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September 10, 2020 15:03:02  #181

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

How is Wiley still alive

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 10, 2020 16:27:46  #182

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

He's impressively durable and possibly omnipotent


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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September 13, 2020 16:52:35  #183

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

*Inside a store* 

Silence, picking up a box of Mini Wheats: 

Malaika: "Oh gods..." 

Silence, yelling: "eATS LIKE GASTON-" 

Malaika: "Si-" 

Silence, spinning: "mINI WHEATS LIKE GASTON-" 

Silence, throwing the box into the cart: "nO ONE SAYS 'THIS BOI EMPTY' AND  Y E E T S  LIKE GASTON!" 

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

September 16, 2020 17:08:01  #184

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Kenyon: You're smiling. Did something good happen?
Sunny: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
August, rushing into the room: Kenyon, Sollux just fell down the stairs.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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September 16, 2020 17:11:44  #185

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Meep IQs are undoubtedly among the best.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 16, 2020 17:20:25  #186

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Wiley: There's no 'i' in team but there's on in 'pizza'.
Raez: So you're not going to share
Wiley: I'm not going to share


Wiley: When I was born, the gods said, "Too pure, much perfection"
Raez: Wrong
Raez: When you were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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September 18, 2020 15:08:19  #187

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Rai: Please stop screaming.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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September 21, 2020 20:29:35  #188

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Echo: *gets paper cut*

Silence, angrily at the paper: "Hasn't she been through enough!"

Alma: "What do you guys do for fun?"

Malaika: "We play board games!"

Alma: "Oh! Like Monopoly?"

Francis: "No, we see how many boards we can break on Silence!"


Silence, morphing into a cement table: "wANNA TRY-"

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

September 22, 2020 23:51:39  #189

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Wiley: Before you say anything, think to yourself, "is this something that would get me diagnosed with hysteria and and institutionalized in the 19th century?" and if the answer is yes, carry on.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 22, 2020 23:52:04  #190

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Specter: My house is haunted because I live here

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 00:10:56  #191

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Little Martin: Heeey, Kiaane! I've made myself one with the shadows underneath the table!
Kiaane: You're just hiding under the table.
Little Martin: I've made myself one with the shadows!

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 00:20:43  #192

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Orphos: I was drinking to forget.
Silverskies: Forget what?
Orphos: I don't know, I've forgotten.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 01:19:34  #193

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Heaven: Do you even know what an amulet is?
Lianhuan: Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions!
Heaven: Lianhuan, those are omelettes.
Lianhuan: Oh. Then I’ve got nothing.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 01:31:23  #194

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Wiley:  If I punch myself and it hurts, am I too weak or too strong?
Raez:  Go to bed.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 01:32:09  #195

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Dion:  These candies you gave me? They were horrible.
Rai:  But you ate all of them...
Dion:  I had to make sure they were all horrible.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 03:00:58  #196

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes


Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 23, 2020 17:44:18  #197

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

The Mamba: I'm not angry with you. I'm was just playful! I stabbed you with my fun knife!

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

September 27, 2020 23:16:23  #198

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

9 year old with gun, what will she do?

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 1, 2020 21:14:00  #199

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Wiley: If you tear more holes in a net, it will end up having fewer.
Raez: Please stop.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

October 4, 2020 01:12:25  #200

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Wiley: Hey, I say we go down there, kick this dude’s door in, and let him know that we’re in town.
Raez: That ain’t the way we do things here. We may have to go in there and run a con, drop a bug, do the smooth talking.
Wiley: Okay, you come with me, you do the smooth talking, let’s go.
Raez: No, we just can’t go in there and kick down the guy’s door. We need a plan.
Wiley: Well who makes the plans?
Raez: Rai.
Wiley: Rai, what’s the plan?
Rai: You guys are gonna go down there, kick this guy’s door in, let him know you’re in town.


Rai: True bonding is when you and your friends are all angry at the same thing


Wiley: Can we talk about fish
Raez: Of course we can
Wiley: They think they're better than me
How dare they


Sunny: Gotta love knitting needles. I can make a scarf. I can make a hat. I can stab your eyes out. I can make mittens.
Kenyon: …What was that middle part?
Sunny: I can make a hat.


Wiley while driving for the first time: Don't worry, I have a permit.
Raez, freaking out: THIS JUST SAYS "I DO WHAT I WANT"


Rai: If guardian angels really do exist, mine is off drinking sake and pretending I don't exist.


Raez: Knock knock
Wiley: New door who dis


Sunny: You know what ticks me off? A lot of things, where do I start


Galaxian: I'm not bitter
His narrator: He was bitter


Raez: Wiley, that’s not how you write a thank you card.
Wiley: What’s wrong with it?
Raez, reading the card Wiley just wrote: Dear Rai, thank you so much for the lovely place setting. If my handwriting looks strained, that is because this is the 16th thank you card Raez has forced me to write. The muscles in my wrist are cramping as I struggle to finish this sentence. Ow, ow, oh, the pain. Love, Wiley.”


Wiley: I haven't eaten an apple in days. The doctors are closing in. My barricade won't last much longer. They're coming. Tell my friends I love them


Wiley: I don’t have a train of thought I have seven trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming


Sunny: Things I don't have time for:
-This crap.
-Your crap.
-Their crap.
-Any of this crap.
-The crap.
-Any crap that has nothing to do with me.


