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July 11, 2023 22:05:12  #9091

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah, I chose Waver for the SSR ticket...mostly 'cause it's funnier to see if Xiang Yu and Jinako will ever come on their own accord. 
I mean, I'm not very good at using Waver, so he'll probably be resting most of the time. Which I think is good for the both of him considering how much Specter's Waver has tried to blast me with a vengeance.
Plus I find it funny to pose as a loyalty god, y'know. Hilarious.

Speaking of loyalty gods, I suppose I can put this bit in. (LB6 spoilers, please do not click if you're playing F/GO. No, like seriously, do not spoil yourself. There is a difference between showing and telling, but showing becomes greater when you haven't let yourself be told yet.)

My view of the Fairy Knights/Tam Lin has ended up mostly being neutral. 
Out of the three, I would say that Barghest is definitely the most interesting to me, even if I feel like I didn't quite get the execution as much as I should've? The common theme here is that, btw. I feel like there is a significance to their True Names and lore behind them that I don't appreciate.
But for her, the main idea is the conflict between her personality (and her values) and her "primal nature" as a Calamity. I got that much. 
It kinda ties in with the idea of forgiveness, actually. And so my current feeling is that I do feel like she's forgivable for her actions as a Calamity, because she doesn't have that self-control component. a Knight, though? That's still up in the air. I don't know. I don't feel someone who calls them a Knight would be able to kill the Welsh fairies like that. It was a very prolonged death. It's similar to why I say my favorite Knight of the Round (pictured so far, not including Galahad) is Percival. Because he was the only one who stood against the Lion King. 
So ironically, both Gawain himself and Tam Lin Gawain get judged for their actions as a knight. For their thoughtless loyalty towards their lords. 

Tam Lin Tristan. I've already talked about her. I mostly pity her and that's it.
I have no way of discerning how many of the fairies she killed over the course of her being a Tam Lin were actually justified (even in "retrospect")...but I do not have high views of her. Unfortunately.
I want to take care of her in my Chaldea, I'll say that. But as a character I am not too impressed. She, as an existence, made a point and that's about it. I can empathize, but not completely.

Tam Lin Lancelot.
I think the gist of her character is finding a heart as a foreign being unable to truly be a human or fairy?
So ironically, as opposed to Barghest's loyalty under Morgan, I was more so irked by Melusine's sudden betrayal of Morgan. I get that it was because Aurora gave her an order to abandon post...but I dunno, I felt like it was just. Utterly ungrateful. Even if the name of Lancelot was actually limiting her or whatever, I felt like Morgan must have given her something to be grateful for, right? It just rubbed me the wrong way.
Maybe I'm missing something? But I don't have that feeling of missing something. That sounds arrogant lol, but it's just how it is.
Essentially, I'm judging Melusine a lot by my characterization (ideal characterization) of GGaD!Galaxian. Because they're both "foreign existences" who search for love, and who have a flawed understanding of said love. There's also the element of how they use their power. 
You can probably tell that I prefer the Lawful Good god over the Neutral Evil dragon. Why?
Well, for one, I feel like he's less stupid, and harms less people over the course of his mistakes.
Melusine genocided the Mirror clan (who are implied to be a clan of very good fairies) because Aurora wanted it, while knowing it was wrong and feeling bad about it. Do I really care how bad she felt about it.
Galaxian wouldn't do such a thing, no matter how brilliant the being he wanted to bond to seemed at first impression. 
Basically...I prefer someone who tries to correct someone with a history of genocide over someone who actively aids someone with a history of genocide.
Another thing! Just generally speaking, even though both of them have extremely bad ways of attaching to others, Galaxian still manages to win. Because at least he acts somewhat on his knowledge that it's wrong. Melusine kinda just...keeps at it. Like yes the plot needs her to do that but. Why not attach to Percival instead. Why not abandon ship while it's not too late?? Is he not worth even that?? 
Smh. Basically I'm not convinced by the inhumane aspect, even less so with Barghest and Baobhan Sith. And it creates a disconnect between her supposed power, so much so that I feel disconnected to her character as a whole. It's ironic, of course, but not in the meaningful sense to me. A powerful dragon wants to gain a heart, but must she really be so stupid and dumb and stupid while doing so?  
I'm not defending some of the bad decisions Galaxian has made, but again, at least he's stuck to his fundamentals. At least he's created fundamentals of his own, even. Melusine kinda just. Stuck to her unhealthy love to the end. And was barely able to do even one redeeming action as a result of Percival's sacrifice. I am just not convinced.


