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May 16, 2021 01:21:19  #1981

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The incorrect quotes thread is good anti-anxiety material, I very much recommend it unless you hate my characters, in which case if you hate most anyone other than Akuma and other similar characters, then don't, because I should be the one you're hating. Don't put any blame on my characters. They don't deserve it. But if you hate me I guess you shouldn't be reading my posts anyways ahaha


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May 16, 2021 01:28:28  #1982

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Idk if I've talked about this before but going along with the fact of how I don't like to really group everyone into a category, a detail I don't really talk about is, like, the minorities, but obviously the majority is focused on more.
For instance, for Hitan, he had pretty bad luck with whomever was around him. He was kinda seen like a curse. Kinda for good reason, too, in terms of causal reasoning. And the experience with those is what I talk about more while generalizing his backstory. But whom I don't talk about would be the people who tried to keep him with them for protection and how he ran away from them out of fear for what they could think about him in the future and fears about hurting them too. And that was reasonable too, on his part. It would be rational for him to fear that they would throw him out too after seeing that everything was because of him and to fear that they might be harmed because of him even if they didn't spite him. 
Which goes to show I need to think more about minorities in general, especially for characters who have backstories pertaining to discrimination or, like in Hitan's case, just bad treatment for "most of the time." There were bound to be people who didn't actually care and thus were neutral, and people who were kinder and tended to be more involved, whether they showed it or not. On a similar note, corruption depicted as absolute on a large scale is kinda cringeworthy, at least in my opinion, so I'd like to stay away from making it seem that way.
In general, everyone has different beliefs, and that goes even for people who were in a specific set of circumstances that reared them to have an absolute belief. Atheists can come from the most theistic of families, and vice versa. It doesn't have to be that extreme, either. It just depends on whoever it is.


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May 16, 2021 01:32:31  #1983

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Someone is telling me they hate airplane rides
Who is it? Who? Whooooo?


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May 16, 2021 20:21:58  #1984

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I love how doing homework is fueling Sunny's spite towards humanity


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May 17, 2021 00:12:45  #1985

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Atashi wa kodoku ja nai~ mattaku kodoku ja nai to~


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May 17, 2021 13:13:27  #1986

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know when you try to do character development but it just turns into angst

I asked a character "Hey if your two friends both fell into the water who'd you save" while expecting they'd save the one who couldn't swim, but the one who couldn't swim said that the guy I was asking would try to drown himself, so the one who couldn't swim would just have to fend for himself while the guy who could swim would have to stop the one I asked from drowning


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May 17, 2021 15:19:03  #1987

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I read over a planning document again and the tone is either
"I hate you Galaxian for thinking of this" 
"This is borderline genius HAHAHA"


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May 17, 2021 18:47:13  #1988

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Learned about weddings coerced through kidnappings
Wiley would love to go ruin "weddings"


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May 17, 2021 19:07:44  #1989

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Reminder to self that bookmarks need to be saved :333333 help


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May 17, 2021 19:12:18  #1990

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Rensa's character is me forgetting every small detail about him
I don't remember what instrument he plays and quite frankly I probably never wrote it down.
And I know he plays one but I guess my mind is like "Chinese instruments are so romantic and he's not romantic at all so we're not gonna remember what instrument/s he plays" but then again, @mind, Rensa playing a trumpet is much worse, so remember what hecking instrument the beautiful man plays. He at least deserves that lol


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May 17, 2021 19:13:21  #1991

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Me being big dumb and forgetting black and red are the devil's colors
Well I guess Galaxian will have a devil's tool now lol yay


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May 17, 2021 19:16:39  #1992

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Sometimes I wonder what Hitan's dreams are like; I mean, he's not scared by much and he has a really high pain tolerance, so I wonder how those dreams startle him
And I'm saying that with the experience of someone who was murdered in dreams for 2 years straight in the past, so even I'm not daunted by much anymore. I can be unnerved IRL and if someone came after me with a knife IRL (gods forbid, please), I'd probably be scared, but like, in dreams? Idk.
I guess for me my nonchalance comes from the fact that I know the dream things can't hurt me, then. I wonder if Hitan has something going on for him that means that yume aren't actually yume pun intended 100%
I mean, like, Xuqiao gets stressed from his dreams for a similar reason lol idk


