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November 27, 2021 19:18:58  #7381

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Did I ever mention that I really love Osakabehime's NP? Especially during the oh-so-tense boss fights. There's just this super epic battle music going on (which I do love, btw), but her NP comes around, and it's just very soothing music behind a princess in her castle on a slightly chilly night. Honestly, the NP gives me confidence. It always makes me feel like it's reminding me that in the middle of life's turbulence, you can slow down a little, take a breather, appreciate your own existence, stuff like that.
I'm not trying to sound poetic at all atm so this probably sounds super cringe, but I think it's a genuine feeling, at least for me. I dunno if others feel it too.

And while I'm saying all this Tristan is playing Despacio lol (Failnaught) 



November 27, 2021 19:32:39  #7382

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh there's not a single NP that I don't like, I think, other than the ones that kill people on my team (e.g. Arash's Stella, for the fact that it kills him and Arash is such a bro and I will never make him do anything other than chill in the Second Archive) (ig I also don't like Chen Gong's Two-Pronged Formation lol)
Osakabehime is close to Bond 7,,, yessss


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 19:36:37  #7383

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Tbh I feel like someone could make a meme with how the enemy moves during attacks with high hit counts (e.g. Osakabehime's extra attack) (lol the werewolf looked like it was dancing)


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 19:52:31  #7384

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Btw some other opinions on NPs

For Changgong it's. Idk. I get really giddy and excited. And overall it's "haha! Take that!" Idk. I feel really proud when he gets to use his Noble Phantasm. And for some reason, I feel some sense of superiority when the Charge Loss effect comes in, lol. It's weird, idk.
It's probably better summed up as "This is my guy! And his Noble Phantasm! You'd better be intimidated!" Idk, I'm super immature lol

Mash's NP is hard to describe (trying to avoid the name because it's a spoiler lol). I also feel prideful when she uses hers, but it's also hard to elaborate further on the feeling.

Ashwatthama's is easier to describe. It's like, "Go go go!! Yeahhh!" as he slams his wheel (chakram) into the enemy again. 
Idk, he says that I get angry and he gets angry, and that's good enough, but honestly he has enough aggressiveness/"anger" in him that I really don't need to contribute, in my honest opinion. 
I sure hope that doesn't mean I'm incompatible with him as a Master or else he's gonna self-destruct and that would be quite horrible.


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 20:00:21  #7385

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just realized that Osakabehime is connected to origami, and Run liked folding origami
Dang it, why does everything need to seem to connect together??? Huh???


     Thread Starter

November 27, 2021 21:18:52  #7386

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

     Thread Starter

November 28, 2021 03:25:56  #7387

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

A little late but Fou cute so xD


     Thread Starter

November 28, 2021 18:18:14  #7388

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Guys guys, I have an ahoge xD
Unfortunately I cannot yet manipulate it into waving around or drooping down/perking up according to my emotions, but I'm working on it xD


     Thread Starter

November 28, 2021 19:00:11  #7389

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Posted this in late September of 2021
Still stuck somewhere between the fear and learning zones lol this is fine


     Thread Starter

November 28, 2021 21:32:37  #7390

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

LMIAO Echo's Caster Gil showing up on the friendlist for the Goetia fight
I think he needs therapy bruh


     Thread Starter

November 29, 2021 02:38:18  #7391

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I swear I keep forgetting others' weeks don't end on Mondays and I feel really bad because it feels really inconsiderate lol

But it does mean I can flex on everyone else for technically having one more day of break though of course homework actually lasted 'til Friday and my teachers will definitely be posting homework like the week starts on Monday, so technically it's just me avoiding work lol

F/GO news, major spoilers other than the first bit. 
Mozart murdery man got to Bond 6!

