Hello! Welcome to, uhhh, this thread.
It's in the title. This is the place for me to post the writings I do, centered around my GGaD characters obviously.
I think most of you know this already but I don't write much xD. Therefore, most of the stuff I post here should be taken as practice. I still don't master the "show and don't tell" concept very well. But I hope to get better at it in the future! That's why I show these writings. I have hopes that my progress in the art of writing will show eventually.
By the way, I'm not in the habit of assigning titles to my writings because... well, I'm really bad at doing titles .
Meanwhile, please try to enjoy what I post xD. I'm a noob, but I try.
I'll post over one of the writings I published on Wikia.
Have fun! Please know that I like to recieve feedback/comments on the content of my posts.
Original A/N: Possible warning for extremely negative thinking idk? I wrote this because I wanted to write something about Bixbite :D but I guess I got kind of lazy at the end. which is ok since I didn't put any effort into it lol. Oh btw, this is before Bix's re-intro thread on the wikia, so you kinda can know what happened.
Updated A/N: I wanted to repost this here because I feel it's the best writing I've done for GGaD so far. Besides, it's a part of Bixbite's story. I know at the moment (October 31, 2020) she's still Corrupted and as Shatter, but this was written in a moment in which she stopped her Corruption for a moment.
Now, let's get on to the writing.
Bixbite squeezed her eyes shut and pressed herself further into the slight dent in the stone wall she was leaning against. She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest in a protective gesture. Of course, there was nothing to be afraid of in this far-away place. And even if there were something, a goddess like her was sure to be able to fend off any attack easily.
No. What she wished she was protected against was… that being that co-existed in her mind. Bixbite knew. That other person could surface at any moment to torture her even more.
And that was something she hated.
There’s just so much a person can take. Being rejected through most of your life is painful enough, and being annoyed everyday would drive someone crazy. But when that annoying thing is firmly rooted into your head and will do anything to control your body, it’s a different story. It was a must, Bix had determined that this being should be kept away from the realm of living beings. With no body to use, it was reduced to a merely bothersome voice. A voice that was trying to chip away at her sanity.
The goddess didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to stand it. Knowing that at some point, her effort would be in vain and Shatter would appear again. But meanwhile, she’d use her willpower to distance herself from anyone that could be hurt. Even if that brought the most negative of thoughts into her mind. Their shared mind.
I wish that day had been the end of my life. She thought bitterly, a couple diamond tears trickling down her cheeks in a mix of frustration and depression. If death had only been the thing to give me eternal rest. Even the underworld is more peaceful than this situation. Then, I wouldn’t have had to deal with this. I wouldn’t have to be afraid of my loved ones getting hurt. Disappearing like right now… they probably hate me even more now. Nobody truly cares about my welfare. It’s for the best that I’m away, anyways.
“But then, you wouldn’t have had the happinesses of the life you enjoy now. Or well, enjoyed.” Bixbite clenched her teeth after the last word, recognizing the voice that came out of her lips despite not being hers. Her cat pupils thinned.
She sighed. “...back to torturing me…?”
“You’re torturing yourself.” Shatter replied through Bix, the latter being unable to do anything to resist the words. “Look, not sleeping for three days. And you haven’t tasted a bit of food since last week!” At that statement, she felt weak and hungry.
“Gods… don’t need to eat or sleep.” She managed out. It was true. But having been dependent on those habits as a mortal, the want for sleep and food was very strong in her now-immortal body. “So shut up and just leave me be.”
“Right, I’ll let you be. Be sad and depressed.” There was a hint of mockery in the voice.
Bixbite frowned. “You know nothing. Even back then, you didn’t even have a separate identity.”
Shatter smirked internally. “Ohhhh, but how could you have forgotten this? I, wow, I have your memories!”
Dammit… The goddess pressed her fists together, her ‘strong’ attitude fading away. Bixbite recalled that one day in that temple, when she had been sure that her long-endured suffering would finally end. Closing her tear-brimmed eyes, she remembered the pain after piercing through her heart with the sharp obsidian blade. This wasn’t something she normally thought about everyday, but Shatter was forcing the thoughts to the top of her mind. Bix couldn’t push them away, and suffered all day long.
