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September 29, 2024 21:38:55  #10441

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Why is broccoli so good

Btw I struggled to spell broccoli until last year, mostly 'cause there's no way for me to cue in the two c's in pronunciation without making it sound weird. So instead I kept spelling "brocolli" and having to redo it every time. There's another word like this too, but I don't remember what it is.
Oh yeah, deteriorate was also a struggle before I said it a different way in my head.
There are actually a lot of words IRL that I mess up because of this habit. The price of being able to spell well I suppose
"Did you mean ___?" is a very common question that I get asked, mostly 'cause my pronunciation is on the cusp of being correct.
Funnily enough, I've never had a problem with the word "inconvenience" IRL out of everything else. Like if I approached it the same as other words, I'd probably audibly say it as "inn-cun-vehn-ee-ehnce", but I don't, I just say it normally. Therefore, "inconvenience" is actually quite convenient. 



September 29, 2024 21:39:40  #10442

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Basically my grammar and spelling are fine 'cause we're on a forum (when I bother to proofread nowadays I mean...which is rarely), but if we were all together, my pronunciation might sometimes derail. Just a tip


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September 29, 2024 21:48:12  #10443

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like to imagine that every time I click on the interface to check if I have enough skill tomes yet, it's the equivalent of me rushing in and going "No books? Okay, love you guys, toodles!" to the Gold Saints who kinda just stare at my back as I rush away, dumbfounded


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September 29, 2024 21:54:03  #10444

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I feel like Aspros is really just the SS equivalent of that one guy in high school who was a valedictorian (another word I struggle to spell btw) but then you hear that he did like 5 tons of crack and died. And then came back later as an evil spirit wanting to take over the world because that is exactly what he wanted to do when he started doing drugs. anyways


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September 30, 2024 21:29:50  #10445

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Got tired enough to start signing IRL emails with -Galaxian- lol.

Anyways first E2 in Arknights!! Guess who

pretty easy to guess tbh.

Sorry Micha but the formula for your mats is locked behind Chapter 13. You're E2 in my heart tho lol


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September 30, 2024 23:13:39  #10446

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

ok so, my mom hasn't responded to me in like 36 hours which is not normal (rule #1 is that we try to answer a message or call within 24 hours, if not earlier). And she hasn't answered messages/calls from me either even though I'm making it very obvious that I'm starting to panic (this is rule #2 btw, if we see a lot of notifs then we check to see what the other is sending, and if there's a single "ok I'm starting to worry" we respond straightaway with an "I'm ok, will respond later"). 
The thing is that she's really good with this usually and wouldn't do this for no reason. Plus I'm usually the one who's worse at it and has to set timers and stuff. I've been better at it this year, but last year it was a bit of a mess. And no, she wouldn't do something petty like show me how she feels. We communicate better than that.
Anywho, the point is that she might just be busy with stuff but this is not usual behaviour, and I am honestly starting to panic, not just 'cause of the rules but also because I got really bad nightmares yesterday night that made it very hard to sleep (hence the overtiredness, in addition to having to do actual stuff today), and usually when I get those, they tend to be a sign of some sort of bad thing. But ik that's not scientific, so you don't have to believe me on that count. Just putting this here despite the illogical rationalisation going on to let you guys know that if I feel off the next few days, at least even more so than usual, it's probably because of this panic attack being put-off and procrastinated so its symptoms show up a few days later.

Really hoping that putting this here will somehow relate to her responding straightaway so I can just say that I'm just a big overworrier and an idiot, but as I hope you guys know already, her luck is really really bad, and coupled with other stuff happening I'm really worried.


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October 1, 2024 16:29:08  #10447

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay it's been 48 hours, full panic time.
Dw, it's not actual panic, 'cause I procrastinate on that until I can get a solution down. Rn I can't do anything because of timezones, but I'll reach out to people and hopefully get this worked out. And then I'll have a fun anxiety attack.
Funny how life always piles everything together, isn't it?

In the meantime Wiley bothers me with stupid questions like "How does he get hotter every AU". Idk, you're asking me?? Also, what is wrong with you?


