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March 21, 2021 18:39:59  #541

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

It's clear that Martin did die though. I'm open to planning otherwise for Not-NPC and her twin if you choose to take the first option, because that honestly seems nifty lol. But I do want to kinda raise a question of sorts, since the TMG revived useful people, and for a divide in the guild (if it were secret in the first place) to occur in the present, then that would mean that some of the people who were supposed to be spared would have been killed in the past nonetheless, which raises the question of: Why?

For Martin, my personal idea was that he was trying to help the situation or smthn (TBD by you and Spec lol), and someone used him as a body shield; that someone was probably someone Amadeus was trying to kill (and I agree, because someone who uses a kid as a body shield should die). And Martin probably ended up getting killed because of that (which I do not agree with but eh). Specter didn't think of this though, and they didn't confirm it when I brought it up, either.
I don't think Spec had specific ideas since they were waiting to ask you, so that's the thing for Martin.

For the second idea, I can say with my horrible author viewpoint that it seems like something that could carry into an arc for him in the present lol. Like, a character dev arc. However, it does make one raise an eyebrow, since he point of the questioning here is kinda to try to give Amadeus a bit of a break from seeming like a ruthless child murderer xD.
I won't say any preferences and I will try not to develop any, but anyways I think your ideas are cool and I think both could work. The way I see it is the first alternative is better-seeming for Amadeus' morals and stuff, and it could make for good current plot for the TMG, though of course there are factors that need to be worked on, like characters will need to be made who are supposed to be on Time's side of the rift. However, as mentioned before, there are weaknesses to it, like how they would only be present now if they actually died in the past. An alternative would possibly be that the guild thought they died like the others but they're sorta different in distinct ways and are thus kinda sus, leading to them being put under watch. And a weakness to that alternative would be that I don't think Time would think that far? I mean, I dunno how to phrase it rn, but I guess the plan would have to be a huge masterplan to make sure all circumstances led to current. And he certainly didn't seem to expect Aereon's reappearance, when she was arguably the one who revived the rest and thus the mastermind behind that. If Time/Amadeus had made the masterplan in the first place, then arguably he would have foreseen Aereon's reappearance at least to some degree and would have kept her presence in mind to some extent so he would be able to recognize her when she appeared before him again, albeit in ghost form. Sorry, I suck at communicating, but you see what I mean, hopefully?
As for the second alternative, then obviously Amadeus takes a big brunt of moral responsibility, since he wouldn't really have a logical reason (per se) for killing kids who had nothing to do with it), kinda like he committed mindless slaughter of a sort, even if he did plan to "repent" in a way by getting himself killed. And after he became a deity (which I feel like might be why he's currently alive, not sure if that's what you meant by what I could guess though), wouldn't it have made sense for him to have continued to try to "repent"? It's not like by becoming a deity he could erase how he killed people who probably didn't deserve to be killed and how he had planned to die himself after exterminating the guild. All of this is kinda what you said, but I guess it makes for an arc for him.


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March 21, 2021 18:48:40  #542

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Sorry, my bad for making this kinda a mess lol, I'll try to answer what you asked now.
I dunno how to refresh on Not-NPC and her twin though xD, my fault for not developing them enough. They're both kids around Martin's age who, I think, kinda depend on each other for their magic? They have ample magic potential but they aren't powerful enough yet. Their magic is kinda different from others' but they're working on it. Both of them are female and like I said before, I don't think they're half-bad people (at least not yet), at least one of them played with Martin in the past
Their family situation is TBD mostly but their dad isn't in the TMG and their mom wasn't really a mage, so there's almost no reason to resurrect her from what I can see. I don't think she was killed by Amadeus though so that's a moral break for Amadeus xD

Mood on the brain thing lol, but Raez is a pirate. He doesn't have an official role in the crew but he's there.


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March 21, 2021 21:37:01  #543

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Uh oh brain getting kinda confused hope you don't get confused by my stuff.

