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August 22, 2024 19:35:21  #10231

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I dreamt that Rai was helping Hitan with managing a preschool.
It was wholesome. Ignore how it was all dark and horror game-like, 'cause that was just because my mind couldn't be bothered with adding consistent sources of lighting.
Anyways, I didn't recognize him until like 3 quarters into the dream, where I asked what his name was and he said he was Rai. Okay. Confirmed: Even if Rai turned into a real person I wouldn't be able to know it's him, as he literally is just the average East Asian guy (even with a wacky haircut)
In my defence, he looked pretty much just forum!Rai age and had a (slightly) wacky haircut that I really really wanted to comment on but didn't. There's no way there wasn't some kind of story behind that cut, just saying.

Also, Raez debut! (why does he look so tall and intimidating)
He was delivering food to the kids or something idk, as soon as he appeared they jumped him. Confirmed also that Raez has a build that's super duper fit for hosting scampering children. 

It was a nice dream. I can definitely see it actually happening in canon, if Hitan somehow figures out how to not get stalked by that one freaky demon. Kinda like anime after-credits lol, the cyber tech guy occasionally comes in to volunteer at his friend's orphanage/preschool place. 
And thanks @Wiley for not coming in and hogging the limelight for once lmiao, I was actually surprised you didn't appear this time since I actually haven't really been thinking about Raez/Rai compared to you


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August 22, 2024 19:39:38  #10232

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

In other news, I've been writing! But also, not really writing. The speed is slow.
I'm practicing how to do...a uh, certain thing. But also I don't really like doing it, I kinda just wanna write aimless fluff as usual. So basically, the usual. Except I'm actually writing!

As you can see, actually writing does nothing to help usual me feel like I actually know how to form sentences.

Anyways, feel free to give me prompts for what you want to see when it comes to my characters, either in GGaD or in F/DA or the SS AU. And also ignore how I have like 4 I wanna do myself and 3 that were already requested but that I refuse to show the actual requestors (sorry lol)
technically one of the prompts is just me making a simple answer an entire writing so that's not technically my bad... but it also is...


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August 22, 2024 20:59:21  #10233

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

"All Milos on the field will gain an extra move"
Me, who brought both normal Milo and God Cloth Milo but found that God Cloth Milo doesn't get any more extra moves than what I already supply him with: This is false advertising

In other news--
(Some guy finishes nearly stabbing the life out of a 14-year old)
Me: Man listen to his voice, he sounds so gentle <3

Meanwhile the other half of my brain is making fun of Milo always seeming to carry someone lol. (Hyoga, and then later revived Camus)
Milo Delivery Services (he runs between the 12 Temples)

You gotta admit though, Aldebaran and Milo are really good losers. Probably fun people to play sports with


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August 22, 2024 21:01:27  #10234

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Going through the story on Medium difficulty btw
Time to learn how to actually use Aiolos (: gonna bring along Shura and both Aiolias for the uhhh. To not beat the allegations

I think the more wise options might be to use God Cloth Aiolia, and then probably Seiya and Milo for the debuffing? Then God Cloth Athena for the energy. Idk, I forget how many physical attack buffs he needs to siphon.


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August 22, 2024 21:08:21  #10235

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I don't think I've ever actually shared screenshots for Awakening, so here's one.
This team works pretty well. But not for high-difficulty, everything is pretty much just set up so Aiolos can do some damage. No shade on the guy, but his energy cost is way too high compared to just bringing Shura and Luna, at least at low skill levels. 

Also yes, this is one goddess, four Gold Saints, and one Silver Saint ganging up on a team of randos. (the team is gone, only the Commander remains)


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August 22, 2024 21:16:37  #10236

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(Aiolos does 75K damage) I may revise my opinion.
Shura makes it too hard to calculate since he does separate slashes /j


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August 22, 2024 21:20:25  #10237

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Actually I'm cackling 'cause the VAs for Shura, Aphrodite, and Deathmask all forgot their characters are 10 or 9 years old

Also concept: Aiolos recognised Saga wasn't Shion 'cause Saga's voice cracked (puberty moment)


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August 22, 2024 21:22:01  #10238

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(I oneshot Shura) Oops.


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August 22, 2024 21:25:34  #10239

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

True to lore, Aiolos then hecking died for some reason.


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August 22, 2024 21:28:03  #10240

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

(*talking to Deathmask*) Oh yeah, whatcha gonna do, Crabby? Gonna warp me to the Underworld with those four itty bitty souls of yours? 

