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October 6, 2024 20:34:19  #10471

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I suddenly remembered that one comic series I read when I was little, where the protagonist is an environmentally-conscientious elementary schooler in 2006 who is warped to 2020. In 2020, Earth has become a personless dystopia, ruled by the personas of different kinds of pollution (light, sound, garbage, coal, etc.) He's given a sword called the Preservation Sword, where as he collects different pearls from each of the antagonists, the sword becomes more powerful and the pollution is purified
Anyways, he gets all the pearls except for the final one held by the final antagonist, and he trains and becomes powerful alongside his sword. But in the end, the Big Bad (the Pollution King) shows up and reveals that the reason he's only been sending his subordinates out for the protagonist to defeat is because he had no reason to take the protag seriously in the first place. He knew that even if the sword got all the pearls, it'd still have no chance of stopping him. And then the Pollution King wins and the ending is that the world is once more enveloped in pollution.

It left a big impression on me as a kid, but apparently people didn't really read it or remember it because I see no indication of China being particularly environmentally friendly. But the end really did subvert my expectations back then, since I remember thinking "How can one sword defeat all those years of pollution?" And the ending was really saying, "You can't." The conclusion can only be changed if all the people before the end change their behaviour. The only way this little boy can be saved is if everyone else puts in the same amount of work he was willing to put in to save them.



October 6, 2024 20:37:32  #10472

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Yes, after all--"the Preservation Sword without the Heart's Pearl is but a hunk of metal."


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October 7, 2024 16:04:36  #10473

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like Blitz would say something like "This is truly the Ark of our Knights" while Iana facepalms.


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October 8, 2024 01:00:06  #10474

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how my brain works, like somehow I can proportion when I draw with my left hand, suddenly I understand realism right before bed, and I remember how to read the bass clef from practice that I did over a year ago but I don't remember the starting key of the actual song I used to practice that. Thanks brain, you are truly raisin bran


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October 8, 2024 23:46:46  #10475

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For some reason typing "g" into the search bar is bringing me to an error page instead of here (since I come to this link so often), so I keep on just typing "g" and getting, "This site can't be reached. / Check to see if there is a typo in g" like no, that's not a typo, that's just the search recommendations suddenly becoming screwed up for some reason. That's just one letter that failed to bring me to the shortcut, and me continuing to type it because of muscle memory telling me to just type g and press the enter key.
And no, I didn't clear cookies/browsing history. 

Anyways the dad of the kiddo seems to be slightly losing it, which is slightly unfortunate. Trying so hard to believe that it isn't because of me because, to be honest, I don't think it's me. But still there's always that anxiety wondering lol (the kid's mom seems fine idk)


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October 9, 2024 00:54:40  #10476

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My mind keeps saying "Oops, we done did it again" to the tune of that one Among Us fan song. 
Fitting tbh.

I've found I have unparalleled talent to make real people faces into horror-esque faces, I'm actually impressed. (unparalleled as in comparison to what I usually draw)


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October 9, 2024 22:03:03  #10477

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Did you feel the 1994 Northridge Earthquake?


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October 9, 2024 22:50:27  #10478

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Bruh the signature be wacky

October 9, 2024 23:35:41  #10479

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Pathetic /j


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October 9, 2024 23:40:45  #10480

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Every time I see Divine Blood Rhadamanthys I laugh, because I have no idea what's going on (I forgot all about the story in LC) (slight exaggeration, but I did forget his lil arc with Pandora and stuff lol)
He's handsome tho, I'll give him that. Even the unibrow can't detract from it. Jk it still does, it's so funny though. Never change your unibrow @Rhadamanthys

Anyways shout out to sweets for being so expensive that I don't buy them. I might be a cheapskate but I'm a healthier cheapskate 'cause of it
Also E2ed two operators in one day. Guess who (it's Blitz and Greythroat). I even did their module requirements, so now I just need more EXP and trust from them. Let's see if I can do it in time to attempt the Security mission phase 3 again, specifically for Greythroat tbh because there was that DPS problem I mentioned earlier. I also realised that Proviso's skill level was 2 so, that might have also been part of the issue. We'll see, but ig there'll always be more missions in the future.
Module requirements are fun 'cause when they're in very early chapters, you have to use your brain to figure out how to fulfill the specific requirements. For instance, I had to split Greythroat's range into two to avoid her killing all the enemies that Blitz was supposed to get. Fun fun.  
Btw I act so normal whenever Team Rainbow gets any sort of screentime lol, idk what's going on.

