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September 19, 2021 22:55:07  #3001

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Calling my characters "good-looking" is actually a stacked burden, should I just say they look like "decently-proportioned" people from now on?


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September 20, 2021 00:16:49  #3002

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Kiaane's backstory is fun because I'm somehow kinda optimistic in humans when I think of them (they bring out the better in me I guess) so I'm like, "Humans couldn't do that...right?" only to realize that if they didn't do stuff like 'that' then I probably wouldn't be able to come up with it


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September 20, 2021 00:30:43  #3003

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I adore Xenia's theory.
I sure hope she doesn't wear makeup 'cause if she does...(*laughs in pain*)

Paymon's like that guy who's okay with the basics while she's extravagant (extra) in general lol opposites attract,,, or something.


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September 20, 2021 00:31:06  #3004

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Why do I design dead people? Well, I should.


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September 20, 2021 00:34:04  #3005

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

The channel that I watch for cat videos primarily is livestreaming
Raez says no while Wiley says yes.
Please help why must Wiley be so influential


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September 20, 2021 00:46:03  #3006

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

"Mom, you raised a leader, not a follower!" 


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September 20, 2021 01:10:14  #3007

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I watched a music analysis video because that's the stuff Raez likes.
He walked away lol I'm pretty sure he's disappointed.

(*calls after him*) I'll do those 5 translations one day!!


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September 20, 2021 16:15:04  #3008

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

I have never drawn Xuqiao correctly
I thought I did like half a month ago but I'm looking at it now and...nope
Rensa is okay ig, he's mostly burdened by me feeling like he needs to look more handsome somehow I BLAME SPECTER
Also have never drawn Lianhuan correctly either. Nice.


Aww come on :3c
Just curious but is the dollmaker image on Lianhuan's wiki page accurate? Or is it like outdated, or too general to be accurate

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September 21, 2021 00:45:42  #3009

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Echo wrote:

Nsjdjsjf he just uses ten filler words in a row and instantly pwns anyone nearby. Does he also move very dramatically/exaggerated?

Echo wrote:

Also for some reason your post made me think he sounds like the guy in this audio: 


Okay so I can confirm he does not sound like the guy in the audio xD at least not by default. That sounds more like Wiley's kinda thing. But, if you can imagine a guy dancing along with the music, that would be Raez. Just imagine the dancing is good and fluid, and boom.
So essentially Wiley reciting a video and somehow playing an instrument (that doesn't involve the mouth, since he needs to speak) while doing so, and Raez is dancing somewhere nearby. I like to imagine that Rai is nearby and adds random static noises once in a while, but otherwise he's completely zoned out

Raez's walk is like a swagger lol, so yes, very dramatically. But he can't do it too exaggeratingly, or else he trips, which wouldn't be very impressive


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September 21, 2021 00:55:02  #3010

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Aww come on :3c
Just curious but is the dollmaker image on Lianhuan's wiki page accurate? Or is it like outdated, or too general to be accurate

Me trying to answer the question when I haven't drawn him accurately before lol
My best guess at the moment is that his infobox picture is accurate enough to give an idea of what he looks like, e.g. hair color, eye color, hairstyle, and demeanor were as close as I could make it in terms of who he is as a person. It's not outdated but probably a little too general to depict him correctly. He also looks a little older than his intended age of twelve, but it's not like I can show that with my art, so yeah. Conclusion? It was a dollmaker screenshot. A fun picture to make, but still a little too general xD.
Thanks for asking! 


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September 21, 2021 01:18:58  #3011

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Time wrote:

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

Not FANDOM, the fandom lol as in referring to GGaD like it's a series with a fandom. Kinda intended to be a joke since this is barely a fandom I think. Maybe it would fit the definition some but it just feels weird.


But if it was more like a fandom, what do you think it could be more like?

