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December 21, 2024 19:49:36  #10741

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

One day I'll redraw GGaD!Galaxian with his actual super cool Super Saiyan hairstyle lol
For some reason he has more SS style hair than forum!Galaxian, which is pretty funny.

I repivot on my position toward how it would be if those two personas met every single time I think about it. Like rn I think it'd be ok and GGaD!Galaxian could try to help forum!Galaxian, but actually I don't think he could. Little bro can't even help himself sometimes (I SAID SOMETIMES ATALANTA)



December 21, 2024 19:51:28  #10742

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how I became fond of GGaD!Galaxian again lol, character circle for sure

Does he overreact toward stuff? Yeah, but do you see the crap he has to deal with? Most of it is censored because it can't be onscreen. Do you know how bad it is?

Also as a part of this character circle of mine, my musical tastes are once again going right back to like. 2015-16 me. Not that I ever left that preference circle of mine, but yeah.
Now I get to traumatize myself with both Arknights Babel OST and sad rock, yay


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December 21, 2024 19:54:26  #10743

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My art archive really does show that the moment I went into the forums, all the masculinity in my character designs went straight to Raez and Raez only.

Btw I can't draw him and Asa again, someone please help me. I can't draw the entirety of the second half of the Temples' Gold Saints help


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December 21, 2024 19:56:38  #10744

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think the funniest thing about having characters is with time you get to see their romantic and aesthetic preferences.
The unfortunate thing is that I never really asked for this sort of thing, so. 

Istg if Wiley calls Raez's hair like seaweed one more time I am gonna lose it (if he calls you anything food-related it means he likes you)


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December 28, 2024 16:04:45  #10745

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Amiya: Doctor, those civilians are going to die when they fall into those holes!
Me, not moving: Gravity is natural
Amiya: But we could do something about it, Doctor! We could block the boulders and put up planks for them to walk over!
Me, after trying HE-8 for 20 times only to always get screwed up by the civvies: Y'know what else is also natural, Amiya? Selection

In this world, there is no God. At least not in Terra there isn't. Prayers will not save you, common sense will. (*tfw in-game sanity is 128 but actual sanity is 0*)


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December 28, 2024 16:09:15  #10746

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

POV: You're a life sciences major who gained a greater appreciation of the beauty of life through learning about evolution but also cannot deal with this anymore

About to give Fuze permission to yoink the civilians since Eliza (Ash, her name is Eliza Cohen) didn't come here anyways
(when F/GO is the game with memes about war crimes)


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December 28, 2024 16:13:06  #10747

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw this is a joke. I just wish they would look down before running (: also they need to stop standing in the way of literal boulders. They panic at the smallest things and then stand calmly to get run over. Do you see what I am getting at?
I probably just need to rethink some things. I've worked out most the stage, so it's mostly just operator optimization at this point. For example, I've cycled through a few Guards to try to get damage through while Bassline blocks shots, but I'm not exactly sure if my current timing is best, as getting hit reduces DP. There are also some enemy leaks behind the frontline at times. I dealt with it while blocking some boulders by using Hoshiguma, but rn the backline is a problem nonetheless since the civilians move to be bouldered over, as mentioned. Maybe I need to move the "frontline defense" backward, but I don't think there are ranged tiles in the back...or maybe I don't need to deploy Greythroat at all? I don't know if Bassline's skill 1 is enough for him to heal himself up for the last few enemies. That's the issue. Or maybe I could try to fast-speed pwn them by using Skadi...? Lots of different options for sure, I just need to be better at flexible thinking.


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December 28, 2024 16:14:37  #10748

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Gonna try a run without Greythroat, Hibiscus, and Arene to see if current damage is enough. If it is, then I just need to first block the boulder passage,,, I think (there's also splash damage from the boulders)


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December 28, 2024 16:29:03  #10749

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Current damage is not enough for the last wave but is ok before then, enough for me to put Cuora and Nearl down. The problem is then that Nearl (at her current level) cannot tank the boulders and the backline enemies at the same time.
I might need to maybe just tank the top lane with two Defenders? But then I need to use Hoshiguma on the bottom as well...or maybe I could just put Shu to block the boulders perpetually, since the damage isn't doing that much anyways? 
Top lane rn is Bassline tanking much of the damage, but it's too much by the end of the level for him and Hibiscus to cope with, so yeah.


