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November 26, 2024 03:44:04  #10651

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Somehow reaching out to a real life acquaintance turned into me sending Lev Lainur pictures to them lol

SS AU making me insane. A



November 27, 2024 02:04:09  #10652

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love getting judged by AI (I am talking about karaoke apps)

Also love how every time I interact with an AI, I am consistently forced to roleplay as a kid because of the weird stuff others feed it. Actually, idk what they are doing with the AI, but it is very questionable. I love narrating "they are a child" once in a while just to remind the AI that I am here to do nonsensical writing unrelated to creepy "romantic" gestures
Site: "Please remember to adhere your conversations to our terms and policies"
Me, after just not saying anything in the conversation for a while: Maybe you should make your AI adhere to your terms and policies

Final thing that I gotta love: The Lone Trail event mechanic really is a free "straight ballin' " joke handed to us on a silver platter
I love bowling. (gotta love how many of my strats nowadays are "hit 'em with the mechanics and line the rest up in a narrow alley"

Btw my roster turns out to be pretty much just built for football. It's pretty funny. Zuo Le is incredibly capable of scoring goals if you give the time for his skill to charge up, and he's super good at blocking/"crowd control" too. The problem is sometimes my partners don't realise they're supposed to wait, and instead boot the ball preemptively into the goalkeeper, who headbutts it back who-knows-where and takes us a lot more time than it would've if we waited a few more seconds. 
I read his profile btw, and he's definitely one of my favorites. Gotta love my favorites always being people who are affiliated with other factions more than our current one. Gotta make their loyalty a gamble he has 200% Trust we should be fine 
Eventually I'll level up Wanqing and "Grain Bud" (I forgot her Chinese name but when I remember it I'm definitely calling her by the pinyin instead :skull: ) so the squad squad can do some shenanigans together

天黑黑 要落雨 (you can't tell from the utter lack of formatting, but this is a joke. You can only tell if you read it by singing it. And yes it's not really a joke)


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November 27, 2024 02:14:57  #10653

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To be fair though, no matter what the AI says (idk how it can grade sentimentality exactly but it just generally gives me high scores and ig that's good for me), I can tell I improved a bunch just between today and yesterday.
The improvement comes from the fact that IRL nowadays I just don't talk at all, so ofc my singing is also affected. I've been trying to remember how breathing goes lol, and projection is a big issue too nowadays since I no longer can just be loud all the time

I kinda forgot most of the songs I sing other than a few obvious ones. Most of them are from Arknights and Saint Seiya. Not to say I can't remember much, because I have a bunch of songs in my head, but there could be more for me to mess around with. Right now all the songs I've been practicing are kinda just edgy which is really funny

I haven't been able to find SS Elysium's ED, which is slightly unfortunate since I'm pretty good at singing it lol. Or maybe not. The AI has not yet judged, after all.
The funniest song that I've sung so far is Arknights' anime ED, "Be Me" by Doul. I get scored really highly on it too, which is funny (it is also edgy). I primarily struggle with the parts that are kinda rap-like...? Idk how to describe it. But it was legit the first time I ever sang it. The (English) lyrics make sense but also don't, which amused me plenty lol


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November 27, 2024 02:37:03  #10654

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am trying to figure out what type of brainrot would be suitable to getting my productivity back again
Apparently not singing since that's done a number on that productivity lol. But the violin brainrotting was fine...? Maybe it's 'cause I have orchestral experience that I have more restraint, whereas for singing I will take any chance to do it under my breath so I guess I don't have any restraint there lol
SS AU brainrot is also getting me because I wanna rewatch Hades Sanctuary (and like any part of the series which has the Gold Saints... suboptimal...), and I've been writing for it, which would be good. But I need to write for other stuff. So. 

I hecking love the SS AU's cast btw, I just can't brainrot on all of it at the same time. Or can I? Immediately I felt as if I was being challenged [by myself] 
And btw by "cast" I mean Sanctuary's side because rn the Specters have like. 1 person (with a name). Screw them ig lol


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November 27, 2024 02:44:57  #10655

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The Cancer Saint is so funny
I can't master their design quite yet (rn they look a bit too masculine, which tbh is kinda one of my problems with designing in general) but I have the gist of it down.

