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May 22, 2024 20:39:47  #9811

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo literally just gave an example though (/hj?)


Look at Neuvillette and try to tell me he isn't

He isn't tho

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

May 22, 2024 21:42:59  #9812

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo literally just gave an example though (/hj?)


Look at Neuvillette and try to tell me he isn't

Ok but that's not like what I had in mind

I was expecting a femboy, this guy just has really long shoes

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 22, 2024 22:16:28  #9813

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Connotatively speaking he isn't, but denotatively he is I think, hence /hj
chronologically speaking he probably isn't either. too old


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May 22, 2024 22:28:37  #9814

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I mean there's a lot more to a twink than just thigh-highs
Neuvilette is more like an old man in fantasy style clothes (which tend to be kind of out there)

Also how old do you ahve to be/look to stop being classified as a twink?
This is honestly just throwing me back to last week in which my server had a discussion over if being 6'+ means you don't classify as a twink

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May 22, 2024 22:42:22  #9815

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Bruh I was referring more to the physically young and slim build parts, idk what y'all were doing xD


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May 22, 2024 23:30:27  #9816

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

Echowo wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Echo literally just gave an example though (/hj?)


Look at Neuvillette and try to tell me he isn't

Bro is wearing thigh high heels and a suit

my favorite gentleman <3

I was trying to continue the joke guys 😭 I wasn't That Serious 😔

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

May 23, 2024 00:11:34  #9817

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am. If we don't think about chronology I think Neuvillette fits the definition of twink. State your reasons otherwise


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May 23, 2024 00:23:58  #9818

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Good point hmmm. I would say he has potential for being a twink because although he is a dragon/immortal, he looks relatively young in-game and dresses very. Well. Look at him XD. He dresses like I would if I had the money to do so

HOWEVER personality-wise, he acts like an older gentleman and has the personality you would expect from a stereotypical judge (stern, respectable, incredibly responsible).

But, he does show a soft side (extremely polite towards the player/Paimon when he thought he was bothering them with his presence/understands he looks intimidating and is apologetic about it, in an event he makes a little ceramic sea creature and has a very cute interaction with the player, protective of the melusines to the point of making a law that has people unable to legally disrespect them/made a law that the melusines should only be referred to with she/her pronouns and "not the informal it/its", and in general tries his best to be respectful towards everyone)

Although idk how much of personality really adds to this, other than influencing the Aura a character gives off

So I can see it both ways

However, body-wise, he has pretty broad shoulders, although it may be the suit jacket idk

His hair is so pretty and long tho too

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

May 23, 2024 00:26:25  #9819

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Echowo wrote:

Good point hmmm. I would say he has potential for being a twink because although he is a dragon/immortal, he looks relatively young in-game and dresses very. Well. Look at him XD. He dresses like I would if I had the money to do so

HOWEVER personality-wise, he acts like an older gentleman and has the personality you would expect from a stereotypical judge (stern, respectable, incredibly responsible).

But, he does show a soft side (extremely polite towards the player/Paimon when he thought he was bothering them with his presence/understands he looks intimidating and is apologetic about it, in an event he makes a little ceramic sea creature and has a very cute interaction with the player, protective of the melusines to the point of making a law that has people unable to legally disrespect them/made a law that the melusines should only be referred to with she/her pronouns and "not the informal it/its", and in general tries his best to be respectful towards everyone)

Although idk how much of personality really adds to this, other than influencing the Aura a character gives off

So I can see it both ways

However, body-wise, he has pretty broad shoulders, although it may be the suit jacket idk

His hair is so pretty and long tho too

Also he wears makeup, idk if that adds anything other than that he's just straight up beautiful and ethereal looking tho XD

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

May 23, 2024 16:03:14  #9820

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Failing at getting Ebenholz, but at least I got like 2 more duplicates of Ashlock within a few rolls, which is beneficial for me in the long-term.
I love Ashlock and I am especially amused by how she and Bassline look kinda like siblings from their similar hair colours. From what I can tell, they have similar thematic ideas about their characters as well. (Plus they're among my first operators and both Defenders so I use them a heck of a lot.)

