Rn I kinda feel like that cat who punches every other cat for like little reason
I'm not a violent person I swear
I didn't think this was a zombie
I thought it was an ogre but ok
Ok fine it does say this is "smoking" but I still see it as a coffee cup
Anyways yesterday night (or this morning at 3 ig) helped me develop Nagesh yay
Not that their form's coming out soon lol
I've said this once and I'll say it again
Screw you, Ya Li Shan Da
"Animal Crossing Hide and Seek" was the latest notification for me
Ho boy
I remember watching the series in 2018 and now I feel old
By series I don't mean Animal Crossing hide and seek lol
Anyways about screwing Ya Li Shan Da again, you Don't Make a Host and Disregard his Feelings
I still support Li lol
As you can tell, my pfp is Li, not Ya Li Shan Da
I hope it's not Ya Li Shan Da
The two literally look the same
Could my favorite characters stop reincarnating PLEASE
...well I guess them reincarnating is better than dying and never coming back again but like they never continuously reincarnate so
...please stop reincarnating and stay alive, a'right, Gold Saints? Li?
Haha who am I kidding the GSs are dead and Li's probably going to be and give me heartache for months
Ok look Run's death gives me heartache, I don't think about the GS deaths that much, and ikfjeikjfco
Li's going to die probably next year, the manhua doesn't update very quickly (understandably; I can't even imagine myself drawing a manhua lol 1) what is good art from me lol 2) teamwork? haha what's that) but knowing my character preferences that's going to happen and then y'all catch me throwing things at the wall
Ok so if Li dies my only relatable mental concept for that day onwards to who knows when will be Jigglypuff holding a knife
Authors, if you kill Li you will see the reincarnation of Jigglypuff holding knife
Ok but like I kinda imagine a twisted ending where Li does die but the main protagonists (Li being an 'antagonist' due to Ya Li Shan Da) getting a happy ending and then many years later they run into the next reincarnation of Ya Li Shan Da (who isn't Li anymore) and it's just like :') for all of them
I'm a huge sucker for friendships lol I'm pretty sure you can tell by now
(*cough*) Hitan and Galaxian, Hitan and Rai, Rai and Raez and Wiley, Rai and Dion, Hitan and Helen (in their own little cute way hehehe), the 0RES, every OC of mine except Akuma and maybe Sunny and maybe some other upcoming characters
Y'all are supposed to know this lol
My school computer: "academic purposes only"
Me, who hasn't touched it for months, eying it wondering if I can use it for Nitrotype or for some RPing on Discussions:
Hopping on live chat only to ignore everyone because of writing and forms be like:
Ok but like ^ that's supposed to remind me to stop going on chat
The "kung flu" huh Mr. Trump
And in turn to his employment of 'kung flu' as a term I find the description of his reaction to the Tulsa rally incredibly hilarious
I do want to know though, does Trump actually know more positive phrases than "great" and "terrific" and "perfect" or is he just completely optimistic
Why did I nearly cry when I watched that summary of the rally lol
Btw, not tears of joy or anything like that
My inner self is lamenting something
It might be the inner self that has the logic I can't understand
Also I'd love to see him pronounce "hombre" I want to see if he pronounced the h or not
Did anyone actually watch the news
I want to know how he pronounced "hombre"
I'd love to hear him say "horno" too but then again I'd love to hear anyone mention an oven in their political rally
I am going to search Trump on YouTube and see what's up there
Well Tulsa rally news are up there for sure
Ok but like I could make speeches too
AMERICA'S NOW GREAT AGAI--(*huge voice crack*)
Fewer than 6200 people huh
Well ig this is actually a pleasant surprise
I was aware the Tulsa rally was going to happen but I don't usually like following politics
But this, THIS, this is COMEDY
I love comedy hehe
Oh and like "slow down testing"??? I thought he boasted about the U.S.'s "superior" testing rates compared to other countries, but according to the great president, more testing makes more people get COVID-19, more testing=more cases, we wouldn't HAVE any cases in the U.S. if we didn't test according to him
I'll never test for cancer I'll never get cancer
In fact doesn't that mean if I don't take my finals I'd get a 100% everywhere
Why why why does that logic not work, the world would be much better if we could avoid everything, especially tests
Smh who invented tests anyways
We can all just get perfect intelligence without taking those darn tests right??
Yeah totally
I just heard "we're all park benches at heart" from a movie my mom is watching and I'm pretty confused but ok
I wish my mom would stop watching emotional films