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March 6, 2025 12:56:40  #10921

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Every time I enter SSA I get greeted with "I have fists of absolute zero!" Do you now, Camus? Is that also fanon-verified?

Also I randomly remembered what Thanatos and Hypnos did to Pandora's family. This occurs sometimes. Heck you two. (for some reason I get angrier about this than I do about Poseidon drowning a bunch of people...the Pandora bias I suppose lol)
But also, idk what her family was thinking. Pandora is one of those names you don't give to a kid lol. Yadda yadda fate yadda (funniest thing about SS is that it influences me so much yet I so fervently reject the idea of preordained fate that it presents that both Galaxian and I accidentally counter some of the philosophies accepted as fact in the universe)

Btw Hypnos and Thanatos are truly the worst deputies. Bros assigned a 3-year-old or something in charge of managing the entire Underworld army and preparing for Hades' revival and then just scampered off to play instruments in Elysium. The ladies truly did all the work (Ker and Pandora)



March 6, 2025 12:59:36  #10922

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The Pandora bias can't just be mine since she's rendered so well near the end of Inferno lol

I keep forgetting dumb things I wanna say about SS oh no (:


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March 9, 2025 16:49:21  #10923

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Takasugi is really fun to use ngl. Also yes, maybe it's just 'cause he has a fun NP and voicelines and has good support (Changgong and Jiang Ziya work well with him), but it feels like he's really good at generating critical stars and getting his NP gauge back without even trying. It's a nice quality even though I don't really do Quick looping.
Speaking of NP gauge, I love the aesthetic of his NP. It feels like really good graphic design, even though it keeps going so fast I can't try to read the Japanese. Btw this is my fault due to setting the game to be this way lol.
The event story is really good too, mostly in its pacing and entertainment value. It might be about the power of teamwork, which you would think is really overdone and cliche, but I enjoy the dialogue options and the whimsy of the characters. Takasugi also is a really good highlight. Dude is entertaining to watch. (It's even more entertaining to see people in the community call him hot when he's covered in his own blood and suffering :-P bruh momento)
The event as a whole has really been throwing so much shade at him, but I understand where he's coming from. He's basically a supposed genius who wasn't able to change the course of history. He was called the genius of Choushu and destined for greatness, but his teacher and comrades all died helpless deaths that he couldn't prevent--a similar fate that he would come to taste as well. The course of his life results in his obstinacy as a Servant, because even though he thinks there is no use in dreams after death, he regrets the fact that he "never accomplished anything", actively resenting the fact that he has never been able to prove his own worth or prevent the deaths of people working for the same cause as him. In turn, that resentment breeds his determination to do everything by himself this time. By defeating his teacher after death he can prove that he does mean something and that he did absorb the other's teachings--but is that really a dream to begin with, or the manifested insecurities of someone who barely had his name etched into the pages of history?   

Anyways, super interesting dude. And I'm not saying all this applies to his historical version, obviously, though I am quite interested. I'm guessing his life comes slightly after what happened to the Ming dynasty (gotta love British imperialism), so at least in terms of his entire goal of rejecting foreign influence, I can understand where he was coming from. However, I haven't the faintest clue what his methods were, so yeah. Fate's interpretations of people can be so fun though, even if they're usually idealized to some degree.


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March 9, 2025 17:03:43  #10924