I think even as a beginner, if you treat gacha like it's giving you who you need rather than who you think you want, you're bound to get a lot more out of it. I'm probably missing some operators I should be levelling, though. Oh well. 
Only noting this 'cause it feels like any simulation of luck runs pretty close to life when it comes to probability. When it comes to optimism, I can agree with people that being optimistic with the cards you're dealt is a good way to go about life. However, it's still murky for me when it comes to how you should think about things outside of your control or problems that necessitate a systematic solution. As natural as anger and violence are for animals and humans, I still can't really just swallow broad, easy messages like "war is inevitable," probably because I feel like I can see things are getting better as a whole, just not everywhere at the same time. So when I see conflict and fighting even in their smallest forms, I'm still not sure how to think about it outside of getting this nagging feeling in me that it isn't right.
Also I accidentally just failed a mission because I was typing this and didn't notice the story ended lol, what a skilled player I am. (truly simulating life here as you can see)


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May 23, 2024 17:53:19  #9821

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Ashlock: Looks like you're good at commanding team battles
Me: (*literally just holding people in place and surrounding them with my people*)

So good at this mafia crap (it took me a bit longer than I'd admit to realise that Texas and Lappland are pretty much Italian lol) (I'm an idiot) (literally the region's most popular food is pizza and there's mafia stuff going on but I was like "hmm America or Spain hmm" bruh)


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May 23, 2024 18:02:26  #9822

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw that reminds me, something I've always found funny is how strict roles are in western military tactics. Over in China you just try to kill as many people in as efficient of a manner as possible. Also try to burn their food supply. All of it. In as efficient of a manner as possible ofc.
You see, this is why the Chinese have more casualties under our belts, it's not just 'cause of longer history and larger populations. It's also because we engage in mass slaughter with minimum concepts of chivalry, while the Europeans write out agreements to see how they should take turns sniping each other. Oh yeah I guess they also sometimes have a hill to defend or something. The Chinese prefer narrow alleyways.
speaking of narrow alleyways, Arknights be like "be careful, the battlefield is narrow" AHAHA. It is in my Chinese genes to prefer narrow alleyways. 


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May 23, 2024 18:59:15  #9823

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right


Guys this is why you don't just stay on one hecking tab.
No I don't think you guys do it. I'm saying I'm an idiot.


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May 24, 2024 00:58:38  #9824

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Gonna (try to) watch the first episode of the Fox Spirit Matchmaker (iirc this is what I said I'd call it to not confuse it with the manhua/donghua) reality adaptation thingy.
Mostly for the music and scenery. The trailer brought me to tears even though the actors' performance made me wanna throw up.
This is gonna be fun. I usually don't watch anything that I don't think I'll like, and I don't even watch much wuxia stuff to begin with lol (my mom kinda likes it but tends to get sick of series)


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May 24, 2024 01:09:07  #9825

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like the OP song, but the image perspectives accompanying it are a bit skewed from editing lol
It sounds a bit tragic. Tonally pretty fitting.
The costume designs are really obviously colour-themed and it's lowkey funny to me because I think of magical girl anime lol.
The scene with Shikuan and his princess is good. I like it. 

Also making it clear, I'm watching it not as a faithful adaptation because it's not gonna be one. 

Opening fight sequence:
-Where is the choreography (this is Milo PowerPoint sliding levels with light wisps instead of beams, and you know that beams are superior.)
-And btw Milo PowerPoint sliding is a good comparison because Honghong literally manifests claws, which just evokes Scarlet Needle in my brain (plus her name is literally. RedRed and her aura is red so literally it's Scarlet Claw without the beam and movement that makes Scarlet Needle cool
-I liked the Shiji line at the start. I feel kinda like the actor for the antagonist is trapped in this adaptation with nowhere to go
-Shiji kinda just Dies lol (I get this is a starting scene and mayyyybe is a theatre adaptation in the canon itself [HYXHN does a meta thing with this in the donghua as well]), hilarious
-but also I'm pretty sure Dongfang Yuechu helped with this while here it's just Honghong soloing, so did Yaya hold the production team at gunpoint or uhh what happened