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July 11, 2023 22:11:14  #9092

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

[F/GO Arc One...Spoilers??]

Imagining Goetia with a tsundere voice: "Praise me!"
End me. End this existence, please, I'm begging you.


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July 11, 2023 22:14:33  #9093

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh yeah, I read the most recent arcs of HYXHN and honestly the conclusion was "Let him cook."
Yes there are flaws but honestly who cares?? The story has direction and honestly the author does such a good job with it. I'm so excited about what's to come. 


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July 12, 2023 07:27:32  #9094

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

[F/GO Arc One...Spoilers??]

Imagining Goetia with a tsundere voice: "Praise me!"
End me. End this existence, please, I'm begging you.



Fate give us mini Goetia dating sim

Last edited by Echowo (July 12, 2023 07:28:50)

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 12, 2023 19:20:48  #9095

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Sorry for not responding to that, Echo.
Rn I'm kinda upset. And "kinda" is kinda an underestimate, I just dunno how to quantify it.
Anyway, I might stay off the forum for a while because of that. It's not related to anyone here, just RL stuff that's stressing me out added to my own nature. Sorry.
I feel really bad for posting this on Time and Ishmael's birthdays, so I'm spoiler tagging this. I didn't feel right putting the warning before the spoiler tag too. I hope no one clicked on this.
Feel free to ignore. Have a good rest of your days.


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July 12, 2023 19:23:35  #9096

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

oof RIP, it's okay, I hope you feel better from whatever is making you upset TwT also at first I misread what you typed and thought you were upset I brought up the idea of a Goetia dating sim XD I was very confused for a short moment


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 13, 2023 12:20:30  #9097

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hope you feel better soon @GalaxE :> and of course, take as much time as you need, you know we always say that. 😌

Also,,, who would want to date Goetia xD

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

July 13, 2023 12:53:11  #9098

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I would, Spec. Have you met me?

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

July 14, 2023 21:55:14  #9099

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I got over it. For now. This might last like 2 days (yes it'll last the weekend at minimum for reasons lol) but hey, it's some time, I guess. 

Goetia did praise our beautiful voice and try to drag us down with him, so clearly he loves us from the depths of hell <3


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July 14, 2023 22:06:39  #9100

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

HYXHN's latest chapter has 2 panels that really look like [crap]post material xD I wonder if it's intentional

I'm kinda concerned about the donghua's latest season ngl. So far, it's trying a bit too hard to be funny. I do need to look back at the manhua sometime to compare (I think I do have a somewhat good way of translating manhua to donghua) but rn it feels kinda awkward? Maybe it'll get better when the story really gets going. 
(But if I'm right then the problem is that it's currently trying at too many funny moments, resulting in the actual comedy being taken away, and the voice-acting can stretch it a bit at times)


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July 14, 2023 22:11:10  #9101

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

For example, there's a new character who dresses and acts really differently from other characters in the cast. And I really like how they made her talk in Cantonese/with a Cantonese accent (I do not speak Cantonese so I really hope it's not actually controversial or whatever). 
But the meeting scene made her mostly just seem like a. Uhh, how do I translate to English. Basically a woman who insults and talks rudely to others for no warranted reasons. There is a title for people like that in Chinese and it is definitely not very flattering. 
So there's really two sides to everything.
I understand it's hard to translate from unmoving panels to donghua, so I'm trying to be more logical for once. I hope it gets better as time goes on!


