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June 4, 2022 17:32:07  #1981

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Gods I want to write the DR! HPA! AU so badly, like I am so inspired by Danganronpa ATM, but I don't have the inspiration for complex murder cases (': I'm not very smart in that area XD I just wanna designnnn

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

June 5, 2022 00:13:35  #1982

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Forums Silence being willingly scammed by a kid is honestly the funniest plot point that will ever be created

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Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 00:15:41  #1983

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Wait the name Euphemia/Effie would kinda be really good for Forums Silence hmmm

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Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
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“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 00:16:56  #1984

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Violeta and Solaris were in a queerplatonic relationship, that's it that's the post

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Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 00:18:29  #1985

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Oh, also Forums Echo's name is "Monroe South Natalia Archer" and Forums North's is "-redacted first name because I can't remember it- North Natalia Archer"


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Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 00:21:02  #1986

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

I feel bad because actually I think I might still be in the process of finding North a first name that starts with an M like Monroe's


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Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 00:25:37  #1987

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Milo is kinda a cute name, also ends with an "oh" sound like Monroe

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 20:02:59  #1988

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

I have this text post saved on my Pinterest that says "Not enough doctors are goth" and I find it funny because I imagine Fate G/O Alma muttering that one day and that's one of the first things anyone hears him say, which adding the context that he was a doctor in his first life makes it funny

I feel like Fate G/O Alma would really like Dr. Roman

Headcanoning that Alma helps (or tries his best to) the medical area of Chaldea, although he kinda scares patients with how intimidating he looks and how he's so quiet

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 20:05:06  #1989

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Qbdnkqkcw and then Fate G/O Nivia is like "Oh okay! Papa wants to see more goth doctors!" And tries to convince Dr. Roman to dress more goth XD RIP, Fate Silence would join in

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 5, 2022 20:28:43  #1990

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

now I want to draw gothic Dr. Roman

I need to redesign Fate Alma and Si

I feel like Fate Calix would either be a two star or three star, idk why

Same with Alma

Silence is a five star /j

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 6, 2022 21:24:06  #1991

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Nivia is a three star def

I'm seriously just gonna have Si be a five star because honestly their class is a joke and I think it's funny if they were an OP joke

I like to think Nivia and Paris would get along

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 6, 2022 22:31:36  #1992

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

my brain plagues me with visions of Goth Roman

I think I understand why young teenagers will ship themselves with fictional characters. Like, the power that holds and it's probably an easy coping mechanism, I probably did it when I was younger but I don't actually remember if I really did XD, I think I actually more wanted to Be the characters and more likely adapted and tried to act like them XD

Okay so imagine if I made an OC that's Definitely Not Me to ship with Hektor

I'm not going to for Reasons, but the fact that I could is an awful yet awesome concept

I think I finally realized the power that comes to creation. So this is why the universe exists

I'm legit going to have an existential crisis

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 6, 2022 22:34:23  #1993

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Y'all get to watch Echo have a existence breakdown Live because xe realized the pure horror and beauty of holding the power of creation but also be humbled by the idea of being Too Cringe although he already is cringey

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 6, 2022 22:42:40  #1994

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

The angels asked God why he didn't create more and he replied "Can't be cringe on main" without realizing he created the most cringe beings: Humans

So anyway what if I made Fate Alma more goth. Or I could make him emo-er. Idk just some concepts. Tbh I think his current design holds a lot of fantasy visual kei style and it kinda looks nice... But what if I made him look like a plague doctor... It would make sense with his backstory... H m m

Idk about Si's design or backstory. Tempted to have them be a story concept servant, kinda like how Jekyll/Hyde and The Phantom are

personal opinion but I think The Phantom would have been WAY better suited as a Beserker, especially with his obsession with Christine and music,,, mostly Christine

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 6, 2022 23:01:05  #1995

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans


Also I think Paris should be a higher star ranking because of how he is designed and how his attacks are designed and animated. They yassified him and then had the audacity to make him a two star smh

Calix is an assassin servant, who I am also tempted to make a story concept servant. Is there any tea based ascension items? If so,,, OwO

Anyway, GGaD Alma HC: He wears sunglasses a lot due to light sensitivity sensory issues, and also wears strong noise filters due to similar reasons. He wears noise filters on stage (obviously he would have different pairs for different situations as some require stronger or not as strong ones) and taught himself (with a bit of Alois' help) how to sing with them in (he refused to use magic for this, and actually refuses to use magic for a lot of things and prefers to do most things by hand, which has a lot of both pros and cons)

I feel like GGaD Silence is really bad at tying their shoes, same with Echo. And Lumi, for some reason