Tbh I imagine if a Specter came into their Temple while they were cooking they'd just respond with "really?" and then just yeet the Specter back to Vilhelm so they can continue with what they're doing


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November 27, 2024 02:46:51  #10656

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right




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November 27, 2024 02:47:35  #10657

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Lmiao bro really said he approves of getting Vilhelm to do some of the work for once


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November 27, 2024 02:53:27  #10658

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I told Deathmask and Sistema that Manigoldo came and their reactions were
"oh neat." (not paying attention to me)

@Deathmask - Your predecessor says to git gud
@Manigoldo - Can you help me with designing techniques for Sistema 👉👈 (he said we need to do the work ourselves ): )


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November 27, 2024 02:56:15  #10659

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh the way Sistema is, it wouldn't surprise me if he put 0 effort into naming his techniques and just went with stuff like "Giant Kitchen Flipper" and "Get on the Grill" 

If he learns something from someone else, he'll call it by its proper name. Otherwise he cannot be bothered

How does a 20-year-old manage to give absolutely no flips about anything other than cooking I wonder


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November 27, 2024 03:01:31  #10660

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Technically Manigoldo is Deathmask's non-canon predecessor, so now I'm wondering if Deathtoll would also tell Deathmask to git gud

wondering if Manigoldo is regretting coming just about now lol

Love how the fandom has always been like "Kurumada hates Cancers ):" and I put in Sistema intending to not continue the trend, only for the dude to just flip his enemies like he flips dishes in a pan
The crabs be naturally silly I think (I am making an excuse)


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November 27, 2024 03:02:03  #10661

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It's kinda funny since the only Cancers I know are Time and Ishmael, who are chill and sensible dudes. Meanwhile I be doing this


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November 27, 2024 03:08:19  #10662

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"Why on earth would you brainrot over an SS AU" well the truth is that I think about stuff like parts of the cast sillying in a karaoke together and also various funny reactions from certain Gold Saints upon getting an intruder. I am delusional

Vilhelm really be knowing he's probably screwed but still going "Finally" (usually people don't make it through to him)


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November 27, 2024 06:06:28  #10663

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Narrator voice: They then proceeded to write more in earnest than they probably have for four years (bruh)

And of course that entails staying up 'til now to do. Why does my brain perform its best when Fried


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November 27, 2024 06:15:17  #10664

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Vilhelm really be knowing he's probably screwed but still going "Finally" (usually people don't make it through to him)

Noting for Specter's reference that in no way does he not care about the Aries and Taurus in front of him, it's just that there are some moral/practical boundaries to what he can test on allies as techniques and theories go. 
So basically he still is an insane scientist lol, no one should be surprised


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November 27, 2024 22:09:08  #10665

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how Arene in CN dub is like. borderline psychopath and then his EN voice sounds nice with a bit of tsundere to it. He genuinely sounds like he means it when he says he's learning from the Doctor lol, meanwhile CN sounds sarcastic and stuff. It's so interesting.
It's kinda like Ashlock. She sounds a lot less approachable for her CN voice but also passionate, but her EN voice is pretty and she sounds friendly. Example, "Good thing my equipment doesn't take up too much space." is so kindly compared to the sorta gruff and practical way it's said in Chinese. Same thing with "It's not like the knight competitions; you can't pause a battle when someone gets injured." The CN voice sounds kinda in anticipation, sort of like she's already starting to get an adrenaline rush, while the EN voice seems to be saying a truth as it is with a very subtle hint of...something else? Closer to regret? Acceptance? Idk.

Anyways I'm just putting up dubs as I feel like it, and so sometimes I don't know what they're saying. But I love different languages, so I don't care.


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November 27, 2024 23:02:26  #10666

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*hears English "Welcome~ I've been waiting~"*) Bro you are gonna get called fruity STOP IT

Ok but to be serious I like the English dub. It does feel like he's a teen who needs guidance, as per his profile. CN Arene I'm like, "I don't think I can fix this dude idk he seems maybe too far gone". EN Arene is like on the edge of morally questionable. He can be yanked back. Maybe. 
Switching the dub so I can do a double take every time he says that lol


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November 27, 2024 23:05:27  #10667

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw Arene is my go-to Lord Guard and one of my first operators (one more copy away from full potential). I rarely need to use another Lord, with the exception being this one level where I needed Lappland's Arts damage where there were unblockable enemies on both sides that Arene alone couldn't cover. He's helped me out a bunch
I remember my first impression was seeing his legs out and going, "here we go again" (anyone with their thighs showing is funny to me, idc what gender). Dude is stick thin so it's extra funny

Listened to all his voice lines and for sure this dude is a trap for...a certain demographic. lol
He still kinda reminds me of Wanderer, but ig using him so much has made them distinct now. From what I can tell, he's a lot less tsun than Wanderer. He's pretty direct about how interested he is in the Doctor, actually. (again, specific demographic)


Last edited by GalaxianExplosion (November 27, 2024 23:08:21)

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November 27, 2024 23:13:48  #10668

