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November 26, 2023 15:46:11  #1561

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Not gonna lie that was a hell of a jumpscare when I was looking at new posts lmao

Call me Ishmael.
21 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

November 26, 2023 16:56:20  #1562

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Yeah it feels weird seeing a character in a video game share a name with someone else I know

It's weirder when I know the name is derived from the same literary source

It's like two people having the same name in the the same class

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November 28, 2023 01:21:19  #1563

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Spiderman pointing meme

Call me Ishmael.
21 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

November 28, 2023 22:16:47  #1564

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread


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November 29, 2023 02:19:21  #1565

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Finding music is tough. I don't really listen to music that often.

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November 29, 2023 12:03:03  #1566

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

That's what radio is good for, you can find stuff you didn't even know you liked

"Martial arts is... a way to move all cool like?"
Live like nobody's watching
I aten't dead
If i was rich, I'd fill up a room with buttons, and then when you pressed them they'd make satisfying sounds

November 29, 2023 12:43:12  #1567

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

*spellcasting sound*


*explosion sound*


*Clock bell noise*


"We luv casting spells"


*more spellcasting noises*
*spell activation noise*


*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*

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November 30, 2023 17:19:02  #1568

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread



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December 2, 2023 04:13:07  #1569

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Just finished Canto V at 1 am in them morning

shit was sum peak. They do get better every entry. Looking forwards to the upcoming stories and such.

I was meaning to write on it, but sometimes, I just think writing only bits and pieces of characters and such may do good.

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December 2, 2023 04:15:29  #1570

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

As in I focus in on writing very specific topics, instead of trying to cover as much as I can.

Oh wow look it's Ishmael! Smiling?? That's crazy...

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December 2, 2023 04:20:19  #1571

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Call me Ishmael.
21 | Any Pronouns | wandering forest entity that occasionally visits your kitchen

"Is my body really part of the earth, and is the soul just a metaphor?"

Bones are creaky, knees weak, voice is squeaky

December 2, 2023 04:45:03  #1572

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Yeah I wrote that one that way on purpose ngl

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December 2, 2023 15:09:29  #1573

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Ok, I've been thinking on how I grade and analyze stories, games, etc. I know lots of this is stuff you guys don't see personally, but oftentimes think:

Am I too lenient? Am I not critical enough?

For video games for example. I see people absolutely despising mechanics or gameplay that I didn't even spare a second thought to. I was totally fine with it. I even may think it contributed to the story. Maybe it's just because I'm much more patient with things? I've found that irl, I am pretty tolerant when it comes to different people and their tastes. Could it be that gameplay is practically a secondary thing to me, with story being first and foremost?

Maybe it's simply I have a broad taste? Do I have a broad taste? Maybe it's a thing where I can easily sperate objective and subjective thoughts? I can't tell.

I know I can be critical on things. I do go by the creed of being critical on yourself for improvement after all. Plus, I do see stories and then think: "Oh yeah this stuff isn't good."

Maybe the core of this question boils down to:

Why do I like some things, while other people do not? Why, when interpreting the same work, some people find totally different conclusions from me? I understand the latter question is one with the matter of perspective and experiences, but still, why??

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December 2, 2023 15:09:50  #1574

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

You know, maybe I should go and take a few classes or something to help understand this idk

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December 4, 2023 11:59:57  #1575

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Last push this week and I'll be able to relax for a bit.

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December 7, 2023 18:40:04  #1576

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I was going to post here but I forgor that it was gonna be

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December 7, 2023 23:45:18  #1577

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I love the organic chemistry tutor

the organic chemistry tutor is epic

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December 8, 2023 17:07:41  #1578

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I was thinking about writing character deaths because I keep up with JJK (anime and manga) and I dislike how the author handles characters not even death wise, but as a general whole.

I think I may write something longer, so maybe that'll go on the writing thread.

But for me at least if I'm going to kill off an important character, it's going to be in such a way that I will be the one to be hurt the most.