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December 30, 2024 01:08:09  #10750

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The problem is just the damage check on the top. Either I get 'em first or they do (both before and behind the backline)

I also hit the word count limit on a Google Doc lol. I can't remember if I did in the past as well. It's just one of those things that always feels new. 
This time I got to 518 pages. It's a good number in Chinese. I was waiting 'til the 31st to round it off, but I guess the word limit made the decision for me first. Oh well.
I've been writing more. The ideal time was probably in November. I was writing a lot back then. I'm still trying, though. It's pretty enjoyable, though I still wish I were better at getting sentences down all the time. It seems I usually have to be by myself to get thoughts in order.

Arknights-wise, I listened to Ebenholz's VA across English, Japanese, Chinese, and German, and I'm ngl, I love all of them. Unfortunately there is no random voice mixing. Sad. 
I also forgot Blitz's real name for a hot bit. For some reason Kotz and Cohen felt similar enough to my brain for me to mix them up.
Btw, it turns out Czerny is a welfare, so now I really do have all the Leithanien (German) operators except for Ejya. Blitz is the hononary German boibzzhchchch. So funny. 
I also maxed out Greythroat, so she is now E2.80 along with Zuo Le (who has E2.90 as his max level cap) and Sesa. Eventually I need to get back to Kroos Alter's event so I get the rest of her Potentials and can work on maxing her as well. I've found that I usually need 2 Snipers anyways, and it isn't really a problem that Greythroat's skill is hit-based while hers is automatic. It's just situational.

F/GO update, got Nitocris Alter on the first multi the day the banner launched, which I really appreciate. Plus I got Circe and Astolfo. So Astolfo is my first NP 5 4 star. 
I appreciate them coming 5 times unprompted, but also I'm not sure I appreciate them like Specter does, so I'm kinda ???. Oh well.
I love Nitocris, not too sure why but I do. Btw her Avenger's design is just not fair in how cool it looks at this point it's something something blue and red, cool deity, Alter color scheme, serious looks...and yes I do have preferences, but also Nito is so cute and (spoiler) Anubis has always been my favorite Egyptian deity, so.

F/GO is in a funny spot story-wise because I know I am going to get angsted after LB 7, plus I haven't played it seriously in a hot bit so gameplay wise I am gonna get run over.
Arknights kinda did me over in that now I really like switching up team setups, but the more you get to endgame F/GO the more you tend to use the same few defensive Servants (or at least I do since I don't actually nuke that much in F/GO)


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January 1, 2025 18:35:35  #10751

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I dreamed that kid Rin made Kirei a birthday cake. Like she made the frosting and decorated it and everything
Bro proceeded to take a random hecking chunk out of the middle just so he could watch her suffer. He then took the cake and then ate it. Rinse and repeat. No wonder she hates his guts.
As a whole, this is among the top most in-character dreams of all time I am pretty sure. (also his birthday was literally days ago)

Good time to announce this year's summoning plans!
On the topic of dreams, I am ticked off enough (for no current substantial reason, definitely for substantial future reasons) to save every SQ I get 'til June to try to get Changgong to NP 5. Why? Because I want to beat up Zouken, ofc. Also I think Changgong and Nagesh could be friends. Even if they acquaintance-zone each other, I am sure Nagesh is more than happy to hecking beat Zouken up. 
My original goals were (LB 7 spoiler) Tezcatlipoca and Tiamat for the first half of the year, and I might try a multi for Tiamat, but Tez's art bothers me as a whole and I've found that I don't enjoy characters as much if I have to look at art that annoys me. Also I already got Nitocris Alter, which was originally my New Year goal anyway, so I should be good.
Tiamat's Bond CE is emotionally crippling btw lol. 
Also just noting that Tezcatlipoca's art is fine for the most part, but there's something about proportions that gets me. Probably the other biggest example of art that bothers me is Melusine, who is still child-shaped to me. Yet another one of those "Seems to be just me" things (then again, the subreddit did ban Summer Melusine art iirc, so maybe it's just me being part of the minority)
I love Tez's Final Ascension though. I love the washed-out look of it. Also he's just..very silly

Should I pull for Kirei because of what happened in Heaven's Feel? I have considered it, but the answer is no because the dude would murder me in my sleep for funsies. Not worth. I can just bring 6 Prince of Lanlings and also one Nagesh. And the Alternate to watch it go down.  

