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December 5, 2024 01:59:28  #10711

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Anyways, inactivity notice. Hopefully I don't just drop off the surface of the earth, but yeah, idk. 

I'm kinda hoping during it I can get my motivation back, 'cause a few months ago I was so motivated and all and now all my mind can think about doing is related to myself lol.
I will return once the time is right. If I just dip for no reason, then happy holidays in advance lol



December 5, 2024 02:51:13  #10712

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okie ^v^ have happy holiday

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

December 15, 2024 22:41:23  #10713

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Returning before I disappear for months or something like that because that will happen if I'm not careful

I don't have many updates lol, I've just been writing and learning stuff. Animation is still apparently out of my plans for now (mostly 'cause drawing fundamentals are forever a WIP), but one day for sure.

Every time I type "sys" for coding I type it as "sis" because "Sistema"
Raez cracks a little knowing grin every time too.
My bad for making him and Wiley pseudo-childhood friends in SS. He picked up 300 bad habits
(Rai just smirks the entire time. He's not helpful at all. Thanks, Rai. [he's like, "finally they also have to suffer with errors lol"])

Also I remembered why I brainrot over the Not-Quad Squad even more than usual during December. It's 'cause Wiley sings holiday songs out of nowhere whenever I wanna do something
Bro, I am writing an excerpt with you in it. You. Stop being so loud I can't even hear my thoughts stop.


     Thread Starter

December 15, 2024 23:19:33  #10714

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I got a 5-star just as I started typing this post, and if it was Lucilla I was gonna scream (I hecking love her design but I don't think her gameplay is very good... it's triggering a newbie's 'wow this is bad' radar...), but it was Grain Buds! Who btw I'm gonna call Xiaoman (named after the 8th solar term, which is so much cooler than the official localization I swear)
I've been using Wanqing more, along with Zuo Le (as always), so that makes sense. I'll level her up more one day. I haven't been using Decel Binders a lot as of recent, though.
E2 news: Got Sesa and Shu to E2! Mostly because I remembered Chapter 9 is more tied to events like "What the Firelight Casts", so I spoiled myself pretty thoroughly anyways. So I went ahead and did the story up to 9-6 to get the recipe for Shu's mats. Still experimenting with her S3, but it's probably OP.
I already liked Sesa (red supreme fr) (I say this about a lot of colors). I just thought he was a dork, and then it turned out he has a revenge schtick. And then it turns out he really is a dork, but with a little bit of a revenge schtick. From what I can tell, he's still on a good track, so at least he's probably not like Run. Plus he's playable, so he probably won't die.
I wanna give him a pat on the head. Not 100% sure if he'd shoot me for it though. All I can see is that he'll sometimes talk cryptically and is looking for his own way about things or something. Also he is very loud and dorky in battle lol. 
Anyways, I enjoy the range extension for him. Hopefully I get better at using him. He's probably used to stall enemies with high attack and low defense who attack in swarms and/or have a fast attack speed, but I haven't paid enough attention to see who those enemies are yet. Usually my attention is on the boss/elite enemies (hence why Lucilla kinda sucks ngl)

Btw this is Lucilla

(I think she might have problems but I haven't actually deployed her yet. She's stuck at E0.50 lol)

Not too sure if I like her looking at me like that. Mostly 'cause idk if she's about to murder me or not. (I should probably stop making characters who do the same on a constant basis)

Anyways I will probably level her up anyways so she and Wiley can somehow torture me in a group effort. I swear she and he would be friends by some godforsaken multiversal logic. (and btw I wanna stress that, just to spite him, that he ordinarily is not able to make many friends, Raez and Rai [and Dion if he wants to be included] are huge exceptions, as is Sistema/Pete lol, plus SS is a big exception to begin with)

Event-wise I've been doing so much better now that I have a few E2s. I went through everything so far in Path of Life without searching up guides, and I've even been doing the Challenge Modes. So far I'm up to BB-EX-5, and I have one more day to do 5, 6, and 7 (I did 8 already)
Unfortunately all this has been at the expense of getting the tokens for Underflow (the event's welfare), so hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me later.
I skipped the story to look back at later after I look at the preceding events. Maybe one day I'll update on that. 
Idk why but I wanna beat up Martus (and I did beat up Martus. I did. Twice, in fact. I still have the itch tho)

Limbus Company--
This is sort of just ranting so I'm spoiler tagging it. I don't think anyone really wants to see a game they play be brought up just to be complained about every single time, even if the complaints are (hopefully) valid

