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June 14, 2023 18:19:38  #1261

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I haven't realized but we're kinda in summer now/summer break

Bruh the signature be wacky

June 14, 2023 18:19:59  #1262

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Or some of us are in summer break some of us are not

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 14, 2023 20:43:23  #1263

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Time wrote:

the butterfly lore

Sure, usually I make a point of making themes and leaving it to be perceived by individual interpretation, but I'll make an exception.
Purple butterflies represent positive change. With some of us being in college or working towards it, I thought I'd make a theme that supports our future success and prosperity.
Even if life is being tough, the theme conveys my belief that we'll make through any sort of obstacle with strength and grace.


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

June 15, 2023 13:14:44  #1264

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Zamn that does go hard I say

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June 15, 2023 19:33:10  #1265

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I haven't been too too active as of late due to me exploring a game that Specter suggested in the Good Story Thread. (the good story thread is a good place to be introduced to possible stories or just hearing anything be mentioned)

On that gaming grind and whatnot.

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June 15, 2023 19:42:53  #1266

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Oooo, which one did you choose? :eyes:
I get the gaming thing xD sometimes there's things that hold your interest so so much

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

June 15, 2023 21:27:23  #1267

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I know it wasn't in your first wave of suggestions, but I ended up picking up Honkai: Star Rail

I'm gonna write my first impressions now since you have me thinking. I am going to separate all my first impressions in to topics with spoilers. That does not mean that there is spoilers, rather, it's just organizational. 

Why did I pick HSR/a gatcha game?

I was wondering about experiencing a gatcha game. How much does gatcha get in the way of gameplay? How will it effect my gameplay? Will it ever touch my wallet? Is the story actually good? These were my primary questions I wanted to answer when playing this game.

I ended up picking HSR since it was turn based (I like turn based, strategy games) and that it was apart of an extended universe. It is true that Limbus Company also has these two aspects, but I ended up choosing HSR because it seemed to have a higher production value, and that it was more popular. If I wanted to get a more general feel of how gatchas were, I figured maybe getting one of the most popular experiences would be good. Of course, this was the reasoning plus the interest in seeing how a gatcha really is.

Specific rules I made for myself and thoughts on these rules/analysis on gatcha portion of the game

A large reason as to why I play is for story. Due to this, I decided to set a few perimeters on characters that I could use:
1. Character must be relevant to current story/in the scene in which combat initiates
2. If there is a mission where it's only the mc + characters that I do not have, then the team can be filled with characters that: is in the same location/planet the story is taking place on, and has a positive enough relationship to fight with the mc
3. If a character is apart of the astral express crew, then I can let them fight in the party (as long as it doesn't mess with continuity of the story)

this has lead me to definitely actively nerfing my team. Some the time, I'm only using 3 characters instead of a standard 4. It made me really think how much it sucks to have a character that is important to the current story locked behind a gatcha wall. It made me think that HSR could be in the group of gatchas where a gatcha mechanic feels kinda weird. Once again, just my opinion. If it's like that for all gatchas, then maybe I think gatcha is just weird.

They could have done gatcha for like, equipment and power up stuff only! But I understand that such a system wouldn't net them as much money since people wouldn't be spending their money on hot anime women and men.

How is the gameplay?

Combat is very basic. Each character you control has 3 moves in combat, 2 to initiate combat, and 1 passive. However, I can see there is potential to still create builds and get in to a deeper level if one wants to, since there are ways to manipulate character stats, and there are (simple) strategies for each character. I figure I will do this to myself at some point to handle the handicap that I have placed on myself and make it more fun for me.

I do wish for a little bit more complexity though. Maybe I will find this complexity I'm looking for as I do a deeper dive into the mechanics.

It seems to me that you can easily breeze through combat if you wanted to by just leveling your characters, or you can get a challenge by not doing that as often.

How has gatcha part of the game effect my gameplay so far?