Arknights news: Babel event is coming up, idk anything about it so I'm excited :D the mouse Defender is so cute! And I love Ascalon's voice from the trailer.
I'm hearing it's a lore/angst dump.


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October 10, 2024 01:05:38  #10481

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

SSA is so fun because farming is just reminder of past trauma (sometimes people bring the Athena Exclamation Saints and uhhh)
I'm still stuck doing the side quest thingy btw. Stuck as in, somehow it's still going on, and I haven't felt like doing much gameplay from any game that isn't Arknights. Well technically Limbus just has me stuck farming EXP forever, but even if I did have the option, I'd probably just be making modules anyways. Arknights is fun; I'm definitely improving, just not in leaps and bounds. I love using different operators and trying to learn more. 

Last night I had nightmares the entire night and woke up like 3 times (once 'cause a dude was stabbing me in the gut repeatedly and I really wanted him to stop, and the third eye thing wasn't working), and every time I woke up I was like, Heck, this is not gonna be good for my energy level in the morning. But then it turned out fine, so idk how it works.
Apparently it goes something like this?
-0 sleep: Either 0 productivity or 500% productivity, don't expect emotions to be online at all tho (except for sadness and anxiety because those are always there apparently)
-1-3 hours: Hasn't actually happened yet. I usually categorise these as just being "no sleep" because I'm pretty much just awake the entire night, so it doesn't count.
-4 hours of sleep: Same as 0 sleep. One time I got a huge boost of energy and was fine the entire day. Maybe my mind was distracted, 'cause usually it's me being fine most of the day but getting pwned in the afternoon, and only recovering in the evening
-4-7: Ugh. Can make do, but will get distracted in between just about any sort of task
-8 hours of sleep: Fine. That's all, fine. Not particularly good attention-paying skills, but focus can be channeled if really needed. 
-9 hours of sleep: No. Just no, I do not know why. But functionally it's the same as 4-7. 
-10-14: Okay, but will not get anywhere near the amount of energy you thought you'd get. You're like...functional. That's all. 
-15: Optimal, but also you have to go to bed again in a few hours so it's an endless cycle. I want to be a cat.

So basically if I needed to drive or something I'd definitely need 8 hours or 10+. Not too sure if that's scientific, but it's definitely not age-accurate lol. 


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October 10, 2024 01:29:37  #10482

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

No wonder Dongfang Yuechu joked on Yang Tian just simping for looks. I think anyone could simp for Kong Qing's looks. I don't even like her but every time I see her face with the hair let down I just pause like. Hmm.

Anyways RONGRONG CONTENT I AM SO HYPED (it might take like 50 chapters but eventually. Finally we get to see her story)
Love how it turns out I liked another character who wants revenge. Again.
Please don't pull a Run please don't pull a Run please don't pull a--

She got a few cool panels this week :D love love love love. Her canon love interest feels compatible with her too tbh, there's something about those spiky teeth for sure. (joking)
But in seriousness they do seem compatible, he seems more silly but also tactical, similar to her. I wonder when they met? They feel like maybe they could have met when they were young. I can imagine young Rongrong liking him. Nooo this isn't me preferring childhood friends becoming romantic interests, nooooo.


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October 10, 2024 01:35:40  #10483

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why must my brain always regain productivity 30 minutes before I go to bed. Must you be this way? Really?


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October 10, 2024 18:13:25  #10484

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Why must my brain always regain productivity 30 minutes before I go to bed. Must you be this way? Really?



very real

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 11, 2024 02:18:14  #10485

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Shout out to my homie Gregor for getting corroded and still saving me from having to redo an entire boss battle in the Mirror Dungeon (he soloed like 500 health or something idk, whatever was needed to kill the boss for sure. I couldn't tell what part I needed to get from the logs since the Abnormality was Observation Level 0)
I probably could have done it, but it's pretty much a case of, y'know, the mechanics not being all that clear. So I could probably just spam more EGOs before the Sanity damage gets to the Sinners...but also I don't really feel like it. (am lazy)
The multitude tightens its hold. 