I got Kim again in Mirror Dungeon (level 6 specifically), and I said that if he killed my entire team again I was going to quit the game. But apparently I stacked so much Bleed on him that while he was dealing 1359+ damage to my entire team (and before his heal procced), he heckin' keeled over. Which is good for me, ig, because maybe I want to keep playing the game? Not sure yet. I did get Don Quixote's recent ID on my first pull, but that's 'cause Galaxian has beautiful red eyes and I can use him as a catalyst lol
Not too much to say otherwise. I either am really missing something, or Limbus' EXP requirements are a literal hellhole for someone who started where I did (and with my level of gameplay? maybe?). Not even Awakening is this bad, 'cause the farming is completely automatic and doesn't even kill the computer as much as opening Limbus does, plus it has x2 and x4 bonuses and every time I finish a farming run, I can level up a ton of characters to a usable point in most story fights. Limbus? I farm for like 2 weeks using natural stamina as well as whatever supplements I can get, and I don't think I can even get 4 characters up to par. Rinse and repeat. Truly City-level standards.
Also, yes, I am praising SSA compared to Limbus on this front. If not for the fact that it's pretty much just a login and clicking for the farming front, I would be so done. The moment I see any material farming other than EXP and Thread appear in Limbus, I will be done; I will literally go to F/GO to use its technology and prune the City and all the characters in it to release them from this suffering.
On a more positive note, I am now up to level 117 in the Season Pass, but that also isn't very positive because other than Shards (if they're called that), the rewards aren't really worth jackcrap most of the time. Like honestly...give. Me. EXP. Or more stamina. Wdym you're giving me 1 supplement. Wdym you're giving me 2 modules. Lmiao (I like the fact that some EGOs are available for free there, believe me, but honestly I'd rather wager in the gacha lol. Like honestly at this point the F/GOer is saying the F/GO gacha is better...)

Overall, not pretty commentary as usual. Sorry. Again, and idk how many times I'm gonna put this disclaimer, maybe it's just me. I'm sure there are newcomers to Limbus all the time, and I haven't gone looking to see if they are facing similar issues, so maybe I'm missing something. But so far I just really do not feel attached to the game at all. I like the music, but it's not, like...horrifically unique or anything. I love the art, so much so that I'd say that it probably carries the game--but even with the style, it's mostly just cool for me, since other games also have amazing art. The gameplay isn't bad, and it runs pretty well once it loads, but I prefer F/GO animations, and I don't like the fact that the gameplay doesn't really offer anything immersive. Instead you just have to read, read, read. I don't even mind reading, believe me--but I don't want to read things that could be presented in much more engaging ways than this.
All in all, I wouldn't be surprised if the next time I need to prioritize games, I end up dropping Limbus for its subpar performance, both in terms of how far it's met my expectations so far in many counts (story, gameplay, level progression, personal expectations/anticipations) and the way it literally wrecks my computer lol. But I'm glad I tried it anyways. It's not like it's a terrible game, all the crashing aside. I'm sure people with different tastes probably like it a lot, even for the reasons I mentioned. So far it's not my cup of tea, though.

SS Awakening--
My mom's presence made the rate-up work magically and so I got God Cloth Shaka. He's levelled to a decent extent, but I haven't even tried him in-game yet. Hopefully he's OP so he and Milo and Aiolia can go on a stroll
Rn LC Alone is on rate-up. 
I haven't done too much in this game so I don't have much to update. I do keep getting God Cloth Seiya for some reason. I'll make soup for him as long as he doesn't shatter my eardrums with his shounen protag energy


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December 16, 2024 00:32:11  #10715

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how this year is my first exposure to Monty Python and now all I have in my head is Bedivere (from F/GO) getting yeeted off a bridge
I wonder how he and Artoria would react to it tbh lol (also wonder if Morgan is in it?)


     Thread Starter

December 16, 2024 00:34:21  #10716

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Quora says she is not.
Imagining Baobhan Sith harumphing over that.

I also feel like Barghest would be flustered over satirical portrayals of the KOTR lol
(Melusine does not care)

Ironically I feel like Morgan would watch the heck out of it


     Thread Starter

December 16, 2024 02:07:57  #10717

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wow I really just wrote a paragraph and nearly died (because of the content, not the length. I kill others with length, not myself)

so anyways. uh


     Thread Starter

December 18, 2024 00:43:34  #10718

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason, Arknights recommended that I finish Code of Brawl, and since Path of Life just ended, I thought, Why not?
(I legit dunno why it recommended it. Maybe it just saw that the event was untouched. But I thought maybe it's because of upcoming content? As you can tell, I do not know what is upcoming.)