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July 14, 2023 22:35:45  #9102

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Another example of a joke that might not have been as intentional on the donghua's part (only by my inference since there isn't too much effort put into it)
Susu is recalling the answers her two sisters gave her when she asked if Honghong might've ever regretted making the thousand-year pledge under the tree. And the answers are as follows--
Rongrong: You need to find that answer by yourself. 
Yaya: It's all that goddamn cockroach's fault.

And I found it pretty funny. But maybe to add to the effect, it could've been Susu narrating it. Or, alternatively, Rongrong's answer could've been a bit prolonged so the contrast between her answer's wisdom and Yaya's absolute saltiness is emphasized.
I dunno, small moments like these feel like they would've really worked.

Also the inner world portion is really stretching it atm, I remember it being really short in the manhua so ??? 
Susu is so precious though. I hope she's not swallowing like 5 gallons of sand by the minute by talking in the middle of a mental sandstorm.


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July 14, 2023 22:38:44  #9103

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

An example of a joke that did work (at least slightly, imo)
Bai Yuechu: Hey, why're you chatting with a sand sculpture?
Susu: ? Is it wrong? But I usually chat with Daoshi Gege all the time?
Bai Yuechu: (bruh)

Thus implying most of their time together Bai Yuechu does all the work while Susu kinda just talks xD bonding trap fr


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July 14, 2023 22:42:13  #9104

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

They didn't need to make the mental-physical transition that realistic 💀 it ruined the joke and is giving me Xi Yangyang vibes lol


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July 14, 2023 22:43:44  #9105

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Scenery shot absolutely pwning me


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July 14, 2023 22:45:59  #9106

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I just remembered, if they mess up the father-daughter joke I will riot
There is too much child abuse in this series for that joke to get destroyed. Do not make me do it.


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July 14, 2023 23:02:07  #9107

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

It was. Acceptable.
(*tears forming in eyes*) :')

for context, the joke is that the fathers in this series are competent only when they have daughters.


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July 14, 2023 23:38:33  #9108

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Who are you, and what did you do with Time?
No, seriously, lemme just say real quick that I enjoy talking about topics like these. I just don't like arguments and fights. In fact, it feels more shallow to me when we all err on the safe side and never discuss anything. Topics like these might not be necessary to talk about, but I still find them super intriguing. So please don't worry about that, or at least please do minimize your worry while talking to me lol.

I can't say too much about where the idea falls under, because I'm not very good at categorizing. But if it helps, I added the psychological category because of the relation between forgiveness and emotional health, and the spiritual category because forgiveness is often correlated with [religious] belief. But both of those are because of my own impressions, and not really objective at all.

I think it's only anticlimactic (thank you for correcting the spelling btw) in my view because I saw forgiveness as being such a broad concept. As in being, y'know, something "greater than oneself." Someone doesn't just forgive, or is able to forgive, because they can be logically emotional (as I like to call it). They have something else they can see. And since I mentioned the situational component, I suppose I imagine the reason isn't individual-based, either.  I can definitely see--and to a degree, sympathize with--your perspective and your definition, even if I can only see little parts of those two things. But definition-wise I am for sure seeing a gap in how we perceive the concept, maybe due to our different personalities and backgrounds. It's still great to hear about, though. If forgiveness is truly just centered around that "internal ability" that you mentioned, then I think I understand it better than whatever I'm trying to grasp right now.
Culturally speaking, on my end, I have the Chinese tendency to inflate the importance and definition of anything that's labeled a virtue. So maybe it's possible that in the West, being able to look into oneself and make a decision to forgive someone like what you're discussing could be a virtue, but that isn't the case for Chinese. So it's very well possible that I'm just focusing on the nuance of a term from another culture's perspective, at least partially.