(I have yet to take him seriously in a single fight against him, can't tell if I just get him too fast or if he's too weak even in gameplay)


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August 23, 2024 00:08:50  #10241

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I've noticed that writing and drawing are both a test of my patience
Writing especially because drawing is more of a mood test (I can usually find each stage of creating an art piece fulfilling, unless I'm in a bad headspace; for writing I'm just in frustration of "why can't these words put themselves out instead of making me recreate the same mental image over and over again")

6 years later I am happy to report that I still don't really do 1st drafts unless it's at 4 A.M. Zero character development!
Anyways, actually, why can't these words just write themselves. I am in pain both ways (from the content and also from having to create the content)


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August 23, 2024 00:11:29  #10242

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Fun fact, the fact that we all roleplay at the speed of turtles (on average) has helped me with writing, 'cause in the past I typically wrote slower than the average speed of thread progression. In the present I am even slower, but the average thread progression speed has gotten so bad that I am occasionally inclined to go through it myself

This is not an indication to stop roleplaying as a whole. I am just making a joke, please.


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August 23, 2024 00:15:24  #10243

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

"why can't these words put themselves out instead of making me recreate the same mental image over and over again"

I'm more than happy to do it usually, just not when writing as a task is assigned to it (by me)
I think the difference is in that usually I can just pull out and start over, meanwhile if I'm writing it down I have to tweak details and commit to what I mostly have down, and it kinda drives me nuts

It's kinda like how I'm happy to write down dreams in the dream journal rather than as actual ideas.


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August 23, 2024 14:22:24  #10244

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Anyways, feel free to give me prompts for what you want to see when it comes to my characters, either in GGaD or in F/DA or the SS AU. And also ignore how I have like 4 I wanna do myself and 3 that were already requested but that I refuse to show the actual requestors (sorry lol)

Not requests just kinda prompts/ideas for what I think would be fun to see. Take your pick!

GGaD: Iollan and Hitan fluff  (relationship mentioned but haven't seen much of it except implied). Galaxian taking a look into an AU maybe and his opinion (idk if this is even possible xD)? RRW making an apology video script for fun and sillies.
F/DA: Sunny trying to understand the internet/YouTube. Also, Saber content. Saber content is always good.
SS AU: Vilhelm being dumb with the other Saints (I'm sorry but this would be hilarious I think. Sorry Vilhelm {not my fault you fell down the stairs at a very young age}.). Sanctuary trying to put on a play (for some reason idk). I forgot which Saint it was who was good at the kitchen but maybe someone with cooking classes with them?

All the above are mostly fluff because I just think that would be a lot more fun to read through and write for interactions. Also, one of my personal favorite things to do always is do crappy rewrites of fairy tales/existing stories with OCs taking the place of the original ones xD idk if you're into that at all but that's just something I think is very funny to do.
Glad to know you're writing! I struggle with first drafts too but in the sense that they don't exist and editing is something I just hate so much xD anyways hope that whatever you're writing rn doesn't make you go insane and instead serves as practice (or that it serves as good practice even if it does drive you insane) .
Would be awfully convenient if the scene or paragraph you have in your mind could be just projected onto the page ngl.

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

August 23, 2024 18:37:17  #10245

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

You never disappoint, Specter, thanks for all the ideas xD

Saber content will have to wait until they actually make their debut actually they just keep on sleeping when I try to practice writing them what the actual heck but everything else I think I can take a shot at! I'll try my best :D though unfortunately for the both of us, rn my mind is fixated on plot/more traumatising things lol.


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August 23, 2024 18:38:09  #10246

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how the worst that Kanon can really imagine is melting into a goo as the gods' punishment for his actions and even then he's so scared he falls to his knees, right in front of a 15-year-old

Ikki as all this is going on: Dis a ppointment


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August 23, 2024 18:47:49  #10247

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I do kinda like that outside of just being an important side antagonist, if you look at it, it's pretty obvious that Kanon was not in his element as a Marina General lol. He doesn't even really exhibit proper light speed punches while fighting Ikki. It's only when he gets mad that he regains somewhat of an upper hand in terms of pure physical combat ('cause Getting Mad is a really good shounen power booster)
But then when we get to the next arc we can see that he's not that bad. His long-term illusion ability is pretty much just what Saga is capable of, plus he can tank a long-range Galaxian Explosion without getting severely injured and he seems pretty good overall while fighting Rhadamanthys. Not too sure if he and Saga are necessarily equal in terms of power, but his showings in the Poseidon arc were pretty hecking bad and I like to think that this fact aligns with his entire "oh man I'm so evil and bad look at me" schtick. Dude is a loser villain


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August 23, 2024 18:56:46  #10248

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The Poseidon arc: Everyone else is getting things done. Meanwhile, Kanon has a crisis

I cannot get over how Sorrento kinda just chills nearby and occasionally interferes for the dramatic value, or how both Ikki and Sorrento ditch him and don't even keep fighting with him lol (love how awkward social interactions in SS tend to be in general)
I see people refusing to believe his redemption but ngl, the dude was a loser and if he kept up the villain act he would've died offscreen or something, probably to powerscale the next villain or something. It was not only characteristic but also a narrative necessity 


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August 23, 2024 18:59:46  #10249