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October 1, 2024 16:39:17  #10448

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Going back to reread the Dongfang Arc, and things are definitely clearer now.
I really like the way HYXHN goes about thinking about the soul. Like yeah it's usually just an abstract concept of "you". But what makes you, you? Is it your feelings? Your personality? If you were to reincarnate, what does it mean to retain your soul without just copying your last life piece by piece?


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October 1, 2024 16:58:46  #10449

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also read PMMM's manga adaptation (don't ask me if there are more than 1. I don't know)


It was nice having an Abridged version, but there's nooooo way people can say these pairings are "just friends", no way Jose.

Also I can never get over Mami and Run being so similar yet so different. And yes, their only similarity is that they're blond and older than the others in their friend groups. /j
In seriousness they really are so similar yet so different. In terms of similarities I think you can see how both of them are immensely lonely people and semi-consciously seek company, but Mami is very intentional about trying to keep the company, while Run is always sort of standoffish even when he does have friends. Both of them are tacticians who screw up at a crucial point--and the crucial point is also similar (Mami screws up after thinking she'll never be alone again, Run screws up after trusting Kurome and taking her along with him on his revenge quest, which ends up doing him in in several ways) (you see I could rant about Run's situation so much, but the gist is that I think other than the plot necessity, he didn't finish killing Champ because he was also thinking about her safety, which I think is supported by his movements in his last few chapters). Also, neither of them are very normal people. 
The funny thing is that Mami isn't even my favorite in PMMM, in fact quite the opposite [I focus way too much on everyone else]. But I do appreciate her. She's a very fun character. I reckon fanfic writers have a blast traumatizing her.


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October 1, 2024 17:02:48  #10450

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A 10th Anniversary oneshot then proceeded to kill me.

Oneshot #2 is really just turning out so far as "there is no girl in this verse who isn't gay. The alternative? What alternative? Perish the thought"

Edit: what the frick



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October 1, 2024 21:08:24  #10451

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Okay it's been 48 hours, full panic time.
Dw, it's not actual panic, 'cause I procrastinate on that until I can get a solution down. Rn I can't do anything because of timezones, but I'll reach out to people and hopefully get this worked out. And then I'll have a fun anxiety attack.

Update: We got ahold of her, though not before I managed to rile up my entire family because of this situation. Charisma rank E. My body and head both feel like they're on fire. There's no way I don't have a high fever that I managed to induce onto myself.
She's safe, just apparently China has really crappy phone service and somehow shut down the entirety of her phone for...idk what even happened. I think Mom wasn't expecting me to have a full-blown anxiety attack, since she said that she mentioned service in China might be crap. Okay, but she apparently dropped out of contact with family for a week or more too. Idk how she didn't expect this reaction from me.
I'm ngl I'm kinda mad at her (I told her, crying hysterically, that "if I waited for 3 days or a week like you said then it'd be way too late if worst scenarios were to occur" and she said "well if stuff were to happen would happen" which is an absolutely horrific thing to say and would probably qualify as a jinx IRL), but also I can't be because I'm just so, so relieved she's alright. I am drenched in sweat rn and probably will have more breakdowns later, but for now we're good. 

Another episode of Galaxian is fine


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October 1, 2024 21:11:32  #10452

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

What a great occasion for Chinese Independence Day, which btw is a factor I put into consideration on How Much Should I Overreact, and ofc as you can tell, I decided to overreact anyways.
No regrets, I hear way too many stories on people who had to wait for a long time to report loved ones missing or just thought everything was fine or things like that. I'd rather overreact for things like this.
Btw this is also why I appreciate you guys checking in once in a while, because sometimes I am liable to overthink egregiously. 

Anyways...yeah. Hyperventilation (:


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October 1, 2024 21:12:45  #10453

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just adding that another factor in this is that my biological father's family lives kinda close to mine, and in case I haven't mentioned it, that family is a family of psychos. So that was being "considered" (imagined) too. 
Idk it's a lot, I'm so glad it's over. This week has been a week and a half. Can't wait for the hecking weekend


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October 1, 2024 22:06:27  #10454

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Anyways all that aside, I've been working with a lil kid (below 2 years of age) for 2 days and lemme just say that right now, it feels like every single thought I've had about me being horrible with kids seems on the mark. How do you guys do it @Run @Hitan, tips please I'm begging you