Lead actress is literally just eye lip eye, which is pretty much right within expectations. It's a skill issue and reality limitation problem lol

Why are there 45 minutes per episode


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May 24, 2024 01:13:19  #9826

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Okay so apparently this was pre Dongfang Yuechu is what I'm guessing.
Tushan really just war crimed and then set rules for the people they killed lol.


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May 24, 2024 01:18:38  #9827

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

-What was that Dongfang Yuechu debut scene setup dialogue and action setting :skull: have him start running before the camera rolls to set tension lol, this read like a play
-The two bastards after him sound funny though, which is on point since I don't think they can legally make one of them dress like he did in the manhua/donghua. The rules flew for Journey to the West's Shaseng only (/hj)
-> One of them has a big candy cane shaped weapon I'm gonna die
-> Ngl the kid's eyes match the adult actor's pretty well, what a surprise.
-> he roll

-Stone: literally reads "Tushan"
Subtitles, explaining: This marks the boundary between Tushan and the outside world
(this was already explained in exposition 30 seconds ago btw at the end of the last scene. Tushan set up a boundary prohibiting humans from entering for,,, some reason that has not yet been explained. At the start of the scene Dongfang Yuechu also says "I'd rather try to go to Tushan than be held captive by them")
One of the actors: Oh nooo! This is the stone that marks the boundary between Tushan and the outer world!

Making for a total of five (5) separate cues explaining that this stone separates Tushan from the outside. Within 30 seconds. Definitely gonna die.


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May 24, 2024 01:48:14  #9828

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

-Poor kid feels like he was forced to recite the donghua dialogue with the same expressions and lines :skull:
-> nvm he stood up for no reason and starts provoking the two of them instead of stalling for time. Btw, I am only complaining here not because this is a difference in events but rather a difference in character. The kid is literally someone who has been running for his life for days after his parents sacrificed themselves to buy him time from these two heckers. He would not be so stupid and he knows what he's doing, that's Dongfang Yuechu's biggest charm point. 
-Oh nooo Honghong wears shoes. (/j)
-I feel like the adult actors were also forced to replicate things
-Credit to Honghong's actress here at least, she replicated Honghong's tone pretty well from the donghua lol.
-Also credit to Rongrong's actress replicating her troll-ish smile lol (anime expressions look so funny when translated to real life. I know this, yet it's still so funny)

-Okay now I have to cringe at Yaya and Rongrong's actresses being like at least 25 year olds if not older (I am being very very open with this age estimate lmiao) having to act like 7 year olds. The scriptwriters really were like "let's watch this anime and transcribe the lines and the actions (sort of) lol, we get the money anyways"
I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say mayyybe they were supposed to get kid actors for these two as well, but there's no indication of that casting idea having been there ever lol. Bruh
-> Literally no one is expecting them to be a faithful adaptation, the people with the biggest expectations are probably just wanting them to capture the spirit of the reincarnation/love ideas so uhhh. yeah

-See literally the next scene after Honghong takes in Dongfang Yuechu on her own accord (I'm not gonna nitpick differences from canon, but just explaining it as I go), they add in their own scene with Yaya protesting the decision and asking Rongrong to help her just by doing math, and that's pretty funny. Like maybe Rongrong in the original wouldn't do that (she'd just stand by enjoying the drama, even if she is curious about Honghong's decision), but it's pretty funny. I don't really get why they had to replicate the original scene like that when the actors are clearly just adults at this point. Like yeah maybe it's still slightly cringe but Yaya is Yaya, she's always childish even when she looks like an adult, anything else is pretending. So seeing even "adult" her just pestering Honghong like a preteen girl seems fine to me.
-I bash the female lead actress a lot but I do love her eyerolling lol. Like the woman is just trying to read and absolutely everyone is pestering her or standing in the vicinity trying to make her do things
-Of course there had to be an annoying elder
-See I liked the closing line for this scene too. It's clear they know how to write humour of their own so I really hope they keep doing that.