Definitely it has led me to grind more. I don't have all team members of the astral express, and since they're the main group the story follows, it has lead me to grind for more tickets to try to summon them. There's always a nagging thing in the back of my mind saying, "Hey, spending a little money never hurts," but I'm doing a strictly free to play run. Much more noble, yes?

I also got spoiled a little on who of the Astral Express is going to be important on the next world ahead of me, so it has lead me to try to slow down the current story (by doing more side quests) so that I have more time to try and pull him. So that's also an interesting change.

I also said a few things about being immersed and whatnot in the personal rules section

How's the Story?

The big reveal, right? Well, as of the moment, the story is ok. Like, it's a bit above average. There are bits and pieces here and there that I actually really like, but there are others where I just feel like I'm dragging. The dragging part may be a side effect of me doing a lot of grinding, though. I am interested in the overarching story, for sure. I like the idea of aeons an stellerons and whatnot, but I'm only semi-interested in the current arc that's going on. I hope something draws me in, or it eventually gets connected to the overall story.

If anyone is wondering where I am as of writing this, I am on Jarilo-VI, about to confront Svarog.

I also like that there are some random parts of character lore or text that got me going like, "Damn... that's good."

So overall: I'm interested in the overall story, but I'm still waiting in anticipation for things to get good. I would also say I am very interested on the worldbuilding side and would like to see how that expands.

Other things I didn't mention

Imma just rapid fire through all of these:
Music: Simple, but nice. I like how each area has a similar tune to it, but it varies greatly based off of situation. Ex. Jarilo VI music all has the same chant(?) in the background, but the chanting, as well as surrounding instruments change based on situation (such as location, and what type of fight you're experiencing). I'm refering to background music, ofc. I'm not really talking about music that arrises during specific key moments, but I'd like to hear some of that.

Character design: Very detailed and nice and all, but as of the moment, I haven't really analyzed them. They may just look good but lack underlying traits that give more information about the character or something. Once again, still have to look into them if I wanna know.

Voice sync: One small detail that I actually REALLY like is that the character's voices are actually in sync with their mouth. They would make the similar shapes that we would do. However, it seems like it's only for the important characters or for close ups, because otherwise, their mouths don't move at all lol. I'm using english dub and sub btw.

References and humor: I enjoy the refrences that this game has, Breaking Bad, Souls games, Fight club, Rick Astley, and more. Also, while I haven't really laughed my way to the point I can't breath at that the humor provided in this game, I still enjoy it for other reasons, like the interactions it's provides. I think the humor sometimes is clever. I like how sometimes this humor is more hidden, and how sometimes the descriptive text recognizes and makes fun of things. t's never actually made me laugh out loud though.

definitely keep in mind these are first impressions, and still subject to change.

Last edited by Time (June 15, 2023 22:28:04)

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June 15, 2023 21:51:45  #1268

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Other additions that I forgot to add to the original post but I think still can stand well enough on their own

- Animation is absolutely excellent. Simple as that. Of course, when I talk about this, I'm highlighting the ultimate, and the cutscenes.

- As I mentioned, I enjoy the worldbuilding a good bit actually. I like that this is a multiverse we are talking about, and I like hearing of counterparts of the same characters. I don't think I'll dive into like, other Honkai games to learn more about them, but it's cool to hear that every now and then. It does sometimes give me a sense of FOMO sometimes though. But at the same time, it's cool to know it's apart of a bigger world.

I also like the idea of that there's the normal laws of physics and whatever, and then there's laws that control the "imaginary" which is the result as to why some people have powers. That there are some people that can work and manipulate these laws to their own benefit, or that those in greater power can use these laws to bestow power. I think I may steal that.

- More on apperances + music actually. Lowkey the appearances of some characters reminded me of guilty gear in that they have so much random straps and belts just hanging around on their clothing. Dunno why I like guilty gear designs, but atm I'm neutral with these designs then. I know I just made a signle comparison that is kinda a half joke, but still.