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This time I dreamt that GGaD!Time and Galaxian were fighting.
The swordfighting component was slightly embarrassing. Or in general, a lot of components were pretty embarrassing for Galaxian (I keep on nerfing him unnecessarily). But at least it wasn't that bad. I got to rehash my thoughts on Galaxian's abilities and how domains interact with each other. It was a cool dream overall. 
I think the fight stemmed from a disagreement on what course of action should be taken for...maybe a larger-scale conflict? I think Time wanted to go out and take the fight to whomever the enemy was, while Galaxian wanted everyone to stay put, and so ig they decided to duke it out or something to reach a compromise. Pretty shounen-style logic, which makes sense 'cause dream logic is usually just whatever the heck my mind thinks would be fun to act out. 
Also in Galaxian's defense, Time was the one who came up with the idea to throw hands by literally coming at Galaxian, and honestly I don't think Galaxian could have reacted in another way in that situation since he wanted to stop Time and all. :-P
Anyways, they were fighting with pretty bad weapons, and as a whole they pretty clearly didn't want to hurt each other, but Time was taking it really seriously. I think the entire "didn't want to hurt each other" sentiment was mostly because Galaxian was treating Time more like I would treat the forumer Time (and hopefully vice versa), since I was in Galaxi's POV and all. Unfortunately I feel as if in canon, GGaD!Time might be slightly more ruthless than what I imagined, acting under the assumption that he out of anyone else was so determined to go out and start a fight. Just...that doesn't sound that something he'd do unless he had something really big at stake, y'know. And someone getting in the way, even another god he's known for a bit, doesn't feel like something he'd take kindly to. So even if he didn't want to hurt that other god per se, I feel like he'd go a lot more all-out than what I imagined.

Anyways, I'm not too keen to describe the entire dream, so that's that. I didn't expect to dream about this since I haven't thought about GGaD!Time in a bit. Maybe my mind subconsciously was wondering how Galaxian and Time's relationship would look in the present anyways. I've always assumed that Time is generally pretty apathetic toward new deities, since he's been around for so long and sees so many come and go (this is not Time-the-forumer verified btw), but Galaxian's been around for a bit now. He's a mix of stable and volatile, so maybe Time does keep tabs on him nowadays. Idk. Their relationship is kinda funny in how nonexistent it usually is, but they're polite toward each other, I think?? And I feel like they trust each other to a degree? Yeah idk.

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March 9, 2025 17:13:50  #10925

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I did nerf Galaxian a lot, but since Time's time stops just don't work on Galaxian, I think I feel bad enough to just call it even. I've always been under the impression that Time likes his time stops. 
Funny how in most media a time stop would pretty much just be meta-breaking or something like that. Even in-roleplay, it's restricted a lot. In this particular case it's kinda just there. 
I think the dream logic was that since Time has the domain over time, Galaxian's abilities in that area are drastically reduced when they're in a direct confrontation with each other, but not to the extent where they're completely gone. Similarly, any aptitude in magic that Galaxian might have had is pretty much reduced to zero in the face of a god of magic, though admittedly this part isn't as influential (except for magical defenses and stuff, I have some established stuff in mind for how Galaxian interacts with any energy relating to magic/mana/etc., so that does matter to an extent). 
There was some logic on control over time vs. space for some of their techniques, but that's all I remember of that Maybe relating to teleportation/portals? Not too sure Time would use portals, though it made for some cool effects. I think this logic is really interesting as a line of thought though, and maybe a good addition to the entire "only gods can kill other gods" rule (that was broken a lot iirc lol). 
Does that mean that if Time and Chronos fought against each other, their domains would mutually cancel out, leaving them with no domains? Well yes but actually no, I just came up with this "rule" 'cause I thought it was good for this dream, and also because I keep nerfing Galaxian unnecessarily. Also as you may imagine, I also have more headcanons in that area. 


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Yesterday 00:36:37  #10926

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Dungeon Meshi collab is about to release in Arknights' global server!
Dungeon Meshi is one of those series where I kinda want to read it, but mostly I just don't. It's kinda like SPY X FAMILY back when I wasn't inundated with the funny little clips from the series. Not that I've kept up with that series, either. But I'm sure the characters are loveable. Arknights doesn't miss with its collabs (except Limbus being a one-sided collab, which I think obliterated the hype from the AK side of things lol). 
We get a free ten-roll, so maybe I'll get one of the characters. I swear to the gods if the event story is too good again and makes me drain all my savings. I've heard sooo many bad things about Marcille that I'm sure she doesn't deserve (lol)


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