The good thing is that after a lot of doubts on myself and what I've been doing, I went online (because I've been doing a ton of research...since I know pretty much nothing) and found out that what I'm dealing with is normal. I mean, somehow Day 1 was much better than Day 2, 'cause today I got to deal with the first screaming tantrum (the kiddo isn't used to her parents not being around. anyways she screamed at my face and even after the parents came around, she continued to scream whenever she saw my face. those few moments made me question my existence) Buuuut, it's still not as bad as some of the stuff I see online. At least this kiddo is placated by her parents. Apparently some parents deal with 2-hour-consecutive tantrums (not to mention that one video of a 9-hr tantrum or whatever on an airplane, honestly that kid is superhuman or has a superhuman throat). 
Anyways I think the thought still does pertain a bit, because it's lowkey frustrating to have to communicate with someone who doesn't talk. You see, I much prefer communicating with people who can talk and speak their mind honestly, and in this case I just didn't really have a choice (plus idk, I just am not very good with kids in general, it's not just a "young kid" thing I'm pretty sure). But it's a learning experience for sure. Plus with a kid, you don't have to worry about them judging you...too much. The kid I watch is judgy fr (I don't think she likes me all that much, though other than the tantrum thing she doesn't hate me either which is good, watch tomorrow be worse). It's nice in that way because it's sort of a break from the usual people stuff.
Psychologically I like seeing a case scenario in action--people really weren't kidding when they said toddlers like repetition--and again, this is very much a learning experience, since this is all very new to me. I've never had to deal with kids younger than me before (though I hear one of my cousins is like. 6 years older than the kiddo I'm watching and is Worse). I think this is good practice of getting myself out of my comfort zone, though I'll be switching around fast on that thought if I get fired (lmiao). Overall it really do feel like I know myself pretty well. Not wanting to jinx it, but there's a definite reason why I've never thought about going into any field where it's exclusively kids. Not because I blame them for being kids (I remember my childhood quite vividly in fact), but because I like dealing with the adequately educated adults, at least most of the time. Kids are cute, I just don't...have enough in me right now to concentrate on them in a career. 


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October 1, 2024 22:10:24  #10455

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw a screaming tantrum is pretty much exactly what you would expect. For me it perfectly replicated what I saw on numerous thumbnails of kids crying. Like y'know, when they stare at you dead in the eyes, scrunch their brows together, and start to scream in a very high, shrill voice, because they don't know words yet but want you to know that they hate you you not letting them do something is upsetting them tremendously.
Learning experience fr (at least it's not high enough to shatter glass, but imo most kids are probably born singers)

Ok but to be fair, this kid is definitely musically oriented, 'cause she bops around on beat lol. Plus it calms her down (her screaming actually made Google start playing music today, which is hilarious) 


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October 1, 2024 23:21:24  #10456

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Actually I was looking for some photos and came across some of my baby photos. Like all baby albums you have most of them being me happy or asleep, but also some where I'm bawling my eyes out for some reason.
Btw this is the reason why I don't dislike kids, 'cause I was one once and I was just as annoying. Like y'know, if I had to go through that stage too, I have no right to judge.
It's kinda weird being able to remember from an earlier age than others as well, but it adds to this, since I remember the stupid way my brain was functioning (as it was developing into this shriveled wad of a brain I have now) (it devolved)


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October 1, 2024 23:23:14  #10457

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

My life is just "Yes, I was cringe on the forums, but very good-intentioned and idealistic in a good way. Plus at 3 years old I had Problems" (so far character development has peaked at around 2018 and that's kinda sad. I mean, maybe we're going uphill rn, but maybe not. Only time will tell [hey Time will you tell?])


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October 2, 2024 00:11:13  #10458

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Not sure what happened before 1 year of age, but tbh I remember most of the time I realised that crying was ineffective, and doing stupid things was more effective. Like sitting down in the middle of a busy street specifically. Like waiting until I was right in front of danger to do so to prove a point. Absolutely astounding, child genius right there, everyone a round of applause for the prodigy.