I unexpectedly really really liked it. Idk why I thought I wouldn't. Maybe the preview was weird-reading to me? The dialogue translation was a bit wacky sometimes at the start, but the shenanigans really won me over. I really like the pacing and chaos. 
I really went through it in one day while doing a bunch of other stuff, and ofc that day is today, so that was a welcome surprise.
Remember how I said I liked Mostima for no reason? Well, she smiles but is dead inside and does that lil Run smile. I was already sold, but now I am even more. Yep. Turns out I have a thing for angels/fallen angels who put up a facade. Who would've thought, right? Definitely not obvious. 
I also appreciate Penguin Logistics' entire vibe (I love its boss), and I love that Waai Fu (that name will never not make me laugh) and Jaye have some canonical connection, 'cause they're both in my Rhodes Island. 
The event is pretty easy. I've been going at it with kinda underlevelled/not-usually-deployed people, and I cruised along. Sometimes I had to try again simply because I didn't bring enough Defenders/Snipers as required by some enemy mechanics (and wasn't meeting the DPS checks either with my average-levelled roster)
Also I got the Top Operator tag again, and I got Schwarz from the Ranged tag. I was aiming for a healer like Nightingale (confusing ik) or Shining (whose EP I absolutely love), but the Healing tag didn't work so I got a Sniper instead. She is woefully underlevelled, but I love her relationship with Ceylon (specification: they're like sisters. they are not lesbians), so it's a win anyways. Maybe one day I will get to level and use both of them more. They're kinda stuck in a rough spot levelling-wise because Ceylon is a Therapist with a mostly dead module, and I just have so so many Snipers.

Btw I dropped the F/sn light novel for half a year, picked it back up for a bit, and probably will just drop it again for a long time lol. Maybe I'll be more invested for the sake of F/DA, if it ever picks back up again. Not really in the mood for it rn though. Most notable thing so far is that I really love Kirei's sprite placement lol. He really looms over you. Also, watching the anime before it really puts into perspective how much of a bastard he is lol. Yorokobe. 

Otherwise, I archived last year's art. This year's might be harder if the improvement is as actual as it is visible rn. (I am probably delusional)
I am hoping to draw all 13 of the AU's Gold Saints, wish me luck (wish Specter's characters luck, I butcher all three of their characters in this part of the cast)


     Thread Starter

December 18, 2024 00:55:39  #10719

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason every time I say I like a character I'm afraid you guys will judge me for their hair color or some other facet of their appearance, but then I realize my preferences hair, blond hair, purple hair, blue hair, black hair but it's stylized as blue hair, blond hair, red hair, black hair, orange hair, ashen grey hair, silver hair, white hair, blond hair, black hair but stylized as blue hair again, red hair...
The chronic overthinker fr.

btw this is a joke, at least I think. I'm pretty sure that I just like hair. However if Run were bald I would still love him (I dunno if I am joking or not but I probably would, a surprising number of my teachers are bald and I love them anyways)


     Thread Starter

December 18, 2024 02:45:54  #10720

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The implication that there was a possibility you would have hated your teachers if they were bald, and no other reason but that, is hilarious to me

Galaxian would you still love the Boardhost if it was bald

he/him xe/xem

"If you are born weak, which god do you turn to for solace?"
"That's why... I had to become the
lone star
in the sky to guide them..."˙˚∘⊹☀️⊹∘˚˙

"I shall ascend to the heavens, becoming the scorching
Bathed in my light, my people shall flourish, while all evil shall be eradicated."

"I now permit you to stare into the sun."

December 19, 2024 15:41:57  #10721

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

That was the intended effect xD

Bold of you to assume the Boardhost wasn't already bald


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 15:53:01  #10722

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw I've been dreaming a lot of the Gold Saints (usually the canon cast's, but sometimes the AU cast's as well when they decide to show up) and a few days ago guess-who showed up
He had hair xD and was nice to me for now also had a different costume, probably 'cause if he still had a chest window I would wake up from laughing

I think he came to visit Hitan, but my imagination lowkey forgot how to manifest him so uh. We kinda just waited


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 15:53:42  #10723

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also had a dream that GGaD!Specter's death was just to get GGaD!Galaxian to play a pseudo game of Among Us with them.
I'm ngl it's not even OOC.
Anyways, I woke up amused and ticked


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 15:58:03  #10724

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I saw this art contest where one of the winners drew Amogus in the middle (I think the contestant is an elementary schooler, which somehow makes it funnier)
Things like those contest submissions is why it's a good thing that I already accepted that talent is a thing, no matter how much encouragement tries to say that hard work can surpass talent lol


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December 19, 2024 16:04:55  #10725

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ebenholz E2!!