I do have a specific situation that I could (very pettily) discuss here...but again, I've understood that you see the definition as not being situational. You made it very clear by saying that directly, after all. xD The funny thing is, those two sayings were partially created from my perspective, so you can kinda see the conundrum there. I can't say either consistently, though, so that's why I separated the "me" from the hypothetical someones. Plus the first one is obviously closer to my usual ability to think about things.

Well, I’ll admit, I was once again typing on mobile, and I was getting lazy.

I mean, I too could talk about topics and opinions that could definitely reflect more of me, but I do not think that it will be as weirdly accepted or can be more likely to be misconstrued, hence why I don’t really do that here. I am willing to take such a risk, but I know that there will always be a chance people here won’t like what I have to say.

Honestly, I do enjoy the concept of your idea more. The idea of forgiveness being a grandeur thing. A near superpower. I like it. It’s just in real life, people nowadays don’t like to forgive, and prefer to hold grudges. Or at least that’s what the internet is showing me. It’s definitely not a good reference, but you know.

I believe that is the reason why my definition currently is so simple. It’s a “dumbed down” version that can easily be communicated to nearly everyone. It doesn’t contain that “bigger than oneself” and “hope that the person will change” part because I believe that’s what usually turns away a larger crowd. If we could just get people to feel no ill will, that would be an incremental, but still important victory.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I find it super interesting how you phrased the beginning there in particular. I would say that it's a really good summarization, but since I tend to overcomplicate things, I can't be a judge of that. Personally speaking, it's the latter portion that makes me more confused. How would someone who's "optimistic-realistic" fall in terms of being able to say either statement, then? Where would that faith source from?
And to answer your question at the end, my vision does not include that, as I find that illogical. At least within the context of a hypothetical example I have framed to think about the question. xD Realistically speaking (imo), "punishment" results to a "just, fair action taken as a consequence of someone's actions." So I think that forgiveness, as a mental process, is separate from that. Though it does lead to the topic of forgiving oneself,,,

Hmmm. How do you define optimistic-realistic then? As to the source of faith… I couldn’t say. That depends from person to person, I guess? I think for this part of the conversation, this requires more clarification.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Hmm...then how would ill will be defined? Do you think the wish for punishment/retribution would be considered ill will, for example?

This is a part of philosophy I inherited. It’s rather simple. When it comes to actions taken, think to yourself. Is there good intentions behind your actions? Or is there malice, something that is to harm the person? If it falls into the latter, then it is ill willed. If the thoughts are conveyed in a way that is hateful, harmful, or anything of the sort towards the other. Then it has ill will. That’s why I say anger is one of the most ugly emotions. It’s so easy to rile up, and its source, I believe, is negative.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I think a part of why I think it's situational is because of what you're saying here, but I feel like I've said that so many times, so I apologize xD. I do agree with the factors you're giving examples of here, though in my view, I pretty much didn't apply forgiveness as a concept to the lower-intensity things that you mentioned. Guess I just wanna think all high-and-mighty, huh? 
It's hard to really make my definition of "situational" solid. In general, I view a lot of things as varying by situation, just because that's easier for my mind to process. But since we're talking about a universal definition here, well, I at least gotta try. So here goes some of the factors that go into weighing whether or not someone, say, "should" be forgiven:
-Intensity: What degree of hurt (physical/emotional) did they inflict on another?

-Are the people involved strangers? Acquaintances? Friends? Family?
-Motivations: What caused this person to act the way they did? Did they have control over themselves and their actions/decisions? 
-Background: Are there relevant events that happened before this incident that should be considered?
-Was what happened a crime, legally speaking?
-Sincerity: What is the "person to be forgiven" willing to do to make up for what they did? And what have they actually done/what will they actually do? 

As you can see, forgiving a friend for, uh, ghosting you is quite different from. Uhh. How do I give examples that aren't extreme. Help.

Yes. I believe that all of these are good factors in taking the “level of forgiveness required” to forgive someone. I think the main way to solve this forgiveness question is, “What does situational mean?” Naturally, you said yourself the definition is cloudy as of the moment, so I’ll ask a question to help explore. So when it comes to the situational state of forgiveness, do you reserve the word forgiveness for only the more major situations? Would you say “forgiving” is the right word for when a stranger bumps into you while walking, but you keep on with your day?