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Love how I could actually analyse this psychologically or thematically but I just choose to say, "The guy behind these two arcs is an idiot ngl"

Look I love Kanon. But he does not know what he is doing lol

(The thought of him being one of the personality types that's way too reliant on their horrific intuition reminded me that I wanted to do the test for someone else, but I do wonder what he is,,, maybe INFJ? this is a self roast, not an actual guess)


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August 23, 2024 19:01:50  #10250

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also, Saga is the saintliest Saint because he made it ??? years without solidifying his evil side while spending time with (*gestures at 7-year-old Milo, Camus, etc.*) these little heckers

You guys don't know how much joy I have just torturing him with Little Kids in my fanfics and imagination. plus he has to deal with his own brother and man oh man he is not having a fun time


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August 23, 2024 19:32:18  #10251

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Also, Saga is the saintliest Saint because he made it ??? years without solidifying his evil side while spending time with (*gestures at 7-year-old Milo, Camus, etc.*) these little heckers

You guys don't know how much joy I have just torturing him with Little Kids in my fanfics and imagination. plus he has to deal with his own brother and man oh man he is not having a fun time


Imagine having to deal with a 7 year old Deathmask. I think I would have my villain arc right then and there

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

August 23, 2024 19:43:29  #10252

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

To be fair it feels like Saga was at least partially responsible for Deathmask becoming the way he is now, like what 10-year-old is called Death without some grave errors in educational judgment (LOOKING AT YOU SHION, WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO)


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August 26, 2024 13:40:21  #10253

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Greyy is a guy??

I really gotta start paying more attention to the Gender part of operator profiles, man. 
(I got alter him after max potentialing original him and let's just say this was a recent discovery.)


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August 28, 2024 13:05:47  #10254

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I kinda forgot to give an update before the fact, but actually the past few days have been pretty draining, and uhhh let's just say I wasn't too proud of some of them (regressed suddenly to little me mentally for a bit, lashed out because that brought with it a large dosage of repressed abandonment trauma...yeah) 

Anyways I am running on like 5 hours combined sleep rn, though hopefully I can take a nap later since I have a 4-hour shift coming up. Why 5 hours? Well I slept at the airport, yeah. The airport has stupid chair design when it comes to helping people sleep on them. 
My brain went from traumatising Kiaan (GGaD) to joking about F/DA Saber (also Kiaane, if that isn't obvious) and then now it's brainrotting hard over my entire half of the cast in that AU.

Also I got to have this social exchange
A guy: How old are you
Me: Guess
Him: 23
Me: Off by 9 years
Him, mishearing me: Oh 29. A lil old to be in school still but it's fine

I can hear Saga and Kanon cackling in the background. 
Looks like I made one too many 28-year-old jokes.


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August 28, 2024 13:13:18  #10255

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also also, I am writing. Not the best, but I'm pretty sure I've at least improved since a few years ago. 

But part of that entailed remembering how many people supported my crappy story ideas, like why did people decide to send in forms of their personas for me to butcher. I will cry after the fact over this


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August 28, 2024 13:15:24  #10256

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also also the context for that is that devving forum!Galaxian brings out a lot of nostalgia, but also for some reason he absolutely brings out some of the worst emotions in me. Idk what is up with him

But yeah, I was finally working on him (I'm using a trial-and-many-errors method this time, by just writing out stuff instead of worrying about the accuracy of all the underlying meaning) and obviously that would lead to me reminiscing about the forums. 
No anger or regret on my end overall, just sad as usual that it wasn't longer. Can't say the same for forum!Galaxian though, he has even more problems for some reason.


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August 28, 2024 13:16:57  #10257

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm sure Time will be happy that every time I get nostalgic over the forums I go and read what he'd written of Clocktower lol no Time I'm not CPR certified yet no

I could bring up other stuff but I think I'd halve some of your lifespans. So I will just shoot down Timeme instead lol
And no nothing happened between us, I just think it's hilarious at the moment.


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August 28, 2024 13:20:06  #10258

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think at 4 A.M. I thought of something that I thought was just the funniest thing ever, but unfortunately I cannot remember what it was
Something related to Kiaane. They're very funny if you ignore the trauma and trauma and trauma, which I am VERY good at since they are very funny.


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August 28, 2024 13:21:54  #10259

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Rn my mind also thinks it'd be fun to post my writing on here (like my homethread specifically), for some reason?
Vetoing that lol. Not tired enough to let that get past me. 


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August 28, 2024 13:23:22  #10260

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw I like to imagine forumer reunions IRL and all, but actually if we all met up I'd probably start crying on the spot and embarrass all of you as I turn into a ball of snot. Which is why I've been less enthusiastic about bringing the prospect up
Funnily enough, my mom likes bringing the prospect up more nowadays than I do. I think she thinks our group is sweet (and it is, I just don't like turning into a mess of slug goo in front of friends who already have to deal with my bullcrap, such as what I am currently doing)


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