Shatter’s voice broke through the eerie stillness in the dark cavern. “What if we compromise?”
“What?” Bixbite’s eyes widened, stopping the flow of tears.
“It’s simple,” The Corrupted Deity said in a sing-song voice. “Everything’s so boring for me right now, why shouldn’t I let you go with your friends? I’m sure you’ll enjoy being again around people, maybe even back in the Gemstone Caverns.”
“Speechless? I shouldn’t really blame you. After everything I did to you, you don’t trust me, right?”
Bixbite took a deep breath. “No, of course not...”
Another mental smirk from Shatter. “But ah, you’re afraid of me hurting them, right?”
All the goddess did now was nod weakly in reply.
“Say, what would be the fun in that? It’s more entertaining to make careful plans to wreak havoc than just go around murdering people. I have standards.”
“You have… standards…?” Bix mumbled.
“Yeah yeah, I’m not the average evil person!” Shatter replied with a huff. “I wouldn’t kill someone just because they’re close to you unless I had a really good reason to make you suffer.”
“You’re just trying to trick me.” Bixbite retorted, “I do not and will never again trust you.”
“Nah. Look, how will you know my intentions if you don’t try it? Don’t you wonder what everyone else is doing right now?”
It has been said hundreds of times that curiosity killed the cat. Maybe this was also true in Bixbite’s case.
The CD continued talking. “I really doubt they miss you, but you do miss them. We can give it a shot. At least for the moment, you’re strong enough that our control over this body is almost shared.”
Bixbite didn’t know what to say. In fact, she did really want to see her friends again. The only problem was… well, having been away for so long, she didn’t remember more than two or three people. Maybe a couple more.
She breathed in and out. A little thought in her more logical mind told her that it was probably just a trick to get Shatter freed. ”Um… I say, let’s give it a try...”
“I knew you would make the correct choice!” Shatter moved Bixbite’s body to a standing position. However, being weak from lack of food, she dropped to the ground. Bixbite bit her lip slightly as she felt the diamonds from her own crying digging sharply into her palms.
“Don’t be a wimp. In before, if I remember correctly—and I do—you said that gods don’t need food to survive.”
Lucky me, Bixbite thought. She’s not being as annoying as usual. ”I… am very much looking forward to my return to the Caverns and seeing my friends again.” There was a hint of eagerness in her voice that she tried to suppress. This decision wasn’t logical. What she should be doing was just to stoically stay where she was and keep Shatter away from everyone.
“If they remember you at all.” The voice shot back. “Your friends I mean. Well, have it your way. I’m just bored.” Bix felt Shatter vanishing into the depths of her mind. Still, she knew that she would eventually come out again.
But meanwhile, she’d use whatever time she had left to give herself a breather.
A couple tears fell from her eyes at the memory of her old domain. The memory of her friends. They probably don’t want to be my friends any longer; I doubt they really ever were. But… it made me happy to be around them, even if the feelings weren’t genuine from them.
Bixbite slowly trudged to the exit of her current residence: a cave. She had to shield her sensitive eyes for a moment from the bright sunset. Her non-beating heart seemed to take a happy jump at the outdoors scene she hadn’t seen in weeks. The goddess stood there, just watching the view. Weak in feelings, as always, happy diamonds dripped from the corner of her eyes.
Just a little longer and she’d be back in her home for a while. She would try to find her friends again and be happy for a bit. Until she wouldn’t be. But meanwhile, it was useless to waste time.
Shatter’s earlier words broke through her thoughts. “If they remember you at all.”
A/N: I began writing this some time ago, but I got a burst of inspiration and finished/edited it recently XD. Tbh I had been working on something else to post for Halloween. But I got lazy and so that other writing piece is... still a W.I.P. Meanwhile, have this. It's not Halloween-related but I think it's pretty fun to read. At least it was fun to write for me. Take it as practice writing dialogue in scenes. That's something I need and want to practice.
