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October 10, 2021 18:54:46  #3211

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Cute ice cream boy's entire character just got a lot more depressing

does he need a hug

Your local Kacchan-obessesed Quirkless Failure

"We build a giant Hatsune Miku mech and get Shinji to pilot it." ~Me

I have almost 2 creative writing credits to my name and no I won't let anyone forget it

October 11, 2021 16:49:40  #3212

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

More like now you know the depressing parts behind his character xD
He says hugs are nice :3 (though he's not very accustomed to them lol)


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October 11, 2021 16:54:39  #3213

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Summarizing NS!Rai's nation: Much nice, much pacifism, much love for kittens
much lack of patriotism


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October 11, 2021 19:39:25  #3214

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"A large portion of F/GO's cast has committed war crimes" is one of those things that isn't funny in itself at all but is somehow funny if you know the context
Since because they're cute/pretty/handsome (or whatever idk), they are pardoned (or I guess those parts are essentially justified/blurred/made "iconic" or funny), and that ironically reflects some aspect of human psychology...


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October 11, 2021 19:44:30  #3215

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I think that ties to how I offhandedly discussed the topic, like how GGaD!Galaxian can't really enforce the rules according to how I think he actually would (try to) enforce them (well in terms of consequences anyways, not necessarily the process), and how some matters related to plot get real iffy really quickly according to my sense of morals and such. But I'm not too concerned about that most of the time. Sometimes, though,,, it gets a little annoying during those "sometimes."


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October 11, 2021 21:07:37  #3216

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I saw green against orange and my mind told me I have something to remember.
Big haha lol moment because it never actually tells me what that something is. 
Haha lol


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October 11, 2021 22:46:49  #3217

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I'm thinking
What if forum!Rai calls Silence "Oneesan" or "Ojosan"
I'm pretty sure she's older than him lol (physically and chronologically) but then again I don't tell his age so lol

"Silence-san" is fine lol idk I'll think about "oneesan" and "Ojosan"
Especially afraid of using them incorrectly lol


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October 11, 2021 22:54:54  #3218

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I'm thinking
What if forum!Rai calls Silence "Oneesan" or "Ojosan"
I'm pretty sure she's older than him lol (physically and chronologically) but then again I don't tell his age so lol

"Silence-san" is fine lol idk I'll think about "oneesan" and "Ojosan"
Especially afraid of using them incorrectly lol


Well physically/"in human age" she's around twenty and chronologically she's technically thousands of years old so

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 11, 2021 23:00:12  #3219

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Ngl the more I think about it the more "Oneesan" seems cursed for Rai, and I'm also confused on "Ojosan" now so that's great

"Oneesan" seems more like a Wiley thing to use when he knows a girl doesn't want anything to do with him, but I can also imagine Rai's bad sense of humor if he uses that term.

So it depends on how to actually use these words and also Rai's relationship with the lady in question.
According to imagination, it can swing both ways, then, I guess.


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October 12, 2021 00:53:00  #3220

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

(I'll respond to Specter's post all those posts ago when I can actually coordinate all of Lianhuan's ideas into something that makes sense. For me.)

Did you ask for a short description?