Btw Blitz is 42. Lmiaoooo Team Rainbow with their ages man. They're like those anime 14 year olds, but flipped over. 
They are stuck in the base 24/7 btw, so I hope they enjoy it. Unfortunately I didn't get Ela or Ash 'cause I didn't have the pulls ): I did get Blitz 2 times tho! So, I have six of the Rainbow Six operators, which is funny (Blitz, Frost, Tachanka, Fuze, Doc, and Iana). Next target in the gacha is probably Logos because I love his design, plus mostly I am reminded of Rai and Hitan so I am doing it for them even though they might not really be that alike. Iirc he shares a banner with a certain Walt Disney
Also I for sure just need more DPS (wow look at me using the term correctly) somehow in the Security mission. I'm getting to like 43/47 but the last few enemies will leak at the end no matter what because Proviso can't survive even with super-healing, and the DPS isn't enough, like I said, to stop them. I did get both Blitz and Greythroat to E2.50 today, but I need more Trust from both of them to be able to unlock their modules (Greythroat's might not even help all that much but we will see), and then I guess I'll need to figure out Skill Specialisation or something idk. Feels like Zuo Le's might be more useful, not sure though. 
I'm not very good with Babel's event mechanics. Hopefully I get better, 'cause earlier I struggled against Unblockable enemies in a very embarrassing way. again


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October 11, 2024 17:23:13  #10486

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I GOT THE DAD IN 13 PULLS LET'S GOOOO (he is of course now maxed to 80) (his skills are a different story)
Glad I pulled before starting the event. The opening sequence be a lil too goofy. The sound effects were sending me.


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October 11, 2024 17:31:52  #10487

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love bandits trying to rob Servants, especially when the Heroic Spirits are all like 🔪
Not even Boudica's mercy can save y'all this time. 


     Thread Starter

October 11, 2024 17:47:55  #10488

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know, I understand that lil kids don't have their brains developed (mine for sure was not developed back then), and when they act out emotionally I understand too 'cause I'm a decade+ older than them and I be having a crisis by myself over pretty much nothing much more often than I'd like to admit. 
It's still hard though lol. For me it's probably much more stressful than it needs to be. In the heat of the moment, it always feels more like I'm doing something or everything wrong rather than just something that happens. And of course I'm not saying I'm doing things right for sure, 'cause I'm not, but I'm definitely trying, and I guess I'm usually used to the tasks I do now being inside my control. For instance, if I practice more in drawing, I get more improvement from what I invest, generally speaking. But sometimes with a kiddo, it just doesn't seem to work that way, and sometimes tantrums will happen or a day will be worse than the last. At least that's how it seems to be from my current perspective, after having worked 2 weeks with a single kid. I don't know if this is wrong or not--I'm guessing since most of you seem to have younger siblings, this might read as incorrect or obvious, which is fine. I don't mind.
I think the experience is good character building, but rn in the heat of the moment I can sometimes look down on myself, and to be honest I am writing all this because I am self-doubting a lot (again) needlessly. I know I'm not the most useless person around, I know I try my best most of the time, but sometimes it feels like I'm just standing in place and like I'm the laziest person around. For sure I'm lazy, and sometimes I'm stagnating, but I need to get better at chilling for real. 

Actually, I read an article today that reminded me that saying logical things in the middle of a meltdown doesn't help much, which was helpful because that's exactly what my mom did when I was little, and what I (try to) do now for myself. Distractors never worked for me and in fact would make things worse 'cause I would think that the person trying to distract me was trying to belittle me and think I would forget. Yes, I was extremely petty and sometimes hard to work with, though in exchange for this pettiness I was easily preoccupied with anything for very long periods of time. I guess seeing through intentions at an early age isn't always a good thing. But it's interesting to see what things my mom must have learnt and unlearnt for me, since every kid is different and no parent is perfect.


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October 11, 2024 23:47:36  #10489

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

ND sequel is apparently confirmed.

Ngl I like the colouring/shading and stuff. I'm pretty sure this is big improvement from the past. Gotta love improvement 
Y'know what else there is to love? Love the Gold Saint bait put right in the middle, truly wouldn't be SS without it (MACARONI AND CHEEESEEE)
I see Camus behind Milo. Truly the bait. I love their friendship, what one dialogue line will they somewhat share this time?

Anyways, hopefully this means their souls are intact (PMMM spoilers? for an SS post?)