And yes I know I wrote from the perspective of an unsubmitted character, but that's not against the rules.
There was a room, and in that room there was silence. Silence broken by sporadic bursts of typing from a blonde boy in front of a screen. And also by faint pencil scratches from a young adult sitting on the bed.
The young man looked up from his sketching to check the room. His eyes focused on the boy, who he knew had been sitting there all day. He really has dedication, thought the youth. But just then a phrase burst through the air.
“And it still won’t work!”
It was the child who had spoken, and his companion half-winced at the sound of his keyboard being smashed repeatedly.
“What’s wrong? Please don’t damage my keyboard. Thanks.”
“Ha!” The boy partially turned his face to glare. “It’s your old-fashioned keyboard which is giving me trouble, Cellphone! If you bought more modern devices I would do so much better!”
The one who had been addressed as ‘Cellphone’ let out a short laugh. “You know, I think you should take a bit of a rest, a breather, a pause, a break, something. It’s not healthy to be sitting in front of a screen all day, Dion.” He set his sketchbook under a pillow and hopped off the bed. “Besides, today’s your off day. You shouldn’t be working.”
Dion returned to his previous sitting position and slumped on the desk. “Nobody tells me what to do.”
“Hmm?” The young man made his way to Dion. “But I still think you should take a rest. Are you finishing up the week’s report…?”
The blonde child waved his small hand derisively. “No, no. I did that yesterday.” He focused on the screen’s lines of typing again. “This is just an extra task.”
“You’ve been at it all day-”
“AND IT WON’T WORK!” It seemed that Dion would hit the poor keyboard again, but he reconsidered, much to his companion’s relief. “Celso, can’t you see? This is important. IMPORTANT.”
“More important than your health?” The question was met with a shrug. Celso sighed. “I have to insist. Please take a break. Besides, this is my computer. I sho-”
“I’m not moving.”
“You’ll be more productive if you rest for a while.”
“I’m still not moving.”
“I already ate dinner.”
“I know, but-” Celso paused his words as an idea flashed in his mind. He nearly grinned. “Why don’t we leave the building for a bit?”
“No, I’m busy.”
Celso smiled mischievously and turned off the device. “But Dion, you simply don’t know what you’re missing on.”
“I- HEY!” He lurched forward to reactivate the screen but found himself blocked by Celso’s stronger hand. Oh, Dion found the blue-haired youth to be so annoying sometimes! “Let me finish my project,” he half-whined.
“Later, and I can help you if you wish.” Celso saw that the younger one didn’t look convinced. “We’ll go for a treat. You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”
“A treat?” Dion perked up.
“Yup, a treat! It’s something I betcha you haven’t tried before.”
“What are we waiting for then?” Dion sprang nimbly from the stool. “Let’s go!”
What a sharp and silly contrast to the child’s attitude a few seconds ago. Sometimes Celso didn’t know what to expect. But that was fine. The sudden mood changes were easy to predict. Now, not that mood swings were the most normal thing in existence, but at times they were cute. At least Celso thought so.
Dion ran to the door. “Come on! Hurry!”
“It’s chilly outside,” he replied while pushing up his glasses. “You should probably wear a jacket. Or a scarf.”
“I never get sick from weather!”
Celso shook his head and put on his own maroon jacket. “Well then, I think we’re ready.” Not a second passed after his statement and Dion had already opened the door to bolt down the hall. Such energy.
The older one took an easier pace towards the elevator, hands in his pockets. Of course, Dion was already there.
“You take so long! The elevator takes so long! Everything takes long!” He complained. “Are we using your bike?”
“Not this time. We’ll just walk; the place is not that far away.” Just then, a single chime signaled the elevator’s arrival. “I still don’t think it’s safe for you to ride on a motorcycle even if you’re not the one driving.”
“You’re always worried about what’s safe and what’s not!” The complaints continued. Celso just sighed again. Dion huffed. “I can take care of myself. I’m not a baby! I work!”
Sure, he may not be a baby, but he’s still a child. Celso didn’t voice his opinion as he walked into the elevator and pressed a button. And children shouldn’t work. But then again, it’s not like that area of the Cyber Sect cared about age… so perhaps Dion did have a point.