For the latter half of the year, I'm pretty sure I just want to try for Ruler Kagetora and Summer Castoria. No other big priorities other than these two, unless I develop a crippling attachment to characters (like what happened to me with Team Rainbow lol)

F/GO also is about to get a Grand Graph thingy. Which know what it means.
Grand Saber Gao Changgong real /hj
Castoria is also about to be so OP lol. 
Not sure if the Extra classes will get a variation of it, but if so I am so ready (if nothing else, I am so ready to buff Voyager and Kagekiyo)


     Thread Starter

January 1, 2025 18:40:49  #10752

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Trying to think about who I should pair with Rasputin's Trial Quest for maximum hilarity

Decided on Changgong and Murumasa. Why not. It's even semi-coherent

I need more Grails.


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January 1, 2025 18:45:27  #10753

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Me doing Rasputin's Trial Quest: THAT'S KIREIII

(it is 100% Kirei, not an ounce of Rasputin left lol)


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January 1, 2025 18:54:08  #10754

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SS gets a lot weirder when I put the ages in perspective and remember that the Sanctuary arc is really just some full-grown guy mentally stuck in his adolescent years who wants to rule over the world who sends a 16-year-old to assassinate a 13-year-old goddess incarnate, the caveat being that the group of the other 13-year-olds then have 12 hours to try to get through 10 college-freshmen-aged people and get him to change his mind on the assassination

Btw the college-freshmen-aged-people call the 13-year-olds the new generation, when they themselves have been serving in their roles since they were 7-10 year olds. This crap hella depressing (also funny though)


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January 1, 2025 18:59:24  #10755

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also adding that I am never gonna stop making fun of Aiolos, mostly 'cause even without the anime adaptation showing him grabbing a dagger by the blade instead of the rest of the very long hilt (as opposed to a spinoff showing Saga grabbing the dagger hilt), Episode Zero canonizes him running through the Twelve Temples without wearing his heckin' Cloth (: and then dying mostly because of excessive blood loss. Which could've been mitigated by him...y'know, wearing his heckin' Cloth. He has no reason not to, he just doesn't and carries it with him for some reason. 

Look, I love the dude, but I'm not too sure what he was thinking.


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January 1, 2025 19:29:04  #10756

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

SS gets a lot weirder when I put the ages in perspective and remember that the Sanctuary arc is really just some full-grown guy mentally stuck in his adolescent years who wants to rule over the world who sends a 16-year-old to assassinate a 13-year-old goddess incarnate, the caveat being that the group of the other 13-year-olds then have 12 hours to try to get through 10 college-freshmen-aged people and get him to change his mind on the assassination

Btw the college-freshmen-aged-people call the 13-year-olds the new generation, when they themselves have been serving in their roles since they were 7-10 year olds. This crap hella depressing (also funny though)


Honestly some college-year-olds calling some 13 year olds the New Generation checks out lmao

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

January 2, 2025 18:08:09  #10757

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The only reason y'all do that is because you want to pawn off your problems on us faster smh, don't think we don't see what you're doing


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January 2, 2025 22:04:02  #10758

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If I'm reading Changgong's lines for Summer Xu Fu correctly, their dynamic is just as funny as I suspected

Summer Lanling Wang WHEN /j (he already has a costume and excessive greed easily leads to one's downfall)


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January 2, 2025 22:17:48  #10759

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love the inevitable dichotomy of my attitude toward my favorite characters
“I LOVE YOU" (*turns around to whomever was or will be responsible for their inevitable death*) "Death (:"

For example--
Me: (*sees Changgong in a trailer*) THAT'S MY GUY <3
Me: (*remembers what is to come*) Oh man, I remembered...a worm (:


     Thread Starter

January 4, 2025 01:09:18  #10760

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Read Five Broken Blades
I was too tired to really do much else today (love being sleep deprived due to having an actual schedule), and I saw the book a pretty long time ago. It had a really cool title and synopsis, and I was pretty excited to read it

