"Rnghnhhh," the Mamba answers, just as the guy goes, "I guess yes and no."
"Yes," the Cheetah told the stranger, backing away one step with a sweet hint of a smile on her face. She finally pulled back her hand.
She looked down at the Mamba. "Eyy, get up!"
"Definitely no," rebukes the stranger as the Mamba, in fact, does not get up.
"That's what you think!" she retorted defiantly. She kept her attention on the Mamba.
"So, your friend usually does this?" he asks as he eyes the Mamba's worrying posture warily. He puts a little question mark behind the word "friend," somehow.
The Cheetah bobbed her head. "Yeah, he's normal, he's okay!" She grinned at the stranger. "Sometimes I do it too!"
By the way, any other details about this person or is it just a random NPC?
"Hmm, okay," he concedes. His tone is neutral, heading towards friendly. He's wearing a red vest and has medium-length black hair, tied back behind his head in a loose tie. He carries himself with a confident poise and has a default raise to the left side of his mouth. His eyes are dark enough to be called black, but the sight of them is mostly distracted by the occasional fluff of bangs across his forehead. He seems to be in his early twenties. His arms are crossed loosely in front of his chest. Otherwise, he's in a relaxed poise. He has very shallow pockets on his black jeans and is wearing almost worn-out sneakers.
Can't really tell what occupation he has from his appearance.
The girl's last expression was supposed to be subtle, but really it was too easy to see she looked all over the stranger to get as many details as possible (and to excuse the description in the post above).
She poked the Mamba with the tip of her foot. "Hey!"
Hopefully she didn't look at him from head to toe. That's rude.
The Mamba is as limp as a wet noodle.
Yes, she doesn't have a very good or consistent notion of manners.
The Cheetah grabbed her friend from the clothes like before when he fell asleep.
Oh boy.
Thankfully, the clothes don't rip.
"I would advise against that," the stranger...advises. "He might break his head if those rip."
The Cheetah pulled. "No, we're fine!"
"We're?" he asks, raising his other eyebrow. He's young enough for the crease on his forehead to not really show. "You sure you can speak for him?"
The Mamba has become surprisingly heavy. The fabric is also surprisingly durable.
"Yep!" Cheetah replies, tugging harder.
"Maybe let him rest a bit," the stranger suggests as the Mamba's face probably drags in the dirt half an inch or something.
The Cheetah carefully let go of the Mamba's clothes. After waiting for two seconds, she shook his head.
(Sorry, did you mean "her" in the last part there, or is she shaking the Mamba's head?)
((She's shaking the Mamba's head))
It looks like he's out cold...but then again, he could easily be playing dead. Yes, even during a time like this.
"Yeah...maybe, a minute or two should work magic!"
Now, with a smile at her brilliant idea, the Cheetah stood up straight and counted the seconds in her mind. Her sight was fixed on the Mamba's face just in case there was a hint of movement.
Last edited by SpecterTheGreat (October 12, 2021 23:09:20)
"We can call the ambulance for him," the guy offers. "It's probably really close to here, seeing as what seemed to have happened about ten or fifteen minutes ago."
The Cheetah tilted her head to the side like a curious kitten. "What happened?"
"Something shot through that building there and lit the top on fire," he says, pointing to A Certain Building. "Shot a huge hunk of it off, too. I reckon they're still trying to figure out what happened. Looks really weird to me."
"Maybe it exploded," offered the Cheetah, unhelpfully and inaccurately.
She'd seen and knew what happened. But, like always, her mind is wandering.
"From the looks of it, I doubt it," he says, giving a good squint towards the poor infrastructure. "Nothing wrong with random guesses, of course," he adds.
He glances at the Mamba, who also looks like something or someone to be concerned about, but this time, he doesn't say anything. Hey, it isn't like he murdered someone.
"We gotta get going," the Cheetah muttered, mostly to herself. She poked the Mamba with the tip of her shoe.
Well, he ain't gonna help with that goal.
The guy looks at the Mamba, the Cheetah, the Mamba again, and then sighs. "Y'all need a call or something?" he offers.
"Nope! You can leave now!" she chirped.
"I'm not staying here to meddle in your business," he explains. "I'm waiting to see what will happen over there."
"But you can watch from over there too," the Cheetah protested, pointing farther away down the block.