Literally a mood. Not necessarily in the relatable sense, though. He's very anti-social, and it doesn't help that he doesn't really try to change that trait. He usually presents as someone who's rather cold and disengaged from reality, which he views as uninteresting and very transient. He's very distant from others and is described as "not only does he tend to drive others away from himself, he will leave others without hesitancy should he see a reason to do so." His reason for being anti-social comes from not trusting anyone. It could be said that even his friends are not actually trusted, for they have the potential to turn against him, justifiably or not. So, what about family? He's estranged from his own younger sister, Sollux. His parents are both dead, and the part of the family that actually still keeps him around doesn't really care about him beyond what he can do for them. So, in a sense, perhaps his nihilism is justified.
He's rarely happy and could be described as being grim. He has a pessimistic outlook on most things that's influenced by some realism, but some things are still capable of making him shine a quick smile or give a fast burst of laughter. For the most part, happiness doesn't come to him, so he's a temperamental person in that he'll turn from a neutral mood to a negative one rather than any transition to a happier mood in general. In terms of morals, he’s also weird. Those morals are stable, though, which is fortunate. He doesn’t condone murder here (notably, unlike in GGaD, where this is also an iffy topic). However, he’s kinda quick to violence. He’s no pacifist, and when he thinks violence is the most likely solution, he’ll take it. (Of course, under fitting circumstances.) He would beat someone up if he thinks they should be beat up and if he thinks he can beat them up without too much consequence (this is saying that he has restraint and some sense; he doesn’t beat up everyone who litters or every fool who doesn’t believe in anthropogenic global warming). His temper is quick to come and flares up just as intensely, but it isn’t one he has a complete lack of control over. For instance, he’s a master of holding his tongue during certain situations. And going along with the topic, Sunshine is not actually that impulsive despite his temper; in fact, he’s usually more reasonable and logical, both traits that are perhaps unexpected. (Worry not; he might punch someone on the moment and refuse to apologize later, though. His restraint isn’t perfect.) He is overall a sensible person and is able to restrain himself to what is best and according rather than act by his own whims…at least most of the time, anyways. That’s also why he’s able to be the Ultimate Environmentalist–he gets things done without too much trouble, and he tends to get them done quickly, as he’d rather work than waste away time. And surprisingly, he can be fairly considerate when he wants to, just not usually with people. And of course, most important of all, he doesn’t punch his political opponents.
An important thing to note is that Sunny isn’t a talker, so when his temper flares up, all the parts of him other than his mouth and tongue are usually the parts that react. Even without the temper component, Sunny isn’t a talker. He’s not bad at it per se (his speeches are surprisingly motivating and moving); it’s just not his preference. Therefore, that translates to: Fights over insults. Silent resentment against outbursts. Childish pranks instead of talking it over maturely. (Hello, problematic sibling relationship!) Cool.
It might not be as obvious at this point, but obviously, unlike in GGaD, Sunny hasn't really had the privilege of retaining his completely straightforward moodiness. He understands what circumstances need what sort of face so that he can better accomplish whatever aim he has at that moment. If that means he has to present himself as being more forthcoming and open-minded, then so be it. He'll loosen his own restraints for the moment to make such impressions more sincere. He just doesn't always exhibit this knowledge. Furthermore, the better explanation would be that, in addition--he doesn't really have the reason to be moody all the time. Unlike in GGaD, he presumably still has his soul, and so he's capable of feeling emotions normally. So does he? Who knows. All I know is that here, Sunny does have an extent of charisma. He's able to connect with others' emotions surprisingly well, which means he does have sympathy. Now, is he always sympathetic? Obviously, no. Sometimes he might even use that sympathy to make sure something he says or does hurts more, if that is his aim. But he does have a need to have friends, or at least allies and acquaintances, in this world, and he shows this need in his slightly different attitude, or at least in this aspect.
Now, here’s a consistent trait for Sunny in comparison to GGaD. Despite his pessimism and borderline nihilism, he’s still commonsensical. Fairly no-nonsense most of the time, yes, but practical in his own ways. For instance, even though he can be quite defiant towards any sort of authority directed towards him, which somehow includes advice, he still might listen. He’s not necessarily stupid (even if he may seem like it); he knows when to think, how to think, how much he should think…though sometimes all of this knowledge is just a little late on the uptake. On the same token, he gets things done overall and can make good attempts at being a team player. Maybe he’s a little bossy sometimes, maybe a little imposing and scary too, but he’s not too unapproachable and has a sense of initiative. Notably, though, he can be kind of lazy and, again, doesn’t really like talking, but those are flaws he is aware of and can overcome with a little work, especially if he just wants to get some menial task over and done with.
His sense of humor is the same as his in GGaD, just more centered on his cause for the most part (e.g. he “jokes” about idiocy and incompetence an awful lot). It's biting, sarcastic, occasionally self-debilitating, and with the occasional bad pun thought-out in advance. His humor is not a coping mechanism, even though it’s usually viewed as one. Really, it’s just a questionable sense of humor coupled with salt. Not so hard to understand once one really knows what it’s about.
So, with how he acts, does he hate others? The answer is somewhat complicated. By no means does he not hate anyone. At the same time, though, the resentment is not something ridiculous, like an all-encompassing hatred of the human race. No. He actually sees everyone who is human as being equal in a sense. Equal, at least, without further impressions. He’ll leave you alone if you don’t provoke him, and he’ll try his best to not provoke you. It doesn’t matter which country you’re from and which socioeconomic class you’re a part of. For the latter, he’s already figured this out from his family. Why does he hate most others, then? He’s human, so he hates them because they have traits he doesn’t like. Maybe they’re greedy and take advantage of others for their own gain. Maybe they’re obnoxious and unnecessarily loud. Maybe they’re pompous and ignorant. He has his reasons for disliking others, and he has his reasons for not trusting them, with these views being so common that he truly likes animals and plants more so than he likes humans in general.
Thus, in summary, Sunny is a theoretically well-meaning individual with somewhat strange morals but also with a sense of logic, right? So then, why does he hate his own sister, who is tied to him by both blood and past? No one knows except for him. One thing is for sure, though–that reason isn’t something he’s told her, making it certain that for Sunny, this is truly a world where he can trust anyone except himself. 