The ride in the elevator was smooth, quick, and uneventful. Dion ran out the building’s door as soon as he had the chance, of course. Yet Celso kept up. He squinted slightly when he stepped outside and a cold gust of air slapped his face. Spring nights there were bearably cold with the customized temperatures inside buildings. Outside, well, Celso could’ve sworn that the forecast earlier had predicted an unusual warm night. How sad. Not even Cyber Sect forecasts could be completely accurate. But in light of the weather… maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to eat something icy, which was what Celso meant to do before.
“Hey, we gonna get going or not?”
No choice. He’d follow along with his original plan. The last thing the young man wanted now was to disappoint Dion after promising a treat. He knew the child loved treats, those probably being the only food items he didn’t eat out of obligation.
“Yeah!” Celso replied, putting enthusiasm into his voice. “I was just trying to remember the way. Maybe I should’ve used GPS.”
“Your memory is less reliable than GPS. You should’ve used a map,” Dion remarked casually.
“That’s cruel,” he laughed. “C’mon. You don’t wanna take long, no?” Celso started his walk.
“Nope. Will you help me with my project when we get back?”
“What project is it?”
Dion shrugged, hopping a couple steps. “Extra credit at work. Coding.”
“I thought that was your strong suit,” Celso began to say, but stopped when Dion’s green eyes glared at him. He didn’t want to ruin the improving mood. Besides, he always felt bad whenever he made the boy blush, just like now. “I’m sure it’s quite complex. We’ll figure a way to fix it.”
“Think they’ll recognize the effort?”
“I’m tired of work.”
“I see.”
“That’s why you’re taking me for a treat, right? Because I deserve it?”
“Of course you do!” Celso smiled at Dion’s serious face. “We’ll have a Mystery Treat tonight.”
“What’s this mystery treat?”
The blue-haired youth winked. “It’s a mystery for a reason.”
“Then hurry!” Dion ran a few steps ahead. “I want to know what it is!”
They hadn’t walked for too long. Ten minutes, perhaps? The streets were well-lit and nearly deserted. Most people didn’t walk around that area anyways, instead preferring the speed of vehicles and the excitement of more crowded places. Celso was enjoying the chance to move around, but he noticed Dion tiring out. The freckled child wasn’t running anymore, instead lagging behind every few steps and hurrying to not get left behind.
“You’re too tall,” Dion muttered, “and your legs are too long. You walk too quickly.”
The mental image of himself with two-meter-long legs nearly caused Celso to burst out laughing, but he held it in. Barely.
“Don’t worry. We’re aaaaaaalmost there.” They turned a corner, and the street widened into a plaza. “See?”
“Oh! I’ve been here before. You dragged me out for a walk.”
“Yeah, last time.” Celso shrugged. He hadn’t dragged Dion out that time. It had been the other way around. But he didn’t bother to correct the statement. “It was fun, was it not?” No reply. He continued anyways. “Look, our destination is right over… there.”
Dion turned his attention to the direction in which Celso was pointing. In one of the empty plaza’s sides, there was a large metal box. It looked like a vending machine fused with a tablet. He looked up at the older one with disappointed skepticism. “That machine’s gonna give mystery treat? There’s nothing special in vendies.”
“It’s special, that machine is,” Celso tried to explain. “You’ll see when we get there.” He wasn’t really surprised when the child drew energy from somewhere and sprinted towards the vending machine. That was typical in Dion.
“Ice… cream…?” He read from the screen.
Celso nodded while he faced the screen with Dion. “Ice cream. You ever had some?”
“See, I told ya!” He winked playfully. “You just have to choose a flavor and that’s all. Which one would you like? Pick freely; there’s no rush.”
Celso tapped a few options and a list popped on the display, filling it completely. Any and every imaginable flavor appeared on it. There was strawberry, chocolate, mint, bubblegum, granadilla… even some more exotic flavors and other purely synthetic ones showed up. Celso simply tapped the square labeled passion fruit. He preferred the taste of fruits. He also noticed how Dion was still staring awestruck at the list.