Things you said in Idea 1:
Yeah. I totally would have thought that the weaker characters are more likely to just get caught in the crossfire.

If I am getting the question right, I could see that some did actually stand up with Amadeus to fight, and some were killed. I can just say that the ones that helped Amadeus and were killed just stay dead.

Of course, there might be acceptions like Martin that are revived, however, it could be possible that simply from the Guild's Perspective, they were neutral on the matter, or they were allied with the Guild rather than Amadeus. Just for example, maybe instead of being used as a human shield, a witness recalled Martin jumping in front of the magic blast.

Things you said in Idea 2:
I hope I am taking your ideas correctly as well

I would say that Time did not plan as far as to expect Aereon to be resurrected by some random deity. I would say that he would rather suppress the memory than think about it as in the thought it was completely over.

I would think that neither side expected a resurrection, actually. Aereon just saw the opening and took it.

This path is actually based on the possibility that Amadeus didn't exactly make a full redemption arc, and there weren't enough positive influences to do so. So he is still conflicted as he does the epic Anakin style of killing the younglings.

​While he did kill a lot of dudes that probably didn't deserve it, Amadeus/Time by that time most definitely convinced himself that they did. So yeah. No logical reason here.

Just clearing this part, if this idea is taken to be canon, Time attempts to repent not for killing the whole Guild, as he sees it as an act of good, however, he attempts to repent for being apart of the Guild.

Of course, as a deity, he still tries to repent. However, stuff happens and it seems like he can not, I'm sure sometimes Time realizes that he can't do something and gives up. Since he has no meaning in the world after the fall of his Guild, he has nothing really to do


He makes the discovery of someone else related to him! While Ryoo is to first start Amadeus' redemption arc, this path will take it that not Ryoo finishes his arc, but instead, Eny/Chronos finishes it. Idk how, but yeah.

If I ever decide to write the Clocktower, it would most likely extend all the way until it preps time to the start of GGaD, or as he meets Eny/Chronos.

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March 21, 2021 21:38:02  #544

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Oh thanks on reminding me about that twin group, yes.

Oh, ok then, uhhh I just had a random thought of ship buying...? How does one even go buying a ship?

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March 21, 2021 21:57:28  #545

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

It's fine. Sorry for being confusing on my end lol.I think you're being clear enough.

Idea 1:
Well, I dunno if it's a question, really. That definitely makes sense, but what about the stronger ones who weren't killed in the crossfire and didn't stand up to fight with Amadeus? Well, I suppose you'll figure it out.
I think Martin's revival was stated to be a test, so technically if they were certain people could be revived Martin wouldn't have been revived. That implies he was useless to the guild but also implies that he wasn't seen as a traitor, I think. And his current thoughts support that, too, I think, that he wasn't a traitor.
Anyways, on things on Martin, probably better to talk it out with Specter. I just am here to give my opinions 'cause I want to lol, which might be annoying, so sorry.

Idea 2:
Hmm, well, the thing about him at least keeping Aereon on his mind was directed (from me) towards Idea 1, since if he'd been plotting for a split of the guild up to the point of planning who would be alive and such, I would think that he'd keep the guild on his mind instead of thinking that it's all over. So, if you're going by Idea 2, then no, it doesn't make sense for him to have kept Aereon and the Thaohals in general on his mind.
About either side expecting a resurrection, I can't say much about that because what happened is on Specter's planning; I daresay I don't have much of a say on it, but I do think that if my interpretations of what happened between Aereon and Specter are correct, it seems like Aereon was planning towards the guild being restored the entire time (as soon as she found out what Specter's powers could do, that is).
I don't see any reason for him repenting for killing the entire guild, but, say, if he comes across Martin again, would he not regret killing him?
Well, I'm certainly going a lot into the relationships between Time and others' characters at this point, so I'm trying to keep it short. Adding onto that, of course, unless the TMG and Time cross paths again, I don't see Kiaane crossing paths with Time and Chronos either. I am curious as to whether Kiaane and Time had any interactions and what their relationship was like if so, but it wasn't a strong one, likely.
I dunno, what I'm seeing as the importance of all this planning is kinda that it's crucial to gauging Time's values/morals and where current plot potential might be. And depending on that, then whatever those are influence current plot, no matter what it is. I look forward to seeing where he develops .