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October 12, 2021 21:24:45  #3221

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I just imagined this video but it's forum!Silence refusing to let Hitan invite another kid over for a playdate when this is technically Hitan's home because she knows she won't be able to take it lol

Edit: I wasn't even thinking of this when I initially posted this but please refrain from paying too much attention to the title with this imagined context. Thank you


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October 12, 2021 21:31:29  #3222

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}


he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 12, 2021 23:08:34  #3223

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Initial forum!Hitan (~age 14): (*existed*)
Silence: You literally cannot get any worse
Hitan (age 9), after Plot (TM): (*exists*)
Silence: I take it back, please grow up (*sobbing mentally*)


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October 13, 2021 01:52:54  #3224

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SF Silence: This can't get any weirder

Galaxian Narrator: It CAN get weirder! *Proceeds to un-age Hitan*

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 13, 2021 16:16:10  #3225

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The next time plot appears, Silence basically looks at Hitan and is like, "[HECK] no, we are NOT going through this bull[crap] again. Get the [frick] away from us!" not only because it's inconvenient in general but also because she thinks Hitan might turn into a toddler next time and she really doesn't want to find out how he acted when he was that age xD


Yesterday night my mind kept saying this over and over again (and I really don't appreciate it, but whatever):
"Forum!Silence probably acts like forum!Hitan is too immature and maybe sometimes he does grate on the nerves, but imagine if she meets GGaD!Hitan: 22 years old, mature, but also emotionally blocked off, traumatized, and angsted. Bet she'd be like 'Who did this to him?' then, huh? ((((((((((:"
Also the brain cell was very amused by the prospect of her meeting Akuma, which is such a no. No. 
I will concede that the reason was mostly because Akuma also uses fire, but that's still a no


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October 13, 2021 16:24:19  #3226

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

fight fire with fire

Silence just absolutely cursed Akuma out whhfjsjf although tbh idk if Akuma would even care whhdhwd. Silence uses every vulgar insult she can come up with and Akuma is like "I haven't even spoken yet-" and Silence is purely basing the insults off of Akuma's Vibes, he doesn't need to talk because she Knows

Silence, next time plot comes: *picks up Hitan and looks him in the eyes* "I [freaking] swear if you de-age again, I will loose my [crap], got that?"

he/him xe/xem
Fictional Men <3
lil angst gumdrop
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”

October 13, 2021 16:36:34  #3227

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Akuma, too used to Hitan using roundabout, rather civil ways of calling it stupid and unworthy of existence: Hmm, well, I don't know what (oop) or (OOF) means, but thank you anyways!