And I beat Goetia! There might be a second round tbh
dfsjdkfoisfjo I cannot stress how many times I failed lol. Probably at least 6 times. After 2 times of lasting only 3 to 4 turns, I realized that according to my playstyle and leveled Servants, I cannot beat Goetia in a damage race. So the other times were me using AP to experiment. 
RNG horrible, I tell you. I was crit every time (like every 3 attacks where Goetia wasn't using a skill, he'd be critting using his "Buster" style attack), and Goetia almost always used this hecking "Buster" style attack (like I'd say 9 out of 10 times he was doing so, the guy must've really hated me), which means little defense NP refund, a defense down debuff chain, and...yeah, just larger damage done to my Servants in general. 
So, I stalled.
Right, this guy had to deal with my bullcrap. Again. Lol.
I did not go down easy, btw. Called him a coward most of the time, taunted him in both English and Chinese while smirking, cheered on my Servants as obnoxiously as possible, and made sure to play my Youtube videos while he was NPing and/or walking away to show that I did not respect him. But the cheering was after I gained more confidence lol.
May I remind you that "canonically" Fujimaru technically just. Beat Goetia with Mash's shield? This guy/gal. The tenacity. Super admirable.
Anyhow,,, how did I actually beat him, you ask? Well, I used a support Skadi. Used Paracelsus, gave her a Guts. And I used Ushi to do as much first turn damage as possible without an NP. Right. Without an wasn't very smooth. And then oof front line.
Back line was made of Asclepius, Rider Martha, and Osakabehime. That's right. I freaking soloed Goetia with Osakabehime even with bad RNG. (And this is the last team btw. The one that ended up working somewhat.) But I used Skadi (with her Guts) to give Osakabehime a head start with NPing, and I used Martha to clear debuffs (and Asclepius to heal; he did not survive long enough to do another round of debuff clearing, which was what I had planned, but he was able to give Osakabehime a small bit of extra NP gain, which was also intended). 
And then it was just Osakabehime there. I can feel her monetary demands for this battle there.
To her credit, she was a real MVP. 
To put things in perspective--before this, enemies (bosses I mean) were usually at, like, 800K HP at most. Goetia was at 1.5 million HP. And Osakabehime basically cleared all of that HP by herself while tanking Goetia's NP, Ars Almadel Salomonis, about every 3-4 turns.
Because of the horrible RNG, I had to use basically 3 Command Spells. And by that I mean--2 Command Spells and one Saint Quartz. Because I was too impatient to wait for the last one to regenerate. Haha.
Osakabehime soloed Goetia up to 120K HP when he crit her 3 times using his "Buster" style attack. And yeah. Oof.
I used Saint Quartz to tidy him up with Ushiwakamaru and, of course, Skadi. Ushi dealt 300K+ damage to him. 
It was actually incredibly fitting. While I would have loved to have heard Osakabehime's lines instead, Paracelsus got the last words. 
He said, "I am sure you cannot understand it."
I am sure that there is no last sentence more fitting than that one, lol. 

May I add that I actually did predict Goetia's NP the first time I played? Too bad I didn't predict his Ignore Invincible, lol.

And I checked and noticed that Mash is gone from the Saint Quartz Fragment exchange.
I usually use Mash with the Divine Banquet CE, so for the solo, I put that on Osakabehime. Kinda like she's fighting in Mash's place, to protect what Mash wanted to protect. 
I think the princess wouldn't mind that, right? It seems a little poetic.
Anyways, on the SQ exchance thing, I am incredibly hurt, even though I know she's practically not allowed to die and will probably be revived by the end of the Singularity.


     Thread Starter

November 29, 2021 13:09:47  #7392

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Posted the link on my mom's phone and now adding commentary, so yeah you aren't mistaken, this is kinda a double post.

Me posting a NY Times article for Echo lol, their family would hate me (lol it only leans liberal) (I read a conservative opinion article just 30 minutes ago!)
Also for Specter. Because yeah. 
Between the two of them I'm sure both (or at least one) know (in theory) the logic behind procrastination, but linking this article because science cool! and also, as this article points out, all three of us have an F (feeling) component in our personality type and it's hard psychologically to get logic to supersede feeling in the first place, especially negative ones. So this article is technically here to have an actual solution in mind.
I hope reading this article means they (plural) stop calling themselves stupid so often when they do procrastinate :3. 

Here I acknowledge, yeah this post biased as heck, but all of the rest of you can't necessarily blame me since y'all don't share much about yourselves in this area and others :'P not saying that you should but just saying...hehe,,, xD. (*honestly doesn't know how to communicate lol communication what*)

And yeah I know all of this is sort of hypocritical, but when I procrastinate, I am very aware that the action itself doesn't constitute laziness; I just use it as an excuse to call myself stupid and lazy lol. So technically not as hypocritical as you may think.