But anyways once again:


Last edited by Time (December 8, 2023 17:08:45)

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December 9, 2023 04:12:04  #1579

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I just deleted multiple paragraphs of heavy introspection.

Maybe summarizing it...

I wish there was an easy way of gaining knowledge about objective judgements of yourself. One could always ask friends, but for me, I am extremely deliberative about friendship and who I place even an ounce of trust into. Plus friends are usually biased.

I think myself to be much wiser for my age. "Being mature" is a very common complement I've received IRL. Heck, if you want to go even further back in time, I remember that... was it Angel? Back in the old forums someone told me that I gave off the vibes of a younger sibling that's way too mature for his age. Which I find weird today, now thinking about it. I know that I may not appear in such a way to you guys, but people also normally act differently when they're interacting with different people and friend groups. But moving on...

In the ramblings, I think I wrote about wondering why people though of me that way besides the obvious topics of being more tolerant of others and aware of oneself? When it comes many, many, many things I am nothing more than a novice. Am I mature simply because I am aware of this fact? Or is it something else? Is it actually a matter of perspective?

TL;DR: I watched an episode of Frieren and I just started pondering and rambling on the spot. I always somewhat regret posting these the by the time the next day comes around because I think they make me look like a snob.

Last edited by Time (December 9, 2023 04:16:38)

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December 9, 2023 04:18:42  #1580

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I wish it was easier to directly convey what you are thinking into speech. Heck, even into writing.

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December 9, 2023 13:11:13  #1581

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Dang, missed the Time Introspection Episode ):


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

December 9, 2023 18:49:55  #1582

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Oh they come around every now and then don't worry

I was looking at the activity and was wondering why the heck it just suddenly got so active and I realized: oh, it's Galaxian

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December 9, 2023 18:52:17  #1583

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Just doing my part as usual (: spamming


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

December 10, 2023 20:33:36  #1584

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

This is a highly specific scenario but I was playing some yt videos in the background while working on some art and it was surprising that I recognized multiple ost tracks in the background. It's not the first time that it's happened, but it's the first time in which it was so frequent.

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December 13, 2023 03:13:58  #1585

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Yoooo remember that one visual novel that I mentioned like, 2 months ago and haven't mentioned again? I finally found the time to pick it back up again. I should be nearing the end soon. It's pretty slow and can get a bit boring at points, but the chapters I've recently read really picked it up well by a lot. Plus I understood the boring stuff as mostly set up. Plus it's character interaction so that's nice.

You know whenever I say "Fire" or "Peak" I feel like there's a connotation of hype behind it. Like there's just an epic action sequence or attraction going on. But when it comes to some of the stuff I read and play, it's just hella depressing and I don't know if I'd call it "fire" because it doesn't really light a fire within you. It feels like your heart is a cold slab of meat and left out in the snow to be alone.

Oh hold up wait wait then it's "COLD"

I am a savant writer bruh

Last edited by Time (December 13, 2023 03:14:45)

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December 15, 2023 05:19:50  #1586

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I was thinking of picking songs for when I'm writing the hidden sails, and oof, that may be hard.

I don't consider my musical reservoir to be that large, so I may have to dig around and see what pops up. Probably some instrumental stuff, some ambience tracks too. I'll look into some video game osts and see if anything fits. Plus maybe some other artists that just don't use voices in their works. If anyone has a reccommendation, I'm not opposed.

Last edited by Time (December 15, 2023 05:53:13)

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December 17, 2023 04:09:09  #1587

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

csm Reze movie lets get it 🔥🔥🔥

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December 17, 2023 18:31:50  #1588

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Alright, The Hidden Sails sign up thread has entered a soft closing

Now the official planning phase begins!

Lets us set sail!

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December 18, 2023 22:05:19  #1589

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

slow times once more

I finally finished Stella of the End like a few days ago. It was a decently good book.

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December 20, 2023 01:22:11  #1590

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Back onto reading way more often. I couldn't read (what I wanted to read) back during the busy times of college, so I'm happy for this breathing space.

It also gives me motivation for The Hidden Sails too.

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