'cause I was lowkey worried that with the concept of Saints/Sanctuary erased by Apollo, the effect would be retroactive and the Gold Saints would straight up be erased from history in the canon universe. Looks like they're still around. What are they doing? Hopefully not about to get trapped in statues again in an alternate sequel. Maybe they can just hang around or something, that'd be cool. Guys, guys, please don't do anything stupid, please I beg of you.

By the way, I am calling it, I think their souls are about to go challenge the Olympic gods or something and then Tenkai Hen is going to replicate itself only in the form of eternal torture for my favorite characters. Gotta love being one of my favorite characters :') Mr. Kurumada I swear to the hecking Non-Olympian gods
Either that or it's just an inspirational move they're gonna make in front of the Bronze guys...but there's no way there'd be no repercussions from that, no hecking way. They're gonna get smited as an example. Guys please. Guys please just talk to the younger guys instead of being an example, they're not 3-year-olds. You can just make a speech. Dudes, please.

Btw I'm still not over the entire Gold Cloth Resonance Wall thing lmiaoooo I still laugh aloud when I think about it


     Thread Starter

October 12, 2024 00:47:30  #10490

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why is my forum persona hot.

probably 'cause he'd wear a winter coat in 100 degree weather because he doesn't understand that the temperature at which mercury boils is NOT the threshold upon which to determine what is hot


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October 12, 2024 01:07:44  #10491

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

@Forum!Silence - My forum persona's entire design not causing my eyes to erupt in sores is probably because of you, I kneel 🛐

she probably picked out all his outfits and I profusely thank her for it


     Thread Starter

October 12, 2024 17:02:54  #10492

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right



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October 12, 2024 19:50:03  #10493

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Finished the Babel event story and then finally got through 6-11, oh my gods.
The irony of being able to use absolutely none of my E2s after making 3 E2s for an E2.15 recommended level btw.

(Babel spoilers)

Me when I first met Kal'tsit: Why are you so mad at me, what did I do
Me after reading Babel's story: Tbh why have you not killed me yet. I wouldn't even be mad if you did, fyi. Just so you know.


     Thread Starter

October 12, 2024 19:56:12  #10494

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah also today I went around and messed with the voice settings. Now I don't understand some people (I set Shu and Zuo Le's voice lines to a dialect, Ebenholz and Lessing's voices to German, Whislash/Zofia's to accented Polish, Hoshiguma's to Cantonese, Texas's to Italian...I am so sane)


     Thread Starter

October 12, 2024 21:29:22  #10495

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm going feral over Arknights music, again. 

Also I've been knowing what to do with forum!Galaxian (thanks past me for a huge chunk of inspiration, I appreciate you going through all the good and bad ideas) so I've been trying pretty hard. The Babel stuff is on my mind too though lol hopefully it doesn't mix together in an unholy way


     Thread Starter

October 12, 2024 21:33:14  #10496

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw when I say I'm going feral I am losing it. It's pretty much the same as me being normal, but being less jokey about everything. 
I. I cannot.


     Thread Starter

October 13, 2024 00:01:57  #10497

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sometimes I feel like the would-be military experts of our time are just the people who can run insane gameplay strats. Sometimes they double as their own advisors too with the amount of time they spend perfecting their runs
This is a good thing btw. I prefer entertaining gameplay over using people as pawns any day, any time, any year, any era. 

I personally would just die lol (I don't really come up with very interesting strategies)


     Thread Starter

October 13, 2024 14:33:32  #10498

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My mind did that guilt over fiction thing where I was dreaming but also awake, and in my dream all I can remember is

"You deserved better."

Also realised that what forum!Galaxian has thematically is pretty much just the lack of object (people) permanence which is slightly depressing but also pretty dang funny


     Thread Starter

October 13, 2024 14:39:47  #10499

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(These spoilers be pretty major for Arknights' Babel event. I advise against clicking)

"A hero will sacrifice you to save the world. A villain would sacrifice the world to save you."
But they are neither your hero nor the hero of your world. 

Doctor, you may have saved the majority, but have you considered the price they hold in your eyes?


     Thread Starter

October 13, 2024 14:55:07  #10500

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I don't regret putting Ebenholz's voice as German 'cause now I imagine Blitz being slightly confused on why this dude is saying German instead of English


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