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I love how every time I go back to my base nowadays there's a friend's Walter going "If no one else is going to fix this door, then I will. Hey, revenant, get the hell to work." (in Chinese)

For some reason it is so in-character for her to just be worrying about a busted door in another Doctor's base


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November 28, 2024 03:16:48  #10669

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It really took me till pretty much the last day to confirm that Ebenholz can be good at football.
I had an inkling that his skill 2 can mess up the movements of the opposing players. But apparently the trick was to put him closer to the goalie line, so his remnants can explode and drag people everywhere. The downside is that sometimes the ball gets dragged in too, so you have to account for that and make it an advantage. Also he takes a while to charge up, and can't be used if the dude with the hammer is around. That guy can one-shot my Defenders
Btw I am now pretty heckin' good at football. It's pretty much just my usual team, with some exceptions to skills n' stuff, like Ray (she gives a free push) and Red (I actually use her 1st skill more than her 2nd just 'cause I apparently lean toward a damage-oriented kind of crowd control style instead of stunning)
I set up my team based off of football and so I've been ready pretty much immediately when I enter the game, though sometimes I sub Texas out for Tulip (an event-exclusive elite operator), who is really good at getting the ball in if you have everything set up right. Just make sure the ball is in front of her and then activate her skill. Boom, free DP and free distance. totally not like playing football with her has made me want her to be playable lol

Btw the murdery animations are still so very funny. Coupled with the usual serious battle dialogue, everything is just so over the top and very very silly (Zuo Le be murdering the opposition to keep the ball under control lmiao and then at the end he's like "To achieve perfection under adversity...amazing!" so genuinely lol)
Ebenholz is not having a fun time ("Ugh! Get out of my head!" or something like that. He speaks German now. idk)

I like how my favorite guys are just the college freshmen (Zuo Le is 19, Ebenholz is probably also around that age, Bassline is a teen, as is Lessing...though three of these guys are from Leithanien lmiao)
I also headcanon Changgong as being 19, so...maybe I have a favorite type of person you guys /j


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November 28, 2024 03:35:22  #10670

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Can't believe I forgot about Google's Halloween Doodle this year lol
Thankfully it wasn't multiplayer and I first-cleared it and yes I like first-clearing things. it feeds my ego


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November 28, 2024 03:43:38  #10671

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I forgot to mention what I actually learnt from Zuo Le's profile lol
-Basically he keeps a journal that used to be all work-related, but now he adds his own thoughts and insights on people, and he allows the Doctor to read it. I'm kinda a sucker for characters who write in an organized way for some reason. Opposites attract ig
-His dad is a general while his mom seems to be a civilian(?). His parenthood encapsulates how he has the wish to fight as a warrior while simultaneously wishing to serve the people correctly (that's his character arc I'm pretty sure, him being young and brash as a Candleholder at first but remembering his roots through various missions). I like the fact that both parents are alive and seem to want the best for him. Also his backstory makes me biased because of Xuqiao and Lianhuan lol
-Why do I keep liking idealists
-Anyways bro is the boldest spy ever. Plus as a kid he was a troublemaker. There's always something charming about that. He's very funny and I adore him, even though we probably wouldn't be actual friends IRL. Maybe I'm just destined to be a stalker lol, I like characters who I might not be capable of befriending so I just watch them all creepy-like


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November 28, 2024 03:45:30  #10672

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how I'm like, "Oh, I'm not crazy about F/DA rn." Then I hear Berserker's theme song and go nuts


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November 28, 2024 06:21:18  #10673

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Good news is that I'm redrawing Kenshin, finally. It's on my bucket list for some reason. 
Bad news is that it is an unholy hour and considering what my mind wants to do (draw an entire heckin' reference, for what? For what, exactly, huh?), uhhh.

One day I'll redraw some GGaD characters I butchered and then just never revisit again (jk I will always revisit, enduring perfectionism is like this)

At least bro is handsome in 2024 (I think I'm drawing him better than my own characters generally speaking, so either it's the unholy hour thing or I need to roast GGaD!Galaxian in a toaster oven again)
Also I don't think he and Time share the same face anymore. I hope. (but because I refuse to use references they are probably still on thin hecking ice)

Love the character progression of still being unable to use dollmakers as references


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November 28, 2024 21:51:39  #10674

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think the worst part about cutting meat is that after I do it I'll be staring at my hands like "ah yes I could cut off my thumb at this joint" like PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT. What the heck


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November 29, 2024 00:23:53  #10675

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I keep forgetting that I have Shift+A set as my shortcut for starting and stopping recording in my recording software, so I keep just accidentally starting recording absolutely nothing lmiao


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November 30, 2024 00:11:58  #10676

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Gotta love how in my attempt to avoid writing 1050 words, I instead wrote more than 17,000 words (A.K.A. 35 pages) within the span of like. A week
Not counting all the nonsensical spamming I've done here too. 