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May 17, 2021 19:35:56  #1993

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I finished drawing Galaxian and lol it'd be a sin to post it so no, but just letting you guys know, he has the devil's scepter and looks depressed. That Is All.
And now I talk about more stuff I shouldn't be talking about while doing homework. (:


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May 17, 2021 19:41:26  #1994

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Okay, so horror story time. 
I was actually searching up bride kidnapping because I had an unpleasant memory of an anecdote. So no, it wasn't the first time I knew about it. I just was surprised by its hecking prevalence across Earth. Some people really deserve to be kicked into a black hole and swallowed...whole. ahaha. My humor gets worse every day. Also, I typed "horse" instead of "worse." End me, 99.67% typing accuracy. 
The horror story happens to be the anecdote! True story, by the way. There was a woman who got kidnapped into becoming a bride. And then she went around and helped her kidnappers (on her own will, by the way) kidnap her sister too. Her sister was mentally disabled to some extent but was able to escape. And that anecdote, lads and ladies and all people across the gender spectrum, is why I hate people who victimize others because they themselves were victims.


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May 17, 2021 19:45:39  #1995

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You might be wondering what that anecdote had to do with roleplaying, but in itself, it doesn't. Not literally, anyways. Other than the part about me hating people who victimize others because they were victims themselves. That includes people who make others child soldiers because they were child soldiers, people who hit their family (perform domestic violence) just because they were hit in the past, old women who make their daughter-in-laws' lives heck because they were subject to heck themselves by their mother-in-laws, people who think it's okay to torture people because they themselves were tortured.
Because while those people could be pitied once, it's no excuse for their actions. There's a saying in China that goes "Pitiful people have despicable parts." While I don't believe in it being true for all, it certainly holds true for the type of people I'm talking about here.
And so yes, even if someone became someone bad by almost no fault of their own, I still believe they have some fault of their own. And is that fault acceptable? Yes, most of the time. Because they were coerced, and no one is perfect. But still, that doesn't mean they should get off scot-free.
And we circle back to the usual discussion, lol.


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May 17, 2021 19:50:49  #1996

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I keep remembering how cats strut like they own the world sometimes and I'm just laughing because I can imagine Raez walking like that
Hopefully he doesn't keel over in the process lol


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May 17, 2021 20:02:25  #1997

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Every time Raez watches one of those jumper zombies from Plants vs. Zombies fail to jump over something he's like, "Mood," and I'm like, "No--"


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May 17, 2021 20:04:12  #1998

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lineart eraser would be good civilization


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May 17, 2021 20:09:08  #1999

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh one of the best things I took from Run for Hitan's character was the fact he's a teacher, but that idea has not been milked of any potential from me, which is an oof
I'd love to do more for that tbh, but I think Hitan also fears that as soon as his school/job-related stuff becomes more specific, Akuma will fixate on that, which is,,, reasonable, to say the least.
Speaking of the devil, I still need to work more on the character I mentioned before lol. They're more OP than Hitan but apparently still not OP enough, and Tsukiakari is also not intervening in the plot relating to Hitan. Angels are kinda fickle, apparently. Anyways, hopefully future self gives the character I mentioned before big buffs, but somehow I doubt


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May 17, 2021 20:11:48  #2000

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

You might be wondering what that anecdote had to do with roleplaying, but in itself, it doesn't. Not literally, anyways. Other than the part about me hating people who victimize others because they were victims themselves.

I actually believe this was one of the most important parts about the 0RES, lol. They had a pretty messed-up background, but most of them are turning out to be good people. Benigno needs a lil bit of work, but uh, yeah! I need to work on them more, lol. Probably should start by drawing them more,,, ahaha.
Do they need form updates? Yes, but there's not enough for me to update atm. I'll work on it. I guess they'll mostly be writing characters, though. Doubt there'll be much interaction in-RP for them.