Anyways, I finished the thing in a day (technically read the first chapter a week or two ago but went through the whole thing today), and my biggest takeaway is...
The biggest takeaway is legit just: I can make do without being told how thirsty the characters are for each other every paragraph, y'know? I kinda get shifty that any and all descriptions in more mature books that veer in that direction, but usually I can just blink and try to ignore it. This time though, it felt like I was getting that stuff stuffed in my face consecutively.
Otherwise, I mostly skimmed through to see how the writer tried to pace. I'm so bad at that in writing that I thought even in this sort of story, I could learn something in that area. In the others, I could learn what not to do. The thought is that if I can read through this, then surely I can read through other stuff too? But actually that knowledge is wrong because usually I might wanna savor it. I think I might forget this book by next week.

Apparently it's getting a sequel sometime, but I'm not interested enough in this crap to follow up. Maybe only if I see the reviews saying the sequel has drastic improvement lol,,, haha (doubt)

Anyways, that's it lol.
There is a reason I don't usually do book reviews. This one was kinda a "I wanna jot it down and forget it" thing though.
It's also not completely right that I wasn't able to do anything else, as I got through a major fight in LB 7 yesterday and was able to progress today. Rn I'm stuck on one of those forced solo stages. I don't tend to do well with those (as in you get 0 Servant from the get-go and have to clear certain conditions to get through)
I also got some more work done on Naira and Lucina's designs (: (that is a pained smile, designing them is so dang hard)

With that I bid you all good night. I sure hope that I gained something positive from this book. Was lowkey relying on it for like. Writing inspiration (in terms of flow mainly)


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January 5, 2025 18:13:51  #10761

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Seeing Enis as Mandricardo lol

F/GO is following me over to Arknights and I'm not too sure why,,, it's not like I'm ignoring LB 7

Other people I see resemblances in:
-Bagpipe reminds me of Medb (I like Bagpipe a lot more). They pretty much have identical faces for me
-Siege is probably an intentional reference to the Lion King/Artoria
-Nearl is just the pretty blond knight lady troupe, but still reminds me of Barghest
-Scene is probably another one of Jeanne's little sisters

I think I'm forgetting people. It's pretty funny tho.


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 17:51:49  #10762

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Apparently Kiaane's autism finally got through as a catalyst, and now I have Executor Alter. Neat.
Bassline and Virtuosa about to scramble like eggs lol, this dude brings them musical agony
Now I save like 3 months for Logos (again) (mb on not being able to get him the first time, I was way too lazy to finish his catalyst and so bro threw a chair at me)

As context, everyone agrees that Executor is autistic lol. Also everyone makes fun of him


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January 6, 2025 17:54:23  #10763

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Asking Hitan if he could fix this dude and he just gave me a look, which I assume means Helge would probably get along with him better I think it was actually because you're not supposed to use "fix" in this context


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 18:06:06  #10764

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:


As context, everyone agrees that Executor is autistic lol. Also everyone makes fun of him


Executor is a mood

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

January 6, 2025 18:08:00  #10765

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


"I don't suffer from autism, I'm good at it"

(Stealing some jokes for posterity)


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 19:30:59  #10766

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

How I expected LB 7 to go: Oooh! Dinosaurs!
How it's going: I hate Black Panther


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 19:38:57  #10767

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rasputin: F in the chat
Me: YOU killed Da Vinci!!

Me: (*emotional trauma*)


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 20:53:53  #10768

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:


"I don't suffer from autism, I'm good at it"

(Stealing some jokes for posterity)


Executor BASED

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

January 6, 2025 21:23:25  #10769

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tfw the hue of the sal flower will show you the providence of the world (I love you Yoshitsune and Kagekiyo)

LB 7 is rewarding me hardcore for levelling Taira no Kagekiyo to level 100 (:

Btw I hecking love that Noble Phantasm. The thing is, I have a Chinese saying on my mind that means the same thing (what rises must fall) and rn I am utterly failing at recalling it.


     Thread Starter

January 6, 2025 21:25:39  #10770

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Am I going insane or did Rasputin's expression change on his hecking banner what the heck


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