No problem on reminding you about the twins, hehe. I'll run the forms over with you once I have them done, if ever.
Haha, I have no idea how they'd buy a ship and also why xD, but that's real interesting. They just buy one to go fishing or sailing xD


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March 21, 2021 23:42:47  #546

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Idea 1:
Hmm good one, maybe the Guild only revived members they were sure of alliances, or simply Amadeus' force was too weak. They'd most likely be outnumbered, and the weak would be more compelled to join him, anyways.
Oh yeah, I forgot that Martin was just a test. Just an example though.

Idea 2:
Yeah, you know what I think you are correct. Time would definitely think about it, though he couldn't react upon Aereon's reveal, I guess the real thing is harder than thinking about it.
Oh yeah for sure. I meant that upon hearing about Specter and what they could do, she hatched a plan and stuff, with reviving the Guild as her original intent.
I'm pretty sure that it wasn't strong as well. Plus he wasn't even killed in the event, he just kinda disappeared, correct? Ngl I don't know how I'll do any of the relationships IF I ever decide to write it.

Yes, thank you indeed.
Well that's just a random idea but yeah

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March 21, 2021 23:58:43  #547

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

tbh lot of this is just conceptual and possible to be replaced. Everything here is coming off the top of my head

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March 22, 2021 00:00:27  #548

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Kiaane's case is slightly complicated, but it shouldn't matter much. The gist is that they didn't die, hehe, at least not from Amadeus. I was just guessing that Amadeus knew Ryoo and Ryoo knew Kiaane, so they probably came across each other sometimes. And in missions, maybe they were assigned together at least once. I reckon if nothing else they were in each other's vicinities during mealtimes (when Kiaane did attend).

I dunno, haha, thread ideas usually come easier to me but apparently not in this case since there wasn't a purpose to thinking 'bout it in the first place for me.


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March 22, 2021 00:00:44  #549

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Yeah I know, same for me.


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March 22, 2021 02:31:08  #550

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

What does Aurora like to do? I might've had an idea, though I guess in some ways it makes no sense, lol.


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March 22, 2021 12:29:26  #551

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Aurora was the navigator for the crew and stuff. She had some sort of ability to tell which way to go and such. Maybe something else? tbh she hasn't been too much developed.

She also is a passionate and hotheadedded person who believes in what she's doing or make her choices because she "has a feeling" or "her heart feels so"

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March 22, 2021 18:07:24  #552

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Ah. Sounds like an ideal shounen protagonist xD. Well, I guess as long as she isn't, like, violent, a normal trip should be fine.
Idk, yesterday night I was thinking of shopping in general, but I feel like it's a bad idea now somehow oof.


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March 22, 2021 21:14:22  #553

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Yeah, I know right

Alrighty then. Have any others atm?

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March 22, 2021 21:38:34  #554

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Oh btw for my question I was asking what she likes to do xD
Idk maybe they could go hikin' or smthn. And we can pretend they don't run into anyone on the way. Still, lots of dialogue.
Or maybe they could go to a theme park. A water theme park or a regular one. Idk.


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March 22, 2021 23:45:38  #555

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Uhh she's not too developed lol... but I can see definitely sailing and pirate stuff being up there. At the same time, I can see her hobbies also doing some quiet, calming stuff, you got to have some downtime after being so passionate.

Hmmm, maybe, maybe. I do like the thought about them going to a place of entertainment. There will be a lot of things to do there

I thought about back on the fishing idea, what about they are trying to specifically catch something?

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March 22, 2021 23:51:39  #556

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

What if they go to a theme park when it's closed and hack into stuff to make different equipment move so that they don't bump into NPCs, and maybe by some miracle no one notices
Something? Like what?