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 16:08:37  #10726

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bro is hilarious (trying not to be re-traumatized)


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 19:43:29  #10727

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SSA put on a new background, and it lowkey jumpscared me because it's a wholesome Christmas drawing with Seraphina, Unity, and Degel
After the jumpscare wore off, it became funny because Seraphina is like ":D" and then Unity is like "ò-" (because he's in profile view) and Degel is like "ò-ó" (because he's an Aquarius) (but he's also slightly more relaxed than usual, and I can tell because I'm an Aquarius)
It quickly becomes traumatizing again after you realize the current banner is Poseidon Seraphina. So basically Unity dies, Seraphina is dead, and Degel dies
Peak SS Gold Saint shenanigans the only wholesome we get is when they're dead and finally truly unite again, otherwise uhhh


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 22:00:49  #10728

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I am hoping to draw all 13 of the AU's Gold Saints, wish me luck (wish Specter's characters luck, I butcher all three of their characters in this part of the cast)

My mind said "Now I will regress to drawing realism only"
As in I am trying to draw anime style faces and the proportions are only turning out realistic. Wow, my solitary brain cell, boy do I hate you. 


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 22:01:30  #10729

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw I'm joking because this happens every December and is a sign of improvement...
...which will regress the following 6 months, leaving me back at square one.
Usually December art is fine so I am banking really hard on that.


     Thread Starter

December 19, 2024 23:11:27  #10730

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Specter - Petition to demote Dion to Chamelon to spare him some of this bullcrap rationalize why the heck SS him changes faces every single time I draw him

Getting slightly reverse-cursed by the image of Dion being the Chameleon from the Spiderman series lol


     Thread Starter

December 20, 2024 00:05:42  #10731

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I then proceeded to draw GGaD!Laurie correctly...for the SS AU because I legit do not know what her SS AU counterpart looks like. @Specter your fault
Tfw a placeholder is better than everything else next to it


     Thread Starter

December 20, 2024 00:11:18  #10732

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also public disclosure that unfortunately, while I was archiving year-old art the other day, F/DA Archer pwned me with his looks


     Thread Starter

December 20, 2024 00:12:21  #10733

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Turns out I drew Vilhelm correctly

the art that rizzed me was in profile view too btw. I am not proud


     Thread Starter

December 20, 2024 01:46:51  #10734

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

@Specter - Petition to demote Dion to Chamelon to spare him some of this bullcrap rationalize why the heck SS him changes faces every single time I draw him

Getting slightly reverse-cursed by the image of Dion being the Chameleon from the Spiderman series lol


No he gonna be a GS and carry the responsibility that comes with great power

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

December 21, 2024 19:35:09  #10735

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love when I draw 13 people and do a comparatively good job and then my mind is like "Stop, now we're gonna go work on your fundamental art skills" like NO we are NOT, that would mean this entire thing will look like trash tomorrow rather than months later


     Thread Starter

December 21, 2024 19:35:37  #10736

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also love Wiley's canon feature of looking handsome until he's colored, A.K.A. dude looks better framed /j?


     Thread Starter

December 21, 2024 19:40:40  #10737

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The AU's physical-age-to-chronological-age relations are just as screwed up as canon's ngl
I blame--guess who--Dion! Bet you didn't guess correctly.
Love how hard I fell off after the first 4 Temples. My mind has just been saying No and I have been saying Yes back and force it to keep going. Unfortunately that means Dion and co. have to suffer for it. Hey, maybe I'm seeing things wrong and am actually drawing everyone correctly, who can tell, right?

Also love how the moment I need someone to test things on I go "Asa :D" dude cannot catch a break anywhere


     Thread Starter

December 21, 2024 19:42:37  #10738

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I can't remember if I made a height chart for this AU already but also yes I did, I remember now. 
Most of them are unconfirmed except for Mitsuharu and Vilhelm who are somehow always 6' 3''. I swear they have some kind of multiversal height contest going on

Anyways the fact that I have drawn the Gold Saints together for real together is now an eternal curse, since that means eventually I need to draw all 24 Silver Saints and then all 48 Bronze Saints (maybe with a few exceptions because some spots are definitely empty)
And then that means I'll have to draw 108 Specters one day...I hate you Hades


     Thread Starter

December 21, 2024 19:44:45  #10739

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My mind is already saying I need to draw the previous 2 generations of Gold Saints.
Counterpoint, you are the one who is refusing to help me design them. So...


     Thread Starter

December 21, 2024 19:47:14  #10740

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

If I die from ships it will probably be from...any of them
Probably Lucina and Naira though. 

Me making AUs just to traumatize myself and force myself to learn to draw SS style hair actually to relearn my style of it, since I drew SS-inspired hair more than I did normal hair before coming to the wiki and sharing art lol


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