I’ll just leave this piece on hold for now, I want to see if we can clear this up.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

That's very true, even if I have little/no confidence in my own definition. It's more so me trying to use the supposedly empathetic aspect of my personality, but really, it goes back to the pity thing you mentioned. I try to see myself as fortunate, in having a good education and upbringing because, believe me, I have ample reason to believe I would have been way worse. So when someone says or does something (especially does) to me that is genuinely hurtful, and they intended to hurt me (and also I didn't do anything to them to warrant retaliation or whatever, which would be more justified), I try to remember that maybe they just have not had the chance to be a better person thus far. And also that I myself need to be a better person as well. 
Maybe that's just putting myself on a moral pedestal, I dunno.

Hm, this is definitely cloudy ground. I wouldn’t know what to say here. I would say though this could likely be the area where people call forgiveness “weak”. As you give them the chance to change. I would say some here would teach it to them personally, retaliating back, showing that such actions are not accepted… if I’m understanding what you wrote correctly.

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I personally don't think you said or think anything that needs to be restructured, and I hope I didn't either (though you have a much better sense of judgment than me, so I probably did say something that needs to be edited, and you should feel at liberty to change whatever you want to change).


GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Also, I guess it's true that "I forgive [someone]" sounds arrogant, but if someone's saying it sincerely, I really don't see a problem with it. Rather, I find the fact that society as a whole tries to hold us to say things that aren't true or completely true to be irksome. Sometimes we just gotta hear some things, you know? And say some things?

Hm. You could be correct. It’s not the act of saying it, but rather the implied emotion behind it. Maybe arrogance is the incorrect word, more like, incredulousness. “This person is irredeemable! How could you forgive them??” sort of deal. Maybe?

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I dunno how long this conversation will remain interesting to you, so feel free to stop responding at any time. But I hope it's indulged you somewhat so far! Thanks again for talking about stuff like this. I've missed times where we could talk about random topics at length like this, more than I can express. So yeah, I appreciate it.

yeah 👍
I will admit on my part. It sometimes gets exhausting to write these long posts, but I'll keep on doing them.

Last edited by Time (July 14, 2023 23:41:11)

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 14, 2023 23:39:03  #9109

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

whoo these posts are getting long, I am thinking I should start cutting it down just to keep things not seeming like walls of text

Bruh the signature be wacky

July 15, 2023 00:34:09  #9110

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Time wrote:

Well, I’ll admit, I was once again typing on mobile, and I was getting lazy.
I mean, I too could talk about topics and opinions that could definitely reflect more of me, but I do not think that it will be as weirdly accepted or can be more likely to be misconstrued, hence why I don’t really do that here. I am willing to take such a risk, but I know that there will always be a chance people here won’t like what I have to say.

Fair xD
Well, y'know, the decision is ultimately yours. But I do think that friends don't like everything about each other. Rather, friendships are sustained by effort on both ends, and time. For instance, in learning to accept those flaws, or even just to communicate about them. Hint hint: This is me telling you all to please definitely start roasting me for my incompetency and overbearing attitude.

Time wrote:

Honestly, I do enjoy the concept of your idea more. The idea of forgiveness being a grandeur thing. A near superpower. I like it. It’s just in real life, people nowadays don’t like to forgive, and prefer to hold grudges. Or at least that’s what the internet is showing me. It’s definitely not a good reference, but you know.

Why, thank you. But the problem is that it sounds great in theory. Then when I have to figure out how I should react to actual situations, or even how I should define my viewpoint, it all goes down the drain. As for the latter part, I guess all I can say is that misinformation and lack of knowledge/self-awareness (along with other factors) are a helluva pair. Even non-politically speaking (the original intention was not political but "misinformation" sounds political,,, oof on my part).