Raez: We should stop worrying about Wiley and let him lead his own life.
Rai: …Do you want to follow him, or should I?
Raez: …Let’s both do it.


Galaxian: I don't want a world without pain or loss.
Galaxian: I just want them to have meant something.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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October 4, 2020 01:18:59  #201

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Akuma: "Blackmail" is such an ugly word. I prefer "extortion". The "X" part is cool.


Sunny, cheerily: [after spraying the leather couch] I couldn’t resist the infomercial. “Unwanted dirt just slides right off!”
Sollux: [slips off the chair]
Sunny: And voila!


Dion: Is Wiley always like this when he loses?
Raez: Oh, yes. You should’ve been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.
Wiley: You bumped the table and you know it!


Akuma: Wow. Once again my character is under attack just because I took the lives of thousands of innocent people.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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October 4, 2020 01:20:17  #202

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Ok but the first one. That's a good point lol.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

October 4, 2020 23:41:22  #203

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Rai, texting: Come over, there’s no one home
Wiley, texting: where are you?
Wiley: are you even here?

Rai: No, I told you there was no one home


Wiley: Do you ever think about how no one has ever been to the center of the earth so it could be hollow for all we know. Like maybe that’s where the aliens live and they have machines that move the tectonic plates whenever they want to party and have some fun.
Raez: Burning in hell with you is going to be interesting that’s for sure


Wiley: Thinking of getting into the wedding industry where I offer my services to brides with overbearing families and my job will be to remind everyone else it is NOT their wedding. I can do passive aggressive, private aside with a vaguely threatening air, or just telling them to shut the frick up in front of everyone.
Wiley: Say Yes to the Dress but I’m there with a foghorn I use every time someone thinks we need their rude opinion.


Rai: (*sees Wiley laying down with his arms over his chest*)
Rai: Are you sleeping?

Wiley: no I’m rehearsing for my funeral


Raez: Why shouldn’t you put your toaster in your bathtub?
Wiley: Because if it’s plugged in the electricity running through it will conduct over to the water which can kill you if you’re touching it
Raez: No, it’s because your toast will get soggy


Raez: Hey Wiley, I’m ordering pizza, you want anything?
Wiley: Yeah, get me a pepperoni pizza with no pepperonis
Raez: Alrig- wait what
Raez: You mean a cheese pizza?

Wiley: Oh what’s it called?


Wiley, after cutting his hair at the salon: This is horrible, I regret it already
Raez: Don’t worry you can just come back tomorrow and try again
Wiley: …….
Wiley: I don’t think you understand how this works


Hitan: Akuma is heartless
Akuma: Not true, I once saved a fish from drowning


Wiley, going outside in full winter clothing: The sun is flaring and there isn’t a single flake of snow, I thought you said it was supposed to be cold
Raez: It's supposed to be, my phone said today was going to be 35 degrees
Wiley, taking the phone: Raez, you’re on Celsius


*Wiley and Raez trying to turn the lights back on after the power goes out*
Raez: Stay here, ima flip some switches to see if it does anything
*After a while*
Raez: Are they on yet?
Wiley: I don’t know, it’s too dark to tell

Tour Guide: *showing the squad around the hiking trail*
Dion: *points near a tree* Isn’t that poison ivy?
Tour Guide: Yes, you can identify poison ivy by counting the leaves. If there are three, don’t touch it.
Wiley: *reaches out and touches the poison ivy*
Raez: Wiley, what are you doing? He just said don’t touch that!
Wiley: The tour guide said not to touch it if it had three, so I’m taking one off. Now it’s two
Raez: …..
Rai: ...Well, he’s not wrong


Rai: That's not funny.
Wiley: I thought it was funny.
Rai: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.


Benigno: I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late.
Aeorius: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.


Raez: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be.

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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October 6, 2020 14:53:55  #204

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Hitan: What do you look for in a man?
Helen: That he can protect me and make me laugh.
Hitan: So, something like a ninja clown?

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

October 6, 2020 14:55:15  #205

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

why the frick did I think of Champ

The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly
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October 6, 2020 19:15:36  #206

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Alma: "Wanna know how punk I am?"

Alma: *punches brick wall*

Alma, with tears in his eyes and now a broken hand: "Please take me to the hospital*

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 7, 2020 09:12:25  #207

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes


-❥+ ṘṳṆḕ +❥-
~ She/Her ~
⧔ Secretly a swan ⧕
|•|Artist Writer Whovian|•|

October 7, 2020 14:50:44  #208

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Dion: What is Wiley to you?
Raez: The reason I wake up every morning
Dion: Aww
Wiley, entering Raez's room banging pans: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

October 7, 2020 14:56:27  #209

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Orphos: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

October 7, 2020 15:02:29  #210

Re: GGaD Incorrect Quotes

Cheetah: You have to be nice!
Mamba: I am!
Cheetah: You threatened them with a knife!
Mamba: Well, yeah, but I didn’t stab them.

I feel neither of them would care muc about threatening with a knife but xD

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay up the morning!

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