If so, retrieve your costume, they command/state. Honestly, it feels like the A.A. rarely speaks except for when commanding either of the two to do something. The most they speak is probably during Masked One meetings, and those are rare to come now.
The Cheetah perked up. "Okie! I'm on it!"
She scurried around to get to her costume.
The reason behind the A.A. saying that was actually a logic test--the A.A. actually has her costume somewhere, maybe even on them, but they never actually told her where it is. Speechless but unsurprised, they watch her dart around.
Yep, they shouldn't be surprised.
Meanwihle, the Cheetah was getting more or less distressed that she couldn't find her costume.
Her face looked funny, honestly.
The Mamba, despite being homicidal and psychotic, actually isn't that mean and doesn't just laugh at his friends' distress. Well, friend, I guess. Singular friend.
The A.A. resumes their business.
(Lol what is her costume?)
((Well, now I don't know if the A.A. got her costume or if the Cheetah herself assembled it, because I was thinking it'd be a mix of two different costumes or something lol.))
The Cheetah continued being slightly anxious to the point in which she began to run around in literal circles.
(......your choice lol.)
The Mamba and the A.A. still continue to not react, but for different reasons. The Mamba looks like he entered a temporary coma with his eyes open, while the A.A. ... is not doing that, obviously.
((I mean originally I thought the Cheetah got her own costume so if you're okay with it then we can do with that))
She suddenly skidded to a halt, barely avoiding a fall. "My costume! Where is it!?"
"Somewhereee," the Mamba sings. "Over the rainbowwww--"
No. Stop.
Here. The A.A. might've gestured, but the costume is invisible. You two tore it the other day. Had to fix it.
"Reaaaally?" The Cheetah did the most innocent and clueless head tilt ever. "I don't remember doing that."
In a heartbeat, however, the expression transitioned to show her recent anxiety over the costume. "Give it to me! I want my costume!"
"Give! it! to! me!" Cheetah demanded, holding out both of her arms in a very exaggerated manner.
"Pleaaaase?" She insisted.
No. Not finished.
"Not finished with what? Repair?"
Yes. Wow, the A.A. must be surprised that she actually guessed something correctly.
...or maybe not. They might not have emotions or something.
"When will you finish?" She continued. "I want my costume!"
Then repair it yourself.
"No! No, you can repair it."
That seems to have quieted the Cheetah down.
The A.A. goes back to doing her work for her.
"Where's mine?" the Mamba asks the Cheetah, like she'd know.
"I don't know. I just know mine is going to be ready soon!" The Cheetah bounced while doing tiptoe. "What's your costume, Mamba?"
Half ready, the A.A. reports.
"Oh! It's half ready!" The Mamba grins. "Yay! What was it again, though?"
He is ignored...because he's supposed to remember by now.
Anyways, he turns to the Cheetah again. Like she'd know. Lol.
The Cheetah raised her shoulders in a very exaggerated shrug.
Can we just note how he completely misinterpreted a very simple question before repeating it again?
"Cheetah doesn't know," the Mamba reports to the A.A., like they can't notice that.
Here. The A.A. gives a rare indication of what they will toss at something before they throw the Cheetah's (now repaired/fixed) costume to her, whatever that is.
The costume was very yellow, satined a bit in certain parts. It was actually a mix of two different costumes. But the pieces didn't look bad together. At least the Cheetah has some clothing taste? It's a costume though, not everyday wear, so...
The Cheetah caught the pieces of clothing and grinned. She held them close to her.
"Can I get changed already? Please?"
Go, the A.A. consents, perhaps slightly surprised at how, for once, she's asking them for permission. Though usually this happens--the Mamba or the Cheetah asks permission for things that don't really need permission and then usually they go off doing something like dismantling a roof or causing havoc. Or whatever.
"Wait, 'go'? Can't I get changed here?" She ended up shrugging. "Well, that's fine! Be right back!"
With that, the Cheetah made her way towards the door and out of the room.
(Hehe :3)
The A.A. doesn't bother saying "No" since she's either gone before they can respond or won't really listen. They just continue patching the Mamba's costume.
Here, they tell the Mamba.
Bruh, they could be such a good tailor.
It looks like Cheetah's going to take a few minutes changing. She's not as fast in doing that.