Also the music for the "anime opening" trailer really reminded me of guilty gear vocals too. Not really the acutal music, becuase that's nowhere near the rock of gg, but rather the vocals in english. Because guilty gear vocals usually is just random phrases that end up somehow conveying a story. I kinda felt the same here in how goofy the lyrics were. Goofy in a good way, for me.

Last edited by Time (June 15, 2023 22:20:39)

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June 15, 2023 21:52:20  #1269

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I typed all that up without checking for spelling errors so sorry if anyone decides to read that stuff and it makes no sense

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June 15, 2023 22:08:04  #1270

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

also actually what are events? Are they like for a limited time only and then the content is gone forever? Or are they "if you complete this new event content in this time frame you will get extra awards" but they stay around outside of the time frame as well?

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June 15, 2023 22:13:52  #1271

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Oh also a random thing I don't like: Why do all the women wear heels? I've never really worn them, but I know for a fact running around and fighting in them has gotta be super uncomfy. Just run in like, boots or smth dude.

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 15, 2023 22:21:16  #1272

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Man how many edits did I do for the posts with spoilers bruh 💀

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June 15, 2023 22:25:50  #1273

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Time wrote:

Oh also a random thing I don't like: Why do all the women wear heels? I've never really worn them, but I know for a fact running around and fighting in them has gotta be super uncomfy. Just run in like, boots or smth dude.

Welcome to the genre bro 💀


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

June 15, 2023 22:35:45  #1274

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Welcome to the genre bro 💀

if wonky skip to 4:04

I sense that it may very well be a strategy to try to get people to pull for them 🤔

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June 16, 2023 14:23:27  #1275

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

bayonetta wears heels because they're her other two guns, the rest of the anime women don't have excuses. except for the ones that ride horses, horseriding is the reason heels were invented

AAAaaaaand i've reverted. Yay! there was too much sand in my lungs, anyways.
I am made of Ash and Bones and a little bit of meat. I can also be called Draki but I am not made of draco yet.
refer to me in the same manner the french refer to flesh.

okay that's all i'm going to cast divine skeleton bone blast now

June 16, 2023 18:26:16  #1276

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

There really isn't a reason for them to have heels other than character design imo. I think over time you just get used to seeing clothing designs that are probably not practical for battle but are aesthetic in some way. 
(imho though, men's designs tend to look a lot cooler than women's designs most of the time in gacha games. I think it might be because most of they time they are designed to look cool while girls are supposed to be waifus and stuff)

Either way, I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I'll say, I did not expect you to pick HSR out of all the games suggested xD.
For the gacha part, just make sure you promise to not spend money if you're going F2P. And accept that you won't be able to get every character in the game unless you get really lucky, and luck is not on your side. Make sure to check if HSR has a pity system or not because if it does, you can start saving towards a unit you really want/need and skip other banners. Also, character banners will eventually have reruns if you didn't get them or if you want to try for multiple copies of the same chara, though you'll have to wait for that. I do think you're limiting yourself too much when it comes to team comps, but as long as you're having fun, that's okay! Just keep in mind that games will usually have a difficulty spike at some point and you'll need to seriously check team synergy by then. Something important in gacha games is that you have to make use of the units you have available, cause you really can't count on getting the character you'd like from the gacha. 
Events tend to be limited-time things, so make sure you read the in-game info about them to see how long they'll last. Usually it's good to participate in as many as you can because they'll give currency and items you'll need to level up your units.

HSR is a pretty recent game so its story is still being updated and there is a lot more that will be unlocked in the future. That means the gameplay will probably pick up more in the future too, and you'll have to keep updated. I've heard the Honkai universe is very complex and I've also heard that other Honkai games tend to get dark with their lore the more you progress, and I can vouch for that with Genshin which is another game by Hoyoverse (and I've heard it's indirectly connected to the Honkai universe. I wonder how exactly tbh.). I don't know if you want to try to figure out everything by yourself, but it would probably be useful to check out guides and stuff if you wanna optimize gameplay in the future. For now, just focus on enjoying and playing at your own pace :>

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

June 16, 2023 18:28:09  #1277

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Time wrote:

Oh also a random thing I don't like: Why do all the women wear heels? I've never really worn them, but I know for a fact running around and fighting in them has gotta be super uncomfy. Just run in like, boots or smth dude.

