Now I'd be interested in seeing your reactions! 👀👀👀
But go write, that's priority :3
And honestly screaming reactions are like the most valid forms of reaction so dw.
jflksfjksdf I'm like a month late but screaming is indeed a very fun reaction
I started watching The Millionaire Detective / Fugou Keiji and even though I'm only one episode in I effectively lost it with all of the chaos going on,,,, Haru and Daisuke will probably kill me by the end because I heard this show gets crazier as it goes on
Hi Autumn! if you want this post deleted let me know
I wanted to say Happy Mid-Autumn/Mooncake Festival xD and here's some mooncakes
GalaxianExplosion wrote:
Hi Autumn! if you want this post deleted let me know
I wanted to say Happy Mid-Autumn/Mooncake Festival xD and here's some mooncakes
I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier! Thank you!
Happy mid-autumn/mooncake festival to you too, Galaxian!!
Did I really forget to check this place for like two whole weeks? Yes, yes I did
Sorry :^) you can expect me to check in on the SF boardhost and Discord daily but here I'll be pretty dead, sorry about that lol
autumnlibrarian16 wrote:
"Huh? Where is Asougi?" "He left the rest to me and departed."
Technically I should be working on a Spanish project right now but instead I was reading previous posts on this homethread and boy :^) this line is still a big ouch
It's been like a year since I went through DGS but I still have many thoughts,,,,
I know I keep saying this but I genuinely feel like revisiting it whenever I figure out a few things regarding school and other important things, since I know I'll probably end up binging it if I rewatch
I guess February break is coming up in a few weeks? depending on what happens with previously mentioned important things I might be able to go back during then :^) watch as I end up going back to 13 sentinels or something instead
I know I've been dead here but just keeping this quote here for the sake of myself, feel free to ignore this; it's not important but I just needed to keep it somewhere digitally
"Uncertainty weighs on the hearts of all people, but it's far preferable to standing still."
Too bad I am not ignoring this one!
Nice quote
Haha, fair enough
The quote comes from a character in Trails of Cold Steel
Oh hey, that's an interesting quote. Good to see you around here again, even if it's just for like a bit xD
:D hiya; I admittedly do check this place about once a day but typically I never post oops
Perhaps then I should post more Ace Attorney thoughts to keep you active :]
haha, just kidding... unless....?
Jk for real xD I know you're active on other places, but I'm also glad to know you're well!
haha :eyes:
:D seriously though, good to know you're all well too
the number of times I've listened to "I miss you" from the Trails of Cold Steel ost these last few days,,,,, help
It started with me just not knowing how to react to that game's ending (which is,,, kinda an ouchie once you move past some of Rean's corny-ness) and then just staring at the screen trying to process it until the ending theme kicked in and then I realized the song was kinda catchy
Falcom's music is just really good in general, there's quite a number themes that I've listened to on repeat for hours from the Trails franchise. The music also typically really fits whatever the atmosphere of the game is; starting up TOCS2 and then hearing the new battle theme instead of the one in TOCS1 just really drives home how Rean (the protagonist) feels in regards to what's going on around him
I forgot it was April Fool's today so of course my chem teacher decided to greet us all with "hey AP exams have been cancelled" first thing in the morning
I think half of the class (admittedly, myself included) almost believed her for a moment before she went "it's a prank" thirty seconds later,,, :^)
reviving myself to say that I finished up ToCS II a few days ago and :^)
the ending theme still hurts my soul
on the plus side this means I can start ToCS III (and actually play it, since my local library actually has a copy of it for the Switch) but also hhhhhh AP exam season is growing nearer and I am in Fear
speaking of AP exams I should probably go back to AP classroom and work on some chemistry :^)
popping in to say that an English port of DGS/The Great Ace Attorney was officially announced today and I'm not kidding when I say I almost freaked out when I first found out a few hours ago
It's one of my favorite games of all time :^) can't wait to go through it myself in late July
In other news I'm currently on spring break this week and I have done... not much beyond a few assignments for school and playing Trails of Cold Steel 3 :^) I feel kinda bad for being so unproductive but
Speaking of ToCS 3 take this out of context quote! as one of my friends said it's extremely anime and overly dramatic which is absolutely true, and that's part of what made it stick out:
"Though my wings have been stolen and my blade lost, I yet have the gun and the rose kept safely in my heart."