     Thread Starter

November 29, 2021 15:27:27  #7393

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

One year later, my mom has remembered Specter's nickname xD (forgot to actually note when she did remember)
Though she keeps getting Specter and Echo's locations and genders confused lol rip


     Thread Starter

November 29, 2021 15:51:28  #7394

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Wish I could read the article but it's not letting me xD thank you for sharing it though!

Logic behind procrastination? I mean, sure, I know it, but it still doesn't excuse my putting stuff off xD.
But science cool! I can't deny that.
In fact, I very much agree lol.

Oh so she no longer calls me... Spangler? Was that it? xD I don't even remember xD but I feel honored

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

November 29, 2021 21:10:27  #7396

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

I have so many Assassin embers that my entire Second Archive is full of them and my entire inventory is about to get filled again even though I used some already (on Inshun).
@Throne - I need an Assassin I can use,,, give me an Assassin please
or I guess I could ascend Corday or Danzou too but I don't have the materials lol 


     Thread Starter

November 30, 2021 17:43:47  #7397

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Again, some negativity. I'm not aiming to not be negative on this homethread, because avoidance is almost as bad as ignorance (because avoiding negativity is like pretending there is no negativity or to pretend that I can deal with never talking about negative things emotionally), but to be more communicative about where I can clearly pinpoint and mark it so I can avoid influencing others here. 

Anyhow, there's been at least 3 shootings in the last 2 weeks in Aurora (a city in Colorado), and there's just been a school shooting in Michigan. It seems like American culture at this point is to express condolences and then move on. Of course, there are also now at least 777,000 recorded deaths from COVID-19 in the United States, and 1 million deaths may be reached by March of 2022. I think most here know my stance on this, so I won't be repetitive. No matter what, there is definitely a reason for me focusing on games and more positive topics in general, but someone like me can only suppress such feelings for so long. 
On brighter news, there is a mask mandate where I am now, but I have not yet gone out and seen how many people actually follow it. I do not have high hopes, but having the mandate is, at least, something good in my view. And...I am looking forward to the first actual snow of the year here. I hope to write something about it when the time comes.


     Thread Starter

December 2, 2021 00:44:50  #7398

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Just imitated Nero's singing the Christmas song of hers and made my mom laugh.
Very proud of myself atm xD


I actually sounded worse than Nero xD and I have zero stage atmosphere (to imitate her tone/voice best, I was kinda flapping my hands and jiggling my existence to get it right, and I mean it worked xD but I think I just insulted Her Imperial Majesty lol)
But you know, I had to provide context before doing the imitation, and I usually fail, either at explaining or at not laughing the entire time, so I consider it a mission success :D.

Mom's still laughing xD



     Thread Starter

December 2, 2021 03:25:05  #7399

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right



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December 2, 2021 03:25:32  #7400

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Also a Springfield roadtrip map xD


     Thread Starter

December 2, 2021 22:52:13  #7401

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Today was fun because I woke up right before 5 P.M., where the sun had already gone down
So I've skipped both breakfast and lunch and am foregoing dinner atm for Spanish the things I do to try to learn it to little avail lol
My mom keeps looking over in concern but eh
The prices I pay for sleeping 14 hours lol I say it's worth it now but even the divine don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to work and stuff.

The dream I had (well the only one I remember anyways) was cool. 
The thing about me always having lucid dreams is that I can't actually get dream-induced anxiety (btw I only learned a while ago that apparently lucid dreaming every night isn't typical lol sucks to be others. Seriously though,,, do y'all know you're dreaming when you dream? I guess it might suck less if you don't get murdery dreams that frequently like I used to, but I feel like it'd still suck so,,, idk. Let me know if you want.)
I was on a stage performing and I knew absolutely none of the lines, but instead of panicking I was like. "I am here to watch this show and can just leave when it comes to my turn," so haha boohoo on my mind wanting me to get anxiety in my dreams xPPP.
The show was cool and was related to Huyao Xiao Hongniang. I think I was playing Bai Yuechu (but switched to Dongfang Yuechu at one point). Susu was very precious. So cute xD. I (as Bai Yuechu) kept turning her around, and I'm pretty sure I felt some affection for her as him. Very precious relationship, UwU.
On another note, while we were taking a break and I was going over to try to find the script, (Little) Yaya tried to punch me lol. Less cute, but because she actually couldn't, it was fun. And anyways, she tried to help me find the script.
I'm glad that I didn't know where Honghong was, or else I probably would've gotten flustered as either character, haha.
Thinking about it, the dream was weirdly in-character,,,