This is one of those fun prompts where I hold off answering because nothing ever seems satisfactory. Let me try, though.
First off, there would most likely be many more people. In terms of distribution, I imagine that there would be more of those smaller groups, but where members are usually part of more than one group, instead of how we have it at the moment. There might have been a certain group of people who stayed on Wikia instead of coming to here, but unlike actual circumstances at the moment, they would have enough people there to roleplay. 
I think the Discord would be much bigger in size, and much more active. Unfortunately, that means those of us who can't really talk on Discord would probably be separated from active members as a result. Roleplaying would definitely be faster. The art trade category would actually have stuff in it--in general, there would be more fanworks, like fanart and fanfiction. And there'd be a bunch of hype as a reaction to it, since I guess when there are more people there tends to be more hype. 
There would be more ships, and by that I mean a character would be shipped with various people. Others (not the owners of the characters for the most part) would be more "in charge of" shipping than just the two characters' owners who coordinate when their instincts somehow match. I think this part is less of a headcanon on my part than just an observation of the past and other fandoms.
I think there might be a small spurt of conflict then and there, where there are breaks of awkward silence before people decide that they're just going to pretend they didn't see that. And I guess the two in the conflict have to work it out, because if it escalates then it goes to the mods, who would likely all be active (or else they would face demotion, so essentially all active mods would still be mods). 
I like to imagine that there'd be these really skilled animators who are involved with most everything, so they make reaction GIFs and sketched MVs, and stuff like that, and that stuff is super popular and has its own category on the forum. 
As I've mentioned in the past, I see really cursed ships that would probably somehow get up the "ranks," and I don't think I need to list examples--
Anyways, overall, I think of the fandom around GGaD as still being a pretty healthy place. 
Sorry for this response being kinda bland. I'm not really in any fandoms officially, or however one calls actually being involved in talking with other fans and making fanworks to share with them and such.


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September 21, 2021 10:33:05  #3012

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

GalaxianExplosion wrote:

SpecterTheGreat wrote:

Aww come on :3c
Just curious but is the dollmaker image on Lianhuan's wiki page accurate? Or is it like outdated, or too general to be accurate

Me trying to answer the question when I haven't drawn him accurately before lol
My best guess at the moment is that his infobox picture is accurate enough to give an idea of what he looks like, e.g. hair color, eye color, hairstyle, and demeanor were as close as I could make it in terms of who he is as a person. It's not outdated but probably a little too general to depict him correctly. He also looks a little older than his intended age of twelve, but it's not like I can show that with my art, so yeah. Conclusion? It was a dollmaker screenshot. A fun picture to make, but still a little too general xD.
Thanks for asking! 


A dollmaker screenshot, now that's a good description xD thank you.
I guess artistic interpretations based on it are welcome? :3

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September 21, 2021 10:46:34  #3013

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yep! Those are always welcome xD. I mean, my own art of my characters still count as artistic interpretations since, y'know, I can't ever come to a decision right away and tend to forget crucial details lol.
Does that imply you're drawing him? :0 :DDDD


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September 21, 2021 12:41:49  #3014

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I said that Rai isn't much of a fan of actually creating videos (he can edit them though), but I feel like Wiley would be the type to create a satirical news channel and he makes Rai and Raez be actors
Rai's always a politician lol


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September 21, 2021 17:38:28  #3015

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Y'know for the first time in forever I could actually sing "Oath Sign" correctly and YouTube drops this on me--


If Mad Dummy (pacifist route) were in the Fate universe, they'd be unstoppable


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September 22, 2021 11:06:59  #3016

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

For some reason Rai's NationStates country got endorsed by like 7 Communist states, all on the same day

Let me assure you, his country is a democracy (lol)


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September 22, 2021 11:09:26  #3017

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Anyways he has like around 70 endorsements with me being absolutely inactive there
Glad to know there is approval of Rai's political actions lol 

A while back I got that blond and bisexual tennis player issue but for Galaxian's (the more sane Galaxian's) country, and obviously I risked political apathy


