"They're usually grown for planting, but in some parts of Forengard they're actually an invasive species," Galaxian continues to inform. "Probably because they grow so easily. Like I said before though, they're not that easily grown. They can't stand the cold that well. Not many flowers do. So, they're planted after the frost season is over."
"They sound really interesting. I want to see a patch of them sometime," Germaine commented. "What's the other type for gardening? You only mentioned one."
She turned left at a tree, leaving the path behind.
"Cosmos bippanatus," comes the response. "They're two of the most common gardening varieties."
"What's the difference? Assuming there is a noticeable one, of course."
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (September 24, 2020 20:18:37)
"They can be pretty easily told apart," Galaxian rambles, though there's a degree of coherence to said rambling. "The leaves of cosmos sulphureus are long. They're also somewhat hairy at the sides and narrow lobes. They're usually yellow, orange, or red. But cosmos bippanatus has finely cut leaves. All of their leaves look like ferns together. And they're usually white or darker shades of pink, like dark rose, or just normal pink."
"Ah, I think I can remember that now. I have seen them; I just didn't recognize the name for some reason." She smiled.
"That's logical. Entities don't usually associate plants to names that often due to the uniqueness of how they're named," Galaxian muses.
"I guess that's true, although general names might be recognized more easily. Scientific names are interesting but often harder for people to recall." Germaine nodded. "And then there are those flowers with a bit of rarity in certain areas."
Galaxian shrugs. "Flowers are like crops. They usually have geographical specificity. So, entities in that region tend to be more familiar with them than those in other regions."
"That is a good point, and very logical."
Did he just puff out his chest like a proud mother hen again? "Or some entities don't garden, so all they know of flowers are roses and violets, et cetera."
"Oh, but those flowers are beautiful anyway!" Germaine exclaimed cheerfully. "I like violets too."
"Are they actually violet in your eyes?" No transition, but he's actually curious.
"Maybe not all of them, but mostly I see them like that."
"Oh." He thinks a bit. "What's your favorite flower then?"
"Orchids!" She replied without hesitation. "Purple Cattleyas, especially, but I like all of the colors and kinds."
"They're just... special to me." Germaine smiled as her pace slowed down somewhat. "My mother enjoyed caring for them with me, and I acquired a love for orchids. And I just like purple flowers too."
"Oh! You have a mother!" Galaxian looks really excited for a moment, likely because he's never had a mom, but then the past tense of the verb dawns on him and he looks traumatized by what he just said.
Germaine doesn't look the least bit offended. Instead, she turned her smile to the god and nodded. "Hey, don't worry about that. Yes, I did have a mother. She was a very kind lady. Maybe someday I'll be able to be more like she was."
Too late. Galaxian's practically self-petrified. He hasn't turned slate white yet though, thank the gods.
"Hey," she repeated, stopping to face Galaxian. "You didn't say anything wrong. It was just a slip-up."
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (October 1, 2020 03:24:54)
Galaxian mutters something unintelligible.
Germaine didn't know what to reply to that. She really didn't want him to feel guilty, though.
Galaxian continues looking guilty, his scarlet eye somehow looking downcast.
Rip lol what can she do? Germaine just wants Galaxian to be better. But he wasn't really reacting to her words, so...
Guess she'll have to figure it out then. :')
Germaine tried going for a comforting pat on the shoulder.
((Bruh dude this was supposed to be fluff))
Haha. What's that?
Well, you know, they can't have "fluff" without some know??? For mutual understanding? Yadda yadda?
True, that's a good point and this roleplayer understands it.