"That's not what you said you'd do," the muttering one mutters.
"Well, I need to know for this trick of mine."
Well, at least none of them are stupid. They're just kinda squinting at Oblivion.
"He does," Akuma chimes in.
"Well, she's our star chef," one says hesitantly, gesturing to a middle-aged woman who's standing more towards the back.
"Oh. Ok then."
Suddenly a barrier of shadow erupts behind the staff, trapping them in the allyway.
Said star chef's gaze flickers to the shadow barrier. "..."
The others are more caught by surprise.
Oblivion suddenly summons a umbraspear and skewered a random staff member, probably a waiter or something.
(When you don't know how to POV them: )
Well then, due to the narrator's inabilities to POV more than one person (or just to POV at all), let's just say most of them are mortified. And more than half of them have paled already as the realization of what just happened dawned on them. And also some have screamed.
One of them takes off running. The fence isn't a tall one and he leaps over it quite easily. And a few of them seem like they're considering doing the same. In fact, quite a few have started to.
((oof I didn't realize there was a short fence lol))
"Hey. Hey!" Oblivion summons more umbraspears and fires then for the runners, "You run, you die!!"
Akuma's chuckling slightly in amusement.
The first one out manages to make it quite far. He's the one with the cell phone, which he seems to have dialed. Smart man. He's also a chef, by the way. The other ones are speared down, sometimes a bit off from where Oblivion aimed.
Well is he the star chef?? NO! Oblivion still fires more shadows for the runners. Making sure they all run them through.
The cell phone clatters to the ground when the man is hit isn't quite turned off. Perhaps Oblivion would notice that, perhaps he wouldn't.
Yeah ngl Oblivion probably either doesn't care or didn't notice.
He just keeps killing and throwing shadows at people. "STOP RUNNING YOU'LL DIE!"
Last edited by Time (August 6, 2020 15:09:23)
They don't respond. They focus on running.
The muttering one is still there. When he speaks again, to Akuma, he sounds shooketh shaken, logically so. "You said...he'd swear on his honor." He swallows hard. "This is a joke! Right?"
Akuma doesn't answer, probably too busy lifting his hand to cover his mouth and a grin. When it speaks, it speaks to Oblivion. "C'mon, let's just get to having fun. With how you do things you might just hurt her."
Ngl Oblivion seemed confused on either the thing about honor or whatever Akuma said, but he nods in agreement either way.
"Now... everyone here that hasn't run away yet." He said, "Come. Now." His shadow spears directed to everyone who hasn't ran away. Boxing them in.
Some obey. The others do not obey.
Akuma still doesn't seem too concerned for whatever reason, but just for the sake of being somewhat helpful instead of spectating like the awful entity it is, it does launch off into the air, its movement invisible until it lands softly in between all the chefs and their intended destination(s).
"Come onnn." He impales a random staff member not complying, "Hurrry uuppp!"
"Mortals, stop being so dumb," Akuma orders them, except it sounds very bored. "You're wasting our time. Come on. Let's go. Back."
Some are still trying to run away, panicked. The narrator can't blame them.
For some reason, Akuma finally decides to do something. Well, it just basically slides one of the waitresses into a nearby tree. Hard, of course. As in: Smashes her into the tree, of course. It doesn't even bother picking her up. As for the others, it kind of just looks at them with a bored expression, as bored as it can look with about half of its face covered, anyways.
"Come on. Hurry up." Says Oblivion, impaling the runners, "I'll kill you if you run.."
"You'll kill them either way," the star chef tries to say calmly. With that, she turns to her coworkers. "RUN TOWARDS THE FRONT."
"Aww." Akuma pouts a bit. "Don't be like that, miss."
"You really don't trust us?" Oblivion said with a mock frown.
The chef glares at both Akuma and Oblivion. Equality!!! Yay!!!
"What does that? Mean? What's that supposed to mean?" Oblivion looked to Akuma while pointing at the chef.
Last edited by Time (October 8, 2020 22:58:22)
(O no Time is villain of the year)
"I think that means she doesn't like us," Akuma offers with all honesty.
((No no he's not look it's not there look))
"Oh. Huh." Oblivion Scratched his head, "Sooo uhhh I guess that means let's have some food now?"
Last edited by Time (October 8, 2020 23:03:31)
(Last edited by...hMmmMMMMmmMM)
"Sure!" Akuma exclaims enthusiastically while still scrutinizing the chef.
Kudos to her, to be honest. She's glaring at a demon and a corrupted deity.
"It's so much of a hassle to even eat, to be honest," said demon adds. "How can mortals even bear it? Perhaps they deserve a bit more respect than I've accredited them."
"Who knows?" He said, "Maybe its just that tasty."
"So if it isn't, what do I burn?" Akuma asks with a devilish grin.
"Hmmm. Maybe..." Oblivion said, trying to be deep in thought (he wasn't at all).
"The restaurant and everything surrounding it?" Akuma says without much thought.