9 days until the pokemon dlc
just made tater tots at 3am because i am trans and more powerful than time. both the concept and probably the person(no offense i just assume that i could beat up everybody until proven otherwise)
Oh hell nah
If we ever cross paths irl just know we'll be throwing hands
Time wrote:
If we ever cross paths irl just know we'll be throwing hands
if we ever cross paths irl it will already be too late for you
Ash real life fighting style
You ain't it bruh 😭😭😭
Last edited by Time (December 8, 2023 16:42:34)
fully untrue i will kick you in the head
Like a horse?
Really think you up to something huh?
You really think your up to scratch?
You think you're worth your salt?
Echowo wrote:
Like a horse?
I'd pay money to see people fight like horses
i don't know how horses fight i'm pretty sure they just get scared and run away. or roadkill whatever's bothering them
Ishmael wrote:
Echowo wrote:
Like a horse?
I'd pay money to see people fight like horses
I'm ngl I'd pay more to see them fight like giraffes
AshTheAvaricious wrote:
i don't know how horses fight i'm pretty sure they just get scared and run away. or roadkill whatever's bothering them
they have like 4 different ways to beat the crap out of each other
i didn't prepare for the horse combat test
They like, kick each other don't they? Like backwards kick? And also stomp?
I don't know how people would even fight like giraffes tho. Nobody has a long enough neck for that. Unless if that's the part that makes it entertaning
that video doesn't work because i don't have instagram but i'm going to assume it's two kittens slapping each other
Yeah I was trying to find a yt link but couldn't find one
It's a low res video where two people are fighting on a street and one lurches forwards and does a spinning back kick.
There's a freeze frame right before it hits the opponent's chin, and there are cuts/zooms of the two individual fighters accompanied with only *plink* plonk* *plink* sounds, each note changing the framing of the freeze frame and focus.
Then, lastly there is a cut to another freeze frame where the opponent is lying on the grass beside the road, accompanied with a *boo-womp*
Last edited by Time (December 11, 2023 16:27:14)
I'm not gonna lie, that's the best description of an Instagram video I've ever read xD
so i'm assuming that since it was a kick, which from the description sounds rather inefficient if you ask me, i am the one who wins. glad we can agree on this, time.
No that's just a goofy false mirror world I've ensured that doesn't come true
or so you think
Believe what you want to believe but I was just goofing about. It was simply saying a joke to lighten your crushing defeat
i appreciate your hubris
Is do you consider yourself full of hubris when you crush an ant?
No. It's simply you crushing a bug. There is no sense of arrogance or pride. For this is the perspective that is reality. This is not hubris. This is objectivity. Your defeat is objective reality.
there are ants that can solo humans. not that it matters, since your metaphor holds as immense a weight as a single hydrogen
A single ant ending a human is far from the norm, let alone even injuring one. So don't go giving that point as if it is a likely opportunity.
A human can end an ant by accidently stepping on it. It can even happen unawares. An ant must go on an extreme journey to even have the chance of annoying a human.
If my metaphors weigh but a single hydrogen, then your arguments equate to less than a neutrino.
anyways so the pokemon dlc came out early and i caught two shinies before my third required trainer battle. it's unrelated but honestly the bit's dying and i'm just making it die faster
Everything Has Been Restructured And I Am Going To Explode
AshTheAvaricious wrote:
Everything Has Been Restructured And I Am Going To Explode
Same 😔