-Oh no the parent death scene got me ): wonder if they'll appear again even for the comedy bit or if that's just it lol

-Rongrong exposition time (literally expositioning to her older sister lol)
-Ok look I get why this spin is weird to some (I can also see it being morally dubious and thematically dubious because in canon, the reason why Honghong takes in Dongfang Yuechu is literally just because she is a nice person at heart but doesn't wanna admit it. that's it) but it doesn't exclude canonical character traits, and I think it gives a cool lil twist to considering everything. I guess every spin is bound to have people who dislike it (iirc Netflix did a spin on a prophecy for SS as well and I haven't seen many favourable comments about that change lol)

-Cool (even if generic and very short) debut scene for Jin Renfeng...the original is superior just because of the whiplash but y'know. (he's still physically young, idk how)

-See I kinda even would've preferred if they made Dongfang Yuechu just overall more confused and scared as a little kid. It feels like that feels more natural for this actor
-What was that music transition lol I was vibing to the flute and then suddenly I got TTRPG bar music
-Bro's got like an apartment for himself I want that /j
-Rongrong actively evading child labour laws by...probably making said child labour laws tbh (the child labour law code: "child labour is okay because I am a child and because I said so")

-Honghong appearing at a scene to ask a dying woman whose husband is literally dead next to her and whose child really needs to run away if she's forgotten the promise to donate blood to a giant tree that she made (which was probably made out of coercion in the first place): 👁👄👁
-> Like,,, bruh the implication from Qinlan's actress was that she was terrified and thought Honghong would be after Dongfang Yuechu next in addition to the bastards and died with absolute terror in her heart, thanks Honghong lmiao


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May 24, 2024 02:02:25  #9829

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I think I should explain something culturally about HYXHN btw.
I am gonna spoiler tag it just to be sure. I don't know if it's triggering to anyone but just in case.

There's a Chinese trope (well it's not Chinese per se, just popular for the Chinese kinda) where an older girl meets a boy when he's a child younger than her, and he develops a crush on her as a kid. She eventually reciprocates when he grows up (in other cases, only when he becomes an adult). But usually this trope involves the woman literally being by the the boy as he grows up as one of the primary figures in his life, so I don't think the Western audience would like it very much. I mean, I've seen the Star Wars jokes with Anakin Skywalker meeting Padme Amidala when he was 9 and she 14 even without them interacting in between their next meeting 10 years later, so I'm assuming that's the general sort of opinion I could expect.
But that's the premise for HYXHN, probably inspired by works like Return of the Condor Heroes, a very popular novel where the trope I described is the protagonist couple. The male protag was 11 years old and the female protag 15 years old (approaching 16) (I think), and they have a superficial master-disciple relationship going on which I think might make opinions worse lol. In Dongfang Yuechu's case, idk how old he is as a kid, but I'm guessing he's 7-10 and Honghong chronologically around the same (she physically ages a lot--probably to 16+, if not 18+--after the incident with the little Daoist but is mentally/chronologically still a kid). It's love at first sight for Dongfang Yuechu [which psychologically makes sense because she's pretty and also just beat up his would-be captors for him and took him in, like ofc the kid would develop a crush lol], while Honghong is implied to have started liking him at least a few months before teenage Dongfang isolated himself to think about his grand plan (before she intentionally led him to the Little Daoist's grave, basically). Bai Yuechu is chronologically 15 and Susu chronologically around 500 years old but mentally maturing only after meeting Bai Yuechu. yeah.

idk if that was necessary


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May 24, 2024 02:05:03  #9830

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am in love with the calm background music


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May 24, 2024 02:25:23  #9831

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

-Parent scene #3 destroyed me again lol 
-> See I think the kid can do so well if he's not being yeah I guess this is cliche but please he's just a kid. 
-> the transition destroyed me lol
-> also love the OP used as a side song in the first episode thanks for the trauma