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September 22, 2021 11:13:34  #3018

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I like how when I want to write I can't, and when I can write I don't want
I sure hope my writing isn't actually sliding back down the hypothetical slope lol I mean I'm in Lang so,,, hopefully I'm at least being consistent
Dang it lol curse me and my lack of artistic competence

I do know what I'll write next for Cosmic Perspective tho lol
I don't know if I'll ever share it but yeee cool
Also I need to do "that one post" lol we love democracy (: 


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September 22, 2021 11:16:56  #3019

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I might have to do those things where I write the most random, lacking-quality stuff here (considerably short or else if wifi shorts out and reloads the tab I'd probably sink right into the good, good despair) and hope that no one reads this thread anymore, which is obviously unrealistic but yeah,,,
I have so many writing ideas, I need to do them
I just wish I could derive more happiness from my writing lol. Even my drawings give me more joy at this point, and since I had an anxiety attack from the last one I posted, that says volumes
Still, I wanna write. Very biased writing subjects but xD what can I do.


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September 22, 2021 11:20:26  #3020

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

I keep wanting to write a trailer for GGaD or the forums but I keep chickening out because I don't really like writing others' characters,,, not in that those characters aren't fun to write but that I suck at writing those characters
There are many sentiments on this matter but I'll leave it at that--butcher no one except my own characters R.I.P. them

I might try to do it for the plots with Hitan, Rai, and Galaxian (yes, and)
Idk how I'll connect Rai's and Galaxian's plots in that trailer when the plots are actually detached but I'll make it work lol they're cool


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September 22, 2021 12:00:06  #3021

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol what if I add a 5th member to the Not-Quad Squad
They're aggressive as heck so like Wiley will just casually talk and go "Dreamt about all my teeth falling out" and they go "Dreams can become a reality (:"
Btw this is just a funny thought. I think the Not-Quad Squad (and the RRW Triad within them) is good as it is


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September 22, 2021 17:19:55  #3022

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

In honor of today being the North Hemisphere's first day of fall, here are some fall headcanons:

-Raez has woven scarves. He made a sweater for Wiley only because he knows Wiley would never wear it. So essentially he makes that sweater so that he can try to force Wiles to wear it. It's good to try challenging oneself, y'know?
-> Idk if Dion wants one (a scarf I mean), but if he does want one, it's a really dark gray one lol. Raez is super good at reading people so this depends on whether Dion actually wants one or not, lol.

-This is the one day of the year where Rai actually wears a scarf. He spends the day off, finishing mooncakes that Wiley would otherwise polish off. He's almost too late, seeing as Wiley has already broken in
-> After his plan is half-obliterated, he goes outside to take a brisk walk. Not a jog--a brisk walk. Very nice. If he finds pretty leaves he takes them back home. Only if they've already fallen off, though. He keeps them somewhere. He doesn't return until the day has passed

-Wiley is forced to wear the sweater over his lab coat. His howling, which is ironically due to him seeing the combination as horrendous in terms of fashion, can be heard.
-> His sweater is neon pink. Raez has good taste.

-Galaxian spends the day with squirrels, making sure they're ready for the winter. Also, he flies towards the sun to confirm that it is, indeed, closer to the earth, contrary to misunderstandings about the seasons.

-Sunny dressed himself up in winter clothes the night before and spends this day all wrapped up in flannel and wool blankets. You can burn down his residence and not be able to get him to leave. He's mostly depressed about his hair looking darker again, even if he doesn't really feel the emotions properly. Probably spends the next day trying to dye his hair, which is not dyable

-Hitan bought a tiny cup of applesauce from one of his students and spends this day feeling a combination of happiness and sadness. At least he bought something for himself for once

-Iollan doesn't do anything particularly special. Honestly, he just wants to do whatever, like usual. But if his friends want to celebrate something, he's up to going to hike or rock-climb or something like that, before skiing/snowboarding season takes over. He does prefer the outside to the inside, as usual. He views table tennis and other such sports as winter ones just because they're played inside. He might drag Hitan outside, away from his applesauce cup

-Lianhuan holds a "Goodbye to Summer" celebration with ice cream. Intent is questionable, as he doesn't actually stop eating ice cream after summer ends. Whatever.