Hitan, whose look is completely "I would really love to be younger than I already am": uwu


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October 14, 2021 00:42:36  #3228

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I've tried my best to keep this in my mind this entire day but obviously, I have failed

I just keep thinking of Saber petting a fluffy sheep with a single hand while having this look of absolute peace and contentment on their face sjifodsjfosifsdjoff


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October 14, 2021 15:46:31  #3229

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

This is canon (obviously not in the true sense but like, in a sense) btw lol

Saga, about forum!Galaxian: I gave him a name
Kanon: What is it
Saga: Galaxian
Kanon: no you didn't
Saga: yes I did
Kanon: You're joking right
Saga: No
Kanon: What's his full name
Saga: Galaxian Explosion
Kanon, having a crisis because this is his twin brother, who he's supposed to be extremely alike to, and said twin brother literally just named a kid after a technique that blows up planets and galaxies: I Don't Know You


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October 15, 2021 11:32:37  #3230

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

You know, forum!Galaxian might be bad at communicating, but he is still surprisingly proficient at it, compared to people who die and then send petals to let their goddess know about the Ninth Sense, not that the head start had any effect whatsoever since even though she took her sweet time traumatizing a group of fake traitors (formerly actual traitors) by stabbing herself in front of them and making them make a fake mummy from her body and a bit of her blood, she ended up getting kidnapped in the end anyways so like, what's the point of mastering death if you're gonna get kidnapped? Again?


I like to think that in his origin universe, Deathmask's backstory was slightly different, so even though he did the entire face-decorating business, they weren't actual faces. He just did it whenever he wanted to scare anyone
I sure hope this was the case because if not, Galaxian's gonna...have some things that he thinks are normal 


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October 15, 2021 12:04:40  #3231

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The only time I'll be desperately searching up Catholic references in my life will be when I'm working on F/DA, or else no lol


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October 15, 2021 13:42:00  #3232

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Alright, I said I'd say this a looong time ago, but I didn't. Now I'm saying it. It's kind of important, and it's extremely important to me, so please read.

So essentially, Hh as a ship is as good as sunk, and I need to figure out a reason for Helen's absence that doesn't involve death. I have two, and I want people who cared about the ship (and/or the plot, but idk I don't see reason for anyone other than me caring about that) to decide. Please "vote" and give a reason for your vote, and please do remember that even though I "want the best" for Helen, which is the premise behind these reasons, the one truly making decisions is not you or me, but someone else who does not share that sentiment. 
And as usual, while I will try to take the choice you vote for, if I find reasoning that overrides all other reasoning, I will go by my own choices. Really, this is more like an idea session, where I see if others will be able to come up with things I haven't thought of. I care for what you think, but an "independent spirit" comes first, as per usual. In any case, your thoughts will matter no matter what choice is made.
Because that "someone" who is enacting the eventual decision is, again, not someone who wants the best for Helen and Hitan, please be aware both of these outcomes have ulterior reasoning and consequences that may not be apparent on the surface.

1. First outcome is that Helen's memories are wiped, and her entire life is essentially rewritten. She'll have a home, a family, and no knowledge of anything that actually happened to her. And yeah, amnesia (at least partial amnesia) is used in both of these scenarios. 
2. Second outcome is that Helen's memories of what happened all have Hitan replaced with Whyatt, and she's "given" to Whyatt. Hitan is just someone who was once "an antagonist" but "no longer matters for now." 

Let me assure you that I am, and have been, in pain. But I can no longer hold off this decision.
Please give your thoughts if you are at least somewhat familiar with Helen and Hitan, and the story surrounding them.
Thank you.


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October 15, 2021 14:23:51  #3233

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The very thought of this hurts my soul every time, not gonna lie.
Well, if I have to choose between those options, I'd choose the first one. I really can't bear the thought of Helen's opinion on Hitan changing as much as the second option shows. If Hitan can't have her, then nobody else should. Period.
The first option also gives Helen a chance at a more stable life, which I think is something Hitan would have liked for her to have one day. 
I think this is pretty much all I can say about this. Hope my words speak for themselves.

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 15, 2021 14:33:55  #3234

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

By the way, even though it might seem insignificant in the long run, I personally see now as kind of like a "defining episode" moment. So, I pinpoint this song as the "ending" song of this plot. 
I will rename the plot's name to something a little less traumatizing (for me). Or maybe more so. I don't know.

