2021 01:36:27  #1017

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I mean I guess I could do some reality hack to make Akuma be able to feel physical pain and then do whatever but I'm pretty sure if anyone did that to Kaori Hitan would kill them
I actually do like living thank you very much
Besides Akuma has an exorbitantly high pain tolerance; Kaori's body could probably destroyed and they'd be like "lol" even if they can feel it
What's the point of destroying Kaori physically anyways, it's not like that's a loss to Akuma


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February 21, 2021 01:47:23  #1018

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm glad I didn't write a certain excerpt--there was dialogue that didn't make sense there
It is fixed now yes


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February 21, 2021 01:49:15  #1019

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wow how much does my brain hate me to let me have a thought I'd like to see for once and then retract it half a second later


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February 21, 2021 01:53:18  #1020

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Imagine students hurting a teacher's self-esteem
Btw there is a specific teacher in mind for this, and if his self-esteem is hurt someone else will be hurt equally to pay for that

I think the mind-retracts-thoughts thing might be due to the part of my mind that I hypothesize exists--it disapproves of everything I do on the level of morals I am supposed to have


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