-Honghong has E.Q. of 0 (Dongfang Yuechu talking about his parents to her and she's just like "these can only be memories" ma'am I will sock you in the face)
-> the rebuke was 100% deserved
-> though I will say this is kinda characteristic for Honghong, because in this series she killed her adoptive mother alone and has had to be the leader ever since. Assuming her age lines up with canon this is probably her saying her usual thoughts about her trauma to a kid her age. Which is still a jerk move but more understandable, you see?
-> she also puts a tracker on him for no reason and disappears (and he protests which I like, since this Dongfang Yuechu is less simpy)

-Aesthetics pretttyyyy
-I will add that the huge hole that is all interactions between Dongfang Yuechu and Tushan Honghong during his years at Tushan (and afterwards tbh) makes me happy that even if all this is non-canonical, they're getting more screen time together that isn't just angst lol

-Timeskip later: uh oh this relationship is toxic uh oh (canonically they're not that good either, Honghong is rather violent)
-Canon Dongfang Yuechu's bento boxes are cuter xD
-The two bastards waited for 16 years rather than 3 months outside of Tushan. dedication

-The wine gourd that Yaya carries everywhere looks like a kid bubble toy prop and it's so funny


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May 24, 2024 02:37:00  #9832

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

So good at this mafia crap (it took me a bit longer than I'd admit to realise that Texas and Lappland are pretty much Italian lol) (I'm an idiot) (literally the region's most popular food is pizza and there's mafia stuff going on but I was like "hmm America or Spain hmm" bruh)

This is literally making me tweak out.

An event that lasts on 9 days??? Man what am I even going to do 😭😭😭

Idk if I should even play it for story reasons (ig I'll consult the story chart but still). Plus I don't even have any of the characters that are relevant there

Side not but I heard that they regularly introduce new mechanics in events and stuff. With us being on the backburner, I think it may be hard to track when they get introduced yk?

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 24, 2024 02:39:36  #9833

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

The ED is by Zhou Shen I'm pretty sure which is nice (my mom and I like Zhou Shen, he seems rather hardworking and upstanding)

Anyways yeah that's enough for curiosity lol. 
High points:
-Scenes that weren't directly taken from the original manhua/donghua adaptation were generally pretty fine. I liked their directing and pacing
-Scenery is pretty, though some props are clearly very rushed because they were doing all the camera shooting in one month or something. Artists are not mortal moment
-There are some scenes with really good aesthetics, which wuxia is known for
-Outside of some forced scenes, I genuinely enjoyed little Dongfang Yuechu's moments, like his backstory with his parents. First episode's highlights for sure
-Interesting twist?
-Voice "acting" is fine, there's nothing that made me cringe too bad which is actually a contrast to the donghua. I'm not saying they talk very naturally, but it's pretty acceptable to me.
-I really like a lot of the background music, and both OP and ED sound pretty good to me.
-Main actress is good at being deadpan, and I do like her voice and little mannerisms as I mentioned. I don't think I can call her acting good, but maybe Honghong and her are kinda compatible as Honghong's serious front goes. 
-Male protag seems fine, but unfortunately I like his younger self better lol (probably because when Honghong's being a jerk he actually snaps back a bit, his older self is forced to conform to the romance and therefore domestic violence standards)

Low points: 
-They managed to make the general vibe of the episode (and probably series, judging from the marketing) pretty cliche due to the target audience, which itself isn't a bad thing, but I hope the series manages to make itself unique in some way
-Some of the plot alterations do not make much sense logically
-Some of the props are really bad lol I wish they gave the artists more time
-I am not personally convinced the lead actress can nail Honghong's emotional front. I do not have much proof for this outside of the opening scene (everything was pretty bad there ngl) and her general acting history though, so I'll add a question mark, I suppose?
-I said the voice acting is fine, but the tones are rather monotone lol. I said they're fine because there isn't anything particularly shouty in this episode that would warrant it, but ngl I think the monotone will continue because it's kinda a general bad acting habit that a lot of Chinese actors have

anyways it was better than I expected, though I had like no expectations
I'm gonna watch the entirety of Romance of the Three Kingdoms through again before I watch Episode 2. 