Time wrote:

I believe that is the reason why my definition currently is so simple. It’s a “dumbed down” version that can easily be communicated to nearly everyone. It doesn’t contain that “bigger than oneself” and “hope that the person will change” part because I believe that’s what usually turns away a larger crowd. If we could just get people to feel no ill will, that would be an incremental, but still important victory.

I hadn't thought of it that way. Again, it really shows how we have different personalities and ways of thinking about things. Like if you hadn't said that, I would've thought that the hopeful component would help in conveying the message rather than detracting from it. I wonder if someone would interpret this as me being more hopeful, or just more naive? I think that what you said made me realize that my viewpoint is actually kinda optimistic (maybe emptily so), more like one of the viewpoints my younger self would have had. 
I do have to say that even though I dunno how well my message would get across to people (at least in terms of the difference that the parts you mentioned would have made in theory), I dunno how practical yours is either. Mostly, I feel like people aren't that practical. Maybe they should be. But feels like they enjoy being angry, at least once in a while. You know? It gives them that sense of purpose that they yearn for, whether or not they're actually right, and if other supporters rally around them, it also gives them social support (another human need). So, I'm not too sure if a message like "forgiveness will help you maintain peace of mind for yourself" will work given that component, at least if the listener is under that sort of mindset (temporarily or under a more long-term). Have you talked to other people on this subject before, especially as a form of advice? I'd be interested in hearing the results. 

Time wrote:

Hmmm. How do you define optimistic-realistic then? As to the source of faith… I couldn’t say. That depends from person to person, I guess? I think for this part of the conversation, this requires more clarification.

Sorry for being vague as always. I meant that since it's usually accepted that optimism and pessimism (and "realism" if that's a thing) are on a spectrum, and no one is really consistently optimistic or pessimistic, then would it logically be possible that someone will situationally (yes, this word again lol) say either statement and/or be able to forgive only depending on the circumstance, rather than on their usual philosophical/moral beliefs? 
For instance, since we brought it's much more easy to believe in and hope for the growth of someone's character when they're close to you. Is that "optimistic," or more "realistic"? How does that even reflect on the evaluator's character, if most people will follow this trend? 

Time wrote:

This is a part of philosophy I inherited. It’s rather simple. When it comes to actions taken, think to yourself. Is there good intentions behind your actions? Or is there malice, something that is to harm the person? If it falls into the latter, then it is ill willed. If the thoughts are conveyed in a way that is hateful, harmful, or anything of the sort towards the other. Then it has ill will. That’s why I say anger is one of the most ugly emotions. It’s so easy to rile up, and its source, I believe, is negative.

Just to start off this portion of the response, I feel like a lot of this post is me countering your points, and I really do apologize for that. It's more so me expressing my point of view and trying to weigh it against your viewpoint than me disagreeing with you because, as I've mentioned, I really do believe in nuance. But philosophy is weird in the sense that it tries to piece everything together into a coherent whole, when usually my mindset tries to incorporate all those pieces without coherent summarization. Maybe I'm actually anti-philosophical lol.
So again, I theoretically agree with what you're saying, but you actually didn't answer the question I put forward. Do you think the wish for punishment/retribution would be considered ill will? For example, just as a tamer example, let's say a thief who stole a family's car is found and arrested. Would the family wishing for him to be jailed and imprisoned (for any amount of time) be operating under ill will? I do feel like it'd be hard to argue that wanting someone to be put in a room would be malicious, but also I can't see it as being good-intentioned, if you know what I mean. There's a degree of reason to them being angry, and to their thoughts...and perhaps the human race would have to be perfect for this scenario to be judged in an absolute manner.
To reiterate, I theoretically agree with most of what you're mentioning, I just feel like it maybe goes to extremes that I currently can't see, so I really want to understand what you think of controversies like these. Though it's possible that I'm stretching the conversation beyond where it should go, and if I am, then I duly apologize again.