I don't know what it is exactly, but there's just something oddly nostalgic about fictional harbor/port towns in video games for me?
Ordis from ToCS 3 has made me realize this, but I know for certain there are other ones that have hit me with the same wave of nostalgia (Castelia from the Unova Pokemon games, and Liyue Harbor from Genshin for example); I feel like the reason why is because I've often visited a city with a waterfront for practically my entire life but it's still kinda wack
Last edited by autumnlibrarian16 (April 23, 2021 14:24:20)
You'd think that after all this time, I would have learned my lesson and would have stopped searching up the soundtracks of games before I finish them but clearly I haven't :^)
The amount of things I've spoiled myself on in regards to ToCS 3 and 4,,,, :^) I swear the more I learn the more I'm frightened by the ending because aaaaaaaa sounds like this one is not only a cliffhanger, but also just really really painful
It's kinda funny how I was able to go through both the Sky and Crossbell arcs without getting spoiled for anything (except for maybe the Olivier/Olivert twist, but that's pretty obvious anyway) and then the moment I get to the Cold Steel games I just constantly run into spoilers
Granted I don't have context for a lot of the spoilers that I run into but if anything that just makes it even more painful because I know that there's going to be an absolute emotional whirlwind, but I don't know why any of it happens or any of the finer details and aaaaaaaaaaaaa I just want to know what is going on,,, give me answers for once, game
I'm sorry for just turning this thread into my Trails rambles by the way fjslkfjsdlkf I've completely fallen down the rabbit hole now
Unfortunately though I had to go return the copy of ToCS 3 that I borrowed from my local library so my progress is kinda going to be halted until after AP exams are all taken care of,,, which means in like about a month help
And with that back to hw land I go
whoever thought it was a good idea for there to be slowing water while you fight two abyss heralds in genshin spiral abyss 11-3-2,,,,, why ):
You can tell I really don't want to do this one English essay because I'm procrastinating by doing my chemistry quizzes (that I also procrastinated on) instead oops
There's only a few weeks left until my AP exams now and I'm,,,,, aaaaaaaaaaaa
I need to learn how to use my graphing calculator for calc but it's just so hard after using desmos for so long
Maybe I should go back to doing my hw today so that I can free up time for a practice test tomorrow
it's incredible how much of my other hw I can get done while trying to avoid completing this one assignment in particular
procrastination,,,, :^)
chem is try? more like chem is why :^)
my ap exams are getting closer and closer and I am seriously getting scared hhhh
at this rate I'm going to have to do practice exams on school nights because apparently my weekends just get eaten up by all of my projects + chem assignments
nothing beats the sheer bewilderment I have upon getting a good grade on an essay I genuinely disliked (because of how bad I thought my essay was)
I really don't feel like I deserve this grade but :^) guess I'll take it
also my first ap exam (apush) is wednesday at noon and no I'm not ready aaaaaaaa
luckily it seems like I'm fine in regards to the MCQ but the SAQs (and the DBQ, although to a lesser extent)..... I'm kinda scared of my mind blanking on me
but of course! my chem teacher thinks it's a good idea to bombard us with chem and nothing else. lady we have other classes to study for :^)
anyway I'm sorry I'm here to just ramble about my classes and don't have anything interesting or noteworthy to say, school has been eating up most of my time recently with these upcoming ap exams (although I kinda feel like I haven't been studying enough but hh)
anyway that's enough from me, I guess I'll go back to studying
Good luck in case you need it! :D
Thanks, Galaxian!! :D Good luck with your exams, as well!!
Thanks :D
Oops looks like I missed some posts, but anyways, best wishes from me here!
I'm not really sure of what all those acronyms(?) mean but I still wish for the best xD.
Thanks Specter!!
And haha yeah they're acronyms, I'm so accustomed to using and hearing them at this point that I completely forgot that they may not be exactly commonplace, I think these are the ones I used
MCQ - multiple choice question
SAQ - short answer question
DBQ - document based question
APUSH - AP US History
So I had my APUSH exam a few days ago and.... :^)
I know I got at least a passing score; I'd even go as far to say I got at least a 4 but I don't know. I wanted a 5 but oh well nothing I can do except wait now
I have my other exams on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (which are calc, chem, and lang respectively) and while I can probably get 5s on all of them I just need to practice a bit more (in the case of lang, I just need to hope that on test day I don't run out of time while writing essays because hahaha yeah that's the only hard part)