"A Song for You" (sung by 33 different singers: 雙笙/封茗囧菌/洛少爺/葉里/檀燒/佑可貓/玄觴/ 黑貓/千界/小總受/葉洛洛/IRiS七葉/小吳太太/ 鹿馬/茶理理/祈Inory/Mario/少年霜/亡海Derek/ 倪莫問/羅之豪/祖婭納惜/千月兔/晝夜/紫嘉兒/ Mr.岑/小曲兒/七葉草/湊詩/洛萱/女神/緋色/霄磊/ 【亡海Derek】)

I try my best to smile, but awkwardly, tears still fall
【雙笙】努力微笑 可眼淚 還是會掉 有多忐忑
As I listen to the songs of the past, I smile and cry, but at least the tears and smile are my own.
【封茗囧菌】聽著以往的歌 笑過哭過
All these years, we have lamented sorrow, happiness, separation, and reunion,
All things that will ultimately be washed away by time.
How much can I remember? 
I use this only remaining moment to shallowly carve down some memories.
【洛少爺】我又能記得多少呢 剩此刻 淺淺勾勒

I have made a habit of eavesdropping on the noisiness outside the window
When the beginning of winter dawns, I have always been used to looking forward to the first falling of snow.
【檀燒】立冬開始 習慣期待一場初雪落下
'How have you been as of recent?' I ask to the empty air, a greeting to the four corners of the earth
【佑可貓】最近還好嗎 對空氣說話
It is only after growing up that one understands:
Gain is something to be feared more than loss.

Every individual has their very own happiness
I want to leave your goodness at the story's very end 
I try to guess what message it is you want to send while I listen to your song,
And I make a promise to accompany you and to protect your resolve
【葉洛洛】我做陪伴的承諾 守著你的執著

You are the many lights under the starry sky
You are the best passerby in the entire world
What I fear most is that one day the fleeting feelings will scatter,
and you will make the decision to leave
【鹿馬】最怕你 某天酒意散去做離開的抉擇

Can you hear? The poems and the faraway places have visited before,
All to show their love for the lucidity within your eyes.
【茶理理】你聽 詩和遠方曾來過
I sign a pact to wander with you, free as cranes, under the sky dyed with reddish hues 
【祈Inory】約你一同漂泊 紅塵碧落 做自由的鶴

Your smile/laughter warms the entire world and its rights and wrongs
【Mario】你的笑 溫暖世間 對與錯
The firefly lights near the streams become a tribute and song
【Mario/少年霜】溪邊螢火 紀念成歌
I celebrate that this beating heart is willing to rise and fall for you
【少年霜】我慶幸 這跳動的心 肯為你 大起大落

I smooth my clothes and stand underneath the sunlight
【33位歌手】 我扯平衣角站在陽光下
The coming wind turns the seedlings green and brings spring flowers
【倪莫問】迎面的風 吹綠了新芽捎來了春花
I paint over the future, trying to learn some form of grace
【羅之豪】學幾分瀟灑 將未來塗鴉
Is time gentle enough now? My question goes unanswered
Smiling, I step towards the waterlogged marshes
【祖婭納惜】有問無答 我笑著踩向地上的水窪

I always wondered to myself why I couldn't change for you
After all, many youths give their all, disregarding all consequences.
But sometimes as I smiled and laughed, I started crying.
Why must time pass so quickly? 
If we could start over once again, wouldn't it be so pleasant?
【Mr.岑】感慨過時光匆匆 能重來就好了

The years we can't return to turn to ashes that have not yet settled
I, who has been clumsy this entire way, squandered away the vastness of the world
That dream hides somewhere within the ending of summer
I don't want to let it go, I weep with complete truthfulness.
【湊詩】那個夢 藏在夏末 自圓其說萬般不捨