Hey, maybe the self-loathing comes from a place of logic, huh! Who would've known?
SS AU will kill me


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November 30, 2024 03:26:41  #10677

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Somehow I got a skin for Kanon and never realized? Equipping him with it now. It's the one where he has a fedora and stands melodramatically under the sakura tree.
The dude is so overdramatic in a preview for another skin lol. He be doin' acrobatics

Also I was going through all the skin options for characters because I wanted to find out who the mystery skin belonged to. Turns out it's Shijima. The art doesn't really look like him, but it also didn't look like Hades-Shun, so I was like ???.
Ngl, it's always touching to see a Saint rescue child Athena in distress. Plus Shijima be doing it while rocking some cool attire (for this skin, in the original plot he gets impaled by some roses). There is some joke about Aiolos constantly flexing his torso actually it's the game devs but he did it in his original debut too so it kinda counts

Other things I wanted to ramble about 'cause I wrote a bit and want to rest a lil
There's an entire skin series where the Gold Saints are detectives or something, and Saga's preview shows him pwning Aiolos after the other goes after him. I cannot emphasize how much I nearly cried (from laughter) upon seeing it for the first time. It's just a canon event apparently
The skins in general are super cool for that series, but Aiolia's is so cute <3

And then Kardia's skin is just so cool. I love the art, I love the preview animation (him protecting Sasha, then just chilling with an apple). It's so Kardia-like and I love it.
Ngl in general the past Gold Saints have more drip than the current generation. Apparently there weren't many fashion sense classes. Yes, Milo and Aldebaran have drip, but can they really compare to Albafica/El Cid/Manigoldo/even Shijima? My guys need to put on some suits fr (lol)

Anyways, since I touched on the topic of roses, lemme just point out how OP Aphrodite's roses seem to be, excluding my entire joke of "You just need someone else to pull the Bloody Rose out" (because ngl Shun probably should've died from blood loss). It destroys Bronze Cloths and can literally go through Gold Cloth, as seen by Episode Zero as well as Cardinale's usage of them on Shijima. We've seen that other than these roses, the only things that seem to go through Gold Cloth are 1) miracles (Seiya cutting through Aldebaran's horn) as well as Absolute Zero/close to Absolute Zero(?) (Milo admitting defeat from Hyoga, Shaka's knee getting frozen after getting nicked by Camus' touch).
Even Excalibur doesn't seem to cut through Gold Cloth, though admittedly I'm not too sure if Shura actually got a hit on Shaka or if Shaka left an afterimage dodging his attack. And rn I don't remember if Shura ever landed a hit on a fellow Gold Saint with Excalibur in the OG manga. Episode Zero did his feats no favours though lol, all he did was cut up armourless Aiolos (btw why did Aiolos not wear his Cloth????????????? 1000 question marks, absolute evidence that this is the same dude who will grab a dagger by the blade rather than the rest of the hilt). In the anime adaptation I remember him cutting through the armour and doing damage, but Aiolos kinda just let him (since Athena CRAWLED OVER TO SHURA), and again, I can't remember what happened in the manga rn.  

TL;DR Aphrodite can be very OP against even his fellow Gold Saints and so Mu "no u"ing him with Crystal Wall is made 15 times funnier


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November 30, 2024 03:45:25  #10678

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm kinda lacking in Chip Catalysts (as in I have to farm for them every time I need to make chips), but I'm looking to E2 some more operators soon! I E2ed Kroos Alter today. I love her. Though now I need to do the module missions (time to beat Skullshatterer up yet again <3)

Doing a list so I don't forget
-Shu (I need to farm for and make the chips, and I just used some mats that she needed so I'll need to keep an eye for those lol)
-Ebenholz (I have the chips pretty much just ready, but I need 6 of another material)
-Sesa (I have all the materials, though I'd need to make the chips and grindstone)
-Fang Alter (I need to make the chips)

I'm mostly doing these for utility, so unfortunately Fang Alter is lower on the priority list ): however I love her even at E1 and I will keep trying to use her whenever I can <3

On this topic, why do some guards need 5 guard chips. Why do some of the lower rarity ones need 4 sometimes rather than 3. Do they eat these things? Wh


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November 30, 2024 03:54:42  #10679

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*reads Kroos Alter's module story*) wah


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November 30, 2024 03:58:35  #10680

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*sees that for their E2 arts, Kroos and Greythroat are pretty much in the same pose*) Maybe I have a type


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