“Have you chosen yet? Allow me to recommend-”
“I can choose for myself too!” Dion nearly scowled and pressed what to Celso looked like a random button. The boy looked up with reddened cheeks while crossing his arms. “See? I know what I’m doing. I chose…” he squinted at the screen. “I chose lemon! I wanted lemon. You know I like lemon.”
“Uh huh, I do,” he lied in reply. “Now all you have to do is take your order from… here!” A soft whirring noise was heard. Celso bent down slightly to insert his hand into a compartment, from where he pulled out an elongated object. It honestly looked like a dulled-down variation of a Popsicle, but he knew that was called ice cream in the area anyways.
“It’s just like a vendie,” Dion murmured, imitating Celso’s actions and pulling out his ‘ice cream’. “This thing is just one more vending machine.”
“But it’s an ice cream vending machine. Doesn’t that make it special?”
“Eh. So do I just, like, bite it or something?”
“Yup! Shouldn’t hurt your teeth. It’s not that cold.”
“Why would food even hurt my teeth in the first place?” Not waiting for his question to be answered, Dion bit the tip off his popsicle-thing. He froze just as solid as his treat.
The blonde blinked twice when the artificial sweetener invaded his mouth. Then he grinned. “It’s awesome! Cellphone, this is great!” He turned to stare into Celso’s yellow eyes with increasing eagerness. “Why didn’t you tell me? It’s awesome!” Between bites, Dion continued to express his pleasure with the ice cream. He ate it in less than a minute.
“Woah there,” Celso began to say. Too late, for his small friend had already finished. “Well? Did you like it?”
“But of COURSE I did!” Dion did a little hop. “It’s exquisite! So sweet!”
Now, Celso couldn’t completely agree with Dion’s evaluation of the treat… but he had guessed that the child would like it, and that was enough. Personal opinion wasn’t relevant right then. He looked at his own ice cream, still solid and non-melting in his hand. It had only been licked once.
“Too many of them can truly be bad for your health, so how about we go home now?”
“Yeah!” The exclamation was accompanied with a partial fist pump. And so they began their return.
Halfway across the plaza, Dion stopped with his arms wrapped around his body. “Hey, Celso,” he called out in a low voice.
The other stopped too. “Hm?”
“I…” Dion began to blush again. “I’m really cold.”
Celso half-smiled. Of course. Dion was simply wearing a short sleeved dress shirt, not suited for the outside. That could be fixed quite easily.
“Here, have this.” Celso unzipped his jacket and held it out for Dion to slip on. The younger one, with haste, shrouded himself in the oversized clothing. “Is it good enough?”
“Yeah,” went the reply. “Thanks. Really.” Dion smiled, eyes bright and cheeks flushed. He clung to Celso’s side. “Let’s go?”
“You’ll be warmer at home. I can heat up some water too.”
While they walked back, Celso looked down at Dion several times. The happiness was still very visible in his face. Ah, he loved to see the other acting like the child he was. Such cuteness and purity, just the way it should be.
It wasn’t often that Dion smiled, after all.
Little Dion is so adorable-
UwU yes he's always been cute (and hopefully he will continue being cute).
I'm glad you liked it xD I guess. Thanks for replying!
A/N: Aaaand I bring another piece to be posted here after several months. I don’t know. Writing really needs a lot of effort from me. I know I’m still far from being able to post things of quality, but I hope that meanwhile you can enjoy at least a little bit! I'm not used to not writing any dialogue in a piece, so I promise I shall continue to improve.
Faded green eyes focused on a tarnished sunset.
No, they weren’t focusing on the sky. They were blankly looking past a person’s silhouette and staring up at the dreary mismatched colors of a ghastly dusk.
There was no more pain to be felt. It had all been anesthetized with the last of Aurae’s own power. But that meant she couldn’t feel Germaine’s tight embrace or the tears dripping onto her face. She lay in her sister’s arms like a rag doll. A torn, bleeding doll that could not be fixed with any amount of effort. Unless a miracle happened. And Aurae knew better than to believe in miracles.