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 16:17:06  #7402

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

This week in politics, the abortion issue (and guns rights/restrictions, but somehow, even though there was a school shooting, gun rights is not actually as prominent, which says concerning implications) is on the spotlight because of the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned, and dang the atmosphere is hostile (I never thought I'd see so much idiocy in a comments section that exceeded a comment section on YouTube xD but I did)
I still haven't made up my mind on it lol, and it doesn't seem like the scientific community has either for the most part (or maybe people just cite science and don't elaborate,,, which is likely I mean xD), but dang why so hostile

The urge to ask everyone here about this topic is really big. This is why I shouldn't have friends but in my defense, I feel like avoiding politics for the most part should be a rule for civility, but not avoiding it completely because that's like avoiding problems.
Thinking about it, idk where opinions on the issue fall on the political spectrums of countries other than the U.S. Including China. 
I'm not particularly political atm, but I'm kinda training myself to be better at dealing with controversy by looking into it more.
The right to abortion if the mother's life is endangered or if the fetus was conceived via

rape or incest, or similar means

is a basic human right, imo. It gets more ambiguous for other cases (which I have some opinions for but will not outline in this post). 
I do feel like "pro-life" people are neglecting the fact that giving birth and pregnancy are hard (and that women need to recover after giving birth,,,) for the most part, and that, y'know, "living" and living are different things (adoption by either the state or new parents isn't as easy as it sounds for both the state/parents and the child), but the latter borders on some sort of theory of nihilism (I forget the name, but the gist was that some argue that children are better off not being born into this cruel, messed-up world--their words, not mine), which I don't necessarily agree with by itself.


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 17:37:36  #7403

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Oh, speaking of which, ethnicity differences are weird. Like, I know for a fact that Chinese women need to rest for one month at the very least--and that's without working--but like, white women seem to be made of iron or smthn idk. Like, I am sure that Chinese women don't overdo it on this count, so are white women just not doing enough for themselves? Or is it that within that less than 1% genetic difference, there truly is some ethnicity difference?
Idk, but in case anyone here is planning to be a future mom/parent, I'd really rather you overdo it. Take a break. A job isn't worth your entire lifetime's health.
And anyways, you'd want to spend time with your lil munchkin.


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 18:23:06  #7404

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Man, I dunno why the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights thinks I'd be interested in signing.
Feminism means the equality of all genders lol, especially in this age. If trans women and trans men aren't included, that's just defeating the purpose. 
C'mon world, don't make me doubt fellow atheists. (This is a joke ofc; every faith and non-faith has its share of bastards.)

Also, the news hitting me with a fluffy story about two doggos and a story about two people being stabbed for literally no reason at the same time. I don't know how to feel but the sadness won over the happiness. 
But at the same time,,, doggos. uwu. 


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 18:37:07  #7405

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

An Italian man tried to pretend to get vaccinated by wearing a pink foam arm to the vaccination clinic, and it's just so funny xDDDD,,,
Gotta give him kudos for creativity xP
I could hear the "bruh" moment from the nurse as I read lol lmiao


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 18:43:07  #7406

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Hawaii getting 12 inches of snow while here we're still waiting for the first snow xD,,,
I WANT SNOW actually not for snow days lol as one might expect. I just like snow. Gimme snow


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 18:50:28  #7407

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

226 days since the last snow,,, it's been a long time but feels shorter. Hah. 
Time really does fly. 


     Thread Starter

December 3, 2021 19:46:14  #7408

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

People just tried to break in again.
I love living here more every day.


     Thread Starter

December 4, 2021 00:44:41  #7409

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

Some funny political cartoons (funny if you don't think beyond the art much)

Posting this one because Avenger of Shinjuku

And also yeah local politics were a mess that I did not care for investigating


     Thread Starter

December 4, 2021 20:16:01  #7410

Re: Cosmic Dim. (V. XVIII), You're Correct but You're Not Right

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

but the latter borders on some sort of theory of nihilism (I forget the name, but the gist was that some argue that children are better off not being born into this cruel, messed-up world--their words, not mine), which I don't necessarily agree with by itself.


I think antinatalism is the word you’re looking for here


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