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March 23, 2021 00:00:48  #557

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Actually that sounds like a pretty good idea, I am down. Plus if they do get noticed I think it would be interesting!

How pirate-y is Raez btw? Like, ok he's a pirate but does that title fully fit him or something? If that makes sense?

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March 23, 2021 00:11:58  #558

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

OwO? Really? I guess I'll carry it to Specter and see what they think then xD let's hope this isn't a horrible idea so I don't have to take all the blame if it fails xD
He acts almost nothing like a pirate imo xD, even in terms of cyber sect pirates. Ig you'll see though xD, I dunno if you'd agree with my assessment. I.Q.s are pretty accurate in terms of how he is though, and I post I.Q.s with him in it a lot


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March 23, 2021 10:02:30  #559

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Specter is alright with the idea, so unless you think there's some issue we should be good to try to decide how the thread's gonna start, like the circumstances and stuff. I'm guessing I'll be starting the thread lol, unless you or Spec (press X to doubt on Specter wanting to xD) want to


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March 23, 2021 11:49:51  #560

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Hmm, if we are doing this, how exactly will their relationship be?

What Raez even apart of the Raiders? The group Spec and my character was kinda in? I can't really remember (sorry)

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March 23, 2021 11:53:18  #561

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

No idea :-)
Yeah he is xP xD


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March 23, 2021 12:00:23  #562

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Well, I would assume then they'll just be simple acquaintances, basically not knowing each other then!

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March 23, 2021 12:05:46  #563

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Sometimes my characters will feel like they know a character better than I know them to, so ig I'd say just go with it xD.
I guess my idea for context would be that they're at a harbor or still on the ship. Raez does some takeout for a little bit of food before they set out for the amusement park, which I still don't know the specifics for xD, is it a water theme park or an actual theme park or an amusement park? 


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March 23, 2021 12:52:06  #564

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

I think like, a normal amusement park would be cool. Like the fair or something.

Question is there a fair around where you live? If so how big is it?

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March 23, 2021 12:57:03  #565

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Cool :D, I will go ask Specter lol
Well, I've never been to any, but there are a lot of fairs in CO I think, like iirc in Pueblo there's a fair that's been going on every year since the mid 19th century. It lasts 11 days and I think is probably pretty big.
For amusement parks, there's one in downtown Denver called Elitch's. I've never been there either haha, but I've passed it more than I count.
I went to Seaworld in your state once too. I went on one ride xD most of my time there was roaming and watching the orca 
Do you have fairs where you live?


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March 23, 2021 13:32:23  #566

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Okay, for Specter they think a water park is the most interesting, also 'cause Dilanne's close to a water creature so she has an affiliation to water and stuff. They think the amusement park is the most versatile idea but is less fun. For a fair and stuff, they agree that it would mean a lot of NPCs, but I was thinking maybe it could be a future idea or smthn
Specter's more inclined towards meeting at a harbor rather than the ship, and I agree too. Potential ideas otherwise are still open tho


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March 23, 2021 14:09:10  #567

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

There's a pretty big fair nearby, 1 million+ visitors yearly, I think.

Seaworld is nice, I've been there a lot. How long ago was that visit?

Actually, I'm down to the abandoned water park. Maybe one like the Sea World in California, by the bay/ocean or something?

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March 23, 2021 14:59:22  #568

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Ooh, cool. Very big indeed xD
...very long ago xD, so long ago I don't know which year it was. I do remember some things xD
I have no idea, if so the settings POVing is probably up to you xD


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March 23, 2021 16:28:38  #569

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

Oh dw I think I can POV

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March 23, 2021 16:50:51  #570

Re: "We don't know what to name this" - Chat thread for Time and Galaxian

So what we have so far is they're going to go to a fun place with no NPCs, probably a water (theme?) park or smthn. We could leave generalized ideas for the future if they have fun :D. They'll probably meet at a harbor, maybe grab a few bites to eat, head over, and then they have fun ig xD?


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