I can't wear heels because of my scoliosis but yeah I wonder this too

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

June 16, 2023 19:26:04  #1278

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

AshTheAvaricious wrote:

bayonetta wears heels because they're her other two guns, the rest of the anime women don't have excuses. except for the ones that ride horses, horseriding is the reason heels were invented

I bet it's an excuse for the creators so they can have her step on people.

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June 16, 2023 21:52:34  #1279

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

There really isn't a reason for them to have heels other than character design imo. I think over time you just get used to seeing clothing designs that are probably not practical for battle but are aesthetic in some way. 

True. That's how anime be fr.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

For the gacha part, just make sure you promise to not spend money if you're going F2P. And accept that you won't be able to get every character in the game unless you get really lucky, and luck is not on your side. Make sure to check if HSR has a pity system or not because if it does, you can start saving towards a unit you really want/need and skip other banners. Also, character banners will eventually have reruns if you didn't get them or if you want to try for multiple copies of the same chara, though you'll have to wait for that. I do think you're limiting yourself too much when it comes to team comps, but as long as you're having fun, that's okay! Just keep in mind that games will usually have a difficulty spike at some point and you'll need to seriously check team synergy by then. Something important in gacha games is that you have to make use of the units you have available, cause you really can't count on getting the character you'd like from the gacha.

1. (F2P?) Yeah. I'll be free to play.
2. (Pity) It does. I'm just going to look it up/do some math concerning pull rate cause you've made it coinvent for me
- 90 pulls = a 5 star character or a 5 star light cone (or whatever you call it)
- One time usage in standard: 300 pulls gets you one 5 star character of your choosing
- Banner summons use a 50-50 system for the 5 star character and 4 star characters
3. (Limiting myself) Nah. I wouldn't be playing the game at all if I had not placed these limits on myself. I don't think I could enjoy the game that much at all if I was following characters in a story and during a battle a buncha random people show up. Plus, from what I've seen, the characters that have been given to me atm are all decent enough. Plus, I do like a challenge.
4. (Getting characters) Yeah. I figured. That's why atm I'm only setting my sights on characters I feel will have a reliable presence in the story. Currently have 3/5 of them. The part that sucks is those 3 were ones given to me at the beginning lol.

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

HSR is a pretty recent game so its story is still being updated and there is a lot more that will be unlocked in the future. That means the gameplay will probably pick up more in the future too, and you'll have to keep updated. I've heard the Honkai universe is very complex and I've also heard that other Honkai games tend to get dark with their lore the more you progress

1. (Darker story) - Good.
2. I'm interested if they further develop the gameplay in the future. 3 moves in combat can sometimes be underwhelming.

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June 17, 2023 03:00:28  #1280

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Seriously about this heel thing I gotta think about it more

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 18, 2023 18:34:38  #1281

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Okay okay I'm happy you're enjoying the story but at the same time I find it so funny you're focusing so much on some heels like xD

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

June 19, 2023 01:41:31  #1282

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Yeah. Usually I didn't really expect that I'd be someone that's cool with griding resources in games too.

But what's also almost as interesting as the heel conundrum is how fast it took the internet for it to pick up I was playing the game. Like 2-3 days after I downloaded it I got ads concerning hsr (which is kinda weird since I'm already playing it)

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June 19, 2023 01:43:52  #1283

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Oh, also on that first impression post where I talked about the humor, I stand corrected. There was a joke that did make me do a light chuckle

There's also some goofy ahh plot holes(?) That I hope gets explained soon.