The poems and the faraway places have been here before, all to show their love for the lucidity in your eyes
【洛萱】詩和遠方曾來過 鐘意你眸中的清澈
I signed a pact to wander with you, free as cranes, under the sky dyed with reddish hues 
【女神】約你一同漂泊 紅塵碧落 做自由的鶴
Your smile/laughter warmed the entire world and its rights and wrongs
【Mario】你的笑 溫暖世間 對與錯
The firefly lights near the streams become a tribute and song
【Mario/少年霜】溪邊螢火 紀念成歌
I celebrate that this beating heart was willing to rise and fall for you
【霄磊】我慶幸 這跳動的心 肯為你 大起大落

The poems and the faraway places have been here before, all to show their love for the lucidity in your eyes
【女聲】詩和遠方曾來過 鐘意你眸中的清澈
As I recall the songs of the past, I smile and cry, but at least the tears and smile are my own.
【男聲】聽著以往的歌 笑過哭過 不用誰附和
All these years, we have lamented sorrow, happiness, separation, and reunion,
all things that will ultimately be washed away by time.
【合】那些年 感嘆過悲歡離合 終將會被歲月消磨
How much can I remember? 
I use the remaining future to carve in every moment.
【合】我又能記得多少呢 剩以后 細細勾勒



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October 15, 2021 14:43:50  #3235

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Dammit that's pure tear fuel

Let your world be a world 
that you build with a smile!

✪˛✧ ∴ˑ ✴ ∵ ˛✧ ˑ✪

October 18, 2021 16:58:13  #3236

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Waited 3 days, but I guess I'll just be getting one response. That's okay. I think that might actually be for the best.

@Specter - Galaxian used "Translation of Angsty Song"! It's super effective!
I'll keep your feedback in mind. I think even if I can't remember the reasoning, I'll be able to guess your choice in the future. Thank you for your input.


(Real) Time: No character carries a little stick around unless it's a wand
Me: Is Nagesh a joke to you


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October 18, 2021 17:54:08  #3237

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well, if it matters to you, I would have to agree with Spec. I see it as the two of the worse evils. Hitan and Helen, they're always running and stuff, right? Well maybe it'd be nice to give Helen a chance to settle down. Even if she doesn't remember, she has a chance for peace. As you can see, my reasoning aligns with Specters pretty well. Plus,  the 2nd option of her being "given" to someone else, plus making her original love seem originally an antagonist in her perspective just seems not right.

I feel though the most likely outcome is the second option though. Idk the details, but with the info you've given us, that's what it would seem to me.

But I must agree with Spec too. As soon as I read the first line to that song, I just thought "Damn Spec's right. that's pure tear fuel right there."

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 18, 2021 17:55:02  #3238

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Well there are exceptions of course. There are exceptions to almost everything

Sorry for bad language but it is true it's what u thought

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 18, 2021 17:55:28  #3239

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why am I even apologizing for naught no no words

Bruh the signature be wacky

October 19, 2021 23:54:37  #3240

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yeah, it really does matter to me. Thanks, both of you. I know you technically didn't have to respond, but you both knew it mattered to me, so yeah, thank you. And sorry for practically demanding a response on this matter, by the way; I know it's unreasonable, but I guess I thought this was something certain others might like to know. So, yeah.
Those of you who are possibly so angsted by the post/s and would be too traumatized to respond are duly excused from responding, by the way. And if anyone just read the posts and didn't respond, I hope you enjoyed the translation.

Anyways, @Time:
Yeah, I could see why the first option would probably seem like the better of the two, and I think Specter's and your take are both pretty considerate.
Unfortunately, kind of like how you pointed out, the fact that the second option seems wrong is probably what makes up a slight edge for it. On the other hand, which is the fortunate side, I don't really think one outcome is more likely to happen unless a certain someone's logic grows to incorporate something highly relevant. The way I see it is that the second outcome would likely be the more realistic one should Helen be roleplayed again, as it would have greater ability to be transitioned into a plot/mini story of some sort. However, assuming that Helen's roleplayer does not return, either option suffices.
The first line of the song? Dang, my translation skills must not be that bad then. The actual credits go to the songwriter(s?), though, obviously. Lol.

And no worries about the strong language; that's how I know that I didn't screw up ehehe


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