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 7, 2022 19:46:35  #1996

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Fate Calix and Jekyll would get along

I imagined some Fate Alma angst and I have not ceased to feel sorrow

But to combat this, imagine Fate Si playing with all the child servants and letting them put flowers in their hair, also maybe them joining in on childish games and stuff. I feel like it would be one of the few times they genuinely smile outside of battle

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 7, 2022 19:56:27  #1997

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Fate Si would partake in so many pranks around Chaldea, be absolutely notorious for it

I think if Francis was a servant, he would either be a Caster or maybe an Assassin? Caster seems more fitting

Fate Alma carrying a bunch of the child servants around; adding on, gods forbid if you are an adult and ever make a child cry and either him or Si are nearby, just say goodbye to your life right then and there

also Fate Nivia really likes hot chocolate

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 11, 2022 19:16:44  #1998

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Okay, going back to Goth Roman, I imagine Fate Alma's eyes doing the large pupils thing if he saw Roman in goth clothes XD

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 12:47:42  #1999

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

I have a headcanon that if Alma dies, his whole body deteriorates and turns into poisonous mushroom spores that grows Very Quickly and spreads Very Quickly, as well as any plant Alma has grown with his blood or has put a blessing on also turns into mushrooms. Areas his blood is on (assuming his death was from blood loss) will burn up from his blood outside of his body boiling and evaporating

So basically if Alma dies, a lot of areas become poisonous and uninhabitable until either he is reincarnated into a new body or someone with extremely powerful magic can reverse the damage

That being said, if he is reincarnated, he wouldn't have any of his previous memories from his past life, although his natural personality and interests would show up. Personality-wise, it would be his nurturing attitude and the strong need to raise and take care of things like animals and, later on, kids. Interest-wise, it would be the passion for gardening/nature-related things and an love for music. As well, the new reincarnation would have a very strong skill in magic and witchcraft (if they pursue that. Even if the reincarnate didn't, any future reincarnations would still be able to pick up and continue on that skill area at the same level of power the last reincarnation had left it). The new life would also have the whole rose-blood thing too, as well as a few other abilities

Tbh Alma being the first reincarnation/second life is a bit funny since when he was little he had an "imaginary friend" that was actually the first life's "ghost", Alma can still see him sometimes, but he can't hear him anymore nor interact with him very much. Alma likes to leave things for him, like books and trinkets. Alma isn't exactly sure what the first life is tbh, and just assumes he's a ghost of some sort, although Alois, Solaris, nor Malaika sense anything.
Tbh it's hard to explain what the first life is exactly, only Alma can see him due to being the second life. I guess the lives' "ghosts" are more like entities made of memories and emotions they had while they were alive and are kinda meant to help the new reincarnation when said reincarnations are still young, ya know? Like First Life helped Alma with being lonely due to Alma being bullied and stuff, and as well gave Alma wisdom-type advice. First Life didn't have to help as much when Alois was summoned and mostly just watched over Alma like a guardian angel of some sort (although First Life can't really do much in the physical world other than being able to somewhat give people certain sway towards emotions or "gut feelings", and even then it's not very powerful)

The third life would just have two ghosts following them around, one being some holy figure with antlers and seemingly made of wood and leaves and the other being some puck rock dude with roses in his hair. The image is funny in my head. And then imagine the third life figuring out one of the ghosts was a famous musician and was part of a popular band, I would lose my mind XD

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 13:11:49  #2000

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Oh! Adding on, First Life at most in the physical world atm, can give Alma "intrusive and/or random thoughts" and can influence Alma's emotions by a few centimeters lmao

Also other HC: Silence is a slime creature

Okay, let me elaborate, I've thought hard about this one

So basically their body is made of a magic slime-like substance that, on the inside, holds the same color, texture, and consistency of blood. On the outside is whatever Silence chooses to create. Their body doesn't have much of a digestive system after the bottom of their throat, and sorta just dissolves everything they eat with slime acid. Their body stores all of the components that whatever they ate was made out of to use as energy and to use the elements to make the material they shapeshift into, which is also why Silence has to eat so much all the time, as well as why Silence is immune to poison (their body just stores it to use later in a form that needs it). And since they're keeping a constant form that isn't the original, they eat a lot.
If they were in their original form, they would only have to eat like a human: three times a day.
And then they have a "natural" form, which is just a firm ball of blood-red slime with eyes. In this form, they only have to eat once a week, but they're very vulnerable and can be killed easily since their brain is more accessible (and the only way to kill them is to destroy their brain completely-cuts or stabbing won't work- or to squish their brain up, like with a large hammer)