Maybe if someone had arrived earlier, there would have been a chance, but the past was past. After hours of lying on the ground without moving, the only person to find her had been her sister. And by then too much time had gone by.
She couldn’t blame her. Aurae was but one more casualty among the loads of dead and dying people strewn all around.
It was early for such a fate. Part of her will to live had disappeared months ago, but the thought of those she so loved almost inspired her to continue futilely clinging to life. Life… life she should be saddened to leave… and yet no tears fell from her watery eyes.
Her children… their faces slipped from her mind…
She’d become a flowerbed after death, right? That was what happened to all Forest Spirits…except that she would be freed of her duties and come to a final rest.
Yes, yes, she should view it that way. Freedom. Freedom from everything that connected her to life. A single snap of her will would be enough to sever her ties to the world, and she would feel no more.
Her lips wouldn’t move to say comforting words. Aurae was powerless to console her sister over her own imminent death. All she could do was form the faintest of smiles and hope it conveyed the last of her vanishing feelings.
She tried to say a simple “goodbye”, or maybe “don’t cry”, but the effort was too much, and she laid there in silence for what seemed like an eternity.
The silence spread to her ears. Germaine’s sobbing faded away.
At last, when the sun was almost gone, Aurae numbed her mind and closed her eyes. Darkness followed.
Something pierced into her “heart”.
If not for the depths of near-unconsciousness in which she was confined, Aurae would have screamed. She had no body to move, no voice to use, and no eyes to see with. And still, the pain flowing through her being was as real as from her time alive.
It didn’t fade.
Endless time passed by in an eternal place.
She bore her agony in forced silence.
The experience was far from the eternal rest the dead were supposed to have.
“. . .”
The bleak sky above looked different from the one Aurae had last seen. It truly didn’t seem any more welcoming than the image of reddened clouds lingering in her memory. The difference was that this time, the view she saw through dulled eyes was not familiar. The location, unknown.
Cold air rushed around. She could feel it. And then a snowflake fell into her eye.
It was only then that Aurae came to her senses. A hand with freezing fingers went to brush her eye and another settled on her chest. Since when had her heart burned so much? The warmth startled her, but it didn’t hurt. It felt…comforting, like a winter fireplace in a friendly home.
If only it hadn’t been limited to her heart. The rest of her was nearly numb with cold, and as she sat up, Aurae found herself surrounded by pure snow that contrasted against her dark skin. Her body looked almost like she felt it should be.
Aurae had the need to do a quick check. First off, she noticed her skin was unmarred to perfection. Then the rest of herself was just as she remembered. Even the spirit mark that had always spiraled up her leg was there (albeit darkened). Hands brushing through damp hair, she confirmed her antlers were also in place. Everything was flawless.
If there was one thing wrong and unsettling, it was that she couldn’t sense her existence connected to her forest. The sensation of protection that she’d had throughout her life was completely absent.
Now…what should she do? With a clearer mind, Aurae could think a bit more. She knew her situation was completely anomalous, and she knew her mind’s calmness was unnatural as well. Not to mention that she was unable to question the details of what she was experiencing, for some reason.
She’d died and she was sure of that. She was… sure…
The memory of her death was blurry. How much time had passed? There had to be an explanation for why it felt like a distant dream and not a real event. What was worse, her body showed none of the marks that should have been there as an indicator of her demise.
Standing up was an easy task for Aurae despite the stiffness of her limbs. Something about breathing crisp air felt foreign. That… that really was her body, was it not? She was conscious of her own will, right?
A sudden burst of cold told Aurae that she needed to seek help, whatever her situation was. A warm place, clothing, and maybe food. And a way to find out her whereabouts. Arms hugged against her chest only offered so much cover and warmth. Not enough.
Better to not think of what dangerous thing she could find (or what could find her) in an unknown place.
Aurae walked away and left a faint trail of footprints behind her.
The snow continued falling with increasing strength, covering the tracks of a lady who was never meant to return to the world of the living.