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May 24, 2024 02:47:40  #9834

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

This is literally making me tweak out.
An event that lasts on 9 days??? Man what am I even going to do 😭😭😭
Idk if I should even play it for story reasons (ig I'll consult the story chart but still). Plus I don't even have any of the characters that are relevant there
Side not but I heard that they regularly introduce new mechanics in events and stuff. With us being on the backburner, I think it may be hard to track when they get introduced yk?

I gotchu fam. (though 9 days feels normal to me idk why)
Get as far as you can in the stages and then farm the hardest level you can consistently auto without taking twice as long as the last level. That way you get event currency and can get a few of the accomplishments automatically, which give you event currency. Prioritise what you wanna get from the shop and spend accordingly
So far I'm seeing this as a region worldbuilding level as well as a bit of a character interlude for the operators Texas and Lappland, who I'm guessing you don't know much about. I'm not seeing much main story content so far but idk what is to come

The mechanics are introduced in corresponding levels. I'll sum the general premise up in one sentence though.
Blood for the blood god.
if you kill the mafia's lackeys, the mafia gets angry. If the mafia kills innocent civilians, it's your fault you ruined the mafia's reputation, and the mafia gets angry. If the mafia gets angry enough, they will come after you for it in the form of sending a scary dude who will 360 no scope your units if you're not careful. You can see an angry gauge up at the top of the screen that tells you how angry the mafia is getting for literally no reason. so basically just mafia stuff added to enemy mechanics lol you should be fine


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May 24, 2024 02:54:07  #9835

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I know Texas and Lappland are popular characters, so I really hope they are lore relevant in the actual story then 😭

I think this is a side story rerun, so it probably won't include much about the main story

Actually saying that may answer my wonders about story relevance. They're important enough to get their own story, but they're not important enough to get an intermezzi (like W and Darknights Memoir or whatever it's called)

Idk I'm just tweaking over lore relevant units still

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 24, 2024 03:04:16  #9836

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm sorry but your tweaking is so funny, it's like you have OCPD for lore relevancy or something xD hilarious

Further intel reveals that this is a celebration event, so yeah, it's a character interlude (in F/GO terms), probably to shine on the backstories of Lappland and Texas or something. Maybe character development inside could impact future appearances, or maybe not. Idk.

Play it to see the big boss of Penguin Logistics, I love him (for no reason)


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May 24, 2024 15:56:11  #9837

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

So is Arknights about mafia

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May 24, 2024 17:15:41  #9838

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

No it's more about terrorist politics (/j?)


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May 25, 2024 02:20:28  #9839

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm sorry but your tweaking is so funny, it's like you have OCPD for lore relevancy or something xD hilarious

Further intel reveals that this is a celebration event, so yeah, it's a character interlude (in F/GO terms), probably to shine on the backstories of Lappland and Texas or something. Maybe character development inside could impact future appearances, or maybe not. Idk.

Play it to see the big boss of Penguin Logistics, I love him (for no reason)


Yes I need lore relevant characters. Why would I care for characters that doesn't really have much story or development going on in the first place???

I do know of the Emperor. I've seen Arknights artwork for years, so I'm not entirely unfamiliar with people

Bruh the signature be wacky

May 25, 2024 02:22:21  #9840

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I gotchu fam. (though 9 days feels normal to me idk why)
Get as far as you can in the stages and then farm the hardest level you can consistently auto without taking twice as long as the last level. That way you get event currency and can get a few of the accomplishments automatically, which give you event currency. Prioritise what you wanna get from the shop and spend accordingly

Idk, how long are fgo events?

Sounds reasonable, I think I'll go and do it. Now whether or not to skip the story and look into it later...

Bruh the signature be wacky

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