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June 20, 2023 19:45:30  #1284

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I'm currently thinking about fantasy subgenres and science fiction subgenres

What I am currently consuming story-wise results in what my attention is fixed on the most. I wonder how I can reliably get that feeling of intrigue when thinking of the genre I am most interested in at that moment in time. Not only for that genre, but for others that I put on the sidelines as of that moment. If that makes sense.

I'm guessing to remember moments in that genre that I especially liked. But that's going to be a lot of memories to store to reliably draw upon. Even though I have a documents for that kinda thing. I feel they are quite messy.

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 21, 2023 01:28:37  #1285

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Man dis sum bs where is my luck bro

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 21, 2023 14:32:32  #1286

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I mean like, how are some people so lucky bro 😭😭😭

I haven't gotten anything since the first day or something

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 23, 2023 02:52:48  #1287

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Hsr update

Location in story

just finished main boss of belabog/jarilo-VI. Just need to wrap up the conclusion/last few story quests

Boss battle stuff and gatcha

Ok, that final boss theme did not have to go THAT HARD DAMN. It felt like an endgame final story boss with that stuff playing. But it's just the beginning.

I did not expect that coming from a gatcha game

The animations/cutscenes and storytelling in the fight were also pretty cool too. Awesome stuff. Hitting powerful attacks when the beat dropped was also pretty freaking epic.

It was so good that I nearly forgot that i am fighting to eat in the summons. I think by now I have a defined opinion on the gatcha part of the game.

Neverless if the final boss battles go this hard constantly, it will be something I can look fowards to every time. It would definitely help prevent me from droping the game due to annoyances/gatcha despair

Of course these are like, first impressions probably with some recency bias, but thats fine for now

Last edited by Time (June 23, 2023 02:58:22)

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June 23, 2023 13:46:03  #1288

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

Adding on to boss battle stuff

I also enjoy that the first half somewhat like the boss's theme, and then, the second half much more similar to the heros' theme. It did really could communicate emotion, imo.

Why am I spoiling this if I'm just going to add one more thing

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 23, 2023 22:24:46  #1289

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

I'm thinking about "chosen ones" in a story. How to handle it? How not to handle it? How many times is it used? Is it overuse? Are people tired of it?

Bruh the signature be wacky
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June 24, 2023 12:42:51  #1290

Re: Time's Boardhost Homethread - Time's Boardhost Homethread

chosen ones are widely used in a lot of stories. you can barely read four fantasy stories with three of them having some kind of prophecy. however, i don't consider the trope overused, since it's basically just "hey here's why these people are the ones that are going to go on this quest, and here's how it'll end. time to watch the journey." it's rather hard to misuse that kind of trope, since it is a kind of doomed narrative, as the only things it tells in full is how the story begins and how at least part of the story will end. it is set in stone, at least if prophecy cannot be broken.

there's plenty of ways to handle it, from becoming that which you swore to destroy, to playing it straight, to even cracking the stone and writing your own fate. chosen ones are versatile, and the prophecies involving them even moreso.

i think the only bad way to handle it is basically saying "they are the chosen one. they cannot die until the prophecy is fulfilled, which therefore assuredly must mean that they're not allowed to ever lose." which is because no, that's not what it means. it means that they're not allowed to crumble between mountains until they have completed the prophecy. they're not allowed to rest and grieve, not until the ending has been sealed in pen and paper.

but even then, writing it like that isn't necessarily bad. it can be just as effective if they win every battle without much loss, especially if it turns out that it was always staged and that all of the victories were hollow, meaningless.

the best way to handle a chosen one is to tailor the prophecy and their destined skills to the kind of story you want to tell. so long as it isn't king arthur destined to become the best housecleaner in all of wales or somethin, you just need to make them fit the story.

Last edited by AshTheAvaricious (June 24, 2023 12:43:37)

AAAaaaaand i've reverted. Yay! there was too much sand in my lungs, anyways.
I am made of Ash and Bones and a little bit of meat. I can also be called Draki but I am not made of draco yet.
refer to me in the same manner the french refer to flesh.

okay that's all i'm going to cast divine skeleton bone blast now

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