Time wrote:

Yes. I believe that all of these are good factors in taking the “level of forgiveness required” to forgive someone. I think the main way to solve this forgiveness question is, “What does situational mean?” Naturally, you said yourself the definition is cloudy as of the moment, so I’ll ask a question to help explore. So when it comes to the situational state of forgiveness, do you reserve the word forgiveness for only the more major situations? Would you say “forgiving” is the right word for when a stranger bumps into you while walking, but you keep on with your day?

I’ll just leave this piece on hold for now, I want to see if we can clear this up.

For the example you gave (of a stranger bumping into you), the best words I can come up with right now are tolerance and empathy. Tolerance, as in "I'm ready to move on with my life and ignore the small challenges/obstacles that pop up along the way." And empathy, as in "I understand that others are imperfect, make mistakes, and usually have the best of intentions." Combined for this particular example: "I am ready to assume that they did not bump into me on purpose and am willing to move on without listing this as a slight against myself or my wellbeing." 
I suppose I really do reserve "forgiveness" as a concept and word for the more major situations, when someone has the "right" to be in that superior position. Of being able to "forgive" someone else. 
So essentially, it's possible forgiveness only comes into consideration depending on these factors:
-level of intent
-level of repercussions
but that's imperfect, so I'm ready for further questioning to be raised on this. And of course I'd love if you corrected it or put forth your own take. I'm happy though, I feel like your question helped me solidify this all of a sudden. Thank you.

Time wrote:

Hm, this is definitely cloudy ground. I wouldn’t know what to say here. I would say though this could likely be the area where people call forgiveness “weak”. As you give them the chance to change. I would say some here would teach it to them personally, retaliating back, showing that such actions are not accepted… if I’m understanding what you wrote correctly.

True that, and I understand. I knew how it sounded (more or less) when I wrote it, and in retrospect...I can see how it sounds even more so. xD But I do have to add that my standpoint isn't from a moral or philosophical ground, it's a practical viewpoint that helps me think through situations. It might not be right, or great for others. But it's helpful for me. 

Time wrote:

Hm. You could be correct. It’s not the act of saying it, but rather the implied emotion behind it. Maybe arrogance is the incorrect word, more like, incredulousness. “This person is irredeemable! How could you forgive them??” sort of deal. Maybe?

That's true, everyone will react to something differently. And that's why this conversation is interesting. Because at my core I feel like there isn't an actual answer that this conversation could cultivate, at least when it comes to all the situations that may entail "forgiveness." I feel like because people tend to want to be different from others, and maybe gravitate towards conflict (I want to believe they are only attracted towards it rather than harboring an actual want to create it, but you can probably sense some skepticism here), it's hard for a single interpretation to work, not to mention be conveyed (because everyone reacts to things differently, and has different biases that factor into how well they listen and will consider outside/unfamiliar viewpoints). 
That's all just to say that I just think it depends on the listener. I can immediately think of the death penalty as an example. Sometimes families of victims can forgive, no matter the basis of that forgiveness, while outsiders react in a similar way to what you gave as an example. It culminates in an interesting combination of understanding both sides but not really being able to side with either, or similar paradoxes. 

Time wrote:

yeah 👍
I will admit on my part. It sometimes gets exhausting to write these long posts, but I'll keep on doing them.

Believe it or not, I sometimes get tired thinking about how I should start and end long posts too. But then I just turn on the Inconsiderate button and ramble on. 
Again, feel free not to respond (this isn't the opposite of what I actually mean btw, at least I think). This conversation's been super interesting already, and I'm really enjoying it. 


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July 15, 2023 23:32:30  #9111

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I am in love and in pain
Am up to episode 4 now and the overall lesson? The voice acting director needs to do some more work on the more dramatic and comedic scenes. Otherwise when I mute everything or put the voices at quieter levels, everything looks fine. I mean it probably would get compared to Japanese animation negatively but I'm obviously not gonna do that.