I like how taking care of a kid is reminding me of how stupid I was


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October 4, 2024 00:20:33  #10459

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Y'know when everything is going in a good direction but for some reason you still hate yourself (anxiety is back babyyyy)

Some more updates on the job! (caring for the kiddo)
I was so right every time I thought, "Man, being a teacher or caretaker sure feels like the veryyyy opposite of my life purpose." I mean, it's not that I don't like kids, but for sure if I were forced to (plz no jinx) spend my life/career just caring for kids, my sanity would fall through the roof. 
So, it's very ironic that I love Run so much. But you know why? It's because as a kid, I remember each and every teacher who was fit for that path of life and took it above and beyond. Not just that, as a kid I remember many adults who supported me, indirectly or directly, intentionally or not, so that I was able to at least reach the point I am at now. Because believe me--if I didn't have my mom, and those probably hundreds or thousands or more people supporting me along the way--I wouldn't be a very good person at all. So I think even when I was younger, seeing a teacher who endured such a senseless tragedy and endured, kept enduring, for their sake--even if it was only for the sake of vengeance--was so profound and impactful.

Anyways, it's possible that maybe I might fare better with older kids, but those also have their issues. For instance, personality problems probably get harder to address the older people get. For younger kids, theory is much easier to apply directly to see if they work, because most kids (hopefully) will forget the stupid tactic you tried two days ago. Older kids, meanwhile...well, they can be pretty judgey.

Tantrums send my anxiety through the roof, so hopefully they really do lessen as time goes on. And btw I say this even though there's been like. 2. So 1 for each 2 days, and the one today I actually dealt with myself. The kid's parents say she acclimates quickly, and tbh she really does, but for me it feels so long loool. I kinda suck at this in some ways ngl. All the learning I do on my own time is very interesting though...though that also proves what I'm saying, since I'm amused by videos of babies and kids and all that, but find facing similar things in reality quite daunting.


     Thread Starter

October 4, 2024 00:26:24  #10460

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw as a fun fact, I interact better with animals than I do with people (mostly cats tbh, let's not kid ourselves here, but dogs are ok too from what I can tell), but I'm not too sure how I'd go about taking care of them either. Like at least with people you have words and facial expressions...idk what I'd be using to negotiate with for a cat that hates my guts or a dog that really wants off the leash. So it's probably also just me liking the idea of pets better, but not really having anything to substantiate it other than very brief interactions that don't really mean anything.
I'm betting hard on me also being better at adjusting than I usually give myself credit for. I'm like a turtle that tries to shrink into its shell but could probably start walking faster if it came out of the shell more often. Biologically that is a horrible analogy.


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October 4, 2024 16:17:30  #10461

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am not going to say what I thought ćevapi looked like; however, I am sorry for thinking


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October 4, 2024 16:24:53  #10462

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw my opinion means nothing since yesterday I came up with the genius idea of just adding cheese to what I was making and was then satisfied.

Every day I want chocolate for some reason (idk why)

I've been looking for bushtit videos. Lil chonkers. So cute. I adore them


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October 4, 2024 16:25:44  #10463

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Every day I wonder why it is still 100 degrees outside. 


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October 4, 2024 22:48:25  #10464

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Accidentally smiled at some high schoolers 'cause that's what I do to fellow pedestrians usually to see if they might say hi. Big mistake since one of them said, "yeah gurl you wanna hit this??" but also not a big mistake because immediately his buddy whispered very loudly, "Shut up bro, that's a guy!" and that plunged their entire group into awkward silence. I got to walk past smirking the entire time. Peak experience


     Thread Starter

October 5, 2024 00:28:03  #10465

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Accidentally smiled at some high schoolers 'cause that's what I do to fellow pedestrians usually to see if they might say hi. Big mistake since one of them said, "yeah gurl you wanna hit this??" but also not a big mistake because immediately his buddy whispered very loudly, "Shut up bro, that's a guy!" and that plunged their entire group into awkward silence. I got to walk past smirking the entire time. Peak experience


Androgynous fail/win???? I am however filled with bloodlust towards the person who talked to you that way

he/him xe/xem
lil angst gumdrop ˙˚∘⊹🦋⊹∘˚˙
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 5, 2024 01:33:24  #10466

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Nono it's supposed to be funny, or else I wouldn't have posted it. I have plenty of wacky stories like this lol but the timing on this one was just so great I had to share it


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October 5, 2024 01:43:42  #10467

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In other news! Zuo Le is E2.78, and he has 12 more levels he can go 'til he's maxed out. I will be prioritising farming EXP for him for a while (it shouldn't take that long? hopefully?). I also unlocked his module today, and that unlocked a game mode that looks super super fun. Can't wait to give it a try when I'm actually of sound mind. 