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May 17, 2021 20:13:28  #2001

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh, how will I draw Ernesto? I don't do well with drawing muscular people, apparently. I haven't dared to even try for muscular women. Do I even have muscular female characters? Anyways. Yeah, I suck. 
But he's nice. I like him. He's the tallest character out of all of my characters. Speaking of which, I need to tweak some 0RES heights. For uh, obvious reasons if you even remember who they were. Haha.


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May 17, 2021 20:14:16  #2002

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've made so many stupid decisions in my roleplaying life, and hopefully none of them will be permanent because honestly,,,
But does that mean I'll stop making stupid decisions in my roleplaying life? No. Look at what I'm doing. Haha.


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May 17, 2021 20:16:09  #2003

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Also every time I think about Death's height I scream
Rai, Wiley, Raez, and Iollan have okay heights because while 6' 1'', 6' 3'', and 6' 4'' seem very tall, it also makes sense for them. Maybe. Sometimes I think of Raez and Iollan as being shorter.
But Death,,, they have, like, a cherubic face. Handsome. Whatever. I intended for their face to be cuter than it was handsome but apparently we don't do that here most of the time. But like, their face. And then 6' 6''. Lol
I know that their height was intended to be so unnerving on my part (and ironic. And unfitting. And yeah. You guys know how I base decisions off), but like,,, sdjfoifjsdo hhhhh


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May 17, 2021 20:22:42  #2004

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I wonder if Raez would brush his teeth while shaving his hypothetical beard at the same time
He braves the risks of cutting his face just so he can look like Santa with beard in mouth
I cannot imagine most of my characters with a beard or mustache lol I can do it for Rensa a lil bit but like,,, 
fsfdjoJOFDSJOF my mind just said "Galaxian but with a beard" and,,, nO 


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May 17, 2021 20:51:30  #2005

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Apparently being forced to stare at a character's face for the sake of video-editing purposes warps my sense of beauty


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May 17, 2021 20:55:18  #2006

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Anime making my already bad knowledge worse
Spoiler for Yuukoku no Moriarty lol

I have so many questions but mainly this just reminds me of the "If a character is transgender, do you call them by their pronouns before and then change it later, or do you always refer to them with their actual pronouns from the present?" question
The question here is mainly "is this character even transgender in the first place in terms of gender identity or...plot stuff y'know???"


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May 17, 2021 21:24:49  #2007

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Oh yeah, I would like to note that if it's blatantly obvious that he's trans, I'm only saying that question because I'm not there in the anime yet. 
Also even if it's unclear I'll use he/him pronouns because typically cis people mind a lot less when they're misgendered (idk if the term applies here though) than trans people do. Or at least I get "misgendered" a lot and I don't care. So yeah, I'd rather think he's trans and be wrong than think he's cisgender and be wrong.


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May 17, 2021 23:01:55  #2008

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Haha I'm sorry but androgyny does not equal being transgender or gay, and I'm saying this because too many of my characters are like that (androgynous I mean) and I'd like for their appearances to not designate romantic and sexual orientation, plus also I am very androgynous and have been since birth so. Please.
Obviously this isn't a current issue, nor is it really a problem per se, but I'm just imagining how the entirety of basically all my characters would have the same label because of their appearance and in general I don't like appearance being an outlet to presumptions.
Fandoms are wild aren't they


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May 17, 2021 23:06:35  #2009

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Idk in term of imposing one's own qualities onto characters, I can kinda relate to, but in terms of experiences I actually tend to go the opposite direction. I dunno why. I think no matter what the reason, at least the premise is good. :D
Sometimes I want to make a character different but feel like I might offend someone, though. It's kinda weird. And at the same time, if I make them different in a bad way, I also risk offending future me. Which is nice.


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May 17, 2021 23:07:56  #2010

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Tbh I was going to say today that once I'm done with my project, I can respond to RP threads again, but I have an AP exam in like 3 days and I also got scared by notifications today from my teachers posting next week's assignments. Oof.
So, might have to wait a bit longer. To be honest, at this point I can't even remember what specifically I want to do.


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