In the manhua there is a someone who gives many Kiaane vibes and I also am in love (platonically speaking)

They literally look like a black blob of a humanoid with eyes but somehow I think they are handsome. And again there's that Kiaane bias.
Trying to walk up to the clouds just by walking and clapping at someone's dramatic outburst are very Kiaane-ish, please let them be someone alive so I can friendship the two of them.

I also was able to make some good progress in Saber's design, which is great. I mostly need to improve the vibes that I'm imagining, otherwise this is the most progress I've made ever when it comes to them. Yay! :D

F/GO-wise, I've been running Lord El-Melloi II (Waver) over with Achilles' chariot for Waver skill materials, which is great.
Got his first skill to level 9. Also got Ms. Crane's third skill to level 9. And leveled up some of Tamamo-no-Mae's skills.
Am done, am now farming for Tam Lin Tristan, I guess. I have no idea what I'm doing.


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July 15, 2023 23:42:33  #9112

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Props to Wang Fugui's voice actor, he's making up for the visual lapse in terms of comedy lol

Also Wang Fugui is just Wangquan Fugui with a tie and glasses confirmed?? jk btw he also has attitude problems


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July 16, 2023 00:03:07  #9113

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how my main points for designing any Kiaane persona are:
-It's less of "not a thought behind those eyes" and more "there are way too many thoughts going on spontaneously in there for them to register anything"
-They are so dumb (I love them though, I really do)
-You will never have a solid eye design for them


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July 16, 2023 00:04:12  #9114

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Imagining F/DA Saber getting their coffee cup knocked out of their hands and then just standing there staring down at their hands, utterly disappointed. Also they're sort of in a stupor. And trying to figure out what's going on, and how they should react.
What can I say. It is too fun to bully them.

They feel like someone who would dissolve cough drops in milk because they thought that was the correct way to eat them please someone help them


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July 16, 2023 00:10:13  #9115

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I'm pretty sure I just accidentally ate some bloody chicken without even thinking about it.
Oopsie! Time to cross salmonella off my bucket list! (:

I swear I was a weasel in my last life, or else why do I salivate when I smell raw meat? Hmmm?


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July 16, 2023 00:17:47  #9116

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Saber and Caster, mixing in orange juice with hot chocolate because they like both of those drinks so why wouldn't this be a good idea:

I'm gradually realizing my mind really likes pairing these two together so Archer (and probably Lancer) can develop heart problems.
Ngl I feel like those two would genuinely enjoy milk+orange juice (so basically curdled milk)
Archer just disintegrates on the spot (Lancer covers her eyes and bemoans the state of today's youth, though honestly I think it'd be funny if Saber at least is chronologically before Lancer's time by even just a bit, funnyyy).

Bonus reaction headcanons:
-Helge is pretty dang bad at chemistry so he's watching all of this unfold with only the slightest bit of concern (he doesn't understand why Lancer looks like the sky is falling down to condemn them all and honestly probably doesn't really care that Archer is now just Gone)
-Sunny is on the way, but it is too late.
-Aisline is saying to herself "It's just a phase a phase a phase." It is not actually a phase but she does have to be the chillest Master in the cast somehow. 
-Assassin feels like someone who would egg them on. Consequently, Ambryll is also having a stroke


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July 16, 2023 00:19:37  #9117

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Saber and Caster start a lemonade/beverage stand and a Grand Servant is summoned just to counter this abomination.


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July 16, 2023 00:23:47  #9118

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I like how my headcanoning has converted from Wholesome Beverage Club thoughts to ideas for Guardian Torture


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July 16, 2023 00:27:52  #9119

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wouldn't it be funny if the prison guards in that volunteering headcanon didn't realize the group (Saber, Caster, and Lancer) weren't prisoners because Saber and Caster somehow seem like kid criminals rather than because they actually didn't notice the three
These two have collectively committed numerous crimes against humanity and, together, give off the vibes of seasoned war criminals.


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July 16, 2023 21:06:11  #9120

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I logged in for no reason. Why did I do that


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