In further news! I now have normal Shaka, and got enough resources stocked from my last farming session that he's immediately 5 stars now. Now I'm just dragging Deathmask here kicking and screaming, hehehe haHAHAHAHAHA. Yes Deathmask, you cannot avoid me forever.
again, Aphrodite has both his Surplice and God Cloth version, while Deathmask has neither of those things. The shade is real

That made me curious on which Gold Saints have which variants, so why not list?

God Cloth: Mu, Aldebaran (surprise), Aiolia, Shaka (apparently he exists, just not on this server), Dohko, Milo, Aiolos, Shura, Camus, Aphrodite...what I'm getting is, apparently, heck Deathmask. Saga's God Cloth armour design is just heck so I empathise with not including it
Surplice: Aphrodite, Surplice AE (Saga, Shura, & Camus)
Miscellaneous: Gold AE (Mu, Aiolia, & Milo), 8th Sense Shaka

Yeah the conclusion is the same.


     Thread Starter

October 5, 2024 22:00:12  #10468

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I found a really pretty C-pop song that's about someone who isn't able to be with her love or something like that, then I came across a cover of it by Zhou Shen where people in the commenters called it a patriotic song. I was so confused.
It took me about 5 minutes to realise that it got remixed as a patriotic song.

Bro original Chinese patriotic songs aren't even bad, why the C-pop remixes (just to make it clear I am wondering why borderline plagiarism is needed)


     Thread Starter

October 6, 2024 02:44:43  #10469

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm pretty sure a good handful of my habits are all getting replaced by a toddler's, and I think this also might merit some reflection.
In my defense I'm clearly influencing her too, just probably not as drastically. Like she's making more noises and smiling more because I'm kinda a goofball and laugh at everything I see.
Look, it's all pretty fun until a tantrum seems imminent. That is the reason why I come home tired, I'm pretty sure. But so far I've avoided at least half of them, so we're good.

Also making this post 'cause I've been pretty productive today and hopefully I can continue being so tomorrow. Too bad I had something on my mind and immediately forgot it. Maybe it was something about yesterday, I dunno. If it was, then it's not important enough to post (as if all the lil updates I make on games are meaningful lol)


     Thread Starter

October 6, 2024 02:56:12  #10470

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I got Corroserum on the only pull I can spare for the banner with Executor Alter and Kal'tsit, which is great because I wanted him a lot for no reason on those Kernel Headhunting rolls a while back, but I couldn't get him. A very welcome surprise.
Btw I know nothing about him, I just like him for some reason. Hopefully the instinct proves correct.
His range is a lil weird though, and I've seen that I'm not too good with weird ranges. Even Carnelian and Ebenholz are sometimes a lil difficult, and their ranges aren't even that weird. Oh well, more things to get better at. 
Bassline also got a costume on the CN side and it's so so so cute. I better save up for that in 6 months (lol) (I will forget)

I've been doing the Security Missions, and am stuck on LS-3 (the drones one, go figure). I'm pretty sure my strat is fine, and I even learnt the game mode rules really fast (faster than usual anyways). But the DPS is just not enough on my Snipers no matter how much I buff them with extra SP, since my only E2 right now is Zuo Le. So I'll have to work on Promotion. I have to defer to available resources, but I think I could work on Greythroat and Kroos Alter (I don't think Kroos Alter has any Potentials so that might also be factoring in), and because I've just started with the Module stuff, I can probably unlock some modules. Still, I want to save for Ebenholz, Bassline, and Virtuosa (Virtuosa is more so 'cause I'm sure her module will be OP...and no idk what it is yet, I don't search this stuff up).
Btw the Security missions are really fun imo, and unconstrained by canon since you can bring whomever you want. The big team and different mechanics are so fun for me. Big compliments to Arknights gameplay here. I think I might prefer it over Integrated Strategies since it allows you to retry again and again without punishing you for a failure due to specific mission mechanics or something like that.


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