If they were to die, their body would melt away into watery goop and dark sludge that stains worse than Kool aid

Which is also why Silence can be killed from fall damage: if the impact is hard enough, it would splatter and destroy their brain. But it also depends on what material they are shifted into at that moment, although if they were pushed off or jumped off a Very Tall building, it's most likely they will die

I like to imagine that Silence's "humanoid" forms are a bit squishier than a normal humanoids, they would be fun to hug and cuddle :D, that being said, they can in fact make their body into metal and can make themself sharp, ouch

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 13:30:48  #2001

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Also I guess Silence could dissolve food without putting it in their mouth, they could just make their skin soft and easy to break through the surface, slap food, and then dissolve it in their arm. Or they could "stab" themself with it and absorb it into their skin/body. Kinda like how usual slimes do. But they also really like the taste of food so they "eat" it with their mouth (also because they want to be seen as more "humanoid" than they are and want to experience what it's like, although they know it isn't the same)

Their brain is able to "squish down" and shrink, but it can in fact "bust" apart and kill them if it's spread apart for too long of a time or is spread apart too long of a length (adding into the fall damage death). So, they can slip through cracks and small areas as a slime, but they better make it quick. It's also very uncomfortable for them and the more they have to thin out, the more painful it is. They cannot shift into small bugs (flies, gnats, ladybugs, small spiders, ect) or most thin materials. They can turn parts of their body into stuff like metal, glass, clay, fabric, ect, but they can't do full-body stuff that involves spreading or shrinking their brain too much (so they can't turn into thin-cloth clothes or a small feather or anything like that.)

They can do a lot of inanimate objects, but mostly simple things like heavy tables, large spoons, a lamp that doesn't work, a log of wood, a family picture (with frame), an empty can of soda, ect. They are very good at hide-and-seek and it's terrifying

Sleeping requires very little energy for them, so it's unlikely they would de-transform in their sleep unless they just had a huge physical brawl or something

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 13:36:42  #2002

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Also I 100% think Krad and Lumi have given Silence things to dissolve and made a game of it

Silence can eat/absorb inedible things, and I can see the twins sticking nails and rocks into Silence's body, both for fun and also in a friendly concern if they think Silence hasn't eaten enough or had gone too long without eating. I can see them carrying small bags of chips, yell to Si, "ABSORB THIS!" and chuck it at their body, being amazed when it just goes through their skin and into their body like a rock into water

Silence doesn't mind and thinks it's funny to watch them find things to absorb/dissolve

They still prefer eating with their mouth, though

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 13:41:15  #2003

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

JWNFJQKKFKQD Silence can stretch and whip around their arms/hands like one of these bad bois XD

Forget them being a master hitman with perfect gunslinging and knife-throwing, they just smacked their targets in the face with a slime-sticky-hand

Oh gods I just realized Silence could have ate their targets and dissolved them and that this could have been an actual way they took out their targets

I don't think it would count as cannibalism either since they are a slime and not an actual humanoid

I accidentally made this from funny to horrific

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 17:18:37  #2004

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans


The unlikely
and the unimaginable

have indeed
transpired quite regularly

June 12, 2022 17:48:35  #2005

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans


he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 20:56:13  #2006

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

I really did make OCs and be like "Nah, these ones won't have angsty pasts, just vague ones for now" and then later decided "OH BOY, TIME TO USE YOU GUYS AS COPING MECHANISMS!"

RIP Francis, Apollo, Alois, and Malaika

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 20:57:05  #2007

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Mostly RIP Francis and Apollo tho, they sorta got the worse of it ngl

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 21:02:13  #2008

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

I wonder if temperature effects Silence. I think it would have to be very extreme temperature tbh

Also imagining Silence being very stressed and they start to melt into a puddle of slime

I like to think when they were younger they actually had a humanoid body with guts and organs and stuff but the more they learned how to shapeshift and the more they did it, the more their body changed and they biologically transformed into a slime like their mother, although if they had not worked on their shapeshifting, they would have stayed humanoid like their father

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 21:05:05  #2009

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Silence's face starts to shift and turn more slime-like because they're spacing out and that's how you tell they're not paying attention at all (also they have the "head empty" look on their face)

Silence being surprised and shifting in and out of slime form very quickly XD

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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June 12, 2022 21:07:16  #2010

Re: A Thread for Echo to Put Down RP and Character Ideas/Headcanons/Plans

Alma, desperately trying to get Silence up and ready for the day:

Silence, turning into their natural form and water puddling back into their bed when Alma tries to pick them up: I Am just... A lil slime...

he/him xe/xem
Hektor's #1 Simp, Live Laugh Love Hektor
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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