-Rensa would have gone outside to write a poem, but surprisingly, in the Ancient Chinese sector, going outside is quite dangerous. Quite relatable, don't you think? :D
-> Instead, he makes mooncakes by hand. And a bunch of other sweets. They're for the kids, not for him.
-> His taste in aesthetics and flavors is immaculate.

-Kiaane, surprisingly, notices the change in seasons. They're outside for most of the day. They actually eat today, though. They go back to the guild to grab a few bites and then disappears until very early morning of the next day. No one knows where they went.

-Nagesh spends his time watching Galaxian dig holes with the squirrels. He heads back once in a while to check in with the other Alternate to see if they're holding an autumn party or something. Somehow, he always knows where they are.

-Manai spends most of the day swimming. She talks to the fish in a way that somehow does not make her seem crazy. And she comes up with a lot of stuff to do. They might even do a campout. She brought so much food with her that even the gods don't know how she carried all of it. 
-> If they do a campout, she insists on lighting fire the old-fashioned way. Like, y'know, the way they light fires in survival guidebooks. She actually succeeds after a bit. 

-Chiyoko's watching Manai. Unfortunately, she almost never joins in. 
-> Notably, a rare occasion where Chiyoko actually leaves the base. She looks nice.

-Instead of challenging Xuqiao to a duel or something, for once, Zhenyi comes to the other's tribe. They both don't say anything. They just drink lukewarm water for half an hour. And then Xuqiao escorts Zhenyi out. 
-> Xuqiao then spends the rest of the day waiting for Lianhuan to return. Sometimes Lianhuan does, sometimes he doesn't. Xuqiao doesn't mind, either way. He does wish that they were able to send messages, but perhaps that's a little greedy.

If you want headcanons (or more elaborate ones? idk) for a particular character, let me know. I think I got most of my active characters out there, though.


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September 22, 2021 17:46:45  #3023

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Yes Dion wants a scarf, please tell Raez :0 (is this the perfect excuse to draw Dion with scarf? Maybe?)
xD Wiley with a neon pink sweater
The part about Galaxian flying to the sun got me to laugh, but it'a sn interesting detail xD
Sunny should just travel over to the other hemisphere :3
If the Alternate hold an autumn party, Laurie's gonna enjoy it uwu. Perfect chance for her to learn how to cook properly over a campfire I guess xD.

What does Lianhuan do if he goes with his brother?

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September 22, 2021 23:52:55  #3024

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

There's this Genshin Impact ad where the player keeps calling an NPC named Paimon different variations of food, and every time Xenia leans in a little close and says, 'Oh, good, it's an 'i.'"
Then Wiley says something that is basically hitting on her husband for her. I ignore it I ignore it I ignore it--


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September 23, 2021 14:09:26  #3025

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Y'know when you have a dream and wake up and the emotions are still there


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September 23, 2021 14:27:59  #3026

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Lol my mind keeps getting stuff sorted out when that stuff is not really of the necessary nature in terms of time


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September 23, 2021 15:39:25  #3027

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Hitan as a guinea pig :3


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September 23, 2021 16:27:41  #3028

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

That's way too cute xD
Chamomile guinea pig :3

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September 23, 2021 16:42:43  #3029

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

xD <3 UwU
(I'll get to responding to your post when I finish thinking to a satisfactory degree xD)


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September 23, 2021 16:48:16  #3030

Re: Galaxian's Roleplaying Thread {Version Omega}

Wait I'm just thinking, does this mean chamomile flowers fit in with Hitan's aesthetic